IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

(The median citation count of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Table of contents375
Satellite Image Target Super-Resolution With Adversarial Shape Discriminator359
Wildfire Progression Time Series Mapping With Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)205
A Triangulation-Based Technique for Tree-Top Detection in Heterogeneous Forest Structures Using High Density LiDAR Data168
Divergence Regulated Encoder Network for Joint Dimensionality Reduction and Classification167
Phase Bias Estimation and Imaging for High-Squint Multichannel SAR in Azimuth142
Subspace-Based Distorted FDFD Iterative Method for Inverse Scattering129
Domain Transform Filter and Spatial-Aware Collaborative Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Few Labeled Samples120
A Label-Constraint Building Roof Detection Method From Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds114
Earthquake Event Classification Using Multitasking Deep Learning113
Luminance Learning for Remotely Sensed Image Enhancement Guided by Weighted Least Squares107
A Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Unmixing92
Automatic Detection and Correction of Random Telegraph Signal Artifacts in Earth Observation Images83
Urban LST Retrieval From the Ultrahigh Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data80
DSTNet: Dynamic-Static Transformer Style Network for Cross-Resolution Vehicle Reidentification78
Estimating the Interferometric Vertical Wavenumber From Range Shifts77
Shear Noise Suppression for Seafloor Vertical Geophone Using Robust Reduced-Rank Filtering75
Attenuation of the Multiple Reflection-Refraction in 2-D Common-Shot Gather via Random-Derangement-Based FX Cadzow Filter73
Introducing IEEE Collabratec72
TechRxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!72
Table of contents71
Multifeature GNSS-R Snow Depth Retrieval Using GA-BP Neural Network68
An Effective Network Integrating Residual Learning and Channel Attention Mechanism for Thin Cloud Removal67
A Superpixel-Correlation-Based Multiview Approach for Hyperspectral Image Classification67
Table of contents67
An Improved Real-Time Echo Separation Processing Scheme in Intermediate Frequency Domain65
Corn-Plant Counting Using Scare-Aware Feature and Channel Interdependence64
Nonstationary PolSAR Image Classification by Deep-Features-Based High-Order Triple Discriminative Random Field63
SMDC-Net: Saliency-Guided Multihead Distribution Calibration Network for Few-Shot Object Detection on Remote Sensing Images62
2-D Moving Target Deception Against Multichannel SAR-GMTI Using Frequency Diverse Array62
Fast Ship Detection With Spatial-Frequency Analysis and ANOVA-Based Feature Fusion62
3-D Inversion of Airborne Electromagnetic Method Based on Footprint-Guided CFEM Modeling62
Improved Reverse Time Migration of GPR Based on Multitraces Cross Correlation Window Imaging Condition61
Polarimetric Semivariogram-Based Spatial Scale Selection for PolSAR Image Segmentation With Mean-Shift Algorithm57
Frequency Diverse Array Introduced Into SAR GMTI to Mitigate Blind Velocity and Doppler Ambiguity57
How to Identify Good Superpixels for Deforestation Detection on Tropical Rainforests55
HGMFN:Hierarchical Guided Multicascade Feedback Network for Complex Seismic Data Reconstruction55
Multiscale Super Token Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification55
Discriminative Low-Rank Representation for HSI Clustering55
Hierarchical Attention Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification55
Two-Dimensional Absolute Velocity Estimation of Moving Targets by Real-Aperture Scanning Radar Using Multiorder Range Migration Fitting Method54
Noise Robust SAR Image Classification Using Siamese Spiking Neural Networks54
ECFNet: A Siamese Network With Fewer FPs and Fewer FNs for Change Detection of Remote-Sensing Images52
Band Selection of Hyperspectral Images Using Attention-Based Autoencoders52
Feasibility of Retrieving Land Surface Temperature From ECOSTRESS Data Using Split-Window Algorithms51
Unsupervised Ship Detection in SAR Images Using Superpixels and CSPNet50
Remote Sensing Image Generation Based on Attention Mechanism and VAE-MSGAN for ROI Extraction50
Correcting Ionospheric Error for MAI Based on Along-Track Gradient and 1-D Linear Fitting49
Remote-Sensing Image Captioning Based on Multilayer Aggregated Transformer49
Multidimensional Information Expansion and Processing Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification47
First Demonstration of Using Signal Processing Approach to Suppress Signal Ringing in Impulse UWB Through-Wall Radar47
