IEEE Microwave Magazine

(The median citation count of IEEE Microwave Magazine is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Trends in Wireless Power Transfer: WPT Technology for Energy Harvesting, Mllimeter-Wave/THz Rectennas, MIMO-WPT, and Advances in Near-Field WPT Applications69
Recent Progress in SISL Circuits and Systems: Review of Passive and Active Circuits Demonstrating SISL's Low Loss and Self-Packaging and Showcasing the Merits of Metallic, Shielded, Suspended Lines63
Filtering Antennas: Design Methods and Recent Developments55
scikit-rf: An Open Source Python Package for Microwave Network Creation, Analysis, and Calibration [Speaker’s Corner]44
Avoiding RF Isolators: Reflectionless Microwave Bandpass Filtering Components for Advanced RF Front Ends43
ANNs for Fast Parameterized EM Modeling: The State of the Art in Machine Learning for Design Automation of Passive Microwave Structures39
Modern RF Measurements With Hot Atoms: A Technology Review of Rydberg Atom-Based Radio Frequency Field Sensors38
Chipless RFID Printing Technologies: A State of the Art36
Evolution of SWIPT for the IoT World: Near- and Far-Field Solutions for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer34
Nonresonating Modes Do It Better!: Exploiting Additional Modes in Conjunction With Operating Modes to Design Better Quality Filters31
Negative Group Delay Circuits and Applications: Feedforward Amplifiers, Phased-Array Antennas, Constant Phase Shifters, Non-Foster Elements, Interconnection Equalization, and Power Dividers28
The Fairy Tale of Simple All-Digital Radars: How to Deal With 100 Gbit/s of a Digital Millimeter-Wave MIMO Radar on an FPGA [Application Notes]27
Low-Earth Orbit User Segment in the Ku and Ka-Band: An Overview of Antennas and RF Front-End Technologies27
A Review of Microwave Vacuum Devices in China: Theory and Device Development Including High-Power Klystrons, Spaceborne TWTs, and Gyro-TWTs26
Terahertz Wireless Communications: Recent Developments Including a Prototype System for Short-Range Data Downloading26
Contactless Radar-Based Sensors: Recent Advances in Vital-Signs Monitoring of Multiple Subjects26
Inkjet-/3D-/4D-Printed Perpetual Electronics and Modules: RF and mm-Wave Devices for 5G+, IoT, Smart Agriculture, and Smart Cities Applications25
Recycling Ambient RF Energy: Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer and Harmonic Backscattering24
Frequency-Selective Rasorbers: A View of Frequency-Selective Rasorbers and Their Application in Reducing the Radar Cross Sections of Antennas23
Multifunction, Multiband, and Multimode Wireless Receivers: A Path Toward the Future23
Rectifier Circuits for RF Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer Applications: A Comprehensive Review Based on Operating Conditions23
Millimeter-Wave GaN Devices for 5G: Massive MIMO Antenna Arrays for Sub-6-Ghz and mm-Wave Bandwidth21
Stocktaking Robots, Automatic Inventory, and 3D Product Maps: The Smart Warehouse Enabled by UHF-RFID Synthetic Aperture Localization Techniques20
Holographic-Based Leaky-Wave Structures: Transformation of Guided Waves to Leaky Waves19
Beyond the Moore-Penrose Inverse: Strategies for the Estimation of Digital Predistortion Linearization Parameters18
Taking a Look Beneath the Surface: Multicopter UAV-Based Ground-Penetrating Imaging Radars17
Millimeter-Wave Phased Arrays and Over-the-Air Characterization for 5G and Beyond: Overview on 5G mm-Wave Phased Arrays and OTA Characterization16
Cryogenic CMOS Circuits and Systems: Challenges and Opportunities in Designing the Electronic Interface for Quantum Processors15
High-Speed Interconnects: History, Evolution, and the Road Ahead13
Load-Modulated Balanced Amplifier: From First Invention to Recent Development13
