Research and Practice for Persons With Severe Disabilities

(The TQCC of Research and Practice for Persons With Severe Disabilities is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
How Does Health Impact Challenging Behavior?24
The Role of Multiliteracies in Changing Learning Spaces and Promoting Self-Advocacy for Students with Complex Support Needs21
Reconceptualizing Education Grounded in the Multimodal Discourses of Girls of Color Labeled with Significant Cognitive Disabilities18
Access for Students with Extensive Support Needs to State-Adopted Grade-Level Standards and Curriculum in General Education Classes: A Content Analysis of the Literature18
Experiences of Adult Siblings of Individuals With an Intellectual Disability and Pervasive Support Needs17
RPSD Reviewer of the Year15
A Message from the TASH Executive Director to the RPSD Readership13
Effects of a Literacy Feature in an Augmentative and Alternative Communication App on Single-Word Reading of Individuals with Severe Autism Spectrum Disorders13
Ecological Systems for Students Who Use AAC: Stakeholders’ Views on Factors Impacting Intervention and Outcomes11
Book Review: Pain and Shock in America: Politics, Advocacy, and the Controversial Treatment of People with Disabilities by Nisbet, J. with Weiss, N. R11
Teachers’ Perspectives on Challenges to Providing Work-Based Learning Experiences for Students with Extensive Support Needs11
Using System of Least Prompts to Teach Self-Help Skills to Students Who Are Deafblind11
Parent Perceptions of Remote Instruction for Students with Extensive Support Needs11
Peer-Delivered Modified Schema-Based Instruction in Word Problem-Solving for High-School Students with Intellectual Disability9
Access to the General Education Curriculum for Students with Extensive Support Needs: Experts’ Perspectives9
Tribute to Dennis E. Mithaug8
Using Mixed Methods to Evaluate Modified Schema-Based Instruction in General Education Classrooms6
How Do Peers Benefit From Peer-Mediated Interventions? Examining Impact Within Secondary and Postsecondary Programs6
Youth Rights in Postsecondary Transition: Gibson v. Forest Hills (2016)6
Paraeducator Involvement in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: A Brief Report6
Examining the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Culture, Language, and Severe Disability: In Search of Equitable Schooling6
Quality of Life for People with Disabilities: Why Applied Behavior Analysts Should Consider This a Primary Dependent Variable5
Supporting Families with Children Who Display Severe Challenging Behavior5
Treatment Intensity: Considering Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability Who Have Complex Communication Needs5