ACM Transactions on Internet Technology

(The TQCC of ACM Transactions on Internet Technology is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Analysis of Trending Topics and Text-based Channels of Information Delivery in Cybersecurity126
Market Manipulation of Cryptocurrencies: Evidence from Social Media and Transaction Data80
A Highly Stable Fusion Positioning System of Smartphone under NLoS Acoustic Indoor Environment72
An IoT and Deep Learning-Based Smart Healthcare Framework for Thyroid Cancer Detection65
EdgeCI: Distributed Workload Assignment and Model Partitioning for CNN Inference on Edge Clusters54
A Simulation-driven Methodology for IoT Data Mining Based on Edge Computing49
Neural Network Approximation of Graph Fourier Transform for Sparse Sampling of Networked Dynamics46
On the Neural Backdoor of Federated Generative Models in Edge Computing43
Spatio-temporal Bayesian Learning for Mobile Edge Computing Resource Planning in Smart Cities42
MWPoW+: A Strong Consensus Protocol for Intra-Shard Consensus in Blockchain Sharding42
A Multi-Threshold Ant Colony System-based Sanitization Model in Shared Medical Environments41
Cognitive Robotics on 5G Networks41
A Novel Image Inpainting Framework Using Regression40
Guest Editorial Introduction for the Special Section on Deep Learning Algorithms and Systems for Enhancing Security in Cloud Services40
Automated Security Assessment Framework for Wearable BLE-enabled Health Monitoring Devices38
Signature-based IaaS Performance Change Detection38
Negative Information Measurement at AI Edge: A New Perspective for Mental Health Monitoring37
Privacy-Preserving Distributed Multi-Task Learning against Inference Attack in Cloud Computing34
Data-Driven Prediction and Optimization of Energy Use for Transit Fleets of Electric and ICE Vehicles33
Energy and SLA-driven MapReduce Job Scheduling Framework for Cloud-based Cyber-Physical Systems32
Cognitive Wearable Robotics for Autism Perception Enhancement32
IRGA: An Intelligent Implicit Real-time Gait Authentication System in Heterogeneous Complex Scenarios32
A Security Cost Modelling Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems32
Relieving Overexposure in Information Diffusion Through a Budget Multi-stage Allocation30
Personalized Individual Semantics Learning to Support a Large-Scale Linguistic Consensus Process29
A Comparative Study of AI-Based Intrusion Detection Techniques in Critical Infrastructures29
DisguisedNets: Secure Image Outsourcing for Confidential Model Training in Clouds28
Time-Efficient Ensemble Learning with Sample Exchange for Edge Computing27
δ- Risk : Toward Context-aware Multi-objective Privacy Management in Connected Environments25
Unpaired Self-supervised Learning for Industrial Cyber-Manufacturing Spectrum Blind Deconvolution25
CARES: Context-Aware Trust Estimation for Realtime Crowdsensing Services in Vehicular Edge Networks24
Enhancing Alexa Skill Testing Through Improved Utterance Discovery22
Uncertainty-Aware Personal Assistant for Making Personalized Privacy Decisions22
Federated In-Network Machine Learning for Privacy-Preserving IoT Traffic Analysis22
Towards Human-AI Teaming to Mitigate Alert Fatigue in Security Operations Centres21
Efficient Vertical Federated Unlearning via Fast Retraining21
SANTM: Efficient Self-attention-driven Network for Text Matching21
Federated Learning-based Information Leakage Risk Detection for Secure Medical Internet of Things21
Digital Twin of Intelligent Small Surface Defect Detection with Cyber-manufacturing Systems20
BACKM-EHA: A Novel Blockchain-enabled Security Solution for IoMT-based E-healthcare Applications20
Identity-Based Public Auditing for Cloud Storage of Internet-of-Vehicles Data19
A New Layer Structure of Cyber-Physical Systems under the Era of Digital Twin19
Predictive Analytics for Smart Parking: A Deep Learning Approach in Forecasting of IoT Data19
Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Networks for Breast Cancer Detection Using Ultrasound Images19
Adaptive Management of Volatile Edge Systems at Runtime With Satisfiability18