Learning Relevant Features of Optical Water Types47
Adaptive Ship Detection From Optical to SAR Images46
DDFN: Deblurring Dictionary Encoding Fusion Network for Infrared and Visible Image Object Detection46
SCAResNet: A ResNet Variant Optimized for Tiny Object Detection in Transmission and Distribution Towers45
Noncooperative Bistatic Radar Countermeasures Based on the Joint Design of Radar Waveforms and Mismatched Filters45
Semisupervised Band Selection From Hyperspectral Images Using Levy Flight-Based Genetic Algorithm45
Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data Fusion for Urban Change Detection Using a Dual Stream U-Net44
A Comparison of Bistatic and Monostatic Radar Images of 1-D Perfectly Conducting Rough Surfaces44
DBSAGAN: Dual Branch Split Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Super-Resolution Reconstruction in Remote Sensing Images43
Evaluation of Four Satellite-Derived Fire Products in the Fire-Prone, Cloudy, and Mountainous Area Over Subtropical China43
Remote Sensing Image Registration Based on Deep Learning Regression Model42
Sea Snots in the Marmara Sea as Observed From Medium-Resolution Satellites42
Class-Guided Swin Transformer for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery42
PolSAR Image Classification Based on Robust Low-Rank Feature Extraction and Markov Random Field42
Cross-Domain Few-Shot Contrastive Learning for Hyperspectral Images Classification42
Two-Dimensional Precise Controllable Smart Jamming Against SAR via Phase Errors Modulation of Transmitted Signal41
Snow Depth Estimation Based on Parameter Combinations Selection and Machine Learning Algorithm Using C-Band SAR Data in Northeast China41
PCA-CNN Hybrid Approach for Hyperspectral Pansharpening40
Sparse Target Batch-Processing Framework for Scanning Radar Superresolution Imaging40
Implementation of a MIMO-SAR Imaging Mode Based on OFDM Chirp Waveforms40
Multistatic Dispersed Swarm Configurations for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging39
Initial Observations With Electronic and Mechanical Scans Using a Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar39
Capsule-Guided Multi-View Attention Network for SAR Target Recognition With Small Training Set39
UAV-Borne FMCW InSAR for Focusing Buried Objects39
Modeling and Compensation for Repositioning Error in Discontinuous GBSAR Monitoring38
Multiobject Localization Using Magnetic Tensor Gradiometer Array and Improved iForest37
Hierarchical Attention and Parallel Filter Fusion Network for Multisource Data Classification37
Mesh Conflation of Oblique Photogrammetric Models Using Virtual Cameras and Truncated Signed Distance Field36
Broadband Soil Permittivity Measurements Using a Novel De-Embedding Line–Line Method36
A Deep Learning-Based GPR Forward Solver for Predicting B-Scans of Subsurface Objects36
Estimating Oil–Water Mixing Ratios of Marine Oil Spills From L-Band Fully Polarimetric SAR Images36
Table of contents35
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters Institutional Listings35
Remote-Sensing Image Segmentation Based on Implicit 3-D Scene Representation34
A Semi-Supervised Image Registration Framework Based on Multimodal Cross-Attention34
A Hyperspectral Image Classification Method Based on Pyramid Feature Extraction With Deformable–Dilated Convolution34
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters publication information34
Generation of Turbidite Probability Scenarios Using Geostatistical Methods34
Fusformer: A Transformer-Based Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution34
Table of contents34
Artisanal and Small-Scale Mine Detection in Semi-Desertic Areas by Improved U-Net33
STN: Saliency-Guided Transformer Network for Point-Wise Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes33
Identification of River Ice Cover Structure by Ground Penetrating Radar Data33
Remote Sensing Object Detection Based on Gated Context-Aware Module33
SSRN: A Nonlocal Sparse Attention and Multiscale Fusion Super Resolution Network for Spacecraft ISAR Image33
DGDNet: Deep Gradient Descent Network for Remotely Sensed Image Denoising33
Processing of Circular-Scanning SAR Data Using Deramping-Based Imaging Approach32
Mitigating Narrowband Noise Sources Close to the Larmor Frequency in Surface NMR32
A Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Image Noise Removal Method Based on Multipriors Guidance32
DRGCN: Dual Residual Graph Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification32
Window Transformer Convolutional Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Sparse Unmixing32
