Journal of Statistical Software

(The median citation count of Journal of Statistical Software is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Bayesian Item Response Modeling in R with brms and Stan236
cutpointr: Improved Estimation and Validation of Optimal Cutpoints in R208
netmeta: An R Package for Network Meta-Analysis Using Frequentist Methods99
Elastic Net Regularization Paths for All Generalized Linear Models95
Permutation Tests for Regression, ANOVA, and Comparison of Signals: The permuco Package85
Nonparametric Machine Learning and Efficient Computation with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees: The BART R Package60
multimode: An R Package for Mode Assessment60
Expanding Tidy Data Principles to Facilitate Missing Data Exploration, Visualization and Assessment of Imputations50
The poolr Package for Combining Independent and Dependent p41
stringi: Fast and Portable Character String Processing in R40
sensobol: An R Package to Compute Variance-Based Sensitivity Indices38
qgam: Bayesian Nonparametric Quantile Regression Modeling in R37
Bambi: A Simple Interface for Fitting Bayesian Linear Models in Python33
Efficient Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling in Stan32
modelsummary: Data and Model Summaries in R32
More on Multidimensional Scaling and Unfolding in R: smacof Version 231
Distributions.jl: Definition and Modeling of Probability Distributions in the JuliaStats Ecosystem30
ergm 4: New Features for Analyzing Exponential-Family Random Graph Models29
FRK: An R Package for Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Prediction with Large Datasets28
Simulating Survival Data Using the simsurv R Package28
Conditional Model Selection in Mixed-Effects Models with cAIC427
Regularized Ordinal Regression and the ordinalNet R Package27
scikit-mobility: A Python Library for the Analysis, Generation, and Risk Assessment of Mobility Data27
Modeling Univariate and Multivariate Stochastic Volatility in R with stochvol and factorstochvol26
AMR: An R Package for Working with Antimicrobial Resistance Data26
New Frontiers in Bayesian Modeling Using the INLA Package in R24
mexhaz: An R Package for Fitting Flexible Hazard-Based Regression Models for Overall and Excess Mortality with a Random Effect24
BFpack: Flexible Bayes Factor Testing of Scientific Theories in R22
NeuralSens: Sensitivity Analysis of Neural Networks22
microsynth: Synthetic Control Methods for Disaggregated and Micro-Level Data in R22
Applying Meta-Analytic-Predictive Priors with the R Bayesian Evidence Synthesis Tools22
Hierarchical Clustering with Contiguity Constraint in R20
Analysis of Multiplex Social Networks with R20
hetGP: Heteroskedastic Gaussian Process Modeling and Sequential Design in R20
evgam: An R Package for Generalized Additive Extreme Value Models19
JointAI: Joint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data in R19
spsurvey: Spatial Sampling Design and Analysis in R18
BVAR: Bayesian Vector Autoregressions with Hierarchical Prior Selection in R18
Flexible Scan Statistics for Detecting Spatial Disease Clusters: The rflexscan R Package15
The R Package sentometrics to Compute, Aggregate, and Predict with Textual Sentiment15
mosum: A Package for Moving Sums in Change-Point Analysis14
The R Package stagedtrees for Structural Learning of Stratified Staged Trees14
tidypaleo: Visualizing Paleoenvironmental Archives Using ggplot213
Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Discriminant Analysis Using the Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution: MixGHD R package13
Shrinkage in the Time-Varying Parameter Model Framework Using the R Package shrinkTVP13
GaussianProcesses.jl: A Nonparametric Bayes Package for the Julia Language12
SeqNet: An R Package for Generating Gene-Gene Networks and Simulating RNA-Seq Data11
svars: An R Package for Data-Driven Identification in Multivariate Time Series Analysis11
Modeling Population Growth in R with the biogrowth Package11
spNNGP R Package for Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Process Models10
Subgroup Identification Using the personalized Package10
D-STEM v2: A Software for Modeling Functional Spatio-Temporal Data10
bamlss: A Lego Toolbox for Flexible Bayesian Regression (and Beyond)10
logitr: Fast Estimation of Multinomial and Mixed Logit Models with Preference Space and Willingness-to-Pay Space Utility Parameterizations10
covsim: An R Package for Simulating Non-Normal Data for Structural Equation Models Using Copulas10
Optimal Design Generation and Power Evaluation in R: The skpr Package10
Regression Modeling for Recurrent Events Possibly with an Informative Terminal Event Using R Package reReg9
Data Validation Infrastructure for R9
BNPmix: An R Package for Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling via Pitman-Yor Mixtures9
lpdensity: Local Polynomial Density Estimation and Inference9
exuber: Recursive Right-Tailed Unit Root Testing with R9
ABCpy: A High-Performance Computing Perspective to Approximate Bayesian Computation9
calculus: High-Dimensional Numerical and Symbolic Calculus in R8
Informed Bayesian Inference for the A/B Test8
Bayesian Structure Learning and Sampling of Bayesian Networks with the R Package BiDAG8
The adoptr Package: Adaptive Optimal Designs for Clinical Trials in R8
Robust Mediation Analysis: The R Package robmed8
Statistical Network Analysis with Bergm8
IncDTW: An R Package for Incremental Calculation of Dynamic Time Warping8
DataFrames.jl: Flexible and Fast Tabular Data in Julia6
BAMBI: An R Package for Fitting Bivariate Angular Mixture Models6
Bayesian Multivariate Spatial Models for Lattice Data with INLA6
BGVAR: Bayesian Global Vector Autoregressions with Shrinkage Priors in R6
Causal Effect Identification from Multiple Incomplete Data Sources: A General Search-Based Approach6
Ball: An R Package for Detecting Distribution Difference and Association in Metric Spaces6
The JuliaConnectoR: A Functionally-Oriented Interface for Integrating Julia in R5
Event History Regression with Pseudo-Observations: Computational Approaches and an Implementation in R5
subtee: An R Package for Subgroup Treatment Effect Estimation in Clinical Trials5
bootUR: An R Package for Bootstrap Unit Root Tests5
Inference Tools for Markov Random Fields on Lattices: The R Package mrf2d5
econet: An R Package for Parameter-Dependent Network Centrality Measures5
Broken Stick Model for Irregular Longitudinal Data5
REndo: Internal Instrumental Variables to Address Endogeneity5
The R Package forestinventory: Design-Based Global and Small Area Estimations for Multiphase Forest Inventories5
BayesSUR: An R Package for High-Dimensional Multivariate Bayesian Variable and Covariance Selection in Linear Regression5
BSL: An R Package for Efficient Parameter Estimation for Simulation-Based Models via Bayesian Synthetic Likelihood5
Data Science in Stata 16: Frames, Lasso, and Python Integration4
Efficient Multiple Imputation for Diverse Data in Python and R: MIDASpy and rMIDAS4
drda: An R Package for Dose-Response Data Analysis Using Logistic Functions4
Additive Bayesian Network Modeling with the R Package abn4
Dimension Reduction for Time Series in a Blind Source Separation Context Using R4
Application of Equal Local Levels to Improve Q-Q Plot Testing Bands with R Package qqconf4
Blang: Bayesian Declarative Modeling of General Data Structures and Inference via Algorithms Based on Distribution Continua4
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in the nimble and nimbleSMC R Packages4
Pathogen.jl: Infectious Disease Transmission Network Modeling with Julia4
carat: An R Package for Covariate-Adaptive Randomization in Clinical Trials4