ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

(The TQCC of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
SolarKey: Battery-free Key Generation Using Solar Cells115
Edge-assisted Object Segmentation Using Multimodal Feature Aggregation and Learning94
Achieving Panoramic View Coverage in Visual Mobile Crowd-Sensing Networks for Emergency Monitoring Applications71
TimbreSense: Timbre Abnormality Detection for Bel Canto with Smart Devices60
Graph Neural Networks in IoT: A Survey59
Energy-collision-aware Minimum Latency Aggregation Scheduling for Energy-harvesting Sensor Networks51
Privacy Protection in 5G Positioning and Location-based Services Based on SGX40
Travel Time Prediction Method Based on Spatial-Feature-based Hierarchical Clustering and Deep Multi-input Gated Recurrent Unit40
Data Privacy Enhancing in the IoT User/Device Behavior Analytics35
Introduction to the Special Section on Resiliency for AI-enabled Smart Critical Infrastructures for 5G and Beyond26
The Hunting-style Deployment of Underwater Sensor Networks25
A Collaborative Learning-based Urban Low-light Small-target Face Image Enhancement Method23
FedSuper: A Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning Under Supervision22
Network Lifetime Optimization in Multi-hop Industrial Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks22
Train Once, Locate Anytime for Anyone: Adversarial Learning-based Wireless Localization22
Cost-Efficient Deep Neural Network Placement in Edge Intelligence-Enabled Internet of Things21
Toward Data Transmission Security Based on Proxy Broadcast Re-encryption in Edge Collaboration21
Eliminating Space Scanning: Fast mmWave Beam Alignment with UWB Radios20
Scale Attentive Aggregation Network for Crowd Counting and Localization in Smart City20
Scalable Privacy-preserving Geo-distance Evaluation for Precision Agriculture IoT Systems18
Task Planning Considering Location Familiarity in Spatial Crowdsourcing17
FedGST: An Efficient Federated Graph Neural Network for Spatio-temporal PoI Recommendation16
Practical Charger Placement Scheme for Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks with Obstacles16
On Neuroevolution of Multi-Input Compositional Pattern Producing Networks: A Case of Entertainment Computing, Edge Devices, and Smart Cities15
ISF: Security Analysis and Assessment of Smart Home IoT-based Firmware15
Enabling Surveillance Cameras to Navigate15
AsTAR: Sustainable Energy Harvesting for the Internet of Things through Adaptive Task Scheduling15
UETOPSIS: A Data-Driven Intelligence Approach to Security Decisions for Edge Computing in Smart Cities14
Adaptive Offloading of Transformer Inference for Weak Edge Devices with Masked Autoencoders14
Hypergraph-based Truth Discovery for Sparse Data in Mobile Crowdsensing14
Multimodal Optimization of Edge Server Placement Considering System Response Time14
Robust Classification and 6D Pose Estimation by Sensor Dual Fusion of Image and Point Cloud Data14
Introduction to the Special Section on Energy-efficient and Secure Computing for Artificial Intelligence and Beyond14
ViST: A Ubiquitous Model with Multimodal Fusion for Crop Growth Prediction14
A Model Personalization-based Federated Learning Approach for Heterogeneous Participants with Variability in the Dataset14
InPhase: Phase-based Ranging and Localization14
Taxonomy and Recent Advance of Game Theoretical Approaches in Adversarial Machine Learning: A Survey14
Editorial from the Editor-in-Chief13
An Anonymous Authenticated Group Key Agreement Scheme for Transfer Learning Edge Services Systems13
Driving Maneuver Anomaly Detection Based on Deep Auto-Encoder and Geographical Partitioning12
XNAS: A Regressive/Progressive NAS for Deep Learning12
Scalable Estimator for Multi-task Gaussian Graphical Models Based in an IoT Network12
Predicting the Impact of Disruptions to Urban Rail Transit Systems12
