Journal of Proteome Research

(The median citation count of Journal of Proteome Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Leishmania donovani Induces Multiple Dynamic Responses in the Metabolome Associated with Amastigote Differentiation and Maturation Inside the Human Macrophage203
Multispecies Benchmark Analysis for LC-MS/MS Validation and Performance Evaluation in Bottom-Up Proteomics126
Triqler for Protein Summarization of Data from Data-Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry90
A Method to Estimate the Distribution of Proteins across Multiple Compartments Using Data from Quantitative Proteomics Subcellular Fractionation Experiments82
Comparative Proteomic Analysis Revealing ActJ-Regulated Proteins in Sinorhizobium meliloti80
Targeted Metabolomics Reveals Birth Screening Biomarkers for Biliary Atresia in Dried Blood Spots78
Iron Deficiency and Recovery in Yeast: A Quantitative Proteomics Approach78
urPTMdb/TeaProt: Upstream and Downstream Proteomics Analysis69
APE in the Wild: Automated Exploration of Proteomics Workflows in the Registry65
PPARα and PPARγ Signaling Is Enhanced in the Brain of the Naked Mole-Rat, a Mammal that Shows Intrinsic Neuroprotection from Oxygen Deprivation63
Serum Metabolomic Signatures of Hirschsprung’s Disease Based on GC–MS and LC–MS63
ProteaseGuru: A Tool for Protease Selection in Bottom-Up Proteomics61
Reliability of Serum-Derived Connectome Indicators in Identifying Cirrhosis55
Lactyllysine Esterification Enables Efficient Lactylprotein Expression via Genetic Code Expansion and Supports Functional Proteomics Studies54
Issue Editorial Masthead53
Proteome and Metabolome Profiling of Anticoagulant Disorders Induced by Familial Protein S Deficiency51
Proteome and Glycoproteome Analyses Reveal Regulation of Protein Glycosylation Site-Specific Occupancy and Lysosomal Hydrolase Maturation by N-Glycan-Dependent ER-Quality Control49
Characteristics of Myocardial Structure and Central Carbon Metabolism during the Early and Compensatory Stages of Cardiac Hypertrophy46
Exploring Top-Down Mass Spectrometric Approaches To Probe Forest Cobra (Naja melanoleuca) Venom Proteoforms46
TMT-Based Quantitative Proteomics Revealed the Antibacterial Mechanism of Cinnamaldehyde against MRSA46
Developing Method for Minor Acidic O-Glycan Analysis in Mucin and Cancer Cell Samples44
Issue Publication Information43
Proteomics Analysis of Renal Cell Line Caki-2 with AFMID Overexpression and Potential Biomarker Discovery in Urine43
Super Heavy TMTpro Labeling Reagent: An Alternative and Higher-Charge-State-Amenable Stable-Isotope-Labeled TMTpro Variant42
Localization of Multiple O-Linked Glycans Exhibited in Isomeric Glycopeptides by Hot Electron Capture Dissociation42
Proteomics for Low Cell Numbers: How to Optimize the Sample Preparation Workflow for Mass Spectrometry Analysis41
SLiMAn: An Integrative Web Server for Exploring Short Linear Motif-Mediated Interactions in Interactomes41
Alterations of Ceramides, Acylcarnitines, GlyceroLPLs, and Amines in NSCLC Tissues41
Targeted Proteomics Profiling for Biomarker Discovery in Glaucoma Using the Olink Proteomics Platform40
PrSM-Level Side-by-Side Comparison of Online LC-MS Methods with Intact Histone H3 and H4 Proteoforms39
CONSTANd: An Efficient Normalization Method for Relative Quantification in Small- and Large-Scale Omics Experiments in R BioConductor and Python38
FastCAT Accelerates Absolute Quantification of Proteins Using Multiple Short Nonpurified Chimeric Standards38
Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again: What Does Protein Quantification Mean in Bottom-Up Proteomics?38
Issue Publication Information38
Proteomic Characterization of Peritoneal Extracellular Vesicles in a Mouse Model of Peritoneal Fibrosis37
Retinal Proteomics of a Mouse Model of Dystroglycanopathies Reveals Molecular Alterations in Photoreceptors36
