Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases

(The TQCC of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Citizen Science on Lyme Borreliosis in Spain Reveals Disease-Associated Risk Factors and Control Interventions38
Identification and Characterization of Jingmen Tick Virus in Ticks from Yunnan Imported Cattle37
Natural Vertical Transmission of Dengue Virus Serotype 4 in Aedes aegypti Larvae from Urban Areas in Sinaloa, Mexico36
A Case of Mediterranean Spotted Fever with Cerebral Infarction33
First Isolation of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Genotype IV from Mosquitoes in Australia32
Locally TransmittedTrypanosoma cruziin a Domestic Llama (Lama glama) in a Rural Area of Greater New Orleans, Louisiana, USA29
Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Coxiella burnetii in Cattle, Goats, and Horses in the Republic of Korea28
A First Look at the Relationship Between Large Herbivore-Induced Landscape Modifications and Ixodes ricinus Tick Abundance in Rewilding Sites22
Tribute to Ernie Gould21
Genome Characterization of a Tailam Virus Discovered in Brown Rats in Yunnan Province, China21
Acknowledgment of Reviewers 202220
DNA Barcoding Analysis of Trinidad Haemagogus Mosquitoes Reveals Evidence for Putative New Species16
Emergence of West Nile Virus Lineage-2 in Resident Corvids in Istanbul, Turkey15
Surveillance of Mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) in Kyiv, Ukraine Between 2013 and 201714
Co-infection by Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in Goats Reared in Extensive System of Mexico14
Population Density of European Hare Predicts Risk of Tularemia Infection, Czech Republic, 2006–202213
Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in Females Aged 15–45 Years from Bihor County, Western Romania13
Epizootic Plague in Prairie Dogs: Correlates and Control with Deltamethrin13
BartonellaSpecies in Cambodia, Ghana, Laos, and Peru: Results from Vector and Serosurveys12
Urban Horses As Environmental Bioindicators for Leishmaniasis12
Serological Surveillance of Hospitalized Patients for Lyme Borreliosis in Ukraine12
A Meta-Analysis of Bovine Chlamydia Prevalence in Cattle in China from 1989 to 202011
Occurrence of Major Human Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli Sequence Types Among Diarrheic Pet Animals: A Potential Public Health Threat11
Diagnosis and Analysis of Clinical Characteristics of Chlamydia psittaci Pneumonia11
Prevalence ofLeishmania infantumin Dogs from Deforested Areas of the Amazon Biome11
A Method to Create Directed Acyclic Graphs from Cycles of Transmission of Zoonotic and Vector-Borne Infectious Agents11
A Single Clinical Case of Leptospirosis in a 70-Year-Old Man During the Military Conflict in Ukraine11
Tribal Malaria in India: An Analysis of Malaria Incidence and Mortality over 20-Year Period (2000–2020)11
Ovicidal Aroma Shields for Prevention of Blow Fly Strikes Caused by Lucilia sericata (Meigen), Diptera: Calliphoridae11
Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in Women of Reproductive Age and Associated Risk Factors in Chiapas, Mexico11
A One Health Epidemiological Approach for Understanding Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens10
Schizophrenia andBartonellaspp. Infection: A Pilot Case–Control Study10
Carrier Status ofLeptospiraspp. in Healthy Companion Dogs in Sri Lanka10
Occurrence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Healthy Pet Rabbits10
Assessment of the Pathogenicity of Rickettsia amblyommatis, Rickettsia bellii, and Rickettsia montanensis in a Guinea Pig Model9
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Chemical Control for Chagas Disease Vectors in Loja Province, Ecuador9
Acute Chagas Disease Caused by Trypanosoma cruzi TcIV and Transmitted by Panstrongylus geniculatus: Molecular Epidemiological Insights Provided by the First Documented Autochthonous Case9
Trypanosoma cruzi in Wild and Synanthropic Mammals in Two Regions of Mexico: A Fieldwork and Genetic Discrete Typing Unit Review9
Laboratory Assessment of Molluscicidal Activities of Cannabis sativa, Acacia nilotica, and Tinospora cordifolia Against Snail Host of Fasciola spp.9