A MEC Offloading Strategy Based on Improved DQN and Simulated Annealing for Internet of Behavior12
A Robust Learning Framework for Smart Grids in Defense Against False-Data Injection Attacks12
Economical Behavior Modeling and Analyses for Data Collection in Edge Internet of Things Networks11
Energy-Aware Algorithm for Assignment of Relays in LP WAN11
TG-SPRED: Temporal Graph for Sensorial Data PREDiction11
Design, Deployment, and Evaluation of an Industrial AIoT System for Quality Control at HP Factories11
PDGes: An Interpretable Detection Model for Parkinson’s Disease Using Smartphones11
Communication-Topology-preserving Motion Planning: Enabling Static Routing in UAV Networks11
IMeP: Impedance Matching Enhanced Power-Delivered-to-Load Optimization for Magnetic MIMO Wireless Power Transfer System11
Chipnet: Enabling Large-scale Backscatter Network with Processor-free Devices11
VibHead: An Authentication Scheme for Smart Headsets through Vibration10
Flow-Time Minimization for Timely Data Stream Processing in UAV-Aided Mobile Edge Computing10
Efficient Task-driven Video Data Privacy Protection for Smart Camera Surveillance System10
An Energy-efficient and Privacy-aware Decomposition Framework for Edge-assisted Federated Learning10
A Contactless Authentication System Based on WiFi CSI9
InferLoc: Hypothesis-Based Joint Edge Inference and Localization in Sparse Sensor Networks9
Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation against Malicious Data Mining Attack for IoT-enabled Smart Grid9
Who Should We Blame for Android App Crashes? An In-Depth Study at Scale and Practical Resolutions9
A Double Auction for Charging Scheduling among Vehicles Using DAG-Blockchains9
Obfuscating Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Re-Encryption for Sensor Networks with Cloud Storage8
Semi-supervised Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring in Smart Energy Monitoring System8
DAG Scheduling in Mobile Edge Computing8
i-Sample: Augment Domain Adversarial Adaptation Models for WiFi-based HAR8
Revolving Scanning on Tagged Objects: 3D Structure Detection of Logistics Packages via RFID Systems8
Service Provisioning for Multi-source IoT Applications in Mobile Edge Computing8
SecoInfer: Secure DNN End-Edge Collaborative Inference Framework Optimizing Privacy and Latency7
Distributed Node Deployment Algorithms in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey and Challenges7
DSME-LoRa: Seamless Long-range Communication between Arbitrary Nodes in the Constrained IoT7
VSSB-Raft: A Secure and Efficient Zero Trust Consensus Algorithm for Blockchain7
DMCP: A Distributed Mobile Charging Protocol in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks7
TrinitySLAM: On-board Real-time Event-image Fusion SLAM System for Drones7
GraphSmart: A Method for Green and Accurate IoT Water Monitoring7
Finding Representative Sampling Subsets in Sensor Graphs Using Time-series Similarities7
WiCAM2.0: Imperceptible and Targeted Attack on Deep Learning based WiFi Sensing7
Analysis and Design of a MuSiC-Based Angle of Arrival Positioning System6
Enabling Cross-technology Communication from LoRa to ZigBee via Payload Encoding in Sub-1 GHz Bands6
A Novel Clustering Algorithm for Monitoring Paddy Growth Through Satellite Image Processing.6
ClusterFL: A Clustering-based Federated Learning System for Human Activity Recognition6
Real-time Cyber-Physical Security Solution Leveraging an Integrated Learning-Based Approach6
Enabling Cross-technology Communication from LoRa to ZigBee in the 2.4 GHz Band6
ID-Based Multireceiver Homomorphic Proxy Re-Encryption in Federated Learning6
PaSTG: A Parallel Spatio-Temporal GCN Framework for Traffic Forecasting in Smart City6
Fine-grained Caching and Resource Scheduling for Adaptive Bitrate Videos in Edge Networks6
Blockchain-Based Privacy Preservation for IoT-Enabled Healthcare System6