Protein–Protein Interaction Prediction Based on Spectral Radius and General Regression Neural Network35
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Global Proteomic Analysis Reveals Alterations in Differentially Expressed Proteins between Cardiopathic Lamin A/C Mutations34
Impact of Surfactants on Cumulative Trypsin Activity in Bottom-Up Proteome Analysis34
Multiomics Evaluation of Human iPSCs and iPSC-Derived Neurons33
Comparison of Microflow and Analytical Flow Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry Global Metabolomics Methods Using a Urea Cycle Disorder Mouse Model33
Regional Differences in the Small Intestinal Proteome of Control Mice and of Mice Lacking Lysosomal Acid Lipase33
Proteome Decomplexation of Trimeresurus erythrurus Venom from Mizoram, India32
System-Wide Quantitative N-Glycoproteomic Analysis from K562 Cells and Mouse Liver Tissues32
Rising Stars in Proteomics and Metabolomics31
Correction to “Integrative Metabolic and Proteomic Profiling of the Brainstem in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats”31
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Issue Editorial Masthead30
Olink Proteomics-Based Exploration of Immuno-Oncology-Related Biomarkers Leading to Lung Adenocarcinoma Progression30
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Site-Specific Glycosylation Analysis of Human and Murine Fcγ Receptor II Family Members Reveals Variant-Specific N-Glycosylation30
Analysis of Brain Protein Stability Changes in Mouse Models of Normal Aging and α-Synucleinopathy Reveals Age- and Disease-Related Differences30
Toward an Integrated Machine Learning Model of a Proteomics Experiment29
Integrated Analysis of Cross-Links and Dead-End Peptides for Enhanced Interpretation of Quantitative XL-MS29
Taurine Alleviates Ferroptosis-Induced Metabolic Impairments in C2C12 Myoblasts by Stabilizing the Labile Iron Pool and Improving Redox Homeostasis29
ChIP-seq and RNA-seq Reveal the Involvement of Histone Lactylation Modification in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus28
Online Alkaline-pH Reverse Phase Nanoelectrospray-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Complements Conventional Low-pH Method for Global Proteomic Analysis28
Identification of Candidate Protein Biomarkers Associated with Domoic Acid Toxicosis in Cerebrospinal Fluid of California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus)28
In Vitro Kinase-to-Phosphosite Database (iKiP-DB) Predicts Kinase Activity in Phosphoproteomic Datasets28
Neuropeptidomes of Tenebrio molitor L. and Zophobas atratus Fab. (Coleoptera, Polyphaga: Tenebrionidae)28
Time-of-Flight Fragmentation Spectra Generated by the Proteomic Analysis of Single Human Cells Do Not Exhibit Atypical Fragmentation Patterns28
The Novel Interplay between Commensal Gut Bacteria and Metabolites in Diet-Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats Treated with Simvastatin27
Evaluation of the Suitability of Dried Saliva Spots for In-Depth Proteome Analyses for Clinical Applications27
Automated Assignment of Proteoform Classification Levels27
Proteomic Analysis of Oil-Roasted Cashews Using a Customized Allergen-Focused Protein Database27
ProteoSushi: A Software Tool to Biologically Annotate and Quantify Modification-Specific, Peptide-Centric Proteomics Data Sets27
Correction to “Longitudinal Serum Proteomics Characterization of CD19-CAR-T Cell Therapy for B-Cell Malignancies”26
Proteomic Study Reveals Major Pathways Regulating the Development of Black Soldier Fly26
Correction to Spatial Multiomics of Lipids, N-Glycans, and Tryptic Peptides on a Single FFPE Tissue Section26
Deep Time Paleoproteomics: Looking Forward26
Effect of Processing Methods of Human Saliva on the Proteomic Profile and Protein-Mediated Biological Processes26
Reverse Phase Proteomic Array Profiling of Asparagine Synthetase Expression in Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia25
MaCPepDB: A Database to Quickly Access All Tryptic Peptides of the UniProtKB25
Comparative Analysis of Protein Quantification by the SomaScan Assay versus Orthogonal Methods in Urine from People with Diabetic Kidney Disease25
Proteomic Analysis of Caco-2 Cells Disrupted by EcN 1917-Derived OMVs Reveals Molecular Information on Bacteria-Mediated Cancer Cell Migration25
Interactome of Site-Specifically Acetylated Linker Histone H124
Picoliter Single-Cell Reactor for Proteome Profiling by In Situ Cell Lysis, Protein Immobilization, Digestion, and Droplet Transfer24
Lipidomics Study of Type 1 Diabetic Rats Using Online Phase Transition Trapping-Supercritical Fluid Extraction-Chromatography Coupled with Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Tandem Mass Spectrometry24
Issue Publication Information24
Systematic Proteomics Study on the Embryonic Development of Danio rerio24
Tissue Lipidomic Alterations Induced by Prolonged Dexamethasone Treatment24
Introducing Molecular Hypernetworks for Discovery in Multidimensional Metabolomics Data23
IP-LC-MSMS Enables Identification of Three Tau O-GlcNAcylation Sites as O-GlcNAcase Inhibition Pharmacodynamic Readout in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing Human Tau23
Correction to “d2ome, Software for in Vivo Protein Turnover Analysis Using Heavy Water Labeling and LC–MS, Reveals Alterations of Hepatic Proteome Dynamics in a Mouse Model of NAFLD”23
Extraction Protocol for Parallel Analysis of Proteins and DNA from Ancient Teeth and Dental Calculus23
Issue Editorial Masthead23
Correction to Glycosylation Profiling of Neoplastic Biomarker Alpha Fetoprotein through Intact Mass Protein Analysis23
Mapping Tyrosine Kinases Based on a TK Activity-Representing Peptide Library Reveals a Role for SRC in H1975 Drug Resistance23
Issue Editorial Masthead23
H-NOX Influences Biofilm Formation, Central Metabolism, and Quorum Sensing in Paracoccus denitrificans23
Strategies for Increasing the Depth and Throughput of Protein Analysis by plexDIA22
Proteomic Approaches to Study SARS-CoV-2 Biology and COVID-19 Pathology22
Detectability of Biotin Tags by LC–MS/MS22
MaxQuant.Live Enables Enhanced Selectivity and Identification of Peptides Modified by Endogenous SUMO and Ubiquitin22
Systematic Survey of the Regulatory Networks of the Long Noncoding RNA BANCR in Cervical Cancer Cells22
Uncovering Hidden Members and Functions of the Soil Microbiome Using De Novo Metaproteomics22
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Dynamics of Single-Cell Protein Covariation during Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition22
Metabolic Profile of Individuals with and without Type 2 Diabetes from Sub-Saharan Africa22
Plasma TNFRSF11B as a New Predictive Inflammatory Marker of Sepsis–ARDS with Endothelial Dysfunction22
Issue Editorial Masthead21
High-Level Secretion of Pregnancy Zone Protein Is a Novel Biomarker of DNA Damage-Induced Senescence and Promotes Spontaneous Senescence21
SWATH-MS Analysis of Blood Plasma and Circulating Small Extracellular Vesicles Enables Detection of Putative Protein Biomarkers of Fertility in Young and Aged Dairy Cows21
lcmsWorld: High-Performance 3D Visualization Software for Mass Spectrometry21
Performing Selection on a Monotonic Function in Lieu of Sorting Using Layer-Ordered Heaps21
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Issue Editorial Masthead21
Issue Editorial Masthead21
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Untargeted Metabolomic Study of Lung Cancer Patients after Surgery with Curative Intent21
Sensitive Analysis of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Glycopeptides by On-Line Phenylboronic Acid Solid-Phase Extraction Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry20
PeptideRanger: An R Package to Optimize Synthetic Peptide Selection for Mass Spectrometry Applications20
Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Revealed Broad Roles of N6-Methyladenosine in Heat Shock Response20
