Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion

(The median citation count of Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Liquidus Projection of the Ni-Sc-Zr System26
Experimental Determination of Phase Equilibria in Fe-Cr-Ni-Al System26
Effects of Annealing and Oxidation on the Microstructure of Hot-Dipped Aluminum–Silicon Coating of 316L Stainless Steel18
The 2020 JPED Editor’s Choice Awards18
Third Generation of Unary Calphad Descriptions and the Avoidance of Re-Stabilized Solid Phases and Unexpected Large Heat Capacity12
Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the Ag-As-S system12
Thermodynamic Modeling of the Co-Cu-Sn Ternary System12
Pseudo-structural Transition and Thermal Stress-Induced Microcracking in the NdCu Intermetallic11
Phase Stability Through Machine Learning11
A Neural Network Approach to Predict Gibbs Free Energy of Ternary Solid Solutions11
Prediction of Interfacial Reaction Between Cu and In During Low-Temperature Soldering11
MnS–Tb2S3 Phase Diagram11
A New Analytical Method for Computing Concentration-Dependent Interdiffusion Coefficient in Binary Systems with Pre-existing Solute Concentration Gradient11
New Measurements of Fe Solubility in Liquid Mg up to 1450 °C and Reassessment of the Fe-Mg System10
Interdiffusion Coefficients and Strengthening Effects of Nb, Ta, and Zr in the α2-Ti3Al Phase9
Diffusion Kinetics of B Element in Zr-B Solid State Reaction9
Study on the Oxygen Diffusion Capacity of Black Zirconia by Molecular Dynamic Method9
The Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Announces New Associate Editor9
Phase Equilibria of the Binary Ag-In System9
Phase Equilibria in the Ni-Al-Bi Ternary System8
Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Assessment of Phase Equilibria at the Ti-Mn side in the Ti-Mn-Mo Ternary System8
Thermodynamic Properties of Titanium8
Phase Equilibria in the Ti-Rich Part of the Ti-Al-Nb System—Part I: Low-Temperature Phase Equilibria Between 700 and 900 °C8
Thermodynamics and Chemical Ordering of Liquid Cu-Hf-Ni-Ti-Zr Alloys8
The Isothermal Section of the Phase Diagram of Mg-Co-Ga Ternary System8
Experimental Determination of Phase Equilibria in the Mn-Zn Binary System8
Temperature-Dependent Configurational Entropy Calculations for Refractory High-Entropy Alloys7
CALPHAD-Type Reassessment of Cu-Si and Full Assessment of the Al-Cu-Si Systems7
A Database for the Fe-Cr-Mo-Ni-N System7
The Legacy of “The Regular Solution Model for Stoichiometric Phases and Ionic Melts”7
Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Y-Co-Cu Ternary System7
Thermodynamic Investigation of the NaBr-RbBr System6
Ab Initio Modeling of fcc Fe-Co-Cr-Ni High Entropy Alloys with Full Composition Range6
Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Phase Equilibria in the Cu-Nb-Ni Ternary System6
Thermodynamic Reassessment of the Au-In Binary System Supported with First-Principles Calculations6
Experimental Investigation of Isothermal Sections and Thermodynamic Modeling on the Cu-Nb-Ni System6
Measurement of Diffusion Coefficients and Assessment of Atomic Mobilities in HCP Mg-Ag-Sn Alloys6
A Third Generation Calphad Description of Fe: Revisions of Fcc, Hcp and Liquid5
Periodic Grain Boundary Grooves: Analytic Model, Formation Energies, and Phase-Field Comparison5
Stability of High Entropy Alloys to Spinodal Decomposition5
Continuous Displacement Cluster Variation Method for the Study of Local Lattice Distortion in an Alloy5
Correction to: Vaporization Thermodynamics of the WO3-ZnO System5
Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Li$$_2$$O–Al$$_2$$O$$_3$$ System5
Strategies for High-Temperature Corrosion Simulations of Fe-Based Alloys Using the Calphad Approach: Part I5