Two Decades of UWB Filter Technology: Advances and Emerging Challenges in the Design of UWB Bandpass Filters13
Reverberation Chamber Metrology for Wireless Internet of Things Devices: Flexibility in Form Factor, Rigor in Test13
Software-Defined RFID Readers: Wireless Reader Testbeds Exploiting Software-Defined Radios for Enhancements in UHF RFID Systems12
Wireless Power Transfer Strategies for Medical Implants: Focus on Robustness and EM Compatibility12
Dielectric Characterization of Anisotropic 3D-Printed Biodegradable Substrates Based on Polylactic Acid [Application Notes]12
Rectifier Design Challenges for Wireless Energy Harvesting/Wireless Power Transfer Systems: Broadening Bandwidth and Extended Input Power Range12
Waveguide Components Based on Multiple-Mode Resonators: Advances in Microwave Multiple-Mode Waveguide Components, Including Multiplexers, Three-State Diplexers, Crossovers, and Balanced/Unbalanced Ele12
Tunable Filters for Agile 5G New Radio Base Transceiver Stations [Application Notes]12
Radiative Wireless Power Transfer: Where We Are and Where We Want to Go12
Spatiotemporal Nonreciprocal Filters: Theoretical Concepts and Literature Review11
S-Parameters for Calculating the Maximum Efficiency of a MIMO-WPT System: Applicable to Near/Far Field Coupling, Capacitive/Magnetic Coupling11
Wearable, Energy-Autonomous RF Microwave Systems: Chipless and Energy-Harvesting-Based Wireless Systems for Low-Power, Low-Cost Localization and Sensing11
Machine Learning for H-FIRE Protocols: Tuning Parameters for High-Frequency Irreversible Electroporation by Machine Learning10
Cryogenic Noise-Parameter Measurements: Recent Research and a Fully Automated Measurement Application10
Dielectric Spectroscopy: Revealing the True Colors of Biological Matter10
Integrated Filter–Amplifiers: A Comprehensive Review10
Solid-State Diode Technology for Millimeter and Submillimeter-Wave Remote Sensing Applications: Current Status and Future Trends10
Research on GaN-Based RF Devices: High-Frequency Gate Structure Design, Submicrometer-Length Gate Fabrication, Suppressed SCE, Low Parasitic Resistance, Minimized Current Collapse, and Lower Gate Leak9
Label-Free Noninvasive Cell Characterization: A Methodology Using Broadband Impedance Spectroscopy9
User Terminal Segments for Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations: Commercial Systems and Innovative Research Ideas9
Sonic Health Attacks by Pulsed Microwaves in Havana Revisited [Health Matters]9
Internet of Things Networks: Enabling Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer9
Flexible Electronics for Wireless Communication: A Technology and Circuit Design Review With an Application Example9
Low-Noise Amplifier for Next-Generation Radio Astronomy Telescopes: Review of the State-of-the-Art Cryogenic LNAs in the Most Challenging Applications8
Tunable Balanced Power Dividers: An Overview of Recently Developed Balanced Power Dividers and Couplers With Fixed and Tunable Functions7
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy: Recent Developments in Microwave Time-Domain Techniques7
Modified Shannon’s Capacity for Wireless Communication [Speaker's Corner]7
Linearity-Enhanced and Highly Efficient Doherty Power Amplifier: 16th High Efficiency Power Amplifier Student Design Competition7
Design RF Magnetic Devices With Linear and Nonlinear Equivalent Circuit Models: Demystify RF Magnetics With Equivalent Circuit Models7
Harnessing Harmonics in Doherty Power Amplifiers [Application Notes]7
Gyrator-C-Based CMOS Active Inductors: Analysis of Performance Optimization Techniques7
Periodic Structures for Reconfigurable Filter Design: A Comprehensive Review6
The MTT-S Technical Coordinating and Future Directions Committee: Promoting Our Technical Communities-20226
Design Space and Frequency Extrapolation: Using Neural Networks6
Space Tags: Ultra-Low-Power Operation and Radiation Hardness for Passive Wireless Sensor Tags6
Robustly Operating: Passive Near-Field Communication Systems in Metal Environments6
Single- and Multiple-Material Additively Manufactured Electronics: A Further Step From the Microwave-to-Terahertz Regimes6
Health Safety Guidelines and 5G Wireless Radiation [Health Matters]6
Additively Manufactured “Smart” RF/mm-Wave Packaging Structures: A Quantum Leap for On-Demand Customizable Integrated 5G and Internet of Things Modules6
Radio Challenges, Architectures, and Design Considerations for Wireless Infrastructure: Creating the Core Technologies That Connect People Around the World6
Dual-Band Design Techniques for Microwave Passive Circuits: A Review and Applications6
Some Recent Advances in Measurements at Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Frequencies: Advances in High Frequency Measurements5
Overview of Common-Mode Noise Suppression Techniques: From Reflection to Absorption5
Millimeter-Wave Contactless Connectors: From Fundamental Research to Commercialization5
Highly Energy-Efficient Metaconductor-Based Integrated RF Passives: Metaconductor-Based RF Passives5
The Vector Component Analyzer: A New Way to Characterize Distortions of Modulated Signals in High-Frequency Active Devices5
Microwave Power Detectors in Different CMOS Design Architectures: A Review5
How Will Radar Be Integrated Into Daily Life?: mm-Wave Radar Architectures for Modern Daily Life Applications5
Cost-Effective Technologies for Next-Generation System on Package: Multilayer Transmission Lines and Interconnects for 5G and Millimeter-Wave5
Class DE Switch-Mode Power Amplifier Using GaN Power HEMTs: High-Efficiency Power Amplifier for 13.56 MHz5
Integrated Front-End Approaches for Wireless 100 Gb/s and Beyond: Enabling Efficient Ultra-High Speed Wireless Communication Systems5
Gap Waveguide Technology: An Overview of Millimeter-Wave Circuits Based on Gap Waveguide Technology Using Different Fabrication Technologies4
Microwaves See Thin Ice: A Review of Ice and Snow Sensing Using Microwave Techniques4
Empowering Multifunction: Digital Power Amplifiers, the Last RF Frontier of the Analog and Digital Kingdoms4
Electrooptic Modulation in Future All-Silicon Integrated Microwave Circuits: An Introduction of Gated MOSFET Devices With Increased Optical Emissions4
An Overview of RF and Microwave Research in Latin America: Scanning Latin American Research on Microwaves4
2022 IEEE MTT-S Webinar Schedule [Education News]4
Making a Low-Cost Software-Defined UHF RFID Reader4
Towards Sustainable Networks: Attacking Energy Consumption in Wireless Infrastructure with Novel Technologies4
Frequency Selective Surface Structures-Based RF Energy Harvesting Systems and Applications: FSS-Based RF Energy Harvesting Systems4
A Direction-of-Arrival Estimation System for UAV-Assisted Search and Rescue: Locating Mobile Phones to Improve the Survival Chance of Disaster Victims4
Continuing Our IEEE MTT-S Webinar Series [Education News]4
Electrically Tunable Microwave Technologies With Ferromagnetic Thin Film: Recent Advances in Design Techniques and Applications4
Catch Your Breath! Vital Sign Sensing With Radar4
Calculating Scattering Parameters of Wilkinson Power Dividers via ABCD Matrices [Speaker’s Corner]4
Complementary Split-Ring Resonators in Microwave Filters: A Review and Focus on Structural Progress4
Multiband Design Techniques for Passive Planar Microwave Circuits: A Review4
Matching Network Efficiency: The New Old Challenge for Millimeter-Wave Silicon Power Amplifiers3
All-Digital RFID Readers: An RFID Reader Implemented on an FPGA Chip and/or Embedded Processor3
RF CMOS Duplexers for Frequency-Division Duplex Radios: The Most Recent Developments3
The Complex World of Oscillator Noise: Modern Approaches to Oscillator (Phase and Amplitude) Noise Analysis3
Tunable Couplers: An Overview of Recently Developed Couplers With Tunable Functions3
Physical Layer Communications Technologies: Harsh Planetary Environments3
RF Fingerprinting: Hardware-Trustworthiness Enhancement in the Hardware Trojan Era: RF Fingerprinting-Based Countermeasures3
The Havana Syndrome and Microwave Weapons [Health Matters]3
Linear Algebra Elucidates Class-E Diode Rectifiers [Educator’s Corner]3
Enhancing Laboratory Experience Using 3D-Printing Technology in Microwave and Antenna Education [Educator's Corner]3
Design of 90° Hybrid Coupler With Nonequal Outputs [Educator’s Corner]3
Passive-Circuit-Based Nonreciprocal Metamaterials: Controlling the Phase Gradient of Fields in Resonators and Antennas3
3MT’s Positive Impact: Personal and Professional Growth [Women in Microwaves]3
Linear Algebra Elucidates Class-E Power Amplifiers [Educator’s Corner]3
Filters With Linear Frequency-Dependent Couplings: Matrix Synthesis and Applications3
In-Band Full-Duplex Operation in High-Speed Mobile Environments: Not So Fast!3
Revisiting the Binomial Multisection Transformer [Application Notes]3
The Challenge to Develop the Perfect Flat Panel Satellite Communications Terminal: The Perfect SATCOM Terminal3
Modal Charts of Cylindrical Dielectric Resonators [Application Notes]3
Inductor and Diode [Enigmas, etc.]3
Active and Passive Components for Broadband Transmit Phased Arrays: Broadband Transmit Front-End Components3
Rectifier Output Voltage [Enigmas, etc.]3
RF Health Safety Limits and Recommendations [Health Matters]3
Chipless RFID Sensors for Bioimplants: A Comprehensive Review3
RF Input Current [Enigmas, etc.]2
Half-Wave Rectification [Enigmas etc.]2
TC-29 Aerospace Microwave Systems-Technical Committee Report [MTT-S Society News]2
An Homage to Heinrich Hertz [Around the Globe]2
Horizontal Line Segment [Enigmas, etc.]2
A Uniform Distributed RC Bandpass Network Gives More Than Unity Gain [Educator’s Corner]2
Integrated Circuits for Wireless Communications: Research Activities at the University of California, San Diego: Circuits Research for Wireless Communications at the University of California, San Dieg2
Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Packaging for 5G and Beyond: Materials, Technologies, and Techniques [From the Guest Editors’ Desk]2
The Way We Work Has Changed Forever [MicroBusiness]2
Modulator and Demodulator Solutions for Real-Time Communication Toward 100 Gb/s: Realtime Modem Solution towards 100 Gb/s2
Toward Real-Time Software-Defined Radios for Ultrabroadband Communication Above 100 GHz [Application Notes]2
Far-Field Wireless Power Beaming to Mobile Receivers Using Distributed, Coherent Phased Arrays: A Review of the Critical Components of a Distributed Wireless Power Beaming System2
Artificial Stupidity [MicroBusiness]2
Integrated-Transformer-Based Impedance Matching Method: Impedance Matching With Transformers2
Education Committee Webinars for the Second Half of 2023 [Education News]2
Millimeter-Wave Propagation: Spectrum Management Implications-An Update for >100 GHz [Speaker’s Corner]2
Microwave LC Oscillators: Multimode Switching Techniques2
Millimeter-Wave Orbital Angular Momentum: Generation, Detection, and Applications: A Review on Millimeter Wave Orbital Angular Momentum Antennas2
Men and Women Together Make RF/Microwaves Better2
Quantum Radar: Challenges and Outlook: An Overview of the State of the Art2
Time to Retire? [Micro Business]2
MTT-S MGA WIM Subcommittee: Who We Are and What We Do! [Women in Microwaves]2
Self-Interference Leakage Estimation ‘N’ Cancellation Element: Design of an Active Self-Interference Cancellation Coupler2
The Rise of the Digital RFIC Era: An Overview of Past and Present Digital RFIC Advancements2