Integrating UAV and Ground Panoramic Images for Point Cloud Analysis of Damaged Building32
Rank-Full Arrays for 1-D Mirrored Aperture Synthesis32
Seismic Volumetric Local Slope Estimation Using Multiscale Gradient Structure Tensor31
Keypoints Method for Recognition of Ship Wake Components in Sentinel-2 Images by Deep Learning31
Semi- and Self-Supervised Metric Learning for Remote Sensing Applications31
Polarimetric Scattering Spectrum Analysis for Target Characterization31
Front Cover31
Intelligent Identification First Arrivals of Acoustic Logging Curves Using Dual Attention PhaseNet31
Minimization of Forecast Error Using Deep Learning for Real-Time Heavy Rainfall Events Over Assam31
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Multidirectional Cumulative Measure31
Hybrid Shot2Shot and Re-De-Noising Regularization for Random Noise Attenuation of Seismic Data31
Sampling Guidance of Deep-Sea Surficial Sediment Using Acoustic Faces CNN-BLSTM Fusion31
Machine Learning-Enhanced Interpolation of Gravity-Assisted Magnetic Data31
Table of contents31
Emitter Localization System Based on a Synthetic Aperture Map Drift Technique Aided by an Interferometer30
SCED-Net: Coupling Dual-Branch and Encoder-Decoder Network for Identification and Delineation of Municipal Solid Waste From VHR Images30
Dim Moving Point Target Detection in Cloud Clutter Scenes Based on Temporal Profile Learning30
Generating DTM From DSM Using a Conditional GAN in Built-Up Areas30
Object Classification in SAR Imagery With Deep Cross-Modal Transfer Network29
Fast Geometric Multigrid Preconditioned Finite- Difference Frequency-Domain Method for Borehole Electromagnetic Sensing29
TFR Reconstruction From Incomplete m-D Signal via Adaptive Hadamard Product Parametrization29
A Multi-Scale Transformer Fusion Deep Clustering Network for Unsupervised Planetary Change Detection29
An Interactive Strategy for the Training Set Definition Based on Active Self-Paced Learning Implemented on a Cloud-Computing Platform29
Basis Pursuit Anisotropic Inversion Based on the L 1L 2-Norm Regularization29
A New Approach for 4-D Exospheric Tomography Based on Optimal Interpolation and Gaussian Markov Random Fields29
On the Synergy of SMAP and AMSR2 for Estimating Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice29
Balancing Colors of Nonoverlapping Mosaicking Images With Generative Adversarial Networks29
Super-Resolution Multilayer Structure Analysis via Depth Adaptive Compressed Sensing for Terahertz Subsurface Imaging29
Lower Ionospheric Remote Sensing Using Low-Frequency Sky Waves29
Deep Multiscale Feedback Network for Hyperspectral Image Fusion29
Nonlinear Phase Estimation and Compensation for FMCW Ladar Based on Synchrosqueezing Wavelet Transform28
Dielectric Model for Thawed Mineral Soils at a Frequency of 435 MHz28
Adapting Segment Anything Model to Aerial Land Cover Classification With Low-Rank Adaptation28
First-Order Sea Clutter Suppression for High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar Using Orthogonal Projection in Spatial–Temporal Domain28
Underground Target Classification From Full-Polarimetric GPR Data Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network With Channel Attention Module28
Dropout-Based Adversarial Training Networks for Remote Sensing Scene Classification28
Stereo Imagery Adjustment Constrained by Building Boundary Points From ICESat-228
Improving Scarce RS Data Classification With Independent Noise and Feature Mutual Exclusion28
Graph Enhancement and Transformer Aggregation Network for RGB-Thermal Crowd Counting28
Hybrid Low-Rank and Sparsity Constraint With Hankel Structure Preservation for Simultaneous Seismic Reconstruction and Denoising28
Numerical Modeling and Measurement of Apis Mellifera Radar Scattering Properties28
Collaborative Label Propagation-Based Semisupervised Linear Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Images28
Moving Object Tracking via 3-D Total Variation in Remote-Sensing Videos28
High-Throughput Phenotyping of Wheat Canopy Height Using Ultrawideband Radar: First Results27
Robust STAP Detection Based on Volume Cross-Correlation Function in Heterogeneous Environments27
Internal Calibration for Airborne X-Band DBF-SAR Imaging27
A Coastal RFI Mitigation Method for Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometer27
Echo Separation for Space-Time Waveform-Encoding SAR With Digital Scalloped Beamforming and Adaptive Multiple Null-Steering27
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters Institutional Listings27
Two-Pass Bilateral Smooth Filtering for Remote Sensing Imagery27
