IEEE Pervasive Computing

(The TQCC of IEEE Pervasive Computing is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Adjusting to a Distributed Collaborative Design Process During the COVID-19 Pandemic40
Pervasive Computing in Space18
Get Published in the New IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society17
Designing Apps to Support People With Illness: Using Beneficial Engagement to Avoid an Illness-Centered Experience13
Pervasive Video and Audio12
IEEE Computer Society Information11
Call for Papers: IEEE Computer Society11
Table of Contents10
IEEE Computer Society Information10
IEEE Computer Society Information8
Front Cover8
To FLoC or Not?8
IEEE Computer Society Has You Covered!7
[Front cover]7
Sensing Social Behavior With Smart Trousers6
Table of Contents6
Front Cover6
IEEE Computer Society6
Crowd Sensing and Living Lab Outdoor Experimentation Made Easy6
IEEE Computer Society Has You Covered!6
Out-of-the-Lab Pervasive Computing6
Call for Participation: IEEE Quantum Week is Open for Submissions6
Generative AI and the Call for Brevity5
Re-Envisioning the Role of a User in Sustainable Computing5
Predicting Job Performance Using Mobile Sensing5
2023 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Call for Papers5
IEEE Computer Society D&I Fund5
IEEE Computer Society Information5
Unboxing the Clinical Health Technology Deployment4
See No Evil: Discovering Covert Surveillance Devices Using Thermal Imaging4
Space: The Ultimate Computational Edge4
Front Cover4
Adapting Multidevice Deployments During a Pandemic: Lessons Learned From Two Studies3
Toward Dynamic Consent for Privacy-Aware Pervasive Health and Well-being: A Scoping Review and Research Directions3
The Nomadic Office: A Location Independent Workspace Through Mixed Reality3
Where the Wild Things Are—A Trip to the Pervasive Multiverse and Its Inhabitants3
Introduction to Pervasive AI3
Predicting Meeting Success With Nuanced Emotions3
Preference in Voice Commands and Gesture Controls With Hands-Free Augmented Reality With Novel Users3
Smart Multimodal Telehealth-IoT System for COVID-19 Patients3
Exploiting Radio Fingerprints for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping3
ECoNet: Estimating Everyday Conversational Network From Free-Living Audio for Mental Health Applications3
IEEE Computer Society Information2
An App-Assisted Frontend of Robot Gait Training System for Lower Limb Rehabilitation2
Assessing the Impact of Commuting on Workplace Performance Using Mobile Sensing2
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing2
Bridging the Health Divide2
Unifying Threats Against Information Integrity in Participatory Crowd Sensing2
Adaptive Resolution-Based Tradeoffs for Energy-Efficient Visual Computing Systems2
Breaking Down the Data Path in Digital Health: From Edge to Fog and Beyond2
Table of Contents2
Exploring Opportunities and Challenges of Smart Walkers for Elderly Users: A Survey2
IEEE Computer Society Career Center2
Humphrey Award2
Computing in Science & Engineering2
Call for Papers: IEEE Computer Society2
Front Cover2
Stepping Into the Next Decade of Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing: UbiComp and ISWC 20212
Toward Deep Digital Contact Tracing: Opportunities and Challenges1
Front Cover1
From UbiComp to Universe—Moving Pervasive Computing Research Into Space Applications1
IEEE Computer Society Career Center1
Table of Contents1
EpiCURB: Learning to Derive Epidemic Control Policies1
Pervasive Therapy: Designing Conversation-Based Interfaces for Ecological Momentary Intervention1
Designing Technologies to Support Critical Thinking in an Age of Misinformation1
Call for Papers: IEEE Computer Society1
Perspectives on Negative Research Results in Pervasive Computing1
Front Cover1
Call for Papers: IEEE Computer Society1
Get Published in the New IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society1
DDoD: Dual Denial of Decision Attacks on Human-AI Teams1
Dependence Day1
Breaking Age Barriers With Automatic Voice-Based Depression Detection1
Peer Support Specialists and Service Users’ Perspectives on Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security of Digital Mental Health1
Table of Contents1
Table of Contents1
Call for Papers: IEEE Computer Society1
Roombas and Landroids: Do Domestic Service Robots Save Energy?1