Stata Journal

(The median citation count of Stata Journal is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Implementing quantile selection models in Stata138
Estimation of marginal effects for models with alternative variable transformations120
msreg: A command for consistent estimation of linear regression models using matched data68
Speaking Stata: Ordering or ranking groups of observations67
Test scores’ robustness to scaling: The scale_transformation command42
Instrumental-variable estimation of large-T panel-data models with common factors33
lgrgtest: Lagrange multiplier test after constrained maximum-likelihood estimation31
randregret: A command for fitting random regret minimization models using Stata31
Peter Anthony Lachenbruch (1937–2021)29
Stata tip 146: Using margins after a Poisson regression model to estimate the number of events prevented by an intervention27
Estimating the complier average causal effect via a latent class approach using gsem22
Pseudo-observations in a multistate setting22
Software Updates19
Software Updates17
Computing the fragility index for randomized trials and meta-analyses using Stata14
Ordinary least squares and instrumental-variables estimators for any outcome and heterogeneity12
Effect sizes for contrasts of estimated marginal effects11
Stata tip 154: Computing power and sample size for prospective diagnostic accuracy studies using Stata’s official power commands11
Software Updates10
Stata tip 158: The devil is in the delta10
Bounding program benefits when participation is misreported: Estimation and inference with Stata9
Testing for slope heterogeneity in Stata9
Fitting mixed random regret minimization models using maximum simulated likelihood8
First-stage analysis for instrumental-variables quantile regression8
Estimating Skellam distribution and regression parameters in Stata8
Software Updates8
Announcement of the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 20247
A Bayesian method for addressing multinomial misclassification with applications for alcohol epidemiological modeling7
Identify latent group structures in panel data: The classifylasso command6
Review of Environmental Econometrics Using Stata, by Christopher F. Baum and Stan Hurn6
Uniform nonparametric inference for spatially dependent panel data: The xtnpsreg command6
Estimating and evaluating personalized treatment recommendations from randomized trials with ptr6
Announcement of the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 20236
Iterative intercensal single-decrement life tables using Stata6
Determining relative importance in Stata using dominance analysis: domin and domme6
hdps: A suite of commands for applying high-dimensional propensity-score approaches6
Stata tip 148: Searching for words within strings5
Endogenous models of binary choice outcomes: Copula-based maximum-likelihood estimation and treatment effects5
An Introduction to Stata for Health Researchers review5
qpair: A command for analyzing paired Q-sorts in Q-methodology5
Estimating long-run effects and the exponent of cross-sectional dependence: An update to xtdcce24
Speaking Stata: Quantile–quantile plots, generalized4
Cluster-weighted models using Stata4
Weighted mixed-effects dose–response models for tables of correlated contrasts4
cnevent: Event study with Chinese equity market data4
Stata tip 155: How to perform high-frequency event studies4
Implementing the panel event study4
uirt: A command for unidimensional IRT modeling4
Speaking Stata: Finding the denominator: Minimum sample size from percentages4
miesize: Effect-size calculation in imputed data4
gtsheckman: Generalized two-step Heckman estimator4
A regression-with-residuals method for analyzing causal mediation: The rwrmed package4
Stata tip 142: joinby is the real merge m:m3
Stata tip 152: if and if: When to use the if qualifier and when to use the if command3
A toolbox for measuring heterogeneity and efficiency using zonotopes3
Color palettes for Stata graphics: An update3
Announcement of the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 20213
Stata tip 140: Shorter or fewer category labels with graph bar3
Speaking Stata: Front-and-back plots to ease spaghetti and paella problems3
synth2: Synthetic control method with placebo tests, robustness test, and visualization3
Stata tip 153: Extracting text data from webpages3
Software Updates2
Flexible parametric survival analysis with multiple timescales: Estimation and implementation using stmt2
Machine learning using Stata/Python2
portfolio: A command for conducting portfolio analysis in Stata2
The inverse hyperbolic sine transformation and retransformed marginal effects2
Maximum likelihood estimation of an across-regime correlation parameter2
Leverage, influence, and the jackknife in clustered regression models: Reliable inference using summclust2
ddml: Double/debiased machine learning in Stata2
Bunching estimation of elasticities using Stata2
rcm: A command for the regression control method2
