Latin American Politics and Society

(The median citation count of Latin American Politics and Society is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Competitive Authoritarianism in Morales’s Bolivia: Skewing Arenas of Competition – Corrigendum13
Participatory Health Governance and HIV/AIDS in Brazil12
Miguel Angel Latouche, Wolfgang Muno, and Alexandra Gericke, eds. Venezuela – Dimensions of a Crisis: A Perspective on Democratic Backsliding. Cham: Springer, 2023. Tables, figures, index, 214 pp.; ha10
Competitive Liberalization, Postneoliberalism, and Hegemony: The Case of the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement10
Lula’s Demise and … Comeback?9
Lula, Lifelong Learner?8
On Lula and His Politics of Cunning8
¡Despierta México! Changing Public Attitudes Toward NAFTA, 2008–20187
Bringing Back the State: Understanding Varieties of Pension Re-reforms in Latin America – CORRIGENDUM7
Union Affiliation and Civic Engagement: Teachers in Bogotá, Colombia6
Rachel Elfenbein, Engendering Revolution: Women, Unpaid Labor, and Maternalism in Bolivarian Venezuela. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2019. Photographs, illustrations, tables, images, abbreviatio6
LAP volume 65 issue 3 Cover and Front matter6
Gustavo Flores-Macías, Contemporary State Building: Elite Taxation and Public Safety in Latin America. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Figures, tables, bibliography, index, 260 pp.; hardco5
Jennifer Adair, In Search of the Lost Decade: Everyday Rights in Post-Dictatorship Argentina. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2020. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index, 208 pp.;5
A Strategic Approach to the Alliance-Formation Process Between Activists and Legislators in Chile5
Parties and Civil Society in Latin America: The Dominance of Contingent and Frayed Linkages5
Jon Horne Carter, Gothic Sovereignty: Street Gangs and Statecraft in Honduras. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2022. Photographs, bibliography, index, 368 pp.; hardcover $31.95, paperback $31.95, e4
Alejandro Bonvecchi and Carlos Scartascini, Who Decides Social Policy? Social Networks and the Political Economy of Social Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Latin American Development Forum. 4
Political Trust and Ecological Crisis Perceptions in Developing Economies: Evidence from Ecuador4
Caitlin Andrews-Lee, The Emergence and Revival of Charismatic Movements: Argentine Peronism and Venezuelan Chavismo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Tables, figures, bibliography, index, 4
Legislative Quotas and the Gender Gap in Campaign Finance: The Case of the 2014 and 2018 Legislative Elections in Colombia4
LAP volume 65 issue 3 Cover and Back matter3
Barbara A. Ganson, ed., Native Peoples, Politics, and Society in Contemporary Paraguay: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2021. Maps, tables, chronology, bib3
Fairweather Cosmopolitans: Immigration Attitudes in Latin America During the Migrant Crisis3
Political Rights Regulation by Deferral: Obstacles to External Voting in Uruguay3
The National Legislatures in the Enlargement of Mercosur: Paraguay’s Acceptance of Venezuela and Bolivia3
Strategic Resources for Drug Trafficking Organizations and the Geography of Violence: Evidence from Mexico3
Race, Inequality, and Political Trust in Latin America3
William L. Marcy. Narcostates: Civil War, Crime, and the War on Drugs in Mexico and Central America. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2023. Bibliography, appendix, index, maps, figures, 359 pp.;3
From Second-Best to First-Best Veto Point: Explaining the Changing Uses of Judicial Review and Referendums in Uruguay3
Recent Trends in Mass-Level Ideological Polarization in Latin America3
Inside the Black Box: Uncovering Dynamics and Characteristics of the Chilean Central Government Bureaucracy with a Novel Dataset3
LAP volume 63 issue 4 Cover and Front matter2
Carew Boulding and Claudio A. Holzner, Voice and Inequality: Poverty and Political Participation in Latin American Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Figures, tables, appendixes, note2
LAP volume 65 issue 1 Cover and Front matter2
