Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing

(The median citation count of Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Evidence‐Based Practice Beliefs, Implementation, and Organizational Culture and Readiness for EBP Among Nurses, Midwives, Educators, and Students in the Republic of Ireland83
Issue Information80
Intensive and critical care nurses patient safety, care quality, professional self‐efficacy, and missed nursing care: Structural equation model analysis57
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The effectiveness of ERAS guidelines in reducing postoperative pain38
An Examination of the Factors Associated With Implementation of Evidence‐Based Management Practices for Improving Nurse Work Environments37
Making the business case for evidence‐based practice with return on investment and value of investment34
The effect of a mindfulness‐based intervention on stress overload, depression, and mindfulness among nurses: A randomized controlled trial29
The use of the evidence‐based practice process by experienced registered nurses to inform and transform clinical practice during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A longitudinal national cohort study21
The effect of self‐management intervention among type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta‐analysis21
The effect of nurse‐led telephone‐based interventions on glycosylated hemoglobin levels in people with type 2 diabetes: A meta‐analysis20
Serial mediation roles of empowerment and self‐care activities connecting health literacy, quality of life, and glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes19
Changes in fatigue among cancer patients before, during, and after radiation therapy: A meta‐analysis19
The effect of fragmented cancer care and change in nurse staffing grade on cancer patient mortality17
Outdated healthcare structures, sick care paradigm, and medical terms: Barriers to evidence‐based, patient‐centered and interprofessional care17
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The Fuld Institute for EBP Community Core: Supporting the Patient Perspective in EBP for Optimal Health and Wellness15
Medical‐surgical nurses' EBP beliefs and competencies14
Best Practices to Verify Ongoing Placement of NG or OG Tube After Initial X‐ray Confirmation14
Issue Information13
Information and communication technology for physical activity in persons living with dementia: A systematic review with implications for evidence‐based practice13
Effectiveness of single‐lead ECG devices for detecting atrial fibrillation: An overview of systematic reviews13
Effectiveness of meaning‐centered interventions on existential distress and mental health outcomes in cancer survivors and their family caregivers: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized 12
Function of a Psychological Nursing Intervention on Depression, Anxiety, and Quality of Life in Older Adult Patients With Osteoporotic Fracture12
Evidence‐based practice: The perfect shared interprofessional competency12
Factors related to the knowledge and skills of evidence‐based practice among nurses worldwide: A scoping review12
Use of Video Education Interventions to Increase Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Cancer Clinical Trials: A Systematic Review11
Effectiveness of auricular acupoint therapy targeting menstrual pain for primary dysmenorrhea: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials11
Core Evidence‐Based Practice Competencies and Learning Outcomes for European Nurses: Consensus Statements11
Prevention of Failure to Rescue in Obstetric Patients: A Realist Review11
Using wearable technology to prevent pressure injuries: An integrative review10
Designing, planning, and conducting systematic reviews and other knowledge syntheses: Six key practical recommendations to improve feasibility and efficiency10
Incidence of postoperative delirium in older adults undergoing surgical procedures: A systematic literature review and meta‐analysis10
Pre‐Implementation of the Age‐Friendly Health Systems Evidence‐Based 4Ms Framework in a Multi‐State Convenient Care Practice10
Administration of 3% Sodium Chloride Through Peripheral Intravenous Access: Development and Implementation of a Protocol for Clinical Practice10
The effects of unsupervised home‐based exercise training during pregnancy: A systematic review10
Evaluating outcomes of evidence‐based practice initiatives versus research: Clarifying the confusion with a call to action10
Implementation and Evaluation of a Standardized Nurse‐Administered Assessment of Functional and Psychosocial Issues for Patients in Acute Care9
Experience of missed nursing care: A mixed method study9
Creating infrastructure for supporting nurse engagement in evidence‐based practice at a Veterans Administration Hospital9
A qualitative descriptive study of the role of nurse, allied health and physician middle managers who function as knowledge brokers in hospitals9
Correction to respiratory support in the emergency department: A systematic review and meta‐analysisO'Donnell, J., Pirret, A., Hoare, K., Fenn, R., & McDonald, E. (2024a). Respiratory support in t9
Reducing Patient Aggression Through a Nonviolent Patient De‐escalation Program: A Descriptive Quality Improvement Process9
Fall prevention in hospitals and nursing homes: Clinical practice guideline8
How does gratitude relate to nurses' job satisfaction? The mediating role of resilience and stress8
Evidence, expertise, and patient/family preferences to maximize health for older adults with implications for evidence‐based practice8
Effect of a prophylactic dressing for sacral pressure injuries in non‐critically ill patients after general surgery: A randomized controlled trial7
Turn the Beat On: An Evidenced‐Based Practice Journey Implementing Metronome Use in Emergency Department Cardiac Arrest7
Daily huddle best practice: An Evidence‐Based guide7
Breastfeeding: An Evidence‐Based Intervention for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome7
Home‐based exercise programs in patients with chronic kidney disease: A systematic review and META‐analysis7