The Isothermal Section of the Al–Mn–In Ternary System at 773K and Hard Magnetic Properties of MnAlIn Alloys4
Thermodynamic Assessment of the U-Sn System and Extension to the U-Zr-Sn System4
Simplified Growth Model for Multicomponent Systems - Inclusion of PARA and NPLE Conditions4
Correction to: A Mathematical Computer Model for Estimating Phase Weight/Atomic Fractions for Iron Slags’ System (SiO2-Al203-CaO-MgO) at Subsolidus Temperatures4
Correction to: CALPHAD-Based Methods for Alloy Additive Manufacturing4
Thermodynamic Modeling of the Bi-Se and Bi-Te Binary Systems4
Phase Equilibria of the Al-V-Cr Ternary System at 1000 and 1200 °C4
Exploring Multicomponent Phase Space to Discover New Materials4
Thermodynamic Assessment of the Mg–La–Nd System4
The Mixing Enthalpy and Liquid Structural Properties of Ti–Al Alloys by ab inito Molecular Dynamics Simulation4
Effect of Gibbs Free Energies of Terminal Alloys on the Diffusion Paths and Diffusion Depths in Couples Assembled with γ-Phase Fe-Ni-Cu Alloys at 1000 °C4
Correction: Inter-property Correlation of Al2O3-CaO-MgO-SiO2 Quaternary Slag System in Blast Furnace Ironmaking4
Quantitative Evaluation of Seebeck Coefficient using Linearized Boltzmann Transport Equation for Fe2VAl-Based Compounds4
DFT Calculations and Thermodynamic Re-Assessment of the Fe-Y Binary System4
Phase Equilibria of the Ti-Ta-Si Ternary System at 1100 and 1300 °C3
The Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Announces New Associate Editors3
Limited Solid Solutions LiMn2−xBxO4 (Fd-3m) and Li(Ni,Mn,Co)1−zBzO2 (R-3m)3
Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Cr-Ni-Zr Ternary System3
Derivations of Partial Molar Excess Gibbs Energy of Mixing Expressions for Common Thermodynamic Models3
Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Cu–Cr–Ti System3
An Ontological Basis for the Diffusion Theory3
Investigation on the Phase Relationship and Solidification Processes of Mg-rich Mg-Mn-Y Alloys3
The 1300 °C Isothermal Section in the Al2O3-Y2O3-Nb2O5 System3
Experimental Study of the Subsolidus Region of the Ir-Ni Phase Diagram3
Phase Equilibrium Investigations and Thermodynamic Study of the Y2O3-Ta2O5 System3
Phase Equilibria in the Ti-Zr-Sn System3
Liquid Immiscibility and Thermodynamic Assessment of the Al2O3–TiO2–SiO2 System3
Vaporization Thermodynamics of the WO3-ZnO System2
A Neural Network Driven Approach for Characterizing the Interplay Between Short Range Ordering and Enthalpy of Mixing of Binary Subsystems in the NbTiVZr High Entropy Alloy2
Special Issue in Memory of Mats Hillert2
Thermodynamic Assessment of the Co-Ti System2
Phase Transformations in Cd0.96Mn0.04Te0.98Se0.02 Solid Solutions2
Phase Equilibria in the Zr-Ti-Cu System2
Modeling of Spontaneous Para-equilibrium to Ortho-equilibrium Transition in Cementite Precipitation During Martensite Tempering2
What is the Enthalpy Contribution to the Stabilization of the Co–Cr–Fe–Mn–Ni Faced-centered Cubic Solid Solution?2
Ti-Fe Phase Evolution and Equilibria Toward β-Ti Superalloys2
Experimental Investigations on the Interdiffusion Behaviors and Mechanical Properties of Ti-rich Ti-Mo-Zr System by Using the Diffusion Couple Technique2
Correction: Phase Relations of the Nd2O3-CaO-Fe2O3 System at 1473 K in Air2
On Excess Gibbs Energies and Aphysical Formalisms2
Isothermal Phase Diagram of CaO-SiO2-Nb2O5-5 wt.% Fe2O3-TiO2 System at 1100 °C2
Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Assessment of Ni–B and Ni–B–C Systems2
Phase Stability and Microhardness of the AlxCr2-xCoFeNi High-Entropy Alloys2
Phase Equilibria in Sm-Co-Ti Ternary System2
First Principles Evaluation of Phase Stability in the In-Sn Binary System2
Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Assessment of Phase Equilibria in the Al-Ta-V Ternary System2
Phase Equilibria in the Au-Cu-In-Pd System at 500 °C and 800 °C: Experimental Study and Modeling2
Dr. Hiroaki Okamoto (1941–2022)2
Interdiffusion Studies in Alloy 617 and 10Cr Steel Joints Using Diffusion Couple Approach and Simulations2
Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Fe-Zn Binary System with Reference to the Latest Experimental Phase Diagram2
Correction to: On Excess Gibbs Energies and Aphysical Formalisms2
Applying the Effective Bond Energy Formalism (EBEF) to Describe the Sigma (σ) Phase in the Co-Cr-Ni-Re System2
Thermodynamic Modelling of the Te-X (X = Cu, Ga, Li, Sr) Systems2
The 500 °C Isothermal Section of the Al-Fe-Pr Ternary System2
The High-Temperature Cu-Fe-S System: Thermodynamic Analysis and Prediction of the Liquid–Solid Phase Range2
Phase Equilibria of the Fe-Si-Cr-Al Quaternary System at 800 °C2
Solidus Surface of the Hf–Rh–Ir System2
Mean Field Modeling of Grain Growth and Zener Pinning2
Phase Equilibria of the Ag–Cu–M (M = Nb, Fe, Pb) Systems2
Phase Equilibria of the CaO-SiO2-Sc2O3 Ternary System2
Revisiting the Phase Equilibria in the Cu-Zn Binary System2
Correction to: Phase Relations in the CaO-B2O3-Sc2O3 Ternary System2
Special Issue in Memory of John E. Morral1
Quasi-Ternary System Cu2S-HgS-SnS21
Novel General Solution for the Analysis of a Multicomponent Interdiffusion Couple1
Atomistic Simulation of Grain Boundaries in Niobium: Structure, Energy, Point Defects and Grain-Boundary Self-Diffusion1
Liquidus Surface and Melting Diagram of the Hf-Rh-Ir System1
Representation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Properties for Binary Mixtures Containing R1234ze(E) using Machine Learning Models1
Phase Equilibria in the Er-Co, Er-Fe and Er-Co-Fe Systems1
Co-Sb-Te Phase Equilibria and Co/Sb2Te3 Interfacial Reactions1
Phase Equilibria in the Quasi-Ternary System Cu2Se-In2Se3-CuI and the Crystal Structure of the AIBIII2XVI3YVII Compounds, Where AI-Cu, Ag; BIII-Ga; XVI-Cl, Br, I; YVII-S, Se, Te1
The Equilibrium α (Al-Li Solid Solution) and Metastable δ′ (Al3Li) Phase Boundaries in Aluminum–Lithium Alloys1
Study of Interface-Related Mechanisms in the Early Stage Precipitation of σ Phase in Hyper Duplex Stainless Steels1
Fundamental Issues Identified for Thermodynamic Description of Molten Salt Systems1
Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria and Phase Transformation Kinetics in the U-Cr System by Using DSC, XRD, and SEM1
Exploration of Phase Equilibria in the Triple Molybdate System, Electrical Properties of New Rb5M1/3Zr5/3(MoO4)6 (M-Ag, Na) Phases1
Mg-Ni-Ga System: Phase Diagram, Structural and Hydrogenation Properties of MgNi1.25Ga0.75, MgNiGa, and Mg2NiGa31
Thermodynamic Study of Er-Bi and Er-Te Systems by Combination of First-Principles Calculations and the CALPHAD Method1
Development of a Diffusion Mobility Database for Co-Based Superalloys1
BCC-HCP-FCC Multiple Transformations and ε Loop in the Fe-Cr-Co-Mn System1
Interdiffusion and Atomic Mobility in BCC-A2 Mo-Zr and Mo-Nb-Zr Alloys with Very Steep Composition Profiles1
Thermodynamic Modeling of the Cu-Sb-Se System1
Vaporization Thermodynamics of the Ga2O3-SnO2-ZnO System1
Thermodynamic Properties of Chromium1
Different Approach to Thermodynamic Description of Bi-Te Binary System1
Phase Equilibria of the Ni-Al-Cr-Y Quaternary System and the Ni-Al-Y Ternary System at 900 °C1
AFLOW for Alloys1
Phase Transformations During Homogenization of Inconel 718 Alloy Fabricated by Suction Casting and Laser Powder Bed Fusion: A CALPHAD Case Study Evaluating Different Homogenization Models1
The Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Editor’s Choice Awards for 20221
Phase Equilibria Study in Ga-Sn-Te System Using Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental Validation1
On the Phase with an Unreported Ternary Composition Found in the P-Pt-Rh System1
CALPHAD-Based Thermodynamic Reassessment of Tb-Ni Binary System Supported by Ab-Initio Calculations1
Stability and Thermodynamics Properties of CrFeNiCoMn/Pd High Entropy Alloys from First Principles1
Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Description of Phase Equilibria in the Al-Cr-Mo Ternary System1
The JPED Editor’s Choice Awards for 20211
About the Alkemade Theorem and the Limits of its Applicability for the Construction of Ternary Liquidus Surfaces1
Thanks to Our Associate Editors and Reviewers for Their Critical Contributions in 20231
Calculation of GB Energies and Grain-Boundary Self-diffusion in Nickel and Verification of Borisov Relations for Various Symmetric Tilt Grain Boundaries1
The Onsager Reciprocity Relations Revisited1
Thermodynamic Modeling of the (Ce and Sm)-Ru Binary Systems Based on Linear, Exponential, and Combined Models Aided by Ab-Initio Calculations1
Phase Equilibria in the Fe-Al-Sn Ternary System1
Excess Thermodynamic Properties of Solutions in Ln-Ru (Ln = Nd, Gd, Dy) Binary Systems Based on Quadratic, Exponential and Combined Models Supported by Ab-Initio Calculations1
Thermodynamic Reassessment of the Bi-Rb System Supported by Ab-Initio Calculations1
Phase Relations in the Cu-As-S System and Thermodynamic Properties of Copper-Arsenic Sulfides1
Phase Diagrams in the Development of the Argyrodite Family Compounds and Solid Solutions Based on Them1
The Cu–Sn System: A Comprehensive Review of the Crystal Structures of its Stable and Metastable Phases1
Investigation of Phase Equilibria on LiCl-KCl-GdCl3 Ternary System1
Square Root Diffusivity Analysis of Body-Diagonal Diffusion Couples in FeNiCoCr Quaternary and FeNiCoCrMn Quinary Systems1
Diffusion Multiples as a Tool to Efficiently Explore the Composition Space of High Entropy Alloys1
Computer Experiments on Self-diffusion Coefficients of Some Liquid Metals0
Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Nb-V-Hf Ternary System0
Experimental Determination of Phase Equilibria in the La-Co-Zr System0
Understanding Magnetic Exchange Interactions by the Pressure Dependent Curie Temperature in FeCoNiCuMn High Entropy Alloys0
Correction to: Phase Equilibria in the Al-Cr-Co System in the Range of Compositions 0-70 at.% Al0
Phase Relations of the Sm–Ni–Al Ternary System at 800 °C in the 30–100 at.% Al Region0
Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Calculation of the Be-C-Si System0
A Systematic First-Principles Study of Computational Parameters Affecting Self-diffusion Coefficients in FCC Ag, Cu, and Ni0
Roles of Refractory Solutes on the Stability of Carbide and Boride Phases in Nickel Superalloys0
A Nonconventional Method to Produce Zr Alloys to Study the Fe23Zr6 Intermetallic Compound in the Fe-Zr System0
Assessment of Atomic Mobility for Diffusion in Ti-Al-Sn bcc Phase0
Effect of Thermodynamic Stability Parameters on Tracer Diffusion Kinetics in High Entropy Alloys0
Phase Equilibria of the Mg-Sn-Pr Ternary System at 500 °C0
Experimental Study of the Phase Equilibria in the Ternary Ga-Ge-Zn System0
Development of Phase-Based Databases via CALPHAD Method for the Design of High-Entropy Alloys0
Effect of Cooling Rate on the Phase Formation of AlCoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy0
Pair Fraction Distribution of the One-Sublattice Modified Quasichemical Model—Application to the Cu-Fe-S Liquid Solution0
