Review of Policy Research

(The median citation count of Review of Policy Research is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Policy dismantling and democratic regression in Brazil under Bolsonaro: Coalition politics, ideas, and underlying discourses35
Leveraging digital technologies to boost productivity in the informal sector in Sub‐Saharan Africa27
Bridging the ideological gap? How fairness perceptions mediate the effect of revenue recycling on public support for carbon taxes in the United States, Canada and Germany24
What do we know about opportunities and challenges for localities from Cannabis legalization?19
Varieties of health care digitalization: Comparing advocacy coalitions in Austria and Germany17
Innovation or implementation? Local response to low‐carbon policy experimentation in China16
Smart home technology: Challenges and opportunities for collaborative governance and policy research15
Holding out the promise of Lasswell's dream: Big data analytics in public policy research and teaching14
Polarization and frames of advocacy coalitions in South Korea's nuclear energy policy14
NEPA and National Trends in Federal Infrastructure Siting in the United States13
Contagious COVID‐19 policies: Policy diffusion during times of crisis13
Policy learning and change during crisis: COVID‐19 policy responses across six states13
The devil we know and the angel that did not fly: An examination of devil/angel shift in twitter fracking “debates” in NY 2008–201813
Looking through a policy window with tinted glasses: Setting the agenda for U.S. AI policy12
Narrative dynamics in European Commission AI policy—Sensemaking, agency construction, and anchoring12
Entrepreneurship Policy Agenda in the European Union: A Text Mining Perspective12
The long‐term development of crisis management in China—Continuity, institutional punctuations and reforms11
Administrative burden in digital public service delivery: The social infrastructure of library programs for e‐inclusion11
Public preferences for five electricity grid decarbonization policies in California10
Policy capacity and rise of data‐based policy innovation labs9
Technology‐Induced Job Loss and the Prioritization of Economic Problems in the Mass Public8
Collective learning and COVID‐19 mitigation in Ghana8
How “institutionalization” can work. Structuring governance for digital transformation in Italy8
Politics and policy of Artificial Intelligence8
The State of State Environmental Policy Research: A Thirty‐Year Progress Report8
Climate and transportation policy sequencing in California and Quebec7
Government‐led innovation acceleration: Case studies of US federal government innovation and technology acceleration organizations7
Patterns of Policy Networks at the Local Level in Germany7
How anger and fear influence policy narratives: Advocacy and regulation of oil and gas drilling in Colorado7
The advocacy coalition framework in Japan: Contributions to policy process studies and the challenges involved7
Local power: Understanding the adoption and design of county wind energy regulation7
Place‐based Identity and Framing in Local Environmental Politics6
Dynamic Collaboration: The Effects of External Rules and Collaboration Scope on Interlocal Collaboration6
Natural laboratories in emerging countries and comparative advantages in science: Evidence from Chile6
Power and politics in framing bias in Artificial Intelligence policy6
Traveling AI‐essentialism and national AI strategies: A comparison between South Korea and France6
Political ideology and nuclear energy: Perception, proximity, and trust6
Winners and losers: Conflict management through strategic policy engagement6
How do civil society organizations communicate in an authoritarian setting? A narrative analysis of the Russian waste management debate6
Comparative Energy Regionalism: North America and the European Energy Community6
Problem Uncertainty, Institutional Insularity, and Modes of Learning in Canadian Provincial Hydraulic Fracturing Regulation6
Social Science and the Analysis of Environmental Policy6
Chinese cultural biases, value congruence, and support for and compliance with protective policies during the COVID‐19 pandemic6
Multilevel Climate Governance, Anticipatory Adaptation, and the Vulnerability‐Readiness Nexus5
Make it loud and simple: Coalition politics and problem framing in the French policy process of hydraulic fracturing5
Who should “do more” about climate change? Cultural theory, polycentricity, and public support for climate change actions across actors and governments5
Competition and cooperation in artificial intelligence standard setting: Explaining emergent patterns5
What drives local communities to engage in climate change mitigation activities? Examining the rural–urban divide5
Artificial intelligence technology, public trust, and effective governance5
Organized elite power and clean energy: A study of negative policy experimentations with renewable portfolio standards5
Institutional Collective Action on Drugs: Functional and Vertical Dilemmas of Unused Pharmaceuticals5
Politics and Corporate‐Sector Environmentally Significant Actions: The Effects of Political Partisanship on U.S. Utilities Energy Efficiency Policies5
Renewable Portfolio Standards: Do Voluntary Goals vs. Mandatory Standards Make a Difference?5
How governance boundaries affect regional collaboration on atmospheric governance—Evidence from China's Yangtze River Delta5
Boom, bust, action! How communities can cope with boom‐bust cycles in unconventional oil and gas development5
When cities take control: Explaining the diversity of complex local climate actions5
