Decision Analysis

(The median citation count of Decision Analysis is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Trends in Decision Analysis: A Reflection on the First 20 Years of the Journal79
Editorial Board14
From the Editor: Belated Recognition for the 2021 Clemen–Kleinmuntz Decision Analysis Best Paper Award Winner and Finalist13
Friction and Decision Rules in Portfolio Decision Analysis10
Editorial Board9
Editorial Board8
Editorial Board7
Health Decision Analysis: Evolution, Trends, and Emerging Topics7
Quantile Judgments of Lognormal Losses: An Experimental Investigation6
Lessons Learned in Applying Decision Analysis to Natural Resource Management for High-Stakes Issues Surrounded by Uncertainty6
Appreciation to Referees, 20236
Collective Choice May Tell Nothing About Anyone’s Individual Preferences4
Stochastic Superiority Equilibrium in Game Theory4
Adversarial Risk Analysis for Auctions Using Mirror Equilibrium and Bayes Nash Equilibrium4
Assortment Planning with Satisficing Customers4
Satiation-Based Theory of Frugal Materialism4
Pricing Decisions with Social Interactions: A Game-Theoretic Model4
Numerical Solution of Asymmetric Auctions3
Decisions Making in Information Security Investments: Impact of System Vulnerability and Investment Timing on Resource-Sharing Platforms3
Decisions on Probabilistic Selling for Consumers with Different Risk Attitudes3
Editorial Board3
Endogenous Preference for Nonmarket Goods in Carbon Abatement Decisions3
Editorial Board3
On the Value of Information Across Decision Problems3
From the Editors: New Decision Analysis Journal Submission Requirements3
Information Density in Decision Analysis2
A Decision Theoretic Foundation for Noise Traders and Correlated Speculation2
Downstream Information Sharing in Agricultural Supply Chains with Investment Spillovers2
Bundling Decisions for Selling Multiple Items in Online Auctions2
Editorial Board2
On the Value of the Tail Event Information2
Call for Papers on the Implications of Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Decision Analysis1
Cognitive Stress and Learning Economic Order Quantity Inventory Management: An Experimental Investigation1
Editorial Board1
Measuring and Mitigating the Risk of Advanced Cyberattackers1
Hide-and-Seek Game with Capacitated Locations and Imperfect Detection1
Neutral Pivoting: Strong Bias Correction for Shared Information1
Using Decision Analysis to Determine the Feasibility of a Conservation Translocation1
A Behavioral Model of Responsible Sourcing in Supply Chains: The Role of Dual-Sourcing Bias1
How to Control Waste Incineration Pollution? Cost-Sharing or Penalty Mechanism—Based on Two Differential Game Models1
A Simplified Method for Value of Information Using Constructed Scales1
An Empirical Comparison of Rank-Based Surrogate Weights in Additive Multiattribute Decision Analysis1
Whose Judgement? Reflections on Elicitation in Bayesian Analysis1
Patchwork Constructions of Multiattribute Utility Functions1
Editorial Board1
Optimal Ratcheting in Executive Compensation1
Sequential Shortest Path Interdiction with Incomplete Information and Limited Feedback1
Eliciting Informative Priors by Modeling Expert Decision Making1
A Closed-Form EVSI Expression for a Multinomial Data-Generating Process1
The Legacy of Peter Fishburn: Foundational Work and Lasting Impact1
Comment on “Whose Judgement? Reflections on Elicitation in Bayesian Analysis”1
Decision Analysis to Advance Environmental Sustainability1
Differential Game Theoretic Models for Designing Water Conservation Incentives0
On (Measurable) Multiattribute Value Functions: An Expository Argument0
Research on Ecological Restoration Strategies for Abandoned Mines Based on Ecology-Oriented Development0
