Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice

(The median citation count of Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
All in the Family? Exploring the Intergenerational Transmission of Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Effect on Offending Behavior18
The Influence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on the Functional Impairment of Justice-Involved Adolescents: A Comparison of Baseline to Follow-Up Reports of Adversity12
Examining the Type of Legal Representation and Its Influence on Disaggregated Dispositions in Juvenile Court12
Evaluation of a Court-Ordered Violence Prevention Program for Gun-involved Youths11
Maturation as a Promoter of Change in Features of Psychopathy Between Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood11
Does the Worst of Both Worlds Effect Run Through Cognition? Testing Perceived Peer Delinquency/Drug Use and Moral Neutralization as Mediating Mechanisms8
Developing Criminal Propensity? Modeling Developmental Effects of the Code of the Street and Low Self-Control Over Time8
The Role of Family Factors in the Outcomes of Court-Involved Youth7
A Second Proof of Concept Investigation of Strengths Using the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth Tool With Justice-Involved Youth: Item Level Risk-Based Effects and Interactions6
Families, Mental Health, and Delinquency: Testing Sexual Crime Typologies of Youth Who Sexually Harm5
Correction to “Exploring Variation in the Strength of Association of a Validated Recidivism Risk Score with Seven Common Measures of Juvenile Recidivism: A Research Note”5
How Positive and Negative Childhood Experiences Interact With Resiliency Theory and the General Theory of Crime in Juvenile Probationers5
Deservingness and Punishment in Juvenile Justice: Do Black Youth Grow Up “Faster” in the Eyes of the Court?5
A Quasi-Experimental Study on the Effects of Community versus Custodial Sanctions in Youth Justice5
Florida Trauma Responsive and Caring Environment: Exploratory Factor Analysis of a Staff and Youth Trauma-Informed Self-Assessment Tools in Juvenile Residential Programs4
The Impact of Risk Assessment on Juvenile Justice Decision-Making and New Adjudication: An Analysis of Usage and Outcome4
Longitudinal Cohort Study: Predictive Validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth Individual/Clinical Risk Factor on Recidivism Among Mississippi Justice-Involved Youth3
Adolescent Domestic Violence Referrals and Adverse Childhood Experiences: Race and Sex Differences3
The Dark Figure of Delinquency:New Evidence and Its Underlying Psychopathology3
Disparities in Youth Arrest Across Racial and Ethnic Subgroups3
Evidencing Predictors of Adolescent to Parent Violence Re-Offending Through Linkage of Police and Health Records2
An Empirical Test of Dual System Pathways2
Hostile Attribution Bias and Working Memory in the Link Between Trauma Exposure and Violence in Justice-Involved Youth2
Evaluating RNR-Based Targeted Treatment and Intervention Dosage in the Context of Traumatic Exposure2
The Latino Paradox, the Racial Invariance Thesis, and Recidivism Among a Sample of Juvenile Offenders2
The War on Drugs in Juvenile Court? The Influence of Community Context on Juvenile Court Outcomes for White, Black, and Hispanic Youth2
Knowing and Caring About the Impact of Crime on Victims: Results From an Intervention for Justice-Involved Youth2
Child Delinquency, ACEs, and the Juvenile Justice System: Does Exposure to ACEs Affect Justice System Experiences for Children?2
Aggression and Academic Misconduct Among Justice-Involved Youth: The Roles of Facility Environment, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Social Competency2
The Utility of Expert-Rated and Self-Report Assessments of Youth Psychopathic Traits for Predicting Felony Recidivism Among Formerly Incarcerated Youth2
Did Juvenile Domestic Violence Offending Change During COVID-19?1
Barriers to School Reentry: Perceptions of School Reentry Among Detained and Committed Youth1
Redesigning the Central Eight: Introducing the M-PACT Six1
Profile Analysis and Risk Assessment: Identifying Distinct Patterns of Risks and Needs1
Family Structure and Delinquency in the English-Speaking Caribbean: The Moderating Role of Parental Attachment, Supervision, and Commitment to Negative Peers1
Understanding the Role of Violence and Conflict in the Stages of Gang Membership1
Gender Differences in the Prevalence and Predictive Validity of Protective Factors in a Sample of Justice-Involved Youth1