Dilemmas of Co-production: How Street Waste Pickers Became Excluded from Inclusive Recycling in São Paulo2
Scott B. Martin, João Paulo Cândia Veiga, and Katiuscia Moreno Galhera, Labor Contestation at Walmart Brazil: Limits of Global Diffusion in Latin America. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. 2
Speaking for Nature and Natives? Understanding Indigenous and Environmental Politics in Abiayala2
The Drug Trade and State Violence in Internal Conflicts: Evidence from Peru2
“Paz sí, pero no así”?Voter Profiles and Attitudes Toward the 2016 Colombian Peace Agreement2
Media Credibility and Voter Penalization of Corrupt Politicians in Latin America2
Paul Lagunes, The Eye and the Whip: Corruption Control in the Americas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Figures, tables, illustrations, bibliography, index, 168 pp.; hardcover $74, ebook.2
When Do First Ladies Run for Office? Lessons from Latin America2
Explaining New Patterns in Family Leave Policies in Latin America: Competing Visions and Facilitating Institutions2
Kathryn Hochstetler, Political Economies of Energy Transition: Wind and Solar Power in Brazil and South Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Figures, tables, abbreviations, bibliograph2
LAP volume 63 issue 1 Cover and Back matter2
LAP volume 64 issue 4 Cover and Back matter2
The Politics of Private Violence: How Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Influences Political Attitudes1
The Proscription Paradox: Banning Parties Based on Threshold Requirements and Electoral Volatility in Latin America1
International Clientelistic Networks: The Case of Venezuela at the United Nations General Assembly, 1999–20151
The Pink Tide and Income Inequality in Latin America1
Enforcing Citizen Participation Through Litigation: Analyzing the Outcomes of Anti-Dam Movements in Brazil and Chile1
Michael Schedelik, The Political Economy of Upgrading Regimes: Brazil and Beyond, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. Figures, tables, bibliography, index, 297 pp.; hardcover $139.99, paperback $139.99, e1
Transitioning Guerrillas: An Analysis of the Internal Cohesion of the Former FARC in Their Transit from War to Democracy1
Bringing Back the State: Understanding Varieties of Pension Re-reforms in Latin America1
Rage in the Machine: Activation of Racist Content in Social Media1
The Losing Battle Against Neoliberal Trade Agreements in Latin America: Social Resistance Against the MTA Between Ecuador, Peru, and the European Union1
Seeing Race Like a State: Higher Education Affirmative Action Verification Commissions in Brazil1
LAP volume 64 issue 2 Cover and Back matter1
On the Strategic Uses of Women’s Rights: Backlash, Rights-based Framing, and Anti-Gender Campaigns in Colombia’s 2016 Peace Agreement1
ConceptualizingMano Durain Latin America1
Disjointed Polarization in Chile’s Enduring Crisis of Representation – ERRATUM1
Partial Presidential Vetoes and Executive–Legislative Bargaining: Chile, 1990–20181
Leigh A. Payne, Julia Zulver, and Simón Escoffier, eds. The Right Against Rights in Latin America. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2023. 306 pp.; hardcover (US$ 90.00)1
Latin America’s Polarization in Comparative Perspective1
Mexico’s Armed Vigilante Movements (2012–2015): The Impact of Low State Capacity and Economic Inequality1
Matthew M. Taylor, Decadent Developmentalism: The Political Economy of Democratic Brazil. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Figures, tables, illustrations, abbreviations, notes, bibliograph1
Government and Opposition in Legislative Speechmaking: Using Text-As-Data to Estimate Brazilian Political Parties’ Policy Positions1
Labor Informality and the Vote in Latin America: A Meta-analysis1
Mariana Llanos, and Leiv Marsteintredet, eds., Latin America in Times of Turbulence. Presidentialism under Stress. New York: Routledge, 2023. 225 pp.; tables, bibliography, hardcover, index.1
Too Legit to Quit? Analyzing the Effect of No-Confidence Motions on Cabinet Members’ Instability in Presidential Systems: The Cases of Colombia and Peru1
Taylor C. Boas . Evangelicals and Electoral Politics in Latin America: A Kingdom of This World. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 317 pp.; hardcover $68.41, paperback $34.99, ebook $33.241