Incidence and Spatial distribution of Human and Livestock Anthrax in Cao Bang Province, Vietnam (2004–2020)9
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Toxoplasma gondii Infection Among Five Wild Rodent Species from Five Provinces of China9
Short Communication: Coinfection of Japanese Encephalitis and Scrub Typhus in Acute Encephalitis Patients in North India9
Human Brucellosis in Greece, 2005–2020: A Persistent Public Health Problem9
Mild Encephalitis/Encephalopathy with Reversible Splenial Lesion Associated with Scrub Typhus in a Child: A Case Report9
Dirofilaria immitis in Italian Cats and the Risk of Exposure by Aedes albopictus9
Plague Outbreak of a Marmota himalayana Family Emerging from Hibernation8
Evaluation of the Veterinary IDEXX SNAP 4Dx Plus Test for the Diagnosis of Lyme Disease in Humans8
Infection of Feral Phenotype Swine with Japanese Encephalitis Virus8
A Case Series on Spotted Fever and Typhus Fever Seropositivity at National Center for Disease Control and Epidemiological Perspective8
Anthrax Surveillance and the Limited Overlap Between Obligate Scavengers and Endemic Anthrax Zones in the United States8
Dermacentor silvarum, a Medically Important Tick, May Not Be a Competent Vector to Transmit Jingmen Tick Virus8
Evolution of Lyme Borreliosis Epidemiology in Primary Care and Hospital Settings in France During the COVID-19 Pandemic8
Analyzing Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Designated Malaria Risk Areas in Nepal from 2018 to 20218
Seroprevalence of Lyme Borreliosis in Europe: Results from a Systematic Literature Review (2005–2020)7
Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Toxoplasma gondii Infection of Cattle and Goats in Farms of Hunan Province, China7
Short Communication: Analysis of the Spectrum of Glomerular Diseases in Chronic Filariasis Diagnosed in a Tertiary Care Hospital in India7
Bartonella Species in Small Mammals in Turkey: Bartonella bilalgolemii sp. nov. Isolated from a Ural Field Mouse (Apodemus uralensis)7
First Serological Evidence of West Nile Virus Among Equines and Birds in Kosovo, 2018–20197
Awareness of Pet Owners in Riyadh Regarding Pet-Related Health Risks and Their Associated Preventative Measures7
Molecular Detection of Dengue Virus, Zika Virus, and Chikungunya Virus Arboviruses in Neotropical Bats7
Pathogen and Host Associations of Soft Ticks Collected in South Texas7
Individual, Host–Vector Interactions, and Environmental Risk Factors for Plasmodium knowlesi Malaria Among At-Risk Communities in Peninsular Malaysia: A Case–Control Study7
Emerging Mosquito-Borne Viruses Linked toAedes aegyptiandAedes albopictus: Global Status and Preventive Strategies7
Isolation of Orientia tsutsugamushi in Culture from Vellore, South India6
Gamasid Ticks as Vectors of Tularemia in the Southeast of Armenia6
A Scoping Review on the Epidemiology of Orthobunyaviruses of Canadian Public and Animal Health Relevance in the Context of Vector Species6
The Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, Radiology, Microbiology, Treatment, and Prognosis of Echinococcosis: Results of NENEHATUN Study6
Flea-Borne Rickettsioses and Scrub Typhus in Patients with Suspected Arbovirus Infection in Bangkok, Thailand6
Preparing an Insectary in Burkina Faso to Support Research in Genetic Technologies for Malaria Control6
Acknowledgment of Reviewers 20216
First Report ofBlastocystisspp. Infection in Pet Birds in Henan Province, Central China6
Detection of Trypanosoma lewisi DNA from Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus in Hanoi, Vietnam6
Parturient Cat As a Potential Reservoir for Coxiella burnetii: A Hidden Threat to Pet Owners6
Detection of DENV-1, DENV-3, and DENV-4 Serotypes in Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, and Epidemic Risk in the Departments of Oueme and Plateau, South-Eastern Benin6
Detection of Coxiella burnetii and Borrelia spp. DNA in Cutaneous Samples and in Household Dust in Rural Areas, Senegal6
Seroprevalence of Brucella Infection in a Cohort of HIV-Positive Malawian Pregnant Women Living in Urban Areas5
Detection of Point Prevalence and Assemblages of Giardia spp. in Dairy Calves and Sika Deer, Northeast China5
Replication Kinetics of a Candidate Live-Attenuated Vaccine for Cache Valley Virus in Aedes albopictus5
An Introduction to Containment Recommendations for Gene Drive Mosquitoes and the Laboratory Rearing of Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes in Africa5
Bird Louse FliesOrnithomyaspp. (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) as Potential Vectors of MammalianBabesiaand Other Pathogens5
Diagnostic Efficacy of Recombinase-Polymerase-Amplification Coupled with Lateral Flow Strip Reading in Patients with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis from the Amazonas Rainforest of Perú5
Association Between Wolbachia Infection and Susceptibility to Deltamethrin Insecticide in Phlebotomus papatasi (Diptera: Psychodidae), the Main Vector of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis5
Spatial Bet Hedging in Sand Fly Oviposition: Factors Affecting Skip Oviposition inPhlebotomus papatasiSand Flies5
Circulation of Antibiotic-Resistant Escherichia coli in Wild and Domestic Waterfowl in Ukraine5
White-Tailed Deer Serum Kills the Lyme Disease Spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi5
Isolation and Characterization of Wuxiang Virus from Sandflies Collected in Yangquan County, Shanxi Province, China5
New Prognostic Parameter of West Nile Virus: Platelet Distribution Width5
Spatial, Sociodemographic, and Weather Analysis of the Zika Virus Outbreak: U.S. Virgin Islands, January 2016–January 20185
Flavivirus Antibodies Reactive to Zika Virus Detected in Multiple Species of Nonhuman Primates in Kenya, 2008–20174
Cat Flea Coinfection with Rickettsia felis and Rickettsia typhi4
Seroprevalence and the Risk Factor of Toxoplasma gondii Infection to Slaughter Pigs in Chongqing, China4
Pathogen Carriage by Peri-Domestic Fleas in Western Kenya4
Using Data Surveillance to Understand the Rising Incidence of Babesiosis in the United States, 2011–20184
Emerging Tick-Borne Pathogens in Central Canada: Recent Detections of Babesia odocoilei and Rickettsia rickettsii4
Perspective: Incidence of Clinician-Diagnosed Lyme Disease in Manitoba, Canada 2009–20184
Molecular Detection of Francisella tularensis Isolated from Ticks of Livestock in Kurdistan Region, Iraq4
Detection of Rickettsia amblyommatis and Ehrlichia chaffeensis in Amblyomma americanum Inhabiting Two Urban Parks in Oklahoma4
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Ticks, Tick-Borne Diseases, and Ethnomedicine Among an at-Risk Population in Kerala4
A Review on Emerging Infectious Diseases Prioritized Under the 2018 WHO Research and Development Blueprint: Lessons from the Indian Context4
Changes in Age and Geographic Distribution of the Risk of Chagas Disease in Chile from 1989 to 20174
A Multidisciplinary “One Health” Tool for Tackling Brucellosis4
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus Seropositive Bactrian Camels, Mongolia4
Isolation of Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus from Various Tick Species in Area with Human Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Cases4
Putative 14th Century Outbreak of Foodborne Chagas Disease, Mexico4
Serological and Molecular Survey of Brucella Species in Owners and Their Dogs Living on Island and Mainland Seashore Areas of Brazil4
Evolutionary History and Genetic Variation of Zika Virus: Connection Between Thailand Zika Viruses and Global Outbreaks Strains4
Call for Papers: Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases4
Coinfection with Orthohantavirus and Leptospira spp. in Rats Collected from Markets in Indonesia4
One Health Approach on Ehrlichia canis: Serosurvey of Owners and Dogs, Molecular Detection in Ticks, and Associated Risk Factors in Tick-Infested Households of Southern Brazil4
Prevalence of Bovine Tuberculosis in Yaks Between 1982 and 2020 in Mainland China: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis4
Acknowledgment of Reviewers 20244
Identification of Leptospira Species in Environmental Soil of Urban Settlements in Cambodia4