Issue Framing and U.S. State Energy and Climate Policy Choice5
Uneven local implementation of federal policy after disaster: Policy conflict and goal ambiguity5
Credible Empowerment and Deliberative Participation: A Comparative Study of Two Nuclear Energy Policy Deliberation Cases in Korea5
Personal attributes and (mis)perceptions of local environmental risk5
Programmatic action in Chinese health policy—The making and design of “Healthy China 2030”5
Institutional shifts and punctuated patterns in digital policy5
Coalitional Architecture of Climate Change Litigation Networks in the United States5
A Comparative Study of the Introduction of Restrictions to Large‐Scale Mining in Four Latin American Countries4
Policy for the public without the public: Net neutrality in Israel4
Gender equality in Swedish AI policies. What's the problem represented to be?4
Carbon pricing and decoupling between greenhouse gas emissions and economic growth: A panel study of 29 European countries, 1996–20144
Global indicators and AI policy: Metrics, policy scripts, and narratives4
Bureaucratic politics, innovation compatibility, and the dynamic diffusion of subnational decentralization reforms in China4
Powerful stories of local climate action: Comparing the evolution of narratives using the “narrative rate” index4
Policy or scientific messaging? Strategic framing in a case of subnational climate change conflict4
Local municipal capacity for climate change action in New York State: Exploring the urban–rural divide4
Energy Regionalisms in Theory and Practice4
The Revised German Raw Materials Strategy in the Light of Global Political and Market Developments4
The politics of animal welfare: A scoping review of farm animal welfare governance4
Uncovering the verticality and temporality of environmental policy mixes: The case of agricultural residue recycling in China3
Political Ideology, Political Party, and Support for Greater Federal Spending on Environmental Protection in the United States: Evidence from the General Social Surveys, 1993–20183
Framing the climate crisis: Dread and fatalism in media and interest group responses to IPCC reports3
Tackling climate change on the local level: A growing research agenda3
Mapping the development of North Korea's domestic nuclear research networks3
Cross‐Regional production chains, competitive regionalism, and the deepening of regulatory fault lines in Euro‐Asia3
Images of controversy: Examining cognition of hydraulic fracturing among policy elites and the general public3
Rethinking Climate Change Leadership: An Analysis of the Ambitiousness of State GHG Targets3
Citizen policy entrepreneurship in UK local government climate emergency declarations3
Extending environmental justice research to religious minorities3
End of the (Pipe)Line? Understanding how States Manage the Risks of Oil and Gas Wells3
Policy implementation through performance measurement: A study of water pollution remediation in China's Huai River Basin3
The United States in Chinese environmental policy narratives: Is there a trump effect?3
Matching forerunner cities: Climate policy in Turku, Groningen, Rostock, and Potsdam3
How are emotions and beliefs expressed in legislative testimonies? An advocacy coalition approach3
Is hierarchy the only answer? The accountability preferences of Chinese public employees in public service delivery3
United in disagreement: Analyzing policy networks in EU policy making3
A Review of an Urban Living Lab Initiative3
Regulatory competition, administrative discretion, and environmental policy implementation3
State Capacity and Innovation Policy Performance: A Comparative Study on Two Types of Innovation Projects in China3
Politics of problem definition: Comparing public support of climate change mitigation policies using machine learning3
Policy process theories in autocracies: Key observations, explanatory power, and research priorities2
Trans‐local action and local climate policy. Configurations of success for climate innovations in the European multilevel system2
Co‐optation in co‐production: Maintaining credibility and legitimacy in transboundary environmental governance in East Asia2
Punctuating “Happiness”: Punctuated equilibrium theory and the agenda‐setting of the Gross National Happiness (GNH) policy in Bhutan2
Complementarity of additionalities resulting from European Union funds: Perspective of the users of research infrastructures2
Measuring climate change adaptation policy output: Toward a two‐dimensional approach2
Who owns the pipes? Utility ownership, infrastructure conditions, and methane emissions in United States natural gas distribution2
Achieving cross‐sectoral policy integration in multilevel structures—Loosely coupled coordination of “energy transition” in the German “Bundesrat”2
Administration, rhetoric, and climate policy in the Obama presidency2
Communicating in diverse local cultures: Analyzing Chinese government communication programs around nuclear power projects2
Understanding innovation policy governance: A disaggregated approach2
Keeping policy commitments: An organizational capability approach to local green housing equity2
Net‐zero carbon declarations by Japanese local governments: What caused the domino‐like diffusion?2
The times make a hero: Street‐level policy entrepreneurship in major crisis responses in China2
Technology transfer in economic periphery: Emerging patterns and policy challenges2
Pay to protect: Examining the factors of the use of market‐based instruments for local water sustainability2
Politics of on‐demand food delivery: Policy design and the power of algorithms2