Toward Explainable and Transferable Deep Downscaling of Atmospheric Pollutants27
FastVGBS: A Fast Version of the Volume-Gradient-Based Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Imagery27
End-to-End Multilevel Hybrid Attention Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification26
Class Centralized Dictionary Learning for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification26
A Self-Supplementary and Revised Network for Remote Sensing Object Detection26
A Method for Rapid Measurement of Cloud Base Height From a Pair of Sky Imagers26
PIN: Sparse Aperture ISAR Imaging via Self-Supervised Learning26
An Improved Method for Estimating Clumping Index by Digital Hemispheric Photography With Field Measurements26
Exploring the Capability of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models With Structural Edge Guidance for Multispectral Satellite Image Inpainting26
Global-Margin Uncertainty and Collaborative Sampling for Active Learning in Complex Aerial Images Object Detection25
Downscaled XCO₂ Estimation Using Data Fusion and AI-Based Spatio-Temporal Models25
Spatiotemporal Fusion via Conditional Diffusion Model25
Inversion of Sound Speed Profile in the Luzon Strait by Combining Single Empirical Orthogonal Function and Generalized Regression Neural Network25
Sampling Frequency Fluctuations of the Sensors and Software SPIDAR Ground Penetrating Radar: Impact on Probing Passive Surface Acoustic Wave Delay Lines for Pollution Sensing25
Locate Where You Are by Block Joint Learning Network25
Novel Multiscale Decision Fusion Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection for High-Resolution Images25
Hyperspectral Unmixing via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization With Handcrafted and Learned Priors25
Automated Reference Points Selection for InSAR Time Series Analysis on Segmented Wetlands25
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Radarcoding Reference Data for SAR Training Data Creation in Radar Coordinates25
An Inclined Scalable Grid System and an Improved Heuristic Algorithm for Multisatellite Joint Regional Coverage25
Deep Feature Reconstruction Learning for Open-Set Classification of Remote-Sensing Imagery24
Unsupervised Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Using Probabilistic Latent Semantic Hashing24
An Unsupervised Deep Learning Method for Denoising Prestack Random Noise24
LHDACT: Lightweight Hybrid Dual Attention CNN and Transformer Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection24
Experimental Demonstration of Nadir Echo Removal in SAR Using Waveform Diversity and Dual-Focus Postprocessing24
Robust Optical and SAR Image Registration Based on OS-SIFT and Cascaded Sample Consensus24
Hyperspectral Image Denoising Using Nonconvex Fraction Function24
Multiscale Context Aggregation Network for Building Change Detection Using High Resolution Remote Sensing Images24
Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Low-Rank Decomposition and Morphological Filtering24
DCNNs-Based Denoising With a Novel Data Generation for Multidimensional Geological Structures Learning24
Component Interpretation for SAR Target Images Based on Deep Generative Model24
Spatial Complexity Reduction in Remote Sensing Image Compression by Atomic Functions24
Application of Hybrid-Pol SAR in Oil-Spill Detection24
On-Orbit Spatial Quality Evaluation of SDGSAT-1 Thermal Infrared Spectrometer23
DiFormer: A Difference Transformer Network for Remote Sensing Change Detection23
Mutant Altimetric Parameter Estimation Using a Gradient-Based Bayesian Method23
Ocean Front Detection With Bi-Directional Progressive Fusion Attention Network23
Detect Larger at Once: Large-Area Remote-Sensing Image Arbitrary-Oriented Ship Detection23
SAR Target Recognition Based on Probabilistic Meta-Learning23
SAR Edge Detection Using Weighted Directional Bhattacharyya Coefficients23
Individual Tree Reconstruction Based on Circular Truncated Cones From Portable LiDAR Scanner Data23
Horizon Picking Using Two-Branch Network With Spatial and Time–Frequency Features23
The Orientation Estimation of Elongated Underground Objects via Multipolarization Aggregation and Selection Neural Network23
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters publication information23
Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Based on Residual Prediction Neural Network23
Degradation-Oriented Progressive Learning for Haze-Corrupted Satellite Image Super-Resolution23
Region-Merging Method With Texture Pattern Attention for SAR Image Segmentation22
