Perspectives in Biology and Medicine

(The TQCC of Perspectives in Biology and Medicine is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Disproportionate Risk at Both Ends: Housing, Health, and Systems of Exposure40
Diagnosis: What Is the Structure of Its Reasoning?27
Organismal Superposition and Death24
Moral Diversity for Medical Trainees10
Remembering the Art of Dying: lessons for medical trainees10
Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on the Translational Work of Bioethics10
The Unexpected Perks of Flatting During COVID-1910
The Twin Crises of Principles and Stories7
Health Equity Is No Spectator Sport: The Radical Rooting of a Post-Pandemic Bioethics7
Winner: Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) 2020 Award for Best Public Intellectual Special Issue: Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, vol. 63, no. 1, Special Issue on CRISPR7
Living Donor Ethics and Uterus Transplantation6
Culture in End-of-Life Care6
Negative Impacts of Taegyo : Feminist and Disability Perspectives5
Disputing Darwin: On Piloerection and Mental Illness5
Prescribing the Binary for Intersex (and Transgender) Children5
The Trouble with Child Poverty5
Medical Wisdom4
Editor's Introduction: Disability, Social Justice, and Dignity of Risk at 50 Years4
Futures of Care: Care Technologies and Graphic Medicine4
What Is Light in Dark Times?4
Autonomy and Social Responsibility: The Post-Pandemic Challenge4
What Bioethicists Need to Know About the Social Determinants of Health—and Why4
Autopsy of the Living: Elderhood, Race, and Biocitizenship in the Time of Coronavirus3
Pediatric Decision-Making for Children in State Custody3
Organismal Superposition Problem and Nihilist Challenge in the Definition of Death3
Introduction to the Special Issue on Pediatric Decision-Making3
Are Psychedelic Experiences Transformative? Can We Consent to Them?3
Why the World Needs Bioethics Communication3
Not Wanting to Lose the Dignity of Risk: On Living Alone with Dementia2
Medical Decision-Making for Children in Families with Siblings: parental discretion and its limits2
Intimacy in Isolation: Podcasting, Affect, and the Pandemic2
Teaching Diagnostic Reasoning to Medical Students: a four-step approach2
From Wonder to Anger: Rethinking The Showman and the Slave Through Standpoint Theory2
The Problem of Irreproducible Bioscience Research2
Limits on Parental Discretion in Medical Decision-Making: pediatric intervention principles converge2
Lived Religion in Religious Vaccine Exemptions2
Can Bioethics Do for Our Planet What It's Done for Autonomy?2
Scans and Prints2
Mycobacterial Death and Resurrection: paradigm shifts in disease understanding2
Amicus Brief2
Decision-Making for Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria2
What to Expect When You're Expecting an Epidemic: Ling Ma's Severance and Karen Thomson Walker's The Dreamers2
Wonder with Care: How “Crip Participation” Engages Activism2
“Control Freaks”: Evaluating Concerns of Ableism in the Perinatal Environment2
Moral Distress in Deciding How Others Die2
People on Floors: Creating Relics Out of Medical Waste2
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Pandemic: The 1977 “Russian flu”1
Rhetoric, Persuasion, Compulsion, and the Stubborn Problem of Vaccine Hesitancy1
Cells in Hiding1
The Demise of the AMA’s Mission to Improve Public Health1
You Must Change Your Life: A Journey Toward Love and Kindness1
Being and Becoming Pregnant: Valuing Risks1
Ecological Health: Ethics as the Starting Place1
Evidence of Biological Mechanisms and Health Predictions: An Insight into Clinical Reasoning1
Accepting and Embracing Our Mortality1
Conceptualizing Endometriosis Pain Through Metaphors1
Sacred-in-Practice: A Framework for Teaching Religion, Health, and Medicine1
A Place of His Own: Applying Dignity of Risk to Bioethics Consultation1
Can We Flourish Amid Our Losses? Transformative Openings in Old Age1
Dignity of Risk in Rehabilitation: Theory and Practice1
"In This Together": Diagnosis and the Imaginary Nation1
The Doctor Stamp and COVID-19: A Perspective1
A Brief History of the Discovery of Gene Cloning in 19751
Ethical Maxims for a Marginally Inhabitable Planet1
When Corona Came to Canada: The 2003 SARS Outbreak and Its Aftermath1
Careful the Things You Say, Children Will Listen: Parents, Adolescents, and Fairytales1
Amicus Brief1
The Problem of Irreproducible Bioscience Research1
Victors, Victims, and Vectors1
Hospital Discharge as a Locus for Curiosity, Affirmation, and Advocacy1
Euthanasia and End-of-Life Decisions: From the Empirical Turn to Moral Intuitionism1
Philosophical Foundations of Human Research Ethics1
Psychiatric Disorders: Grounded in Human Biology but Not Natural Kinds1
The Impact of Transmissible Microbes: How the Cystic Fibrosis Community Mobilized Against Cepacia1
Between the Spaces: graphic diagnosis1
Liberty and Protection of Society During a Pandemic: Revisiting John Stuart Mill1
Environmentalizing Bioethics: Planetary Health in a Perfect Moral Storm1
COVID-19, Graphic Medicine, and Thinking Beyond Data1
The Isenheim Altarpiece and the Virtue(s) of Wonder1
Historical Lessons on Vaccine Hesitancy: Smallpox, Polio, and Measles, and Implications for COVID-191
Drawing Pain: Graphic Medicine, Pain Metaphors, and Georgia Webber's Dumb1