Why Latin American Parties Are Not Coming Back0
Margarita Fajardo, The World that Latin America Created: The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America in the Development Era. Harvard Historical Studies 192. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univers0
Thomas Carothers and Andrew O’Donohue, eds., Democracies Divided: The Global Challenge of Political Polarization. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2019. Figures, index, 319 pp.; paperback 0
LAP volume 63 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
The Legal Contention for Baldíos Land in the Colombian Altillanura0
Carmelo Mesa-Lago,Evaluation of Four Decades of Pension Privatization in Latin America, 1980–2020: Promises and Reality. Mexico City: Fundación Friedrich Ebert, 2021. Figures, tables, abbreviat0
Illegal Housing in Medellín: Autoconstruction and the Materiality of Hope0
Anti-corruption Audits and Citizens’ Trust in Audit and Auditee Institutions0
Thamy Pogrebinschi . Innovating Democracy? The Means and Ends of Citizen Participation in Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Tables, figures, bibliography, 104 pp.; paperback 0
Benjamin A. Cowan, Moral Majorities Across the Americas: Brazil, the United States, and the Creation of the Religious Right. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2021. Photographs, notes, 0
LAP volume 63 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Modes of Extraction in Latin America’s Lithium Triangle: Explaining Negotiated, Unnegotiated, and Aborted Mining Projects0
LAP volume 64 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Civil War Legacies, The Prohibition of The Drug Trade, and Armed Politics in Latin America0
Jessica A. J. Rich, State-Sponsored Activism: Bureaucrats and Social Movements in Democratic Brazil. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Figures, illustrations, appendix, bibliography, index,0
LAP volume 65 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
Informal Coalitions and Legislative Agenda Setting in Mexico’s Multiparty Presidential System0
A Unified Canon? Latin American Graduate Training in Comparative Politics0
Tweeting Antagonism: (De)Polarizing Rhetoric and Tone in Colombia’s 2022 Presidential Campaign0
Carlos Huneeus and Octavio Avendaño , eds., El sistema político de Chile. Santiago: LOM, 2018. Tables, figures, bibliography, 444 pp.0
Daniela Campello and Cesar Zucco, The Volatility Curse: Exogenous Shocks and Representation in Resource-Rich Democracies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Figures, tables, appendixes, note0
The Rise of the Contentious Right: Digitally Intermediated Linkage Strategies in Argentina and Brazil0
Bolsonaro and the Black Vote: Racial Voting in Brazil’s 2018 Election0
Pro-Life and Feminist Mobilization in the Struggle over Abortion in Mexico: Church Networks, Elite Alliances, and Partisan Context0
Notes on a Perilous Journey to the United States: Irregular Migration, Trafficking in Persons, and Organized Crime0
Informal Customary Institutions, Collective Action, and Submunicipal Public Goods Provision in Mexico0
Varieties of Economic Vulnerability: Evidence on Social Policy Preferences and Labor Informality from Mexico0
Government formation in presidentialism: Disentangling the combined effects of pre-electoral coalitions and legislative polarization0
Who Is Responsible for the Emergency Aid? Cash Transfer and Presidential Approval During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil0
Los nadies y las nadies: The Effect of Peacebuilding on Political Behavior in Colombia0
Constituency Effects and Legislative Dissent Under Closed-List Proportional Representation0
Maxwell A. Cameron and Grace M. Jaramillo , eds., Challenges to Democracy in the Andes: Strongmen, Broken Constitutions, and Regimes in Crisis. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2022. Tables, figures, 20
Hope Amid Crisis: Normative Ambiguity, the Middle Class, and Investment Fraud in 2000s Venezuela0
Disjointed Polarization in Chile’s Enduring Crisis of Representation0
Advocacy, Misdirection, Protest, and Exit: Strategies of Aspiration and Anxiety amid Crime and Conflict in Putumayo0