MsanlfNet: Semantic Segmentation Network With Multiscale Attention and Nonlocal Filters for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images22
Polarimetric Phased Array Weather Radar Data Quality Evaluation Through Combined Analysis, Simulation, and Measurements22
Effective Polarization-Based Image Dehazing With Regularization Constraint22
HistSegNet: Histogram Layered Segmentation Network for SAR Image-Based Flood Segmentation22
An Adaptive-Rank Singular Spectrum Analysis for Simultaneous-Source Data Separation22
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters Publication Information22
Dual-Triple Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Limited Training Samples22
Classification of Remotely Sensed Images Using an Ensemble of Improved Convolutional Network22
PSCLI-TF: Position-Sensitive Cross-Layer Interactive Transformer Model for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification22
Two-Dimension Joint Super-Resolution ISAR Imaging With Joint Motion Compensation and Azimuth Scaling22
Target Detection Using Rank-1 Polarimetric Processing22
Hybrid Multiscale SAR Ship Detector With CNN-Transformer and Adaptive Fusion Loss22
An FFT-Based CLEAN Deconvolution Method for Interferometric Microwave Radiometers With Spatially Variable Beam Pattern22
Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Kernel Sparse Representation Classifiers22
An Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition Method Based on AMNet22
Noncontrastive Representation Learning for Intervals From Well Logs22
Evaluating Snow Bidirectional Reflectance of Models Using Multiangle Remote Sensing Data and Field Measurements22
Context Residual Attention Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification22
Median Shift Lunar Correction for VIIRS22
C²-CapsViT: Cross-Context and Cross-Scale Capsule Vision Transformers for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification22
TEANS: A Target Enhancement and Attenuated Nonmaximum Suppression Object Detector for Remote Sensing Images22
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Block Optimization and Outlier Detection in GEO SAR Turbulent Tropospheric Error Compensation22
Prototypical Network With Residual Capsule for Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification22
Hybrid Attention Compression Network With Light Graph Attention Module for Remote Sensing Images22
Rapid and Automatic Detection of New Potential Landslide Based on Phase-Gradient DInSAR21
A Novel Analytical Formulation of the Correlation of GNSS-R Signals Scattered by a Natural Fractal Surface21
Dynamic Cascade Query Selection for Oriented Object Detection21
Subband Maximum Eigenvalue Detection for Radar Moving Target in Sea Clutter21
Elevated Frequency Diversity Array: A Novel Approach to High Resolution and Wide Swath Imaging for Synthetic Aperture Radar21
U-IMG2DSM: Unpaired Simulation of Digital Surface Models With Generative Adversarial Networks21
BGFNet: Semantic Segmentation Network Based on Boundary Guidance21
A Robust VideoSAR Single Target Tracker by Integrating Correlation Filter and IMM-PDAF21
Tropical Cyclone Forecast Using Multitask Deep Learning Framework21
Fast Sparse Aperture ISAR Imaging for Maneuvering Target by CZT- and NCS-Based Approximated Observation Model21
Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in HFSWR Using Fractional Fourier Transform Based Filtering Algorithms21
Removing Stripe Noise Based on Improved Statistics for Hyperspectral Images21
NUFFT-Based Interpolation in Backprojection Algorithms21
AAFormer: Attention-Attended Transformer for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images21
Adaptive Vector-Based Sample Consensus Model for Moving Target Detection in Infrared Video21
Polarimetric SAR Decomposition by Incorporating a Rotated Dihedral Scattering Model21
Can the Depth of Seasonal Snow be Estimated From ICESat-2 Products: A Case Investigation in Altay, Northwest China21
Hybrid Dilated Convolution Guided Feature Filtering and Enhancement Strategy for Hyperspectral Image Classification21
Near Real-Time Wildfire Management Using Distributed Satellite System21
Reducing Data Dependencies in the Feedback Loop of the CCSDS 123.0-B-2 Predictor21
Precipitation Phase Determination by Brightness Temperatures From ATMS20
New Insights Into Wideband Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry20
Hyperspectral Image Restoration Guided by Joint Statistical Characterization of Noise20
Deep Multiscale Fine-Grained Hashing for Remote Sensing Cross-Modal Retrieval20
Learning Accurate Features for Super-Resolution Spacecraft ISAR Imaging20