Victorian Poetry

(The TQCC of Victorian Poetry is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Love in a Time of Extinction: Poetic Category and Temporal Impasse in Robert Browning’s “Love Among the Ruins”0
Locomotive Breath: The Living Machines and Railway Dreams of Alexander Anderson's Working-Class Verse0
Gerard Manley Hopkins0
Introduction: The Place of Victorian Poetry0
Reflections on Twenty Years in Victorian Poetry0
Elizabeth Barrett Browning0
Victorian Poetry Index: Volume 59, 20210
Miscellany as Method: A Trio of Approaches to "The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point" and the 1848 Liberty Bell Gift Book0
Gerard Manley Hopkins0
Unique Forms of Ekphrasis: The Keepsake and the Illustrative Poetry of the Literary Annuals0
Wise Women and Strange Men: The Book of Proverbs in “Goblin Market”0
Ghostly Selves in Augusta Webster’s Poetry0
Hopkins Unselved0
Hopkins and Hardy: Shipwreck, Knowing, and Not Knowing0
Afterword: Victorian Salons and Forms of Poetic Sociability0
The Victorian Salon and Pre-Raphaelite Melopoetics0
Elizabeth Barrett Browning0
Project Muse: Ernest Dowson and "the Right Type of Girl"0
"The Mournful Echo": Intimacy in American Recitations and Periodical Reprinting of "Mother and Poet," 1861–18790
Introduction: A Discursive Duet0
Analog Intelligence0
Thomas Hardy0
Introduction: Poetry and the Victorian Visual Imagination0
Poetry and the Visual Dynamics of Race in the West Indian Readers0
Seeing Inversnaid: Gerard Manley Hopkins, "Inversnaid," and the Ecological Eye0
The "diaphanous veil" of Edward Lear's Tennyson Songs0
Disabled Visions: Eugene Lee-Hamilton, Physical Disability, and Poetic Identity in the Later Victorian Imagination0
Socializing Maud: Tennyson's Recitations0
Robert Browning0
Haunting Voices: Thomas Hardy's Boer War Poetry0
Christina Rossetti’s Questions: Riddles, Catechisms, and Mystery0
Victorian Poetry Index: Volume 60, 20220
Reaching Wider: Anecdotes from a Victorianist in the Australian Archive0
Women and Light Verse: On May Kendall0
"Thunders of White Silence": Racialized Ways of Seeing and "Hiram Powers' Greek Slave"0
Victorian Women Poets0
General Materials0
Keble Quoting: Citations, Invention, and Poetry0
Understanding Media with L.E.L.: Women Poets, New Media, and the Petrarchan Gaze0
Photography, Novelty, and Victorian Poetry0
Victorian Women Poets0
Christ Among the Decadents: Re-encountering Religion in Edwin Arnold’s The Light of the World0
Gerard Manley Hopkins0
Form Unformed: Elizabeth Siddall's Poetics of Decreation0
“Clutch[ing] Gold”: Wives, Mothers, and Property Law in The Ring and the Book0
“Having dared to touch with bloody hands the verses”: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Embodied Approach to the Homeric Corpus0
Robert Browning0
Going Back and Going On: The Uses of Re-encounter0
Dissonant Poetics in George Eliot's "A College Breakfast Party"0
On Peacocks: Feathered Re-encounters in the 1890s0
"The passion-flower at the gate": Tennyson's Poetry in the "Annals" of Julia Margaret Cameron0
Undisciplining Art Sisterhood0
Fact, Rhythm, and Resistance in The Ring and the Book0
“The child’s sob in the silence curses deeper”: Language of Voice and Dialogue of Reform in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “The Cry of the Children”0
Danger Lurks in the Darkness: The Ruskin/Burne-Jones Medieval Poetry Salon for Girls0
General Materials0
Reading Victorian Poetry as the World Burns0
Poetry, Politics, Possibilities0
Verse Arabesque0
General Materials0
Whithering: Or ’Tis Twenty Years Since0
Victorian Women Poets0
D. G. Rossetti and William Morris0
Elizabeth Barrett Browning0
Poetry at the Priory: George Eliot and "Benevolent" Imperialism0
Algernon Charles Swinburne0
Victorian Women’s Poetry and the Near-Death Experience of a Category0
Dante Rossetti, Pre-Raphaelitism, and the Morris Circle0
Gerard Manley Hopkins in Dialogue with Felicia Hemans0
Writing for Relief: Poetry, Labor, and the Lancashire Cotton Famine (1861–1865)0
Pre-Raphaelitism, D. G. Rossetti, and the Morris Circle0
Hopkins’s “Ribblesdale”: Sifts and Riddles0
"I trust that I am a Liberal": The Politics and Poetics of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Early Antislavery Verse0
Lyric Moments and the Historicity of the Verse Novel: Amours de Voyage0
Lyric Duration: Waiting in the Poetry of Thomas Hardy0
Thomas Hardy0
Keeping Faith in Victorian Poetry0
Named Places in Lear's Limericks0
"A larger vision": William Blake, Phoebe Anna Traquair, and the Visual Imagination in EBB's Sonnets from the Portuguese0
Robert Browning0
Christina Rossetti's Sing-Song: Three Illustrators, Three Readings of Image and Text0
Victorian Poetry in an Age of Cultural Secularization0
King Poppy : An Association Copy: An Addendum to McCormack0