André Borges and Robert Vidigal, eds., Para Entender a Nova Direita Brasileira: Polarização, Populismo e Antipetismo. Porto Alegre: Editora Zouk, 2023. Tables, figures, 426 pp.; paperback $15.62.0
The Social Constitution: Embedding Social Rights through Legal Mobilization, by Whitney K. Taylor, Cambridge and New York, Cambridge University Press, 2023. Tables, figures, appendix, bibliography, in0
Matías Dewey, Making It at Any Cost: Aspirations and Politics in a Counterfeit Clothing Marketplace. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2020. Photographs, maps, appendix, figure, notes, bibliography, 0
Governance Quality, Fairness Perceptions, and Satisfaction with Democracy in Latin America0
Policy Legacies, Sociopolitical Coalitions, and the Limits of the Right Turn in Latin America: The Argentine Case in Comparative Perspective0
Tomáš Došek, The Persistence of Local Caudillos in Latin American: Informal Political Practices and Democracy in Unitary Countries. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2024. Figures, tables, b0
Unpacking Bribery: Petty Corruption and Favor Exchanges0
LAP volume 66 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Poverty, Partisanship, and Vote Buying in Latin America0
New Donors, New Goals? Altruism, Self-Interest, and Domestic Political Support in Development Cooperation in Latin America0
Kelly Bauer, Negotiating Autonomy: Mapuche Territorial Demands and Chilean Land Policy. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021. Photographs, maps, acronyms, abbreviations, appendix, notes, b0
Partisan Stereotyping and Polarization in Brazil0
LAP volume 66 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Pablo Pérez Ahumada. Building Power to Shape Labor Policy: Unions, Employer Associations, and Reform in Neoliberal Chile. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2023. 224 pp.; hardcover, $55.00.0
Brian Crisp, Santiago Olivella, and Guillermo Rosas, The Chain of Representation: Preferences, Institutions, and Policy Across Presidential Systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Tables0
LAP volume 65 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Reevaluating the Role of Ideology in Chile0
Do Fiscal Transfers Affect Local Democracy? Lessons from Chilean Municipalities0
The new corruption crusaders: Security sector ties as an anti-corruption voting heuristic0
Uruguay and Contemporary Theories of Wage Coordination: Origins and Stabilization of Segmented Neocorporatism, 2005–20190
A. Ricardo López-Pedreros , Makers of Democracy: A Transnational History of the Middle Classes in Colombia. Durham: Duke University Press, 2019. Maps, figures, tables, abbreviations, appendix, notes, 0
Claudia Bacci and Alejandra Oberti, eds., Testimonios, géneros y afectos. América Latina desde los territorios y las memorias del presente. Villa María: Eduvim, 2022. Figures, tables, notes, bibliogra0
LAP volume 64 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Eduardo Moncada, Resisting Extortion: Victims, Criminals, and States in Latin America. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Maps, figures, tables, abbreviations, appendix, bibliography, index, 0
Revisiting Mainstream and Regional Dynamics: Navigating the Absence of a Middle Ground0
Mikaela Luttrell-Rowland, Political Children: Violence, Labor, and Rights in Peru. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2023. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index, 266 pp.; hardcover $85, paperba0
Michelle D. Bonner, Tough on Crime: The Rise of Punitive Populism in Latin America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019. Figure, tables, acronyms, abbreviations, appendix, notes, bibliogr0
The Unbearable Uncertainty of Being on the Front Street-level Military in the Mexican War on Drugs0
Satisfaction with the Police in Chile: The Importance of Legitimacy and Fair Treatment0
Lost in Corporate Translation: How Firms Mediate Between Social Mobilization and Regulatory Intervention in the Extractive Sector0
Determinants of Bicameral Conflict: The Formation of Conference Committees in Chile, 1990-20180
Populist Storytelling and Negative Affective Polarization: Social Media Evidence from Mexico0
