Missouri Review

(The TQCC of Missouri Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Walk, I, and: Walk, III, and: Walk, IV, and: Walk, VI, and: Walk, IX, and: Walk, X0
The Donym0
Love and Work: Three Biographies of Artistic Power Couples0
Semester of the Women: Reading Grace Paley in Quarantine0
Biases & Fallacies0
Do Not Fear What You Are About to Suffer0
Mother Stay0
A Difficult Stick, and: The Pumping Room, and: Pink Feather Boa0
APEX: Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize-winning Authors, 2016 – 20200
The Last Summer0
Authorization for Disposition of Infant Remains, and: After the Baby Dies, and: Dusting, and: Sex, and: How to Become Alive Again, and: Accident in Reverse0
SUMMIT: Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize-winning Writers, 2005 - 20090
The Wind and the Rain, and: Conservation Theory, and: Vespers, and: Shutdown, and: The "I Want" Song0
Felling, and: Supper Poem, and: His Body Cut through the World like a Cold Wind, and: Love Poem0
Rich Bright Days: Six Writers on Nature and Life0
How to Date a Feminist0
The Birds0
Motherhood in the Climate Crisis, and: The Question, and: Golden State, and: One Blue Sound, and: If Words Cost Nothing0
Seize the Day0
Spiel: A Love Poem, and: The Woodpecker, and: Discourses of Diabetes Care, and: Ohio0
Naff: A Rumination on Taste and Tastelessness0
On Norman Mailer0
Florine Stettheimer and the Art of Modern New York0
Foujita in Paris0
Breathe for Me0
Trouble Will Find You0
Face Off: Anti-Portraiture in Contemporary Art0
Local Anesthesia0
Gerda Wegener and the Pleasure of Art Deco0
Two Snowmobiles, and: Longhorns, and: Hill, and: Thrill Seekers, and: Our New King0
House Hunting, and: Perhaps This Is a Prayer, and: Bastille Day in Paris, 2022, and: Blue Notes, and: Even Now, after All These Years0
Falling Down0
Pet Scents0
A Fate Like That0
Now and Forever0
Boxed in: The Art of Assemblage0
Be Happy, Go Lucky0
The Bottomlands0
Selling Amelia Earhart0
Famous Friends: Mary Pickford & Frances Marion in Hollywood0
Priory Rd, and: Mass Ave, and: Goodbye Dirt, and: Obsession/The edge0
A Good-Looking Guy0
Cornette, and: Fedora, and: Bowler, and: Borsalino, and: Homburg0
Robert Henri: Art for Life's Sake0
Death by Story0
Fall, and: Alphabet Games, and: I Don't Know What This Space Is Called, and: The Blizzard, and: The Eucalyptus0
Lost Birds of the Pacific0
My Editor & the City0
Kerouac's Archive Fever at One Hundred0
A Conversation with Carl Phillips0
Whose Life Is It, Anyway? Lives of the Poets and the Evolving Art of Biography0
Reasons for Staying I, and: Reasons for Staying II, and: Reasons for Leaving II, and: Reasons for Leaving V, and: Reasons for Staying IV0
Negative Space0
Vanitas: The Art of Death and Decay0
The Women of Weimar0
Taste, in Music, and: The Invention of Music, and: Play the Hits, and: Fade Away, and: In Concert0
Dressing Greta Garbo: The Costume Designs of Adrian0
Fathers & Sons0
Apostrophe, and: Ecce Homo, and: Miraculous, and: Confessional, and: Apocalypse0
The Body0
My Bedeviled Country0
Ahmed Is Home0
Receiving Angel, and: Snow Angel, and: Recording Angel, and: Allow Your Strangers In, and: Uncertainty0
Sneaker Waves0
Presque Isle0
America's Left Bank: Jessie Tarbox Beals's Greenwich Village Photographs0
Bobby Obvious0
Orr Hot Springs, and: Sunrise Session, and: Rehab, and: Northern California Journal, and: Abortion, and: Grand Prismatic Spring0
Coming Out, and: Neuermannzweitesdateherzschmerz, and: Finale0
The Fourth State of Water0
After Birth0
from "My Heart and the Nonsense"0
The Trespasser0
They Could Have Been Yours0
Equipment for the Darkness0
Peggy Guggenheim's Role in Modern Art0
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, as One-Act Ballet, and: Great Bear, China Girl, King Ivory, and: The Saint, and: News Cycle, and: Pyramus & Thisbe, and: The Illuminati0
Dead Animals0
A Conversation with Caroline Shaw0
Night Admissions0
DODO The Berlin Years0