Teaching evidence‐based practice: Knowledge to implementation in a BSN program, part 16
Preparing Nursing Contexts for Evidence‐Based Practice Implementation: Where Should We Go From Here?6
A deductive thematic analysis of nurses with job‐related problems who completed suicide during the early COVID‐19 pandemic: A preliminary report6
Evidence‐Based Competency Training Program for Blood Product Administration6
Evaluation of patient participation in relation to the implementation of a person‐centered nursing shift handover6
Improvements in Clinician, Organization, and Patient Outcomes Make a Compelling Case for Evidence‐Based Practice Mentor Development Programs: An Integrative Review6
Practice and process improvement: An integrated evidence‐based quality model6
The facilitated sensemaking model as a framework for nursing intervention on family members of mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit6
Does a program‐based cognitive behavioral therapy affect insomnia and depression in menopausal women? A randomized controlled trial6
Implementation Science: Application of Evidence‐Based Practice Models to Improve Healthcare Quality6
Developing Algorithm Based on Activity and Mobility for Pressure Ulcer Risk Among Older Adult Residents: Implications for Evidence‐Based Practice6
A systematic review of the facilitators and barriers to rapid response team activation6
Issue Information6
National evaluation of DNP students' use of the PICOT method for formulating clinical questions6
Use of Pain Management Champions to Enhance Guideline Implementation by Care Workers in Nursing Homes6
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Elements of a care pathway for human trafficking victims in emergency departments: A mapping review5
Clinical indicators of the nursing diagnosis ineffective health management: Systematic review and meta‐analysis5
Factors affecting quality of life in low‐income overweight and obese women: The mediating effects of health‐promoting behaviors5
Factors affecting colonoscopy screening among first‐degree relatives of colorectal cancer patients: A mixed‐method systematic review5
Elopement: Evidence‐based mitigation and management5
Contextualizing evidence‐based nurse‐led interventions for reducing 30‐day hospital readmissions using GRADE evidence to decision framework: A Delphi study4
A nurse‐led home‐based exercise program for patients with chronic kidney disease4
Treatment adherence and wellness, nutrition, and physical activity outcomes of diabetic patients with comorbid depression during the 18‐month follow‐up of the TELEDD study4
Moving from sick care to well care: A paradigm shift is needed to reduce cardiovascular disease and improve hypertension control4
Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta‐analysis4
The effects of weight management on heart failure: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials4
Gratitude and depressive symptoms in Chinese nurses: From a self‐determination theory perspective4
Budgetary investment in evidence‐based practice by chief nurses and stronger EBP cultures are associated with less turnover and better patient outcomes4
Evidence‐based trends and association between symptom disturbance and physical activity among pregnant women: A longitudinal study4
Systematic review of perception of barriers and facilitators to chronic disease self‐management among older adults: Implications for evidence‐based practice4
The Experiences and Perceptions of Nurses Interacting With Research Literature: A Qualitative Systematic Review to Guide Evidence‐Based Practice4
Sleep protocol—Use of evidence‐based practice (EBP) to improve patient outcomes and patient satisfaction while hospitalized4
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Issue Information3
Facilitators and barriers to implementation of telemedicine in nursing homes: A qualitative systematic review and meta‐aggregation3
Admission Braden Scale Score as an Early Independent Predictor of In‐Hospital Mortality Among Inpatients With COVID‐19: A Retrospective Cohort Study3
A meta‐analysis of mindfulness‐based interventions for improving mental health and burden among caregivers of persons living with dementia3
Improving hypertension control and cardiovascular health: An urgent call to action for nursing3
Respiratory support in the emergency department: A systematic review and meta‐analysis3
Factors Associated With the Resilience of Nurses During the COVID‐19 Pandemic3
Effectiveness of Evidence‐Based Practice (EBP) Education on Emergency Nurses’ EBP Attitudes, Knowledge, Self‐Efficacy, Skills, and Behavior: A Randomized Controlled Trial3
An analysis of data sources and study registries used in systematic reviews3
An integrative review of factors and interventions affecting the well‐being and safety of nurses during a global pandemic3
Healthcare consumers' and professionals' perceived acceptability of evidence‐based interventions for rural transitional care3
Effectiveness of resistance training in preventing sarcopenia among breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: A systematic review and meta‐analysis3
The effectiveness of lifestyle interventions for diabetes remission on patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta‐analysis3
Associations among professional quality of life dimensions, burnout, nursing practice environment, and turnover intention in newly graduated nurses3
Occurrence rate and risk factors for long‐term central line‐associated bloodstream infections in patients with cancer: A systematic review3
Ketogenic diet, African American women, and cardiovascular health: A systematic review3
Trends in mental health indicators among nurses participating in healthy nurse, healthy nation from 2017 to 20213
Long‐term effects of non‐pharmacological interventions in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes: A systematic review and meta‐analysis3
Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review and meta‐analysis3
Quality of self‐report coping measures for children and adolescents with cancer: A systematic review2
The effect of virtual reality technology in exercise and lung function of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review and meta‐analysis2
How nursing stakeholders in the Republic of Ireland define evidence‐based practice and why it matters2
Teaching evidence‐based practice: Knowledge to implementation in a BSN program, part 22
Adverse Health Effects of Frailty: Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis of Middle‐Aged and Older Adults With Implications for Evidence‐Based Practice2
Telehealth in palliative care during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A systematic mixed studies review2
Rehabilitation effects of game therapy in people living with dementia: A systematic review and meta‐analysis2
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Health‐promoting behaviors among American and Lebanese nursing students2
Evidence‐Based Practice Culture and Mentorship Predict EBP Implementation, Nurse Job Satisfaction, and Intent to Stay: Support for the ARCC© Model2
Comparing the effectiveness of peer‐led healthy aging interventions on depression and quality of life in community‐dwelling older adults: A systematic review and network meta‐analysis2
Sustained delirium reduction in an inpatient neuroscience unit2
Evidence‐based approach to mitigate cumulative stress in pediatric nurses through the development of respite rooms2
Differences in patient‐reported and clinical characteristics by age group in adults with type 2 diabetes2
Effects of problem‐based learning on delivering medical and nursing education: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials2
Effectiveness of game‐based exercise interventions on modifiable cardiovascular risk factors of individuals with type two diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta‐analysis2
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Using the Theoretical Domains Framework to Identify Barriers and Facilitators to Elder‐Friendly Care Implementation Within a Multi‐Site Academic Health Centre2
Challenges to dietary hypertension self‐management as described by a sample of African American older adults2
Evaluation of the Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Timely Extubation of Critically Ill Adults: An Interprofessional Survey2
Issue Information2
Social media use and its impact on adults' mental health and well‐being: A scoping review2
The impact of COVID‐19 on nurse leadership characteristics2
Consensus on the definition and attributes of person‐centered teamwork: An e‐Delphi study2
Use of Toolkits to Facilitate Evidence‐Based Practice Implementation1
Advancing Evidence‐Based Practice Through Implementation Science: Critical Contributions of Doctor of Nursing Practice‐ and Doctor of Philosophy‐Prepared Nurses1
Shifting from burnout cultures to wellness cultures to improve nurse/clinician well‐being and healthcare safety: Evidence to guide change1
Unmet supportive care needs of patients with colorectal cancer based on survival stage: A scoping review1
Advancing EBP culture and competencies through an academic‐research partnership: Process and outcomes of an EBP scholar program1
The effectiveness of patient activation interventions in adults with chronic kidney disease: A systematic review and meta‐analysis1
An objective test to measure evidence‐based practice knowledge and skill competency of acute care nurses: A psychometric validation study1
Exploring the Role of Pain as an Early Indicator for Individuals at Risk of Pressure Ulcer Development: A Systematic Review1
The use of a nursing implementation framework to enhance the uptake of an evidence‐based intervention1
Effects of theory‐guided unsupervised exercise on depression, sleep quality, and sense of control in pregnant women: A randomized controlled trial1
Knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and implementation of evidence‐based practice among nurses in low‐ and middle‐income countries: A scoping review1
Cardiac rehabilitation program: An exploration of patient experiences and perspectives on program dropout1
Role of Magnet®‐recognized hospital nurse managers in implementing evidence‐based practice: A mixed‐method study1
EBP education and skills building for leaders: An RCT to promote EBP infrastructure, process and implementation in a comprehensive cancer center1
The efficacy of mindfulness‐based programs in reducing anxiety among nurses in hospital settings: A systematic review1
Women's trajectories of postpartum depression and social support: A repeated‐measures study with implications for evidence‐based practice1
Issue Information1
The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership Practices of First‐Line Nurse Managers and Nurses’ Organizational Resilience and Job Involvement: A Structural Equation Model1
Using evidence‐based practice for standardizing interventions through nursing professional governance1
Predictors of cancer‐related fatigue in women with breast cancer undergoing 21 days of a cyclic chemotherapy1
Effects of exercise interventions on cancer‐related fatigue in children with cancer: A meta‐analysis1
Engaging advanced practice nurses in evidence‐based practice: An e‐mentoring program1
A compendium of evidence‐based practice instruments for nursing education, practice and research1
Nurses' self‐care strategies: A mapping review1
Well‐being in acute care nurse managers: A risk analysis of physical and mental health factors1
Research on missed nursing care during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A scoping review1
Implementing P6 Acupressure in Conjunction With Pharmacotherapy to Decrease Chemotherapy‐Induced Nausea and Vomiting: A Nurse‐Led EBP Initiative to Improve Care and Quality of Life1
Career optimism and job‐related well‐being of Australian nurses during COVID‐19: A cross‐sectional study1
The Doctor of Nursing Practice help desk: An innovative approach to developing evidence‐based practice competency and providing DNP project support1
Improving critical care patients' sleep quality in a surgical high‐dependency unit: An evidence‐based practice project1
Evidence‐Based Practice Requires Evidence‐Based Implementation1
Evaluation of a pre‐exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) program for HIV prevention in a federally qualified health center (FQHC)1