How Do Local Public Spending Decisions Shape Corruption Perceptions? Evidence from Mexico0
Jorge L. Esquirol, Ruling the Law: Legitimacy and Failure in Latin American Legal Systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Figure, tables, acronyms, abbreviations, appendix, notes, biblio0
Virginia Oliveros, Patronage at Work: Public Jobs and Political Services in Argentina. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Tables, figures, notes, bibliography, index, 250 pp.; hardcover $1100
Javier Corrales, Autocracy Rising: How Venezuela Transitioned to Authoritarianism. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2022. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index, 256 pp.; hardback 85$, 0
Democracy and Parties in Latin America0
New Avenues in the Study of Crime, Violence, and State in Latin America0
Natália Sátyro, Eloísa del Pino, and Carmen Midaglia, eds., Latin American Social Policy Developments in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Figures, tables, acronyms, notes,0
Viviana Beatriz Macmanus , Disruptive Archives: Feminist Memories of Resistance in Latin America’s Dirty Wars. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2020. Photographs, figures, bibliography, in0
Introduction: The New Polarization in Latin America0
Paula Biglieri and Luciana Cadahia, Seven Essays on Populism: For a Renewed Theoretical Perspective. Translated by George Ciccariello-Maher. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2021. Notes, bibliography, index, 0
Lydia Brashear Tiede, Judicial Vetoes: Decision-Making on Mixed Selection Constitutional Courts. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2022. Figures, tables, bibliography, index, 305 pp.; hardc0
Do Remittances Contribute to Presidential Instability in Latin America?0
Negative Partisanship in Latin America0
LAP volume 63 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
(Il)legal Aspirations: Of Legitimate Crime and Illegitimate Entrepreneurship in Nicaragua0
The Unintended Consequences of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs for Violence: Experimental and Survey Evidence from Mexico and the Americas – CORRENDUM0
LAP volume 64 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
A Multilevel Model of Ideological Congruence in Latin America0
LAP volume 65 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Leslie C. Gates , Capitalist Outsiders: Oil’s Legacies in Mexico and Venezuela. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2023. Figures, tables, index, 226 pp; hardcover US$50.000
National Identity and Preferences for Chinese Inclusion in Mexico0
Manal A. Jamal, Promoting Democracy: The Force of Political Settlements in Uncertain Times. New York: New York University Press, 2019. Figures, tables, appendixes, bibliography, index, 320 pp.; hardco0
Participatory clientelism: A socio-spatial approach to popular politics in Buenos Aires0
“I Would Prefer Not To”: Establishing the Missing Link between Invalid Voting and Public Protest in Latin America0
Informal Gold Miners, State Fragmentation, and Resource Governance in Bolivia and Peru0
LAP volume 63 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Willingness: Human Rights Crises and State Response in Mexico0
Amy Erica Smith, Religion and Brazilian Democracy: Mobilizing the People of God. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019. Figures, tables, appendixes, bibliography, index, 222 pp.; hardcover $99.90
Introduction The Grassroots Right in Latin America: Patterns, Causes, and Consequences0
Shifting Positions: Party Positions and Political Manifestos in Costa Rica0
Joe Emersberger and Justin Podur, Extraordinary Threat: The U.S. Empire, the Media, and Twenty Years of Coup Attempts in Venezuela. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2021. Figures, tables, chronology, i0
Foreign Policy Specificity: An Analysis of Ministerial Survival in Latin America, 1945–20200
The Bureaucratic Politics of Urban Land Rights: (Non)Programmatic Distribution in São Paulo’s Land Regularization Policy0
Karen Kampwirth, LGBTQ Politics in Nicaragua: Revolution, Dictatorship, and Social Movements. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2022. Illustrations, abbreviations, bibliography, index, 360 pp.; har0
