Journal of Proteome Research

(The H4-Index of Journal of Proteome Research is 36. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Leishmania donovani Induces Multiple Dynamic Responses in the Metabolome Associated with Amastigote Differentiation and Maturation Inside the Human Macrophage203
Multispecies Benchmark Analysis for LC-MS/MS Validation and Performance Evaluation in Bottom-Up Proteomics126
Triqler for Protein Summarization of Data from Data-Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry90
A Method to Estimate the Distribution of Proteins across Multiple Compartments Using Data from Quantitative Proteomics Subcellular Fractionation Experiments82
Comparative Proteomic Analysis Revealing ActJ-Regulated Proteins in Sinorhizobium meliloti80
Targeted Metabolomics Reveals Birth Screening Biomarkers for Biliary Atresia in Dried Blood Spots78
Iron Deficiency and Recovery in Yeast: A Quantitative Proteomics Approach78
urPTMdb/TeaProt: Upstream and Downstream Proteomics Analysis69
APE in the Wild: Automated Exploration of Proteomics Workflows in the Registry65
Serum Metabolomic Signatures of Hirschsprung’s Disease Based on GC–MS and LC–MS63
PPARα and PPARγ Signaling Is Enhanced in the Brain of the Naked Mole-Rat, a Mammal that Shows Intrinsic Neuroprotection from Oxygen Deprivation63
ProteaseGuru: A Tool for Protease Selection in Bottom-Up Proteomics61
Reliability of Serum-Derived Connectome Indicators in Identifying Cirrhosis55
Lactyllysine Esterification Enables Efficient Lactylprotein Expression via Genetic Code Expansion and Supports Functional Proteomics Studies54
Issue Editorial Masthead53
Proteome and Metabolome Profiling of Anticoagulant Disorders Induced by Familial Protein S Deficiency51
Proteome and Glycoproteome Analyses Reveal Regulation of Protein Glycosylation Site-Specific Occupancy and Lysosomal Hydrolase Maturation by N-Glycan-Dependent ER-Quality Control49
TMT-Based Quantitative Proteomics Revealed the Antibacterial Mechanism of Cinnamaldehyde against MRSA46
Characteristics of Myocardial Structure and Central Carbon Metabolism during the Early and Compensatory Stages of Cardiac Hypertrophy46
Exploring Top-Down Mass Spectrometric Approaches To Probe Forest Cobra (Naja melanoleuca) Venom Proteoforms46
Developing Method for Minor Acidic O-Glycan Analysis in Mucin and Cancer Cell Samples44
Proteomics Analysis of Renal Cell Line Caki-2 with AFMID Overexpression and Potential Biomarker Discovery in Urine43
Issue Publication Information43
Localization of Multiple O-Linked Glycans Exhibited in Isomeric Glycopeptides by Hot Electron Capture Dissociation42
Super Heavy TMTpro Labeling Reagent: An Alternative and Higher-Charge-State-Amenable Stable-Isotope-Labeled TMTpro Variant42
Alterations of Ceramides, Acylcarnitines, GlyceroLPLs, and Amines in NSCLC Tissues41
Proteomics for Low Cell Numbers: How to Optimize the Sample Preparation Workflow for Mass Spectrometry Analysis41
SLiMAn: An Integrative Web Server for Exploring Short Linear Motif-Mediated Interactions in Interactomes41
Targeted Proteomics Profiling for Biomarker Discovery in Glaucoma Using the Olink Proteomics Platform40
PrSM-Level Side-by-Side Comparison of Online LC-MS Methods with Intact Histone H3 and H4 Proteoforms39
Issue Publication Information38
CONSTANd: An Efficient Normalization Method for Relative Quantification in Small- and Large-Scale Omics Experiments in R BioConductor and Python38
FastCAT Accelerates Absolute Quantification of Proteins Using Multiple Short Nonpurified Chimeric Standards38
Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again: What Does Protein Quantification Mean in Bottom-Up Proteomics?38
Proteomic Characterization of Peritoneal Extracellular Vesicles in a Mouse Model of Peritoneal Fibrosis37
Retinal Proteomics of a Mouse Model of Dystroglycanopathies Reveals Molecular Alterations in Photoreceptors36