Partitioning the Expected Value of Countermeasures with an Application to Terrorism0
Editorial Board0
Modeling Ethical and Operational Preferences in Automated Driving Systems0
Curbing the Opioid Crisis: Optimal Dynamic Policies for Preventive and Mitigating Interventions0
Information Security Strategies for Information-Sharing Firms Considering a Strategic Hacker0
Methods for Eliciting Informative Prior Distributions: A Critical Review0
D Minus Months: Strategic Planning for Weather-Sensitive Decisions0
Cutoff Threshold Decisions for Classification Algorithms with Risk Aversion0
Call for Papers on Decision Analysis to Further Environmental Sustainability0
An Adversarial Risk Analysis Framework for Batch Acceptance Problems0
From the Editor: 2023 Clemen–Kleinmuntz Decision Analysis Best Paper Award0
Multiple Volatility Real Options Approach to Investment Decisions Under Uncertainty0
Closing the Gap Between Decision Analysis and Policy Analysts Before the Next Pandemic0
First Price Sealed-Bid Auctions with Bidders’ Heterogeneous Risk Behavior: An Adversarial Risk Analysis Approach0
Basic Geometric Dispersion Theory of Decision Making Under Risk: Asymmetric Risk Relativity, New Predictions of Empirical Behaviors, and Risk Triad0
From the Editor and Chair of the Award Committee: 2022 Clemen–KleinmuntzDecision AnalysisBest Paper Award0
Balanced Opioid Prescribing via a Clinical Trade-Off: Pain Relief vs. Adverse Effects of Discomfort, Dependence, and Tolerance/Hypersensitivity0
Stay Home or Not? Modeling Individuals’ Decisions During the COVID-19 Pandemic0
Appreciation to Referees, 20210
Reply to “Comment on ‘Whose Judgement? Reflections on Elicitation in Bayesian Analysis’”0
Supporting Innovation in Early-Stage Pharmaceutical Development Decisions0
Interdicting Attack Plans with Boundedly Rational Players and Multiple Attackers: An Adversarial Risk Analysis Approach0
Preference–Approval Structures in Group Decision Making: Axiomatic Distance and Aggregation0
Editorial Board0
The Discount Rate for Investment Analysis Applying Expected Utility0
Appreciation to Referees, 20220
Forecasts of Prices and Informed Sensitivity Analysis: Applications in Project Valuations0
Editorial Board0
Microfoundations of Discounting0
A Decision Framework for Evaluating the Rocky Mountain Area Wildfire Dispatching System in Colorado0
Project Valuation: Price Forecasts Bound to Discount Rates0
Elicitability of Instance and Object Ranking0
Model Complexity and Accuracy: A COVID-19 Case Study0
From the Editor: 2020 Inaugural Clemen–Kleinmuntz Decision Analysis Best Paper Award0
Optimizing the First Response to Sepsis: An Electronic Health Record-Based Markov Decision Process Model0
The Price of a Lognormal Payoff Under Power Utility and Why Investors Want Risk0
Multipolar Security Cooperation Planning: A Multiobjective, Adversarial-Risk-Analysis Approach0
A Machine Learning-Assisted Decision-Making Methodology Based on Simplex Weight Generation for Non-Dominated Alternative Selection0
Balancing Tradeoffs in Climate-Smart Agriculture: Will Selling Carbon Credits Offset Potential Losses in the Net Yield Income of Small-Scale Soybean (Glycine max L.) Producers in the Mid-Southe0
Scoring Probability Forecasts by a User’s Bets Against a Market Consensus0
A New Binary Programming Formulation and Social Choice Property for Kemeny Rank Aggregation0
Editorial Board0
Determining the Accuracy of the Triangular and PERT Distributions0
Editorial Board0
Prioritization of Species Status Assessments for Decision Support0
Uncommon Knowledge in Multiparty Auctions0
Experimental Assessment of Utility Functions Induced by Fixed and Uncertain Targets0
Editorial Board0
Group Structure and Information Distribution on the Emergence of Collective Intelligence0
A Characterization of Lexicographic Preferences0