Journal of the Association for Information Systems

(The TQCC of Journal of the Association for Information Systems is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Peer Review in the Age of Generative AI100
From Product Platform Ecosystem to Innovation Platform Ecosystem: An Institutional Perspective on the Governance of Ecosystem Transformations81
Compete with Me? The Impact of Online Gamified Competition on Exercise Behavior42
Synthesizing Qualitative Evidence: A Roadmap for Information Systems Research28
Examining the Impacts of Airbnb Review Policy Change on Listing Reviews From Other Worlds: Speculative Engagement Through Digital Geographies25
The Influences of Public and Institutional Pressure on Firms’ Cybersecurity Disclosures22
A Warning Approach to Mitigating Bandwagon Bias in Online Ratings: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Investigations21
The Backstory of “Digital Agility Theory”20
Is it Your Fault? Framing Social Media Inclusion and Exclusion Using Just World Theory16
Taking the Person Seriously: Ethically Aware IS Research in the Era of Reinforcement Learning-Based Personalization15
Unraveling the Effects of Mobile Application Usage on Users’ Health Status: Insights from Conservation of Resources Theory14
Champions for Social Good: How Can We Discover Social Sentiment and Attitude-Driven Patterns in Prosocial Communication?14
AI for Knowledge Creation, Curation, and Consumption in Context11
Qualitative Cusp Catastrophe Multi-Agent Simulation Model to Explore Abrupt Changes in Online Impulsive Buying Behavior11
Designing a Thrifty Approach for SME Business Continuity: Practices for Transparency of the Design Process11
Content and Style of Firm-Generated Posts on Social Media: A Study of User Engagement on Hedonic and Utilitarian Product Pages on Facebook11
The Role of AI-Based Artifacts’ Voice Capabilities for Agency Attribution11
“My Precious!”: A Values-Affordances Perspective on the Adoption of Bitcoin9
Don’t Take It Personally: An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Responses to Explicit Targeting9
Knowledge Management Perspective of Generative Artificial Intelligence8
In the Backrooms of Data Science8
Democratizing Knowledge Creation Through Human-AI Collaboration in Academic Peer Review8
Data Science for Social Good8
Reimagining the Journal Editorial Process: An AI-Augmented Versus an AI-Driven Future7
When Socialization Goes Wrong: Understanding the We-Intention to Participate in Collective Trolling in Virtual Communities7
Organizational Identity Management Policies7
Skill Spanning in the Online Labor Market: A Double-Edged Sword?7
The Mediating Role of Fitness Technology Enablement of Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration on the Relationship between Goals for Fitness Technology Use and Use Outcomes7
The Backstory of “An Adversarial Dance”6
Extending the Foresight of Phillip Ein-Dor: Causal Knowledge Analytics6
Facing Forward: Policy for Automated Facial Expression Analysis6
Evolving Epistemic Infrastructure: The Role of Scientific Journals in the Age of Generative AI6
An Adversarial Dance: Toward an Understanding of Insiders’ Responses to Organizational Information Security Measures5
The Influence of Political Skill and Community Capabilities on Microtask Worker Hourly Wage: A Mixed Methods Study of Mechanical Turk5
When to Signal? Contingencies for Career-Motivated Contributions in Online Collaboration Communities5
Should We Collaborate with AI to Conduct Literature Reviews? Changing Epistemic Values in a Flattening World5
Envisioning Digital Transformation: Advancing Theoretical Diversity5
Effective Intervention in User Adaptation: A 2×2 Coping Framework Entailing Implementation and Contextual Factors5
Roles of Feedback and Phishing Characteristics in Antiphishing Training Performance: Perspectives of Goal Setting and Skill Acquisition4
An Ontology of Emotion Process to Support Sentiment Analysis4
Understanding Engagement in Online Health Communities: A Trust-Based Perspective4
Navigating Generative Artificial Intelligence Promises and Perils for Knowledge and Creative Work4
Organizations as Digital Enactment Systems: A Theory of Replacement of Humans by Digital Technologies in Organizational Scanning, Interpretation, and Learning4
Social Movement Sustainability on Social Media: An Analysis of the Women’s March Movement on Twitter4
Tragedy, Truth, and Technology: The 3T Theory of Social Media-Driven Misinformation4
The Vicious Circles of Skill Erosion: A Case Study of Cognitive Automation4
A Process for Managing Digital Transformation: An Organizational Inertia Perspective4
Living in a Fishbowl or Not: The Role of Transparency and Privacy in Creative Dialogues on Enterprise Social Media4
Algorithm Sensemaking: How Platform Workers Make Sense of Algorithmic Management4
An Empirical Investigation of The Unintended Consequences of Vulnerability Assessments Leading to Betrayal4
Does Analytics Help Resolve Equivocality in the Healthcare Context? Contrasting the Effects of Analyzability and Differentiation4
Remote, Mobile, and Blue-Collar: ICT-Enabled Job Crafting to Elevate Occupational Well-Being4