The Nearness of Youth: Spatial and Temporal Effects of Protests on Political Attitudes in Chile0
Surges vs. Waves: Presidents, Popularity, and the Diffusion of Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America0
LAP volume 66 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Carrots or sticks? Analyzing the application of US economic statecraft towards Latin American engagement with China0
The Comparative Politics of Latin America: Who Knows What and How?0
Populist Framing Mechanisms and the Rise of Right-wing Activism in Brazil0
Pedro A. G. dos Santos and Farida Jalalzai, Women’s Empowerment and Disempowerment in Brazil: The Rise and Fall of President Dilma Rousseff. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2021. Figures, table0
A New Contract? The Joint Mobilization of Unionized and Contract Workers in Latin America0
Omar Sanchez-Sibony (ed.). State-Society Relations in Guatemala: Theory and Practice. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023. Tables, figures, 414 pp.; hardcover $125, ebook $50.0
Mary Fran T. Malone, Lucía Dammert, and Orlando J. Pérez (2023). Making Police Reform Matter in Latin America. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Tables, bibliography, index, 249 pp.; hardcover US0
LAP volume 64 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
The Ideology of Brazilian Parties and Presidents: A Research Note on Coalitional Presidentialism Under Stress0
Rose J. Spalding, Breaking Ground: From Extraction Booms to Mining Bans in Latin America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. Tables, figures, bibliography, index, 308 pp.; Hardcover and ebook $80
Alternative Participation: The Current Literature on Political Protest in Latin America0
A. S. Dillingham, Oaxaca Resurgent: Indigeneity, Development, and Inequality in Twentieth-Century Mexico. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2021. Bibliography, index, 272 pp.; hardcover $90, paperb0
Informalities: An Index Approach to Informal Work and Its Consequences0
Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter. Military Courts, Civil-Military Relations, and the Legal Battle for Democracy: The Politics of Military Justice. Abingdon: Routledge, 2022. Figures, tables, index, 0
The Politics of Crime in Latin America: New Insights, Future Challenges0
Francisco Sánchez and Simón Pachano, eds., Assessing the Left Turn in Ecuador. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Figures, tables, abbreviations, appendix, bibliography, 403 pp.; hardcover $149.99, p0
Learning Targets: Policy Paradigms and State Responses to the Anticorruption Transnational Advocacy Network Campaign in Guatemala0
Trial by Fire: Informal Agreements, Destructive Protest, and Civil Society in Bolivia0
When Resisting Is Not Enough: The killing of Latin American Feminist Activists (2015–23)0
Pablo Ruiz-Tagle, Five Republics and One Tradition: A History of Constitutionalism in Chile, 1810–2020. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Appendix, tables, bibliography, index, 305 pp.; hard0
LAP volume 65 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Michael Albertus, Property Without Rights: Origins and Consequences of the Property Rights Gap. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Figures, illustrations, appendixes, bibliography, index, 390
Gerardo Caetano and Diego Hernández Nilson, eds., Alberto Methol Ferré: reflexiones sobre geopolítica y la región. Montevideo: Planeta, 2019. 350 pp.; paperback.0
Political Control and Bureaucratic Resistance: The Case of Environmental Agencies in Brazil0
Amy Reed-Sandoval and Luis Rubén Díaz Cepeda, Latin American Immigration Ethics. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2021. Notes, bibliography, index, 312 pp.; hardcover $100, paperback $35, ebook.0
Verónica Pérez Bentancur, Rafael Piñeiro Rodríguez, and Fernando Rosenblatt, How Party Activism Survives: Uruguay’s Frente Amplio. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Figures, tables, abbrevi0
Brian Wampler, Natasha Borges Sugiyama, and Michael Touchton, Democracy at Work: Pathways to Well-Being in Brazil. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Figures, tables, abbreviations, appendix0
