Learning & Behavior

(The TQCC of Learning & Behavior is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Constraints on vocal production learning in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulates)63
The olfactory capability of dogs to discriminate between different quantities of food22
Cold noses provide hot take on social cognition20
Cognition and reproductive success in cowbirds15
Properties of iconic and visuospatial working memory in pigeons and humans using a location change-detection procedure13
Involvement of the neural social behaviour network during social information acquisition in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)10
Among-individual differences in auditory and physical cognitive abilities in zebra finches9
Interaction of memory systems is controlled by context in both food-storing and non-storing birds9
Pavlovian processes may produce contrast leading to bias and suboptimal choice7
A special issue honoring Ken Cheng: navigating animal minds7
A special issue in honor of Irene Pepperberg: The chemist of comparative cognition7
Separating conscious and unconscious perception in animals7
The mosaic structure of the mammalian cognitive map7
Evidence for object–place binding in pigeons in a sequence-learning procedure6
Complex relationship between response rate and preference in pigeons: Williams (1992) revisited5
Incentive disengagement and the adaptive significance of frustrative nonreward5
Rescue specialists in Cataglyphis piliscapa ants: The nature and development of ant first responders5
Rearing condition and willingness to approach a stranger explain differences in point following performance in wolves and dogs5
Narrative framing may increase human suboptimal choice behavior5
Chimpanzee communities differ in their inter- and intrasexual social relationships5
Serial pattern learning: The anticipation of worsening conditions by pigeons4
Striatal D2: Where habits and newly learned actions meet4
Temporal decision making: it is all about context4
Mechanisms of impulsive choice: Experiments to explore and models to map the empirical terrain4
Implicit knowledge of words in dogs4
Context-induced renewal of passive but not active coping behaviours in the shock-probe defensive burying task4
The Wild Man in the Laboratory: Introduction to the Special Issue in honor of Michael Domjan4
Visual alternation by pigeons: Learning to select or learning to avoid4
Landmarks, beacons, or panoramic views: What do pigeons attend to for guidance in familiar environments?4
Some like it “local”: A review of hierarchical processing in non-human animals4
Yes, dogs are susceptible to the Kanizsa’s triangle illusion: A reply to Pepperberg4
Same/different concept learning by primates and birds4
Different memory systems in food-hoarding birds: A response to Pravosudov4
String-pulling in the Goffin’s cockatoo (Cacatua goffiniana)4
Mechanisms of within-session sequential behavior in pigeons4
A search pattern for the engram3
Taming the boojum: Being theoretical about peculiarities of learning3
Differential effect of training impure tacts versus pure tacts plus intraverbal on the emergence of new verbal operants: A conceptual and methodological study3
Response to Hansen Wheat et al.: Additional analysis further supports the early emergence of cooperative communication in dogs compared to wolves raised with more human exposure3
A putative social concept in dolphins3
Remembering as an operant: Effects of instructional control and reinforcement on remembering behavior3
Dogs demonstrate memory of incidentally encoded information3
Noisy nests: Early-life noise exposure impacts songbird fitness3
Error monitoring in rats? We need models3
Taking shortcuts in the study of cognitive maps3
Multiple cache recovery task cannot determine memory mechanisms3
Gap affordance judgments in bumblebees: Same as humans?3
Same as it ever was: Bird nest (a)symmetry?2
There’s “magic” in comparative cognition2
Investigating boundary-geometry use by whip spiders (Phrynus marginemaculatus) during goal-directed navigation2
Why we should study animal consciousness2
Crows make optimal choices based on relative probabilities2
Accumulating evidence by sampling from temporally organized memory2
Another look at the extinction of conditioned flavor preferences: Amount of training and tests for spontaneous recovery2
Time perception and pain: Can a temporal illusion reduce the intensity of pain?2
Understanding hippocampal neural plasticity in captivity: Unique contributions of spatial specialists2
What does dopamine release reveal about latent inhibition?2
Hummingbirds modify their routes to avoid a poor location2
Learning when to wait and when to act2
Fellowship of the fin: Fish empathy and oxytocin2
Don't look back on failure: spontaneous uncertainty monitoring in chimpanzees2
An operant analog of food caching in the pigeon (Columba livia)2
How to turn the corner: Discrimination of path shapes in rats2
Rainbow trout discriminate 2-D photographs of conspecifics from distracting stimuli using an innovative operant conditioning device2
Neuroecology beyond the brain: learning in Echinodermata2
Rat spatial memory and foraging on dual radial mazes2
If Proust had whiskers: Recalling locations with smells2