Finance Research Letters

(The H4-Index of Finance Research Letters is 83. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The role of ESG performance during times of financial crisis: Evidence from COVID-19 in China652
Financial contagion during COVID–19 crisis504
COVID-19 and the march 2020 stock market crash. Evidence from S&P1500471
COVID-19 and stock market volatility: An industry level analysis338
COVID-19 and the United States financial markets’ volatility313
Heterogeneous impacts of wars on global equity markets: Evidence from the invasion of Ukraine301
Co-movement of COVID-19 and Bitcoin: Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis280
Does ESG certification add firm value?258
The impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the connectedness of financial markets246
Deaths, panic, lockdowns and US equity markets: The case of COVID-19 pandemic243
COVID-19 lockdowns, stimulus packages, travel bans, and stock returns237
ChatGPT for (Finance) research: The Bananarama Conjecture233
Time-frequency comovement among green bonds, stocks, commodities, clean energy, and conventional bonds229
Does the digital transformation of enterprises affect stock price crash risk?208
Stock markets and the COVID-19 fractal contagion effects187
Developing Low Carbon Finance Index: Evidence From Developed and Developing Economies182
Geopolitical risk and the systemic risk in the commodity markets under the war in Ukraine180
Is non-fungible token pricing driven by cryptocurrencies?172
Trade openness and economic growth quality of China: Empirical analysis using ARDL model172
The cryptocurrency uncertainty index165
Examining the interrelatedness of NFTs, DeFi tokens and cryptocurrencies160
Market reactions to the arrival and containment of COVID-19: An event study156
Does digital transformation matter for corporate risk-taking?155
The role of financial deepening and green technology on carbon emissions: Evidence from major OECD economies153
ESG rating and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China152
Climate policy uncertainty and the price dynamics of green and brown energy stocks150
Covid-19 and Optimal Portfolio Selection for Investment in Sustainable Development Goals148
Safe haven in GFC versus COVID-19: 100 turbulent days in the financial markets148
Green finance and decarbonization: Evidence from around the world146
The bubble contagion effect of COVID-19 outbreak: Evidence from crude oil and gold markets146
The Russia-Ukraine conflict and volatility risk of commodity markets142
Infectious disease pandemic and permanent volatility of international stock markets: A long-term perspective140
Are Bitcoin and Ethereum safe-havens for stocks during the COVID-19 pandemic?139
Can financial inclusion be an effective mitigation measure? evidence from panel data analysis of the environmental Kuznets curve137
Digital finance and corporate ESG130
Trust and stock market volatility during the COVID-19 crisis128
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and green innovation: Evidence from China125
The effect of fintech on banks’ credit provision to SMEs: Evidence from China124
Financial performance shortfall, ESG controversies, and ESG performance: Evidence from firms around the world121
NFTs and asset class spillovers: Lessons from the period around the COVID-19 pandemic120
How does economic policy uncertainty affect corporate risk-taking? Evidence from China117
Fertile LAND: Pricing non-fungible tokens116
The new crypto niche: NFTs, play-to-earn, and metaverse tokens116
The rise of digital finance: Financial inclusion or debt trap?116
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial market connectedness116
Industry volatility and economic uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis112
COVID–19 media coverage and ESG leader indices112
The effect of political and economic uncertainty on the cryptocurrency market111
The impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on energy firms: A capital market perspective111
Aye Corona! The contagion effects of being named Corona during the COVID-19 pandemic110
Evaluation of China's carbon emission trading policy from corporate innovation107
Economic policy uncertainty and cryptocurrency volatility106
A bibliometric review of finance bibliometric papers105
A crypto safe haven against Bitcoin105
Bitcoin volatility, stock market and investor sentiment. Are they connected?105
Reconsidering systematic factors during the Covid-19 pandemic – The rising importance of ESG105
Asymmetric relationship between green bonds and commodities: Evidence from extreme quantile approach105
CSR and idiosyncratic risk: Evidence from ESG information disclosure105
International stock market risk contagion during the COVID-19 pandemic104
The impact of investor attention during COVID-19 on investment in clean energy versus fossil fuel firms103
Stock market returns, volatility, correlation and liquidity during the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from the Markov switching approach103
Causality of geopolitical risk on food prices: Considering the Russo–Ukrainian conflict102
Russia–Ukraine war and systemic risk: Who is taking the heat?102
COVID-19 and investor behavior101
Does geopolitical risk matter for global asset returns? Evidence from quantile-on-quantile regression101
The influence of Bitcoin on portfolio diversification and design100
Stock Return and the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Canada and the US99
Stock markets’ reaction to Covid-19: Moderating role of national culture99
COVID−19 and oil price risk exposure98
Determinants of Spillovers between Islamic and Conventional Financial Markets: Exploring the Safe Haven Assets during the COVID-19 Pandemic97
Corporate decisions in times of war: Evidence from the Russia-Ukraine conflict96
More sustainable, more productive: Evidence from ESG ratings and total factor productivity among listed Chinese firms94
Environmental regulation and green innovation: Evidence from China's carbon emissions trading policy92
Volatility Spillovers between Stock and Energy Markets during Crises: A Comparative Assessment between the 2008 Global Financial Crisis and the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis92
The COVID-19 outbreak and stock market reactions: Evidence from Australia91
Testing the safe-haven properties of gold and bitcoin in the backdrop of COVID-19: A wavelet quantile correlation approach90
The impact of COVID-19 on the Chinese stock market: Sentimental or substantial?87
The Russo-Ukrainian war and financial markets: the role of dependence on Russian commodities86
The impact of digital inclusive finance on sustainable economic growth in China86
Forecasting directional movements of stock prices for intraday trading using LSTM and random forests85
Covid-19 impact on NFTs and major asset classes interrelations: Insights from the wavelet coherence analysis84
Covid-19 pandemic and tail-dependency networks of financial assets84
Impact of Russia-Ukraine war attention on cryptocurrency: Evidence from quantile dependence analysis84
How does the fintech sector react to signals from central bank digital currencies?83
Who raised from the abyss? A comparison between cryptocurrency and stock market dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic83