IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability

(The TQCC of IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
[Front cover]56
TechRxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!37
Blank Page36
Qualitative and Quantitative Diagnostic Device for Detecting Defects in Crystalline Silicon PV Cells31
Special Issue on Semiconductor Design for Manufacturing (DFM)Joint Call for Papers24
Member Get-A-Member (MGM) Program23
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability Publication Information20
Linking the Intrinsic Electrical Response of Ferroelectric Devices to Material Properties by Means of Impedance Spectroscopy19
Stress Analysis and Characterization of PECVD Oxide/Nitride Multi-Layered Films After Thermal Cycling18
Impact of Interface Layer on Device Characteristics of Si:HfO2-Based FeFET’s18
Improvement of Encapsulation Technique of Organic Photovoltaics by UV-Curable Adhesive15
Investigation of the Interaction Effect Between the Microstructure Evolution and the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Cu-Filled Through Silicon Via15
FEA-Dominant Reliability and Lifetime Model of Double-Sided Cooling SiC Power Module14
CMOS-Compatible Ex-Situ Incorporated Junctionless Enhancement-Mode Thin Polysilicon Film FET pH Sensor14
Extracting Total Ionizing Dose Threshold Voltage Shifts From Ring Oscillator Circuit Response14
Investigations on High-Power LEDs and Solder Interconnects in Automotive Application: Part I—Initial Characterization13
Defect-Free and Annealing Influences in P3HT Organic Field-Effect Transistor Performance13
2022 Index IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability Vol. 2213
IEEE Robert Bosch Micro and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems Award13
2021 IEEE EDS Early Career Award13
[Blank page]12
Simulation Study of High-Speed Ge Photodetector Dark and Light Current Degradation11
2021 IEEE EDS Early Career Award11
Single-Event Multiple Effect Tolerant RHBD14T SRAM Cell Design for Space Applications11
Call for papers: Special issue on Solid-State Image Sensors11
High Sensitivity Temperature Measurements to Track and Compensate Aging Effects on CMOS Amplifiers10
Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown in 45-nm PD-SOI N-Channel FETs at Cryogenic Temperatures for Quantum Computing Applications10
Total Ionizing Dose (TID) Impact on Basic Amplifier Stages10
High-Performance Radiation-Hardened Spintronic Retention Latch and Flip-Flop for Highly Reliable Processors10
In-Field Testing of Functionally-Possible Transition Faults With High Activation Frequencies10
Reliability Characterization of a Low-k Dielectric Using Magnetoresistance as a Diagnostic Tool10
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability information for authors9
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability Information for Authors9
Characterization of LDO Induced Increment of SEE Sensitivity for 22-nm FDSOI SRAM9
From Mega to nano: Beyond one Century of Vacuum Electronics9
Optimization Techniques for Reliable Low Leakage GNRFET-Based 9T SRAM9
A Consistent Analytical Method to Assess Reliability of Redundant Safety Instrumented Systems9
HEMT Inspired GaN Optical Waveguides: Analysis Under Thermal Stress and Prospects9
CMOS Reliability From Past to Future: A Survey of Requirements, Trends, and Prediction Methods8
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society on "Materials, processing and integration for neuromorphic devices and in-memory computing"8
Impact of Hot Carrier Aging on the 1/f and Random Telegraph Noise of Short-Channel Triple-Gate Junctionless MOSFETs8
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices on "Semiconductor Device Modeling for Circuit and System Design8
H2C-TM: A Hybrid High Coverage Test Method for Improving the Detection of HtD Faults in STT-MRAMs8
Analysis of Multicrystalline Si Solar Cell Improvement Using Laser-Beam-Induced Current Technique7
Negative Bias Temperature Instability in Top-Gated Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Transistors With Y2O3 Gate Dielectric7
Failure Mechanism of Aluminum Diffusion in Low-Voltage Trench MOSFET With High Cell Density7
A Novel DTSCR With Embedded MOS and Island Diodes for ESD Protection of High-Speed ICs7
Systematic Unsupervised Recycled Field-Programmable Gate Array Detection7
ESD Stress Effect on Failure Mechanisms in GaN-on-Si Power Device7
Numerical Simulation of Trapped Hole Lateral Migration and Induced Threshold Voltage Retention Loss in a SONOS Flash Memory7
Design of Compact Reliable Energy Efficient Read Disturb Free 17T CNFET Ternary S-RAM Cell7
Front Cover6
A Modified Bypass Circuit for Improved Reliability of PV Module Validated With Real-Time Data6
Negative Bias-Temperature Instabilities and Low-Frequency Noise in Ge FinFETs6
CD-DFT: A Current-Difference Design-for-Testability to Detect Short Defects of STT-MRAM Under Process Variations6
Guidelines for the Design of Random Telegraph Noise-Based True Random Number Generators6
Mission Profile-Based Hotspot Temperature and Lifespan Estimation of DC-Link Capacitors Used in Automotive Traction Inverters6
PEAR: Unbalanced Inter-Page Errors Aware Read Scheme for Latency-Efficient 3-D NAND Flash6
A Review: Breakdown Voltage Enhancement of GaN Semiconductors-Based High Electron Mobility Transistors6
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability Publication Information6
Critical Insights Into Fast Charging Techniques for Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles6
An Empirical Study on Fault Detection and Root Cause Analysis of Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes by Processing S-Parameter Patterns6
Evaluations of Gate Oxide Reliability in SiC MOSFETs Under Extremely High Gate Voltage Stress6
Reflow Residues on Printed Circuit Board Assemblies and Interaction With Humidity5
Low Conductance State Drift Characterization and Mitigation in Resistive Switching Memories (RRAM) for Artificial Neural Networks5
From Accelerated to Operating Conditions: How Trapped Charge Impacts on TDDB in SiO₂ and HfO₂ Stacks5
Utilizing Two Three-Transistor Structures for Designing Radiation Hardened Circuits5
Characterization and Modeling of Hot Carrier Degradation Under Dynamic Operation Voltage5
Solid-State Image Sensors5
Probing the Atomic-Scale Mechanisms of Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown in Si/SiO2 MOSFETs (June 2022)5
Aging and Sintered Layer Defect Detection of Discrete MOSFETs Using Frequency Domain Reflectometry Associated With Parasitic Resistance5
Optimization of 3-D IC Routing Based on Thermal Equalization Analysis5
Detection and Analysis of Stress Wave in MOSFET Under Gate-Source Overvoltage Failure5
Device Screening Strategy for Suppressing Current Imbalance in Parallel-Connected SiC MOSFETs5
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability Publication Information5
The Characteristics and Reliability With Channel Length Dependent on the Deposited Sequence of SiO₂ and Si₃N₄ as PV in LTPS TFTs5
Side-Channel Attack Resilient RHBD 12T SRAM Cell for Secure Nuclear Environment5
Self-Heating Mapping of the Experimental Device and Its Optimization in Advance Sub-5 nm Node Junctionless Multi-Nanowire FETs5
Blank Page5
TechRxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!4
Destructive Testing for Reliability Analysis at High-Power Microwave in GaAs/InGaP Hetero-Junction Bipolar Transistor4
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliabilityinformation for authors4
IEEE Transactions on Device and MaterialsReliability publication information4
TechRxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!4
Spintronics-Devices and Circuits4
Nondestructive and Quantitative Evaluation of a GaAs Epitaxial Layer Covered With a Silicon Nitride Insulating Thin Film After a Highly Accelerated Temperature and Humidity Stress With the Use of Phot4
Impact of Self-Heating on Linearity Performance of In0.53Ga0.47As-Based Gate-All-Around MOSFETs4
TechRxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!4
Highly Reproducible and Reliable Methanol Sensor Based on Hydrothermally Grown TiO2 Nanoparticles4
Table of contents4
Single Pulse Charge Pumping Technique Improvement for Interface-States Profiling in the Channel of MOSFET Devices4
Negative-Bias Temperature Instability of p-GaN Gate GaN-on-Si Power Devices4
Accelerated Lifetime Testing and Analysis of Delta-Doped Silicon Test Structures4
Table of contents4
A DLTS Study on Deep Trench Processing-Induced Trap States in Silicon Photodiodes4
Special Issue on Semiconductor Design for Manufacturing (DFM)Joint Call for Papers4
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability Information for Authors4
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliabilityinformation for authors4
[Blank page]4
Analysis of Hump Effect Induced by Positive Bias Temperature Instability in the Local Oxidation of Silicon n-MOSFETs4
Table of Contents4
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing CALL FOR PAPERS for Special Issue on Process-Level Machine Learning Applications in Semiconductor Manufacturing4
Blank Page4
Popcorning Failures in Polymer and MnO2 Tantalum Capacitors4
Eight-Level/Cell Storage by Tuning the Spatial Distribution of Dielectrics in a Tri-Layer ReRAM Cell: Electrical Characteristics and Reliability3
Blank Page3
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability Publication Information3
Unveiling the Degradation Mechanism of Polymer-Based Thermal Interface Materials Under Thermo-Oxidative Condition3
Suppression of Total Dose Effects on the Performance of InAlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMT via Field Plate Implementation3
Elimination of Thermo-Mechanically Driven Circumferential Crack Formation in Copper Through-Glass via Substrate3
Electromigration Performance Improvement of Metal Heaters for Si Photonic Ring Modulators3
Research of Single-Event Burnout in P-NiO/n-Ga2O3 Heterojunction Diode3
Measurements and Review of Failure Mechanisms and Reliability Constraints of 4H-SiC Power MOSFETs Under Short Circuit Events3
Reliability Test of 21% Efficient Flexible Perovskite Solar Cell Under Concave, Convex and Sinusoidal Bending3
A Thermal Circuit Representing Frequency Dependent Dynamic Heating Between Electron and Lattice in SOI-FinFET3
Blank Page3
Self-Heating and Reliability-Aware “Intrinsic” Safe Operating Area of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors—An Analytical Approach3
Influence of Hot Carrier Degradation on Total Ionizing Dose in Bulk I/O-FinFETs3
Guest Editorial TDMR IIRW Special Section3
Modeling Analysis of BTI-Driven Degradation of a Ring Oscillator Designed in a 28-nm CMOS Technology3
Cause Analysis on the Abnormal Failure of SiC Power Modules During the HV-H3TRB Tests3
Reliability Challenges in Advanced 3D Technologies: The Case of Through Silicon Vias and SiCN–SiCN Wafer-to-Wafer Hybrid-Bonding Technologies3
Negative Capacitance Vertical Dopingless TFET and its Analog/RF Analysis Using Interface Trap Charges3
TechRxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!3
Table of contents3
Plasma Charging Damage in HK-First and HK-Last RMG NMOS Devices3
Dynamic Reliability Assessment of Vertical GaN Trench MOSFETs With Thick Bottom Dielectric3
Reliability and Process Scalability of TiO2/Porous Silicon-Based Broadband Photodetectors3
Analysis of Floating Limiting Rings Termination Under Repetitive Avalanche Current Stress for 4H-SiC JBS Rectifiers3
A SiC Trench Schottky Diode With Accelerated Hole Extraction and Recombination Structure for Enhancing Single-Event Burnout Tolerance3