COL1A2 Barcoding: Bone Species Identification via Shotgun Proteomics20
Cellular Ligand–Receptor Perturbations Unravel MEIS2 as a Key Factor for the Aggressive Progression and Prognosis in Stage II/III Colorectal Cancer20
Correction to “Label-Free Quantitative Detection and Comparative Analysis of Lysine Acetylation during the Different Life Stages of Eimeria tenella20
Protein Dynamic Landscape of Pig Embryos during Peri-Implantation Development20
Challenging Targets or Describing Mismatches? A Comment on Common Decoy Distribution by Madej et al.20
The Curiosity of the Young20
Multicenter Collaborative Study to Optimize Mass Spectrometry Workflows of Clinical Specimens20
Immobilized Titanium (IV) Ion Affinity Chromatography Contributes to Efficient Proteomics Analysis of Cellular Nucleic Acid-Binding Proteins19
Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics of Poly(methylmethacrylate)-Embedded Bone19
Identification and Functional Analysis of Lysine 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation in Cyanobacteria19
Issue Publication Information19
Sex-Specific Alterations in Placental Proteomics Induced by Intrauterine Hyperglycemia19
Issue Publication Information19
Issue Editorial Masthead19
Single-Cell Proteomics Accelerates toward Proteoforms19
Metabolomic Sexual Dimorphism of the Mouse Brain is Predominantly Abolished by Gonadectomy with a Higher Impact on Females18
Shared and Distinctive Neighborhoods of Emerin and Lamin B Receptor Revealed by Proximity Labeling and Quantitative Proteomics18
Kinase-Catalyzed Biotinylation to Map Cell Signaling Pathways: Application to Epidermal Growth Factor Signaling18
Quantitative Proteomics Reveals a Novel Role of the E3 Ubiquitin-Protein Ligase FANCL in the Activation of the Innate Immune Response through Regulation of TBK1 Phosphorylation during Peste des Petits18
Dynamic Phosphotyrosine-Dependent Signaling Profiling in Living Cells by Two-Dimensional Proximity Proteomics18
Utilizing Nonequilibrium Isotope Enrichments to Dramatically Increase Turnover Measurement Ranges in Single Biopsy Samples from Humans18
Inhibition of the Alternative Complement Pathway May Cause Secretion of Factor B, Enabling an Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer18
Skyline Batch: An Intuitive User Interface for Batch Processing with Skyline18
Distinct Glycosylation Responses to Spinal Cord Injury in Regenerative and Nonregenerative Models18
Automated Proteomics Workflows for High-Throughput Library Generation and Biomarker Detection Using Data-Independent Acquisition18
Bridging the Polar and Hydrophobic Metabolome in Single-Run Untargeted Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Dried Blood Spot Metabolomics for Clinical Purposes18
Integrated View of Baseline Protein Expression in Human Tissues17
Omics and Transgenic Analyses Reveal that Salvianolic Acid B Exhibits its Anti-Inflammatory Effects through Inhibiting the Mincle-Syk-Related Pathway in Macrophages17
Characterization of the Antibody Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection in COVID-19 Transplant versus Nontransplant Recipients by Ig-MS17
UPLC-MS-Based Serum Metabolic Profiling Reveals Potential Biomarkers for Predicting Propofol Responsiveness in Females17
The Future of Proteomics is Up in the Air: Can Ion Mobility Replace Liquid Chromatography for High Throughput Proteomics?17
Temporal Profiling of Epitranscriptomic Modulators during Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells17
Integrative Proteogenomics Using ProteomeGenerator217
Meta4P: A User-Friendly Tool to Parse Label-Free Quantitative Metaproteomic Data and Taxonomic/Functional Annotations17
Multi-Omics Study Reveals Nc886/vtRNA2-1 as a Positive Regulator of Prostate Cancer Cell Immunity17
Toward Comprehensive Plasma Proteomics by Orthogonal Protease Digestion17
GlycoTCFM: Glycoproteomics Based on Two Complementary Fragmentation Methods Reveals Distinctive O-Glycosylation in Human Sperm and Seminal Plasma17