Improving flexibility and ease of matrix subsetting: The submatrix command2
Speaking Stata: Automating axis labels: Nice numbers and transformed scales2
Implementing blopmatching in Stata2
The BDS test of independence2
A mixture of ordered probit models with endogenous switching between two latent classes2
xtusreg: Software for dynamic panel regression under irregular time spacing2
Conditional evaluation of predictive models: The cspa command2
csa2sls: A complete subset approach for many instruments using Stata2
power swgee: GEE-based power calculations in stepped wedge cluster randomized trials2
kmr: A command to correct survey weights for unit nonresponse using groups’ response rates2
statacons: An SCons-based build tool for Stata1
Nearly collinear robust procedures for 2SLS estimation1
Review of Alan Acock’s A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Revised Sixth Edition1
kpsstest: A command that implements the Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin test with sample-specific critical values and reports p-values1
Speaking Stata: Replacing missing values: The easiest problems1
Extending the Kitagawa–Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition approach to panel data1
blandaltman: A command to create variants of Bland–Altman plots1
The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2024: Ian R. White1
Two-step analysis of hierarchical data1
xtnumfac: A battery of estimators for the number of common factors in time series and panel-data models1
Simpler standard errors for two-stage optimization estimators revisited1
Stata tip 145: Numbering weeks within months1
Editorial roles: Farewell and welcome1
cntraveltime: Travel distance and travel time in China1
Review of Michael N. Mitchell’s Data Management Using Stata: A Practical Handbook, Second Edition1
printcase: A command for visualizing single observations1
Software Updates1
pystacked: Stacking generalization and machine learning in Stata1
ginteff: A generalized command for computing interaction effects1
crtrest: A command for ratio estimators of intervention effects on event rates in cluster randomized trials1
A Lagrange multiplier test for the mean stationarity assumption in dynamic panel-data models1
iefieldkit: Commands for primary data collection and cleaning (update)1
Travel distance and travel time using Stata: New features and major improvements in georoute1
Fitting mixture models for feeling and uncertainty for rating data analysis1
Power and sample-size calculations for trials that compare slopes over time: Introducing the slopepower command1
Meeting assumptions in the estimation of reliability0
Relative distribution analysis in Stata0
Software Updates0
Fitting garbage class mixed logit models in Stata0
Unit-root tests for explosive behavior0
Erratum: Speaking Stata: Loops, again and again0
arhomme: An implementation of the Arellano and Bonhomme (2017) estimator for quantile regression with selection correction0
Two-tier stochastic frontier analysis using Stata0
Speaking Stata: The largest five—A tale of tail values0
Facilities for optimizing and designing multiarm multistage (MAMS) randomized controlled trials with binary outcomes0
sendemails: An automated email package with multiple applications0
Stata tip 147: Porting downloaded packages between machines0
Panel unit-root tests with structural breaks0
Estimating the risk of events with stprisk0
Extended biasplot command to assess bias, precision, and agreement in method comparison studies0
Software Updates0
require: Package dependencies for reproducible research0
Multivariate random-effects meta-analysis for sparse data using smvmeta0
posw: A command for the stepwise Neyman-orthogonal estimator0
Robit regression in Stata0
Binary contrasts for unordered polytomous regressors0
Stata tip 151: Puzzling out some logical operators0
Reporting empirical results to .docx files0
Stacked linear regression analysis to facilitate testing of hypotheses across OLS regressions0
Interpreting logit models0
The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2023: Fernando Rios-Avila0
Speaking Stata: Loops in parallel0
Cluster randomized controlled trial analysis at the cluster level: The clan command0
ardl: Estimating autoregressive distributed lag and equilibrium correction models0
Distinguishing differences in construct from differences in response style: gsem for item response theory models with anchoring vignettes0
Bootstrap internal validation command for predictive logistic regression models0
From common to firm-specific event dates: A new version of the estudy command0
segregsmall: A command to estimate segregation in the presence of small units0
Tests and confidence bands for multiple one-sided comparisons0
Simulating time-to-event data from parametric distributions, custom distributions, competing-risks models, and general multistate models0
icio: Economic analysis with intercountry input–output tables0
On identification and estimation of Heckman models0
robustpf: A command for robust estimation of production functions0
