ACM Transactions on Computational Logic

(The TQCC of ACM Transactions on Computational Logic is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
First-Order Interpretations of Bounded Expansion Classes16
Being Correct Is Not Enough: Efficient Verification Using Robust Linear Temporal Logic14
Principles of KLM-style Defeasible Description Logics11
A New Perspective on FO Model Checking of Dense Graph Classes7
Action Logic is Undecidable7
Unifying Operational Weak Memory Verification: An Axiomatic Approach7
Verification of Distributed Quantum Programs6
Slanted Canonicity of Analytic Inductive Inequalities6
Strategy Logic with Imperfect Information6
Syntactic Completeness of Proper Display Calculi5
Applying Visible Strong Equivalence in Answer-Set Program Transformations5
Non-well-founded Proof Theory of Transitive Closure Logic5
A Meta-theory for Big-step Semantics4
Logics with Multiteam Semantics4
Beyond Uniform Equivalence between Answer-set Programs3
A Decision Procedure for Guarded Separation Logic Complete Entailment Checking for Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions3
Witnesses for Answer Sets of Logic Programs3
Testing using CSP Models: Time, Inputs, and Outputs3
Generalized Realizability and Basic Logic3
Logics for Temporal Information Systems in Rough Set Theory3
Precise Subtyping for Asynchronous Multiparty Sessions3
From 2-Sequents and Linear Nested Sequents to Natural Deduction for Normal Modal Logics3
Stratification in Approximation Fixpoint Theory and Its Application to Active Integrity Constraints3
Modalities and Parametric Adjoints2
O-Minimal Invariants for Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems2
Small Circuits and Dual Weak PHP in the Universal Theory of p-time Algorithms2
Canonisation and Definability for Graphs of Bounded Rank Width2
Complete Abstractions for Checking Language Inclusion2
MaxSAT Resolution and Subcube Sums2
Asynchronous Announcements2
A Decidable Fragment of First Order Modal Logic: Two Variable Term Modal Logic2
Inference from Visible Information and Background Knowledge2
Linear Logic Properly Displayed2
Precise Subtyping for Asynchronous Multiparty Sessions2
A Category Theoretic View of Contextual Types: From Simple Types to Dependent Types2
SAT-Inspired Eliminations for Superposition2
First-order Logic with Connectivity Operators2
Graphs Identified by Logics with Counting2
Tractability Frontier of Data Complexity in Team Semantics2