A Functional Bayesian Model for Hydrogen–Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry17
Simultaneous Polar Metabolite and N-Glycan Extraction Workflow for Joint-Omics Analysis: A Synergistic Approach for Novel Insights into Diseases17
Analysis of the Proteomic Profile in Serum of Irradiated Nonhuman Primates Treated with Ex-Rad, a Radiation Medical Countermeasure17
Detecting Human Contaminant Genetically Variant Peptides in Nonhuman Samples17
Differential Proteomic Profiling at Different Phases of Dengue Infection: An Intricate Insight from Proteins to Pathogenesis17
Proteomic Profiling of the Substantia Nigra to Identify Determinants of Lewy Body Pathology and Dopaminergic Neuronal Loss17
The O-Glycome of Human Nigrostriatal Tissue and Its Alteration in Parkinson’s Disease17
Metabolomics Reveals Novel Serum Metabolic Signatures in Gastric Cancer by a Mass Spectrometry Platform17
Understanding the Relationship between Intrinsic Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Serum and Skeletal Muscle Metabolomics Profile17
Preparative Electrophoresis for HDL Particle Size Separation and Intact-Mass Apolipoprotein Proteoform Analysis16
Vocabulary Matters: An Annotation Pipeline and Four Deep Learning Algorithms for Enzyme Named Entity Recognition16
High-Throughput Detection of an Alkaloidal Plant Metabolome in Plant Extracts Using LC-ESI-QTOF-MS16
Proteomics-Based Approach Reveals the Involvement of SERPINB9 in Recurrent and Relapsed Multiple Myeloma16
Exploiting pglB Oligosaccharyltransferase-Positive and -Negative Campylobacter jejuni and a Multiprotease Digestion Strategy to Identify Novel Sites Modified by N-Linked Protein Glycosyl16
Targeted Mass Spectrometry Assays for Specific Quantification of Urinary proPSA Isoforms16
Use of Proteomics for Dietary Reconstruction: A Case Study Using Animal Teeth from Ancient Mesopotamia16
Discovery and Verification of Sjögren’s Syndrome Protein Biomarkers in Tears by Targeted LC-MRM16
Onto Grid Purification and 3D Reconstruction of Protein Complexes Using Matrix-Landing Native Mass Spectrometry16
A SARS-CoV-2 Peptide Spectral Library Enables Rapid, Sensitive Identification of Virus Peptides in Complex Biological Samples16
Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Variation in the Stable Urinary NMR Metabolome over Time: A Classic Twin Study16
The Proteomic Landscape of Monocytes in Response to Colorectal Cancer Cells16
Disruptive Effects of Resveratrol on a Bacterial Pathogen of Beans16
Machine Learning Reveals Serum Glycopatterns as Potential Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)16
Comprehensive Metabolomics and Lipidomics Profiling of Prostate Cancer Tissue Reveals Metabolic Dysregulations Associated with Disease Development16
Quantitative Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Virus in Nasopharyngeal Swabs Stored in Transport Medium by a Straightforward LC-MS/MS Assay Targeting Nucleocapsid, Membrane, and Spike Proteins16
IreK-Mediated, Cell Wall-Protective Phosphorylation in Enterococcus faecalis15
Reproducible Determination of High-Density Lipoprotein Proteotypes15
Evaluation of Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling and Mass Spectrometry Data-Independent Acquisition of Hemoglobin-Related Clinical Markers15
Integration of Automatic Text Mining and Genomic and Proteomic Analysis to Unravel Prostate Cancer Biomarkers15
Repeat-Enhancing Featured Ion-Guided Stoichiometry for Identification and Quantification of Direct Infusion Proteome15
Identification of Microproteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae under Different Stress Conditions15
Edwardsiella tarda Attenuates Virulence upon Oxytetracycline Resistance15
Phosphoproteome and Biological Evidence Revealed Abnormal Calcium Homeostasis in Keloid Fibroblasts and Induction of Aberrant Platelet Aggregation15
