Quantum Information & Computation

(The TQCC of Quantum Information & Computation is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Faster amplitude estimation21
Closed-form analytic expressions for shadow estimation with brickwork circuits9
A Comparative Analysis of Quantum-based Approaches for Scalable and Efficient Data mining in Cloud Environments8
Analysis of lackadaisical quantum walks7
Universal control of quantum processes using sector-preserving channels7
On the extremal points of the Lambda polytopes and classical simulation of quantum computation with magic states6
Distributed Shor's algorithm4
A benchmark for quantum optimization: the traveling salesman4
An efficient semi-quantum key distribution protocol based on EPR and single-particle hybridization4
Protocol for unambiguous quantum state discrimination using quantum coherence4
Dissipative encoding of quantum information4
Platonic entanglement3
Bethe ansatz on a quantum computer?3
SudoQ -- a quantum variant of the popular game3
Testing the context-independence of quantum gates2
An HHL-based algorithm for computing hitting probabilities of quantum walks2
Quantum algorithms based on the block-encoding framework for matrix functions by contour integrals2
Grover on sparkle quantum resource estimation for a NIST LWC call finalist2
Homogeneous open quantum walks on the line: criteria for site recurrence and absorption2
Of shadows and gaps in spatial search2
A Gramian approach to entanglement in bipartite finite dimensional systems: the case of pure states2
Certifying quantumness beyond steering and nonlocality and its implications on quantum information processing1
A variational quantum algorithm for approximating convex roofs1
Quantum rotational cryptanalysis for preimage recovery of round-reduced Keccak1
The effect of superposition and entanglement on hybrid quantum machine learning for weather forecasting1
Entanglement properties of random invariant quantum states1
Qubit-based unclonable encryption with key recycling1
Secure multiparty quantum aggregating protocol1
Multilevel polarization for quantum Channels1
Practical quantum key agreement protocol based on BB841
owards a quantum-inspired proof for IP = PSPACE1
Symmetric ternary quantum Fourier transform and its application1
Quantum Alice and silent Bob: Qubit-based Quantum Key Recycling with almost no classical communication1
Evidence for and against Zauner's MUB conjecture in C^61
Secure multi-party quantum conference and XOR computation1
New quantum codes derived from the images of constacyclic codes1
Quantum-based privacy-preserving techniques for secure and trustworthy internet of medical things an extensive analysis1
Understanding the mapping of encode data through an implementation of quantum topological analysis1
m-adic residue codes over F_q[v]/(v^s-v) and their applications to quantum codes1
Algorithms for finding the maximum clique based on continuous time quantum walks1
IPS/Zeta correspondence1
A new type of quantum walks based on decomposing quantum states1
Adversarial guesswork with quantum side information1
Localization and discrete probability function of Szegedy’s quantum search one-dimensional cycle with self-loops1
Computing the quantumguesswork: a quadratic assignment problem1
Quantum algorithm for ESOP minimization1
Clifford orbits from cayley graph quotients1