Make an Effort to Remember. Or, Failing That, Invent, and: Rage, and: No Object Can Float without Some Part of It Being below the Surface, and: Haibun in Which a Small Thing Dies, and: So Close Is Sti0
Introduction: Low Modernisms0
Homeless and Dying0
Wilderness Survival0
Ferragosto, and: Greece First, and: The Pediatrician, and: Fight Sounds, and: Winter: Two Mornings, and: The Under-Body0
The Body’s Betrayals0
The Curious Past0
Wish in One Hand0
A Conversation with Emily Wilson0
The Shinty Ball0
Chess Superhero0
From the Margins to the Mainstream: Gay Life in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries0
Family Affairs0
Poem Where We Are All Trying Our Best Even Though We Will Not Make It out of Here Alive, and: Because It's Easier to Check Social Media Than Witness the Miracle of Life Happening around Us Right Now, 0
The Fetch0
Eighteen People Every Hour0
In the Altogether0
The Influence of Anime on Contemporary Art0
How a Porn Star Rehabbed My Understanding of Feminism0
Last Supper0
When English Departments Were Actually Hip … for Me, Anyway0
Reading Projects0
Horses, and: Hawk Country, and: Sonnet with Puncture Wound, and: Augury, and: Jonquil0
Almost Born0
World Gone Mad: Contemporary Dada and Where It Came From0
Antenna, and: Terrain0
Catastrophizing: A Love Story, and: In the Beginning …, and: Inquiry: Origin, and: Learning to Fall, and: Self-Portrait as Central Conceit, and: To Whom It May Concern0
From Crown of Invisibility, Sonnet to Break the Crown of Invisibility, and: Sonnet to Break the Crown of Invisibility, and: Mestiza's Dual, and: Tautology of Phrases, Tautology of Mathematical Logic i0
The New Realism0
Drifting in 7-Eleven0
ZENITH: Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize-winning Authors, 2011 – 20150
The Number of Things in the City at Night0
Hard Truths0
Maud Allan and the Price of Fame0
Writing about Mom and Dad: Four Literary Memoirs of Parents0
My Cape Disappointment0
These Ithacas0
All my poems used to end in sky0
The Brothers' Fire0
Love of Her Life0
That December in Delhi0
Vegetable Stories0
Deep Listening and Time Passing: Five Recent Nonfiction Books of Note0
The Regal Azul0
Semicolon People0
The Rapture of The Deep0
Emotional Labor0
There Are Too Many Holes in the Dam or Not Enough Fingers, and: The Friends of Trees Are Here, and: If You Can’t Do It, You Can Dream It, and: Absolutely Logical Reasoning, and: These Are the Faces We0
Edward Hopper and the Art of Voyeurism0
Waste Land: Otto Dix's War Etchings0
Couples Therapy, and: Migraines & the Unity of Opposites, and: That Summer: A Story in Ten Parts, and: A Straightforward Account of the Past Nine Months, and: Now0
On Writing: Why It Matters, Why It's So Difficult, and What, If Anything, Can Help0
How to Love Animals0
You're Starting to Get a Reputation0
Sorrow Corner0
Les Bijoux0
The Flounder0
A Conversation with Andrew Leland0
Deep Focus0
The Poet Translates the Cryptic Text He Sent in a Fever from the Camino de Santiago Trail, and: Lives of the Animals, and: Whatever Troubled Hand, and: Biting the Piano, and: I’m Done with Birds and; 0
It May Be Forever0
Animal Kingdom0
Translators in Body and Soul0
Every Forearm Is Its Own Work of Art, and: Looking Myself in the Eye, and: The Universe Believes in Resurrection Just Not Yours, and: Letter to My Mother about Dreams0
Eva Tanguay and the Art of Self-Promotion0
She's Got It: Creating Clara Bow0
Song Night0
The Luxury and Drama of James Van Der Zee's Harlem Renaissance Photography0
"Oh you think you bad, huh?", and: "Before I Let Go", and: Two Links in a June Chain0
Man Ray: Reluctant Celebrity Photographer0
The Ghost of Johnnie Taylor Encourages the Lone Offspring of a Robin to Jump and Reminds Himself That the First Love to Break His Heart Wasn't a Woman at All, and: The Ghost of Johnnie Taylor Kicks Ga0
Mrs. Foxfur0
The Seat Of Emotion0
Invasive Species0
To the Instrument at Arecibo II, and: To the Instrument at Arecibo IV, and: To the Instrument at Arecibo V0