Functional Proteomics Analysis of Norfloxacin-Resistant Edwardsiella tarda15
Comprehensive Lipidomic Workflow for Multicohort Population Phenotyping Using Stable Isotope Dilution Targeted Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry15
Proximity Proteomics Has Potential for Extracellular Vesicle Identification15
Identification, Measurement, and Assessment of the Clinical Utility of Human Pancreatic Polypeptide by Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry15
Automation to Enable High-Throughput Chemical Proteomics15
Proteogenomics Integrating Novel Junction Peptide Identification Strategy Discovers Three Novel Protein Isoforms of Human NHSL1 and EEF1B215
Impact of Systemic versus Intratympanic Dexamethasone Administration on the Perilymph Proteome14
Deep Time Course Proteomics of SARS-CoV- and SARS-CoV-2-Infected Human Lung Epithelial Cells (Calu-3) Reveals Strong Induction of Interferon-Stimulated Gene Expression by SARS-CoV-2 in Contrast to SAR14
Exercise Alleviates Behavioral Disorders but Shapes Brain Metabolism of APP/PS1 Mice in a Region- and Exercise-Specific Manner14
Divergent Antibody Repertoires Found for Omicron versus Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 Strains Using Ig-MS14
Vacuum Insulated Probe Heated Electrospray Ionization Source Enhances Microflow Rate Chromatography Signals in the Bruker timsTOF Mass Spectrometer14
Mannose-6-Phosphate Isomerase Functional Status Shapes a Rearrangement in the Proteome and Degradome of Mannose-Treated Melanoma Cells14
Executable Network Models of Integrated Multiomics Data14
CIMAGE2.0: An Expanded Tool for Quantitative Analysis of Activity-Based Protein Profiling (ABPP) Data14
Multiomics Method Enabled by Sequential Metabolomics and Proteomics for Human Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes14
High-Field Asymmetric Waveform Ion Mobility Spectrometry: Practical Alternative for Cardiac Proteome Sample Processing14
DiDBiT-TMT: A Novel Method to Quantify Changes in the Proteomic Landscape Induced by Neural Plasticity14
Shared Proteins and Pathways of Cardiovascular and Cognitive Diseases: Relation to Vascular Cognitive Impairment14
Organ-Based Proteome and Post-Translational Modification Profiling of a Widely Cultivated Tropical Water Fish, Labeo rohita14
Optimizing Spectronaut Search Parameters to Improve Data Quality with Minimal Proteome Coverage Reductions in DIA Analyses of Heterogeneous Samples14
Benefit of In Silico Predicted Spectral Libraries in Data-Independent Acquisition Data Analysis Workflows14
Prioritization of the Secondary Metabolites for the Rapid Annotation Based on Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Assessment: Varanasine and Schroffanone from Murraya paniculata14
Nontargeted Serum Lipid Profiling of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis by Multisegment Injection–Nonaqueous Capillary Electrophoresis–Mass Spectrometry: A Multiplexed Separation Platform for Resolving Ioni14
Time-Resolved Multiomics Illustrates Host and Gut Microbe Interactions during Salmonella Infection14
Machine Learning in Proteomics and Metabolomics14
Driving Single Cell Proteomics Forward with Innovation13
Discovery Proteomics for COVID-19: Where We Are Now13
Exosomes Derived from Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Alleviate Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms via Shuttling Proteins13
Metabolomics Study Revealing Purines as Potential Diagnostic Biomarkers of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Patients with Community─Acquired Pneumonia13
Plasma Olink Proteomics Identifies CCL20 as a Novel Predictive and Diagnostic Inflammatory Marker for Preeclampsia13
Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Urine from COVID-19 Patients for Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Antigen and to Study Host Response13
Optimized Workflow for Enrichment and Identification of Biotinylated Peptides Using Tamavidin 2-REV for BioID and Cell Surface Proteomics13