Polarization and Populism in Latin America0
Alejandro Toledo Manrique, Education and the Future of Latin America. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2021. Figures, tables, illustrations, abbreviations, notes, bibliography, index, 246 pp.; hardcover $95, e0
Jane Marcus-Delgado, The Politics of Abortion in Latin America: Public Debates, Private Lives. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2020. Bibliography, index, tables, 181 pp.; hardcover $79.95, ebook $79.95.0
Neil Shenai, Escaping the Governance Trap. Economic Reform in the Northern Triangle. Cham: Palgrave Pivot, 2022. Figures, tables, notes, bibliography, index, 152 pp.; hardcover $49.99, ebook $39.99.0
Affective polarization in Latin America: A research note0
Estimating Parties’ Policy Positions in Uruguay: Comparing Scaling Methods Based on Legislative Speeches and Roll-Call Votes0
The Unintended Consequences of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs for Violence: Experimental and Survey Evidence from Mexico and the Americas0
Weapons of Clients: Why Do Voters Support Bad Patrons? Ethnographic Evidence from Rural Brazil0
Luciano Da Ros and Matthew M. Taylor, Brazilian Politics on Trial: Corruption and Reform Under Democracy. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2022. Tables, figures, appendix, bibliography, index, 281 pp.; hardcov0
Changing Urban Movements Repertoires Following the Erosion of Porto Alegre’s Participatory Budgeting: From Institutionalized Participation to Deinstitutionalization0
Palmer-Rubin Brian. (2022). Evading the Patronage Trap. Interest Representation in Mexico. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Illustrations, bibliography, index, appendices, 323 pp.; hardcover U0
Futurity Beyond the State: Illegal Markets and Imagined Futures in Latin America0
Approaching Equality? Media Treatment of Male and Female Members of Presidential Cabinets in a Cross-Country Comparison0
Cuba in Transition: Perspectives on Reform, Continuity, and Culture0
Competitive Authoritarianism in Morales’s Bolivia: Skewing Arenas of Competition0
Carlos A. Pérez Ricart, Cien años de espías y drogas. La historia de los agentes antinarcóticos de Estados Unidos en México. Mexico City: Penguin Random House, 2022. Bibliography, 375 pp.; paperback M0
LAP volume 63 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
Uneven States, Unequal Societies, and Democracy’s Unfulfilled Promises: Citizenship Rights in Chile and Contemporary Latin America0
Will I Get COVID-19? Partisanship, Social Media Frames, and Perceptions of Health Risk in Brazil – Corrigendum0
Government and Opposition in Legislative Speechmaking: Using Text-As-Data to Estimate Brazilian Political Parties’ Policy Positions – CORRIGENDUM0
LAP volume 64 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Migrant Remittances and Violent Responses to Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean0
Rethinking the Right in Latin America0
It’s Not Me, It’s You: Self-Interest, Social Affinity, and Support for Redistribution in Latin America0
LAP volume 65 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Claudio Lomnitz, Sovereignty and Extortion: A New State Form in Mexico. Durham: Duke University Press, 2024. Tables, notes, bibliography, index, 240 pp.; hardcover $98.95, paperback $25.50.0
LAP volume 64 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
Who Gets Credit? Citizen Responses to Local Public Goods0
Mobility Interrupted: A New Framework for Understanding Anti-Left Sentiment Among Brazil’s “Once-Rising Poor”0
LAP volume 63 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
Why Didn’t Brazilian Democracy Die?0
Shut Up! Governments’ Popular Support and Journalist Harassment: Evidence from Latin America0
Lula’s Leadership and the Limits of the Politics of Cunning0
Brett J. Kyle and Andrew G. Reiter. Military Courts, Civil-Military Relations, and the Legal Battle for Democracy: The Politics of Military Justice. Abingdon: Routledge, 2022. Figures, tables, 0
From Dictatorship to the Brazilian New Republic in Crisis: Understanding Lula’s Political Leadership0
LAP volume 66 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0