Fitting spatial stochastic frontier models in Stata0
Stata tip 143: Creating donut charts in Stata0
Software Updates0
Data management and techniques for best–worst discrete choice experiments0
Review of Michael N. Mitchell’s Interpreting and Visualizing Regression Models Using Stata, Second Edition0
kinkyreg: Instrument-free inference for linear regression models with endogenous regressors0
Panel stochastic frontier models with endogeneity0
Analyzing coarsened categorical data with or without probabilistic information0
Interactively building table reports with basetable0
Smoothed instrumental variables quantile regression0
Software Updates0
mpitb: A toolbox for multidimensional poverty indices0
On synthetic difference-in-differences and related estimation methods in Stata0
The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2022: Christopher F. Baum0
Software Updates0
Average treatment effect estimates robust to the “limited overlap” problem: robustate0
Outlier detection for inequality and poverty analysis0
Speaking Stata: The joy of sets: Graphical alternatives to Euler and Venn diagrams0
Stata tip 150: When is it appropriate to xtset a panel dataset with panelvar only?0
Visualizing uncertainty in a two-dimensional estimate using confidence and comparison regions0
Michael Hills (1934–2021)0
winratiotest: A command for implementing the win ratio and stratified win ratio in Stata0
ebct: Using entropy balancing for continuous treatments to estimate dose–response functions and their derivatives0
Measuring technical efficiency and total factor productivity change with undesirable outputs in Stata0
Estimation of nested and zero-inflated ordered probit models0
Improved tests for Granger noncausality in panel data0
Evaluating the maximum regret of statistical treatment rules with sample data on treatment response0
Fitting spatial autoregressive logit and probit models using Stata: The spatbinary command0
Erratum: Power and sample-size calculations for trials that compare slopes over time: Introducing the slopepower command0
Computing decomposable multigroup indices of segregation0
Review of Psychological Statistics and Psychometrics Using Stata, by Scott A. Baldwin0
Event studies with daily stock returns in Stata: Which command to use?0
acreg: Arbitrary correlation regression0
Testing axioms of revealed preference in Stata0
Software Updates0
Stata tip 149: Weighted estimation of fixed-effects and first-differences models0
Stata tip 157: Adding extra lines to graphs0
Calculating the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) using Stata0
Stata tip 141: Adding marginal spike histograms to quantile and cumulative distribution plots0
Stata tip 156: Concentration and diversity measures using egen0
The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2021: Mark E. Schaffer0
Consistent subsets: Computing the Houtman–Maks index in Stata0
A Stata implementation of second-generation p-values0
Erratum: Unit-root tests for explosive behavior0
Browse and cite Stata manuals easily: The wwwhelp command0
Bootstrap unit-root test for random walk with drift: The bsrwalkdrift command0
Estimating text regressions using txtreg_train0
artcat: Sample-size calculation for an ordered categorical outcome0
Estimating treatment effects when program participation is misreported0
Software Updates0
Finite mixture models for linked survey and administrative data: Estimation and postestimation0
Binned scatterplots with marginal histograms: binscatterhist0
Speaking Stata: Getting by without the by() option: Some graphics for unequal groups0
Erratum: A comprehensive set of postestimation measures to enrich interrupted time-series analysis0
Erratum: Stata tip 145: Numbering weeks within months0
Simultaneous tests and confidence bands for Stata estimation commands0
“What good is a volatility model?” A reexamination after 20 years0
graphiclasso: Graphical lasso for learning sparse inverse-covariance matrices0
Software Updates0
Stata tip 144: Adding variable text to graphs that use a by() option0
A note on creating inset plots using graph twoway0
Review of A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi’s Microeconometrics Using Stata, Second Edition0
Review of Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Fourth Edition, by Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and Anders Skrondal0
Properly calculating estat phtest in the presence of stratified hazards0
Announcement of the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 20220
Beyond linearity, stability, and equilibrium: The edm package for empirical dynamic modeling and convergent cross-mapping in Stata0
Calculating level-specific SEM fit indices for multilevel mediation analyses0
Getting away from the cutoff in regression discontinuity designs0
ivcrc: An instrumental-variables estimator for the correlated random-coefficients model0
Software Updates0
Testing for time-varying Granger causality0
artbin: Extended sample size for randomized trials with binary outcomes0