Confident Identification of Citrullination and Carbamylation Assisted by Peptide Retention Time Prediction13
Deciphering the Properties and Functions of Glycoproteins Using Quantitative Proteomics13
Unphosphorylated Form of the PAQosome Core Subunit RPAP3 Binds Ribosomal Preassembly Complexes to Modulate Ribosome Biogenesis13
Optimization of Ultrafast Proteomics Using an LC-Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer with Data-Independent Acquisition13
Quantification of Serum Metabolites in Early Colorectal Adenomas Using Isobaric Labeling Mass Spectrometry13
Discovery of Protein Modifications Using Differential Tandem Mass Spectrometry Proteomics13
Statistical Detection of Differentially Abundant Proteins in Experiments with Repeated Measures Designs and Isobaric Labeling13
Evaluation of Biological Mechanisms of Eucommiae Folium in Hypertensive Kidney Injury by Integration of Untargeted Metabolomics and Network Pharmacology13
Representing and Comparing Site-Specific Glycan Abundance Distributions of Glycoproteins13
Rapid Profiling of Protein Complex Reorganization in Perturbed Systems13
Enhancement of Proteome Coverage by Ion Mobility Fractionation Coupled to PASEF on a TIMS–QTOF Instrument13
Hepatic Metabolic Profiling of Lifelong Exercise Training Rats13
Protein Contaminants Matter: Building Universal Protein Contaminant Libraries for DDA and DIA Proteomics13
Multi-protease Approach for the Improved Identification and Molecular Characterization of Small Proteins and Short Open Reading Frame-Encoded Peptides13
Prevaccination Glycan Markers of Response to an Influenza Vaccine Implicate the Complement Pathway13
Proteomics Standards Initiative’s ProForma 2.0: Unifying the Encoding of Proteoforms and Peptidoforms13
Systematic Identification of Microproteins during the Development of Drosophila melanogaster13
Comprehensive Urinary Proteome Profiling Analysis Identifies Diagnosis and Relapse Surveillance Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer13
Proteomics Analysis of Plasma-Derived Exosomes Unveils the Aberrant Complement and Coagulation Cascades in Dermatomyositis/Polymyositis13
Comparative Evaluation of MaxQuant and Proteome Discoverer MS1-Based Protein Quantification Tools12
Improved Analysis of Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry Data with Kojak 2.0, Advanced by Integration into the Trans-Proteomic Pipeline12
Identification and Quantification of Human Relaxin Proteins by Immunoaffinity-Mass Spectrometry12
MALDI(+) FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry (MS) Combined with Machine Learning toward Saliva-Based Diagnostic Screening for COVID-1912
Protein–Protein Interaction Networks Derived from Classical and Machine Learning-Based Natural Language Processing Tools12
DIAproteomics: A Multifunctional Data Analysis Pipeline for Data-Independent Acquisition Proteomics and Peptidomics12
Differential Proteome Profiling Analysis under Pesticide Stress by the Use of a Nano-UHPLC-MS/MS Untargeted Proteomic-Based Approach on a 3D-Developed Neurospheroid Model: Identification of Protein In12
Top-Down Proteomics and the Challenges of True Proteoform Characterization12
Canadian Proteomics: A Journey across the Country Highlights Discovery and Innovation12
A Simple Optimization Workflow to Enable Precise and Accurate Imputation of Missing Values in Proteomic Data Sets12
TMTpro-18plex: The Expanded and Complete Set of TMTpro Reagents for Sample Multiplexing12
Serum Bile Acid Metabolites Predict the Therapeutic Effect of Mesalazine in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis12
Urinary Volatilomics Unveils a Candidate Biomarker Panel for Noninvasive Detection of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma12
Comprehensive Serum Lipidomics for Detecting Incipient Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease12
Issue Publication Information12