Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures

(The TQCC of Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Molecular dynamics of He encapsulation in the C20H20 cage at the threshold energy116
The influence of the carbon nanofiller in the PDMS-based composites on the strain resistive effect28
Preparation of supported ultrafine platinum nanocatalysts by ethylene glycol assisted photochemical method and application of catalytic 4-NP26
Synthesis, properties, and application of a graphitized magnetic carbon composite made from FeCl3-activated flax shive26
Sonication assisted advanced oxidation process: hybrid method for deagglomeration of detonation nanodiamond particles23
Electrical conductivity of carbon films obtained by thermal sputtering of type I shungite rocks of various deposits20
Stabilization of pristine and oxidized carbon nanotubes dispersions in acidic and alkaline solutions20
Fullerene nanorods supported cobalt nickel sulfide composite as efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution19
Fabrication of graphene and N-doped graphene aerogels and comparing their electrical, mechanical, and adsorption capacity properties18
Cathodic protection of reinforced concrete facilitated by using CNT-CF/cement-based auxiliary anode16
The effect of graphene oxide-fly ash hybridisation on the hydration, microstructure and mechanical characteristics of cement concrete15
Comparative study of hydrogen storage in green synthesized porous biocarbon and N/S doped biocarbon15
Triple crossed 3 C 26 cyclic cumulene catenane15
On the structure of the Ti-Si-C-based composite obtained by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis with the use of graphene15
Innovative multiwall carbon nanotubes synthesis on 3D nickel surface: a comparative study15
Synthesis of graphene quantum dots inside a nanoreactor for fluorescence detection of dopamine14
Isoprene polymerization using heterogeneous neodymium catalysts supported by a polysiloxane covered nanodiamonds14
Thermo-oxidative degradation of carbon nanotubes and related nanostructures: role of acidic environment and chloride ions13
Synthesis and characterization of ternary nanocomposite based on Ag-Fe 3 O 4 /rGO for electrochemical application13
Study of ultra-high-performance concrete containing multivariate supplementary cementitious materials: experiments and modeling13
Mechanism of vertically arrays of carbon nanotubes by camphor based catalysed in-situ growth12
Effect of the sublayer material on geometric dimensions and piezoelectric response of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes12
Evaluation of fullerenes C60/C70 layers in polystyrene thin films by neutron and X-ray reflectometry12
Three dimensional Ti3C2Tx and rGO hybrid supported Pt catalyst for the high performance hydrogen evolution reaction12
Effect of acid treatment on surfaces of activated carbon supported catalysts for NO and SO2 removal11
Study on the nano-morphology and chemical characteristics of soot produced by the combustion of kerosene mixed with ethanol11
Ozone-activated CNTs to induce uniform coating of MnO2 as high-performance supercapacitor electrodes11
Facile preparation of fullerenol-based humidity sensor with highly fast response11
Preparation of 3D porous graphene fibrous materials via thermal expansion method with open flame treatment11
Measurement of elastic modulus of CNT composites: a nondestructive study10
Toward the complete set of fulleroids with four-membered rings: Predicted topologies and symmetry statistics for C n 10
Study on early hydration and pore structure evolution of cement paste containing graphene oxide10
Synthesis and electrochemical properties of sulfur-nitrogen-doped multi-walled carbon nanotubes10
Preparation and characteristic of Ag nanoparticle modified expanded graphite for enhancing paraffin phase change material properties10
Synergy of reduced graphene oxide and metal oxides improves the power factor of thermoelectric cement matrix composites10
Advanced Ni x /MoS x /MOF-2@g-C 3 N 4 carbon nanostructures 10
Effects of MWCNTs content and dry density on hydro-structural characteristics of bentonite during drying and wetting9
Effect of graphene oxide on the microstructure and hydration characteristics of ultrafine slag cement composites9
Rationalizing DLS size distributions of fullerene conjugates9
Electrochemical investigation of free-standing reduced graphene oxide hydrogel9
One-step microwave synthesis of FeSe 2 @CNT as high-performance supercapacitor anode material9
Investigating the effect of graphite pretreatment and contribution of the oxidizer in the synthesis of graphite oxide by hummers approach9
Spin-coating deposition of graphene oxide from mixed water-organic suspensions9
High thermal conductivity and low leakage phase change materials filled with three-dimensional carbon fiber network9