Policy beliefs, policy learning, and risk perception: Exploring the formation of local creative Placemaking‐catalyzed policy network2
Support for the environment post‐transition? Material concerns and policy tradeoffs2
Functioning strategies of the research groups' leaders in the context of funding and policy instabilities2
Contextual responsiveness in U.S. local government climate policy2
The persuasive role of the past: Policy feedback and citizens' acceptance of information communication technologies during the COVID‐19 pandemic in China2
Why did Argentina and Uruguay decide to pursue a carbon tax? Fiscal reforms and explicit carbon prices2
COVID‐19 as an opportunity window for policy change; insights from electronic authentication case study in Iran2
Stakeholder theory in the public sector domain: A bibliometric analysis and future research agenda2
Measuring policy analytical capacity in renewable energy policy: Germany‐Japan‐US comparison2
Fact‐value framework for adjudicating public health policy debates2
An item response approach to sea‐level rise policy preferences in a nascent subsystem2
Doing more among institutional boundaries: Platform‐enabled government in China2
Recentralization and the long‐lasting effect of campaign‐style enforcement: From the perspective of authority allocation2
Creatively interpreting policy to move science forward: Implementing participatory technology assessment at NASA2
Presidential stories of fear: Focusing congressional climate change mitigation attention in the United States2
Framing market‐based versus regulatory climate policies: A comparative analysis2
Blockchain and digital governance: Decentralization of decision making policy1
A new typology for comparing scientific advisory committees. Evidence from the Italian response to the COVID‐19 pandemic1
Policy advisory systems and public policy making: Bibliometric analysis, knowledge mapping, operationalization, and future research agenda1
Issue Information1
The politics and policy of science and technology: Past and future1
Performance ranking, span of control, and grassroots government responsiveness1
Rethinking de facto autonomy? A multi‐policy area approach and the regulatory policy process1
Comparing regulatory processes in genome editing and autonomous vehicles: How institutional environments shape sociotechnical imaginaries1
Upstream and downstream implementation arrangements in two‐level games. A focus on administrative simplification in the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan1
Responding to crises in authoritarian environments: Russian think tanks between policy evaluation and state endorsement1
Fueling green connections: Networked policy instrument choices for sustainability regulation1
Information asymmetry and vertical collective action dilemma: The case of targeted poverty alleviation in China1
Crises, technology, and policy change1
Susceptibility to Inattention: Unpacking Who is Susceptible to Inattention in Energy‐Based Electronic Billing1
Decarbonization and climate change1
Alternative policy narratives of the future of climate change: Analyzing Finland's energy and climate strategy and news reports1
Avoiding the blame game: NGOs and government narrative strategies in landscape fire policy debates in Russia1
What are the roles of regional and local climate governance discourse and actors? Mediated climate change policy networks in Atlantic Canada1
Institutional environments and innovation in digital policy1
Frontiers of policy process research in China1
The transformative power of technological change for public policy1
Political regime, institutional capacity, and inefficient policy: Evidence from gasoline subsidies1
Building coalitions in a nascent subsystem: Investigating beliefs and policy preferences in Ugandan pesticide policy1
Evaluating diffusion in policy designs: A study of net metering policies in the United States1
Is it all about the government's early response? A configurational analysis of 27 cases in governing COVID‐19 in China1
Understanding Chinese authoritative experts and their roles in China's COVID‐19 policy response process: A combined perspective of institutional and multiple‐streams framework1
The effect of policy narratives on policy elite versus public preferences for hydraulic fracturing regulation1
Firm‐level aggregate corruption and competition: The role of telecommunications infrastructure1
At the controls: Politics and policy entrepreneurs in EU policy to decarbonize maritime transport1
Impact of public information campaign on citizen behaviors: Vignette experimental study on recycling program in South Korea1
Toward an effective policy mix for domestic waste management in China: Interdepartmental cooperation as an enabler1
Policy reinvention in diffusion: Evidence from municipal solid waste classification policy in China1
Assessing participatory process‐system linkages in polycentric water governance: Insights from WFD implementation in Germany1
Electric regionalism: Path dependence, development, and the African power pools1
The role of policy learning in explaining COVID‐19 policy changes1
Judicial reasoning, individual cultural types, and support for COVID‐19 vaccine mandates1
Policy conflicts in shale development in China and the United States1
How Ostrom's design principles apply to large‐scale commons: Cooperation over international river basins1
Use of Fracking Information Disclosure Policies to Reduce Uncertainty in Risk‐Based Decisions1
STIpolicy conventions in Uruguay. An analysis of political party platforms 2004–20191