Power-Domain Interference Graph Estimation for Multi-hop BLE Networks6
When Tags ‘Read’ Each Other: Enabling Low-Cost and Convenient Tag Mutual Identification6
Link Quality Estimation of Cross-Technology Communication: The Case with Physical-Level Emulation5
Introduction to the Special Section on Internet of Behavior for Emerging Technologies5
COFlood: Concurrent Opportunistic Flooding in Asynchronous Duty Cycle Networks5
Key Extraction Using Ambient Sounds for Smart Devices5
A Voronoi Diagram and Q-Learning based Relay Node Placement Method Subject to Radio Irregularity5
On the Global Maximization of Network Lifetime in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks5
Optimize the Age of Useful Information in Edge-assisted Energy-harvesting Sensor Networks5
Cost Minimization of Digital Twin Placements in Mobile Edge Computing5
UltraCLR: Contrastive Representation Learning Framework for Ultrasound-based Sensing5
Centralized Monitored Spectrum Management using Multi-resource Parallel Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks5
Reinforcing Data Integrity in Renewable Hybrid AC-DC Microgrids from Social-Economic Perspectives5
ForETaxi: Data-Driven Fleet-Oriented Charging Resource Allocation in Large-Scale Electric Taxi Networks5
Multi-sensor Data-driven Route Prediction in Instant Delivery with a 3-Conversion Network5
Optimizing Irrigation Efficiency using Deep Reinforcement Learning in the Field5
A Trusted Paradigm of Data Management for Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Vehicles in Smart Cities5
Multi-User Room-Scale Respiration Tracking Using COTS Acoustic Devices5
Evaluation of Low-cost Air Quality Sensor Calibration Models4
Reliable and Energy-Efficient Communications in Mobile Robotic Networks by Collaborative Beamforming4
ECRLoRa: LoRa Packet Recovery under Low SNR via Edge–Cloud Collaboration4
Measurement-Based Optimization of Cell Selection in NB-IoT Networks4
Greentooth: Robust and Energy Efficient Wireless Networking for Batteryless Devices4
Breaking Cellular IoT with Forged Data-plane Signaling: Attacks and Countermeasure4
LightGyro: A Batteryless Orientation Measuring Scheme Based on Light Reflection4
E-TPE: E fficient T humbnail- P reserving E ncryption for Privacy Protection4
GPART: Partitioning Maximal Redundant Rigid and Maximal Global Rigid Components in Generic Distance Graphs4
PnA: Robust Aggregation Against Poisoning Attacks to Federated Learning for Edge Intelligence4
Drone-Based Bug Detection in Orchards with Nets: A Novel Orienteering Approach4
Privacy-Aware Offloading Strategy via Self-Supervised Feature Mapping in the End-Edge-Cloud System4
Model-Driven Deep Neural Network for Enhancing Direction Finding with Commodity 5G gNodeB4
Resilient Deployment of Smart Nodes for Improving Confident Information Coverage in 5G IoT4
COVID-19 Diagnosis System Based on Chest X-ray Images Using Optimized Convolutional Neural Network4
Enabling Cost-effective Wireless Data Collection by Piggybacking on Delivery Drones in Agriculture4
A Mobile-assisted Edge Computing Framework for Emerging IoT Applications4
On the Inference of Original Graph Information from Graph Embeddings4
Privacy-Preserving Three-Factor Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Deployed in Agricultural Field4
Two-phased Participant Selection Method Based on Partial Transfer Learning in Mobile Crowdsensing4
Taming the Errors in Cross-Technology Communication: A Probabilistic Approach4
Physics-directed Data Augmentation for Deep Model Transfer to Specific Sensor4
Push the Limit of Millimeter-wave Radar Localization4
On Node Localizability Identification in Barycentric Linear Localization4
Driver Behavior-aware Parking Availability Crowdsensing System Using Truth Discovery4
Sensing the Sensor: Estimating Camera Properties with Minimal Information4
Stabilizing Dynamic Backscatter for Swift and Accurate Object Tracking4