The influence of solvation on the colloid stability of single-walled carbon nanotubes9
Adsorption of Cu(II) ve Zn(II) ions by alginate-based composites: Full factorial design approach9
Experimental investigation of graphene filled flax/E-glass/epoxy hybrid nanocomposites on physical, mechanical, and thermal properties8
Synthesis and characterisation of carbon nanotubes from waste of Juglans regia (walnut) shells8
Raman spectroscopy of nickel molybdate and its modifications8
Enhanced electrochemical hydrogen storage performance of organophosphonic carboxylic acid-modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes/Bi2S3 composite8
Computer simulation of the three-dimensional structure of fluorinated graphene crystals8
Porous carbon/Co3S4 hollow polyhedron as sulfur carrier to enhance cyclic stability for lithium-sulfur batteries8
Nitrogen-doped carbon dots a fluorescent probe for detection of p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and cell imaging7
Mechanical and microstructural behavior of industrial spent catalyst waste and boron carbide reinforced aluminum matrix composites7
New sonochemical reactions of the C60 fullerene with amino alcohols yielding morpholine–C60 adducts7
Experimental study on physical and mechanical properties and micro mechanism of carbon nanotubes cement-based composites7
Cytotoxicity and photothermal properties of graphene oxide conjugate with folic acid and a cytostatic agent of styryl thiazolopyrimidinium class7
Preparation and properties of SnSb/C/DLC nanofibers with different precursors based on AP-PECVD7
On the real possibility of “super” hydrogen intercalation into graphite nanofibers7
Synthesis and optoelectrical properties of chemically unzipped carbon nanotubes by modified Hummers’ method6
Electrochemical sensor based on nitrogen-fluorine double doped graphene composite for dopamine detection6
Enrichment of a fullerene mixture with endohedral metallofullerenes: methodology and evaluation6
Synthesis of nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped graphene quantum dots as metal-free electrocatalysts for ethanol electrooxidation6
Hydrothermal carbonization of citrus peels and their electrochemical efficacy in double-layer supercapacitors6
Enhanced thermoelectric properties of cement-based composites by Cl2/HNO3 pretreatment of graphene6
Influence of SrTiO 3 /Fe 2 O 3 nano-fillers assisted PVDF-HFP polymer nanocomposite films on di6
Hydrothermal carbonization of biomass: a commentary6
A facile, green synthesis of carbon quantum dots from folium cycas for rapid and sensitive determination of Fe 3+ and cell imaging6
Phenomenological model of synthesis of few-layer graphene (FLG) by the selfpropagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) method from biopolymers6
Influence of functionalized carbon flake on phase change characteristics of deionized (DI) water for cool thermal storage system6
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of graphene/TiO2 nanotubes composites prepared by wet transfer method6
Preparation and mechanism analysis of nano-Mg(OH)2 by electroconversion of MgCl26
Isotherm and kinetics study of Ni(II) ions adsorption from wastewater using carbon nanotubes decorated with ZnO nanoparticles6
In-situ electrocoversion-carbonization of metal chlorides6
Characteristics of carbon derived from plasma-assisted pyrolysis of oil palm kernel shell waste6
A review on anodes for sodium-ion batteries: carbon-coated SnS and beyond6
Study on the nano and physicochemical properties of soot particles produced by kerosene combustion6
Effect of three MWCNTs-COOH (chiral, zigzag and armchair) on the mechanical properties and water absorption of cement-based composites6
Microwave-assisted cross-coupling synthesis of aryl functionalized MWCNTs and investigation of hydrogen storage properties5
N-doped carbon dots from pericarpium citri reticulatae for wide linear range sensing of hydroquinone5
Surface enhancement Raman spectroscopy of CVD graphene and graphene oxide5
Physicochemical properties of soot in diesel engine lubricating oil: characterizations and impact on frictional characteristics5
Antibacterial and enhanced stability of carbon dot based on L-arginine modified by HPMC5
A review on carbon nanotube-based composites for electrocatalyst applications5
Determining the defect type in a graphene lattice5
Organosilicon elastomers of MWCNTs and nano-sized metals for heating purposes5
Graphene oxide reinforced cement concrete – a study on mechanical, durability and microstructure characteristics5
Preparation and characterization of PVA/MWCNT nanocomposites: a composition dependence study of structural, optical and mechanical properties5
Influence of graphene oxide on the long-term durability behaviour of high-strength rubberised concrete5
Research on the carbonation resistance of concretes containing dolomite powder5