Software Tools for Integrating Special Quasirandom Structures and the Cluster Variation Method into the CALPHAD Formalism0
An Insight from the CALPHAD Approach: How to Control the LaMnO3 Perovskite Formation Via the Molten Salt Synthesis0
Phase-Field Modeling of Kinetics of Diffusive Phase Transformation in Compositionally-Graded Ni-Based Superalloys0
Phase Relations in the ZrO2-MgO-FeOx System: Experimental Data and Assessment of Thermodynamic Parameters0
Calculation of Critical Points0
Identification of the Eutectic Points in the Multicomponent Systems with the High-Throughput CALPHAD Approach0
Correction: Quantitative Evaluation of Seebeck Coefficient Using Linearized Boltzmann Transport Equation for Fe2VAl-Based Compounds0
Special Issue in Memory of Thaddeus B. “Ted” Massalski0
Experimental and Computational Study of Microstructure of Al2FeCoNiCu High-Entropy Alloy0
Re-investigation of the Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Assessment of the Mg-Sm Binary System0
Liquidus Projection of the Al-Ta-V System0
Structure and Dynamic Inhomogeneity of Liquids on the Liquid–Gas Coexistence Curve Near the Triple Point0
Thermodynamic Aspects of Powder-Pack Boronizing0
Experimental Measurements and Kinetic Investigation of Fe-Al Alloy Layer During the Galvanizing Process0
Thermodynamic Re-assessment of the Nb-Zr System Using the CE–CVM Model for Solid Solution Phases0
Diffusion Behavior of Secondary Carbides and Subsequent Influence on Microstructure of NbC-Ni-Based Cermets0
Measurement of Interdiffusion and Tracer Diffusion Coefficients in FCC Co-Cr-Fe-Ni Multi-Principal Element Alloy0
Velocity of Volume Fixed Frame and Its Application in Simulating Concentration Profiles in Multicomponent Diffusion0
Formation of Ti2Cu in Ti-Cu Alloys0
Thermodynamic Modeling of the Te-X (X = Gd, Dy, Ho) Binary Systems Combined with the First-Principles Method0
Correction: Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Assessment of the Cr–Ti System0
Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Properties of Selected Compounds in the Ag-Ga-Te-AgBr System0
Simple Approach for Evaluating the Possibility of Sluggish Diffusion in High-Entropy Alloys0
Determination of the Carbon-Saturated SiO2-CaO-TiOx Phase Diagram at 1773 K0
Phase Relationship in the Zr-Mo-Fe(O) System (Zr > 30 at.%) at 1000 °C0
Phase Relations in the Tl2Te-TlBiTe2-TlGdTe2 Compositions Region of the Tl-Bi-Gd-Te System and Magnetic Properties of the TlBi1−xGdxTe2 Solid Solutions0
Modeling Short-Range Ordering in Binary BCC Ti-X (X = Nb, V, Zr) Alloys using CE-CVM0
High-Throughput Design of Multi-Principal Element Alloys with Spinodal Decomposition Assisted Microstructures0
Experimental Investigation of Phase Relations and Thermodynamic Modelling of the Fe-Mn-Zr System0
Singular Interfacial Structures at Two Levels: Their Roles in the Development of Phase Transformation Crystallography0
Thermodynamic Assessment of the Ternary B-Hf-Zr System with Refined B-Hf Description0
Solid State Chemical Interaction Between Ti and Al-Si Alloys0
Experimental Study of the Ternary Phase Diagram Al–Ge–Mg0
Experimental Phase Equilibria Study and Thermodynamic Modelling of the PbO-“FeO”-SiO2, PbO-“FeO”-CaO and PbO-“FeO”-CaO-SiO2 Systems in Equilibrium with Metallic Pb and Fe0
Atomistically Informed Phase Field Modeling of Solid-Solid Phase Transformations0
Interdiffusion and Atomic Mobilities Studies in Ni-Rich fcc Ni-Ti-V Alloys0
From Zero Kelvin Upwards: Thermodynamic Modeling of the Mn-Ni System with Third Generation Calphad Models0
Experimental Determination of Phase Equilibria in the Ce-Co-Zr Ternary System0
Effect of Secondary Carbides on Core-Rim Structure and Their Diffusion Behavior in TiC-Ni-based Cermets0