Driver Identification Using Optimized Deep Learning Model in Smart Transportation18
A Polishing Robot Force Control System Based on Time Series Data in Industrial Internet of Things18
A Blockchain-empowered Access Control Framework for Smart Devices in Green Internet of Things18
A Multi-type Classifier Ensemble for Detecting Fake Reviews Through Textual-based Feature Extraction18
Intelligent Control and Security of Fog Resources in Healthcare Systems via a Cognitive Fog Model17
PoSSUM: An Entity-centric Publish/Subscribe System for Diverse Summarization in Internet of Things17
Intelligent Traffic Signal Control Based on Reinforcement Learning with State Reduction for Smart Cities17
A Novel Approach for Efficient Packet Transmission in Volunteered Computing MANET16
Stance-level Sarcasm Detection with BERT and Stance-centered Graph Attention Networks16
White Box: On the Prediction of Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems’ Performance16
Concept Drift in Software Defect Prediction: A Method for Detecting and Handling the Drift16
Navigating the Metaverse: A Comprehensive Analysis of Consumer Electronics Prospects and Challenges16
Robust Facial Image Super-Resolution by Kernel Locality-Constrained Coupled-Layer Regression15
Elastically Augmenting the Control-path Throughput in SDN to Deal with Internet DDoS Attacks15
Secure Distributed Mobile Volunteer Computing with Android15
Special Section on Edge-AI for Connected Living14
DxHash: A Memory-saving Consistent Hashing Algorithm14
Fast Search of Lightweight Block Cipher Primitives via Swarm-like Metaheuristics for Cyber Security14
Introduction To The Special Section On Edge/Fog Computing For Infectious Disease Intelligence14
QoS–aware Mesh-based Multicast Routing Protocols in Edge Ad Hoc Networks: Concepts and Challenges14
Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm in Cyber Mimic Defense Architecture of Volunteer Computing14
Governance of Autonomous Agents on the Web: Challenges and Opportunities13
A Novel Memory-hard Password Hashing Scheme for Blockchain-based Cyber-physical Systems13
Introduction to the Special Section on Edge Computing AI-IoT Integrated Energy Efficient Intelligent Transportation System for Smart Cities13
Predictive Analytics of Energy Usage by IoT-Based Smart Home Appliances for Green Urban Development13
Enabling Short-Term Energy Flexibility Markets Through Blockchain13
Joint Architecture Design and Workload Partitioning for DNN Inference on Industrial IoT Clusters12
Decentralized Dynamic Scheduling of TCPS Flows and a Simulator for Time-sensitive Networking12
Atrial Fibrillation Detection from Compressed ECG Measurements for Wireless Body Sensor Network12
Investigating the Spread of Coronavirus Disease via Edge-AI and Air Pollution Correlation12
A Language-independent Network to Analyze the Impact of COVID-19 on the World via Sentiment Analysis12
VORTEX : Visual phishing detectiOns aRe Through EXplanations12
A Taxonomy of Multimedia-based Graphical User Authentication for Green Internet of Things12
The Security of Medical Data on Internet Based on Differential Privacy Technology11
A Novel Approach to Enhance the End-to-End Quality of Service for Avionic Wireless Sensor Networks11
Virtual Reality Aided High-Quality 3D Reconstruction by Remote Drones11
Incremental Group-Level Popularity Prediction in Online Social Networks11
IP Geolocation through Reverse DNS11
Multi-Think Transformer for Enhancing Emotional Health11
IBRDM: An Intelligent Framework for Brain Tumor Classification Using Radiomics- and DWT-based Fusion of MRI Sequences11
Multi-criteria Web Services Selection: Balancing the Quality of Design and Quality of Service11
Knowledge Graph Construction with a Façade : A Unified Method to Access Heterogeneous Data Sources on the Web11
A Softwarized Intrusion Detection System for IoT-Enabled Smart Healthcare System11
Operating Systems for Resource-adaptive Intelligent Software: Challenges and Opportunities11
EtherShield: Time-interval Analysis for Detection of Malicious Behavior on Ethereum11