Characterization of heterogeneity of CVD graphene on copper foil by scanning probe microscopy and Raman spectroscopy5
1-(2-pyridylazo) 2-naphthol-modified bacterial cellulose/multiwall carbon nanotube/silicon dioxide membrane for selectively adsorbed Er (III)5
Cobalt removal and pore filling in polycrystalline diamond layer of polycrystalline diamond compact5
Influence of carbon graphene flakes enriched PCM on partial charging conditions for cool thermal energy storage system applications5
CSA-doped PANI-CNT nano composites for Ku band microwave shielding applications5
Effect of oxidation temperature on Raman spectra of graphite samples5
Modification of fullerene with amino acids as a method for obtaining biocompatible materials with a protective effect5
Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide supported ZnO nanochips for removal of basic dyes from the industrial effluents5
Preparation and characterization of hybrid Pd/C nanocomposites and their application in electrocatalytic activity5
A ratiometric and colorimetric dual-mode fluorescence method for the sensitive determination of copper ion5
On the Wiener (r,s)-complexity of fullerene graphs5
Synthesis and electrochemical performance of rGO wrapped mixed metal oxide and sulfide nanocomposite for superior energy storage applications5
Broadband electromagnetic wave absorption properties of RGO cement-based composite5
Experimental and theoretical investigation of mechanical and rheological properties of compatibilized XNBR/NR/GO nanocomposites5
Preparation, wear resistance, and impact toughness of homoepitaxial diamond film deposited on polycrystalline diamond compact by HFCVD method5
Facile synthesis of NiAl-LDH/Ag/g-C 3 N 4 ternary composite for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue5
Length reduction kinetics of multiwalled carbon nanotubes correlated to planetary ball mill impact energy5
Multifunctional composites with a polymer matrix containing carbon nanotubes: a study of structural, physicochemical and operational characteristics5
A novel ratiometric fluorescent probe for detection of dopamine and cupric ions5
Graphenic nanospace: Bondonic entanglement perspectives4
Mechanical properties and microcosmic mechanism of multi-walled carbon nanotubes reinforced ultra-high strength concrete4
Effect of graphene oxide on the hydration and strength properties of oil well cement4
“Comparative study of Graphene Oxide sand Composite (GOSC) and Graphene Coated iron Oxide (GCIO), for Pb 2+ ion removal”4
Electrical properties of low-doped carbon nanotubes/epoxy resin composite material cured in an electric field4
Functionalization of unzipped multi-walled carbon nanotube oxides with l-tyrosine for the adsorption of methylene blue4
Encapsulating Ne inside C20H20. A molecular dynamics study on the stability of the endohedral system4
Chitosan grafted with crown ether with high selectivity and adsorption on lithium-ion4
A novel fluorescent carbon nanoparticles for detection of dipicolinic acid4
Carbon-coated sodium vanadium phosphate for high-performance sodium-ion batteries4
Catalytic activity of C60 fullerene nanowhisker-silver nanoprism composite for reduction of 2-nitrophenol4
Carbonaceous ZnO nanocomposite for sensing of H2S at sub-ppm concentrations4
Preparation of mesoporous poly(fullerene oxide) framework by thermal [3 + 2] cycloadditions and its application as a semiconductor photocatalyst4
Direct Z-scheme photocatalytic removal of ammonia via the narrow band gap BiOCl/g-C 3 N 4 hybrid ca4
Creation of unique shapes by coordination of alumina nanopores and carbon nanowalls4
Analysis of growth temperature variation and different catalysts on the morphology of synthesized carbon nanotubes4
Fabrication of graphene-like structured solid acid catalysts and their application in the saccharification of cellulose4
Enhancement effect of Ni and NiO on gas sensing characteristics of carbon nanotube based structures4
Mechanical properties and constitutive relation of hydrotalcite-carbon nanotube concrete4
Y@C82metallofullerene: calculated isomeric composition4
Green synthesis of magnetic iron-coated mint leaves based carbon adsorbent for acid and basic dye adsorption4
Graphite nanoplates as grease lubricant additive4
Mesoporous graphene-based hybrid nanostructures for capacitive energy storage and photocatalytic applications4
Optimization of carbon nanotubes synthesis via pyrolysis over Ni/Al2O3using response surface methodology4
C60(OH)32fullerenols: calculated temperature-sensitive isomeric interplay4
Enhanced degradation of ciprofloxacin by cerium oxide/graphene oxide nanocomposite under ultrasound irradiation4
Luminescence imaging and toxicity assessment of graphene quantum dots using in vitro models4
SR/GNPs/Pn@SiO2 shape-stabilized phase change composites with low leakage rate and adjustable thermal energy storage4