Phase Equilibria in Low-Temperature Regions of Phase Diagrams0
Asymmetric Cu Diffusion in Transient Liquid Phase (TLP) Bonding of Inconel 625 to AISI 316L Stainless Steel with Cu Interlayer0
On the U-Fe-C Isothermal Section at 1100 °C0
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Updates Aims and Scope0
The Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Editor’s Choice Awards for 20230
Phase Equilibria in the Cu2S-Cu8SiS6-Cu8GeS6 System and Thermodynamic Functions of Phase Transitions of the Cu8Si(1−X)GeXS6 Argyrodite Phases0
Polymorphism in the Sr-Bi System0
High-Temperature Area of the Fe-Ni-Co-Cu Phase Diagram: Experimental Study and Computer Design0
Impact of N on the Stacking Fault Energy and Phase Stability of FCC CrMnFeCoNi: An Ab Initio Study0
The Development of a Thermodynamic Database for Calculation and Prediction of Phase Equilibria in High-Temperature Refractory Alloys: A Tribute to Ted Massalski0
Component Interaction in the Quasi-Ternary System PbSe–Ga2Se3–GeSe20
Phase Equilibria in the Ti-Rich Part of the Ti-Al-Nb System—Part II: High-Temperature Phase Equilibria Between 1000 and 1300 °C0
Thermodynamic, Structural and Surface Properties of Cd-Na Alloys in Liquid State0
The Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Announces New Associate Editors0
Quasi-Ternary System Ag2Se–GeSe2–As2Se30
Thermodynamic Assessments of Ti-Al, Ti-Fe, and Ti-Al-Fe Systems with Four-Sublattice Description of Ordered Body-Centered Cubic Phase and Density Functional Theory Data0
An Updated Phase Diagram of the SnTe-Sb2Te3 System and the Crystal Structure of the New Compound SnSb4Te70
Thermodynamic Description of the Gadolinium-Cadmium Phase Diagram0
Additive Manufacturing of High-Entropy Alloys: Microstructural Metastability and Mechanical Behavior0
Professor Zhanpeng Jin (1938−2020)0
A Revision of the Sb-Te Binary Phase Diagram and Crystal Structure of the Modulated γ-Phase Field0
Thermodynamic Description of Binary System Nickel-Selenium0
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Names New Editor-in-Chief0
The Al-Co-Pd R-Phase Identity0
CALPHAD-Based Thermodynamic Description of the Binary Phase Diagram Ge-Ti0
Correction: Thermodynamic Modelling of the Te-X (X = Cu, Ga, Li, Sr) Systems0
Estimation of Tracer and Intrinsic Diffusion Coefficients from Body Diagonal Diffusion Couples in a Multi-Principal Element Alloy0
Phase Stability and Precipitation in L12-Strengthened CoCrNi Medium-Entropy Alloys at Intermediate Temperatures0
Publisher Correction: Splitting of γ′ Precipitates in the Context of Phase Equilibrium0
Development and Applications of a Thermodynamic Database for Multicomponent Cu Alloys0
Thermodynamics Under External Fields0
Thermodynamic Reassessment of the Binary Cu-Sn, Cu-P, and Sn-P and Ternary Cu-Sn-P Systems0
A Direct Derivation of Fick’s Law for Multicomponent Diffusion0
Advances in CALPHAD Methodology for Modeling Hydrides: A Comprehensive Review0
Experimental Study of the Ni-Se-Sn Phase Diagram Isothermal Sections at 800 K, 1000 K and 1100 K0
Phase Equilibria in the Ag2S–Sb2S3–SnS2 System and the Novel Quaternary Chalcogenide Ag11Sb3SnS120
Phase Equilibria in the Al-Ti-Cr System During Solidification0
Phase Equilibria in the Ti-Rich Portion of the Ti-Ga-Sn System0
Beyond the Parallel Tangent Method to Predict the Composition of the First Nucleating Phase from Oversaturated Solutions0
Computational Assessment of Novel Predicted Compounds in Ni-Re Alloy System0
Cluster-Model-Embedded First-Principles Study on Structural Stability of Body-Centered-Cubic-Based Ti-Zr-Hf-Nb Refractory High-Entropy Alloys0
Zentropy Theory for Positive and Negative Thermal Expansion0