Natural Hazards Review

(The H4-Index of Natural Hazards Review is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Equitable Resilience in Infrastructure Systems: Empirical Assessment of Disparities in Hardship Experiences of Vulnerable Populations during Service Disruptions69
Seismic Behavior of Plan and Vertically Irregular Structures: State of Art and Future Challenges33
Importance of Households in Business Disaster Recovery29
Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Coupled Natural-Physical-Social Systems: Cascading Impact of Hurricane-Induced Damages to Civil Infrastructure in Galveston, Texas26
Institutional Coordination of Disaster Management: Engaging National and Local Governments in Japan24
Understanding Functionality and Operability for Infrastructure System Resilience21
Opportunities and Challenges of Public Participation in Post-Disaster Recovery Planning: Lessons from Galveston, TX20
Overview of Interdependency Models of Critical Infrastructure for Resilience Assessment20
Validation of Time-Dependent Repair Recovery of the Building Stock Following the 2011 Joplin Tornado19
Effects of Infrastructure Service Disruptions Following Hurricane Irma: Multilevel Analysis of Postdisaster Recovery Outcomes19
Advances of Satellite Remote Sensing Technology in Earthquake Prediction19
Flood Damage Assessment in HAZUS Using Various Resolution of Data and One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional HEC-RAS Depth Grids17
Statistical Quantification of Texture Visual Features for Pattern Recognition by Analyzing Pre- and Post-Multispectral Landsat Satellite Imagery17
Development of Sinkhole Susceptibility Map of East Central Florida17
Impact of COVID-19 on the Diversity of the Construction Workforce16
Scientometric Analysis of Natural Disaster Management Research16
Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity and Seismic Site Characterization for New Nuclear Power Plant Region, India16