Science, Politics, and Groupthink [Health Matters]2
Hardware Design Challenges and Modulation Schemes in Joint Communication and Sensing: Analyzation and Comparison of the State-of-the-Art Co-Located Communication and Sensing Systems2
MTT-S Webinars Scheduled for May-December 2021 [Education News]2
Simultaneous-Multifunction Phased Arrays: Enabled by In-Band Full-Duplex Technology2
You’re Invited: Get to Know Our Publications2
From Gunnplexer to MMIC: An Implementation on a Single Chip2
Enabling Automatic Model Generation of RF Components: A Practical Application of Neural Networks2
Women in Microwaves at MIKON: (Not) for the First Time [Women in Microwaves]1
Welcome to 2022! [President’s Columns]1
Combat Fear, Cherish Your Champions: In Conversation With the 2023 IEEE Electromagnetics Award Recipient, John Bandler [Awards]1
An Extensive Reference Guide for Terahertz Electronics [Book/Software Reviews]1
Pakistan’s First International Conference on Microwave, Antennas & Circuits [Conference Report]1
Exploring Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Circuits and Systems With a Novel Multiuser Measurement Facility: Multiuser Terahertz Measurement Facility (THz Lab)1
IMS: Connecting Minds. Exchanging Ideas. [President's Column]1
Mirroring Physical Reality: Nonconventional Microwave Filter Synthesis1
The IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society and IEEE [MicroBusiness]1
Still A-Masing [Microwave Bytes]1
Looking for Some Fun in the Sun? Be a Student Volunteer!1
A Review of On-Chip Adjustable RF Bandpass Filters: Adjustable On-Chip Filters1
Research by Women in Microwaves [From the Guest Editor’s Desk]1
IEEE Journal of Microwaves1
T-MTT Special Issue1
2021 IEEE Fellows Elevation and Recognition1
Aerospace Applications Using Microwave Engineering [From the Editor’s Desk]1
Loading Condition [Enigmas, etc.]1
Are We There Yet? [Microwave Surfing]1
MTT-S Inter-Society Technology Panel Program [MTT-S Society News]1
Nonlinear Noise Modeling: Using Nonlinear Circuit Simulators to Simulate Noise in the Nonlinear Domain1
Chipless RF Identification Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring: A Comprehensive Review1
Women in Microwaves [From the Guest Editors' Desk]1
Vertical Poles [Enigmas, etc.]1
Doherty’s Dominance Continued: A Linear PA Using GaN-on-Si1
Let Them Eat Cake! [President’s Column]1
WPTC WoW 20211
Duality Theorem Juxtaposes Class-E and Inverse-Class-E Diode Rectifiers [Educator’s Corner]1
2022 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium Special Session: Young Professionals [Young Professionals]1
MTT-S Themes for 2021 [President's Column]1
IEEE Society Interaction, Industry Engagement, and Young Professionals Are the Future of the MTT-S [President’s Column]1
Richard V. Snyder: MTT-S Honorary Life Member [Awards]1
Coupling Factors [Microwave Bytes]1
Exploring the Intelligence Built Into Noise Instruments and Microwave Design Software [Book/Software Reviews]1
Microwave Frequency Synthesizers: A Tutorial1
Reconfigurable Fractal Devices1
Canned Electromagnetics [Microwave Bytes]1
Microwave Education by the MTT-S Student Branch Chapter IIT-BHU Varanasi [MTT-S Society News]1
Nano Versus Commercial [Educator’s Corner]1
February 2024 Conference Calendar1
Emerging Backscattering Technologies for Wireless Sensing in Harsh Environments: Unlocking the Potential of RFID-based Backscattering for Reliable Wireless Sensing in Challenging Environments1
A Prototype Digital Radiometer for Noise Metrology Applications: A Metrology-Grade Digital Radiometer1
A Perspective on the Recent Progress of Graphene in Microwave Applications: Problems, Challenges and Opportunities1
Ham Radio Social1
Shunt Capacitor Voltage [Enigmas, etc.]1
Our Seventh IMS Microwave Week 3MT Competition1
Interview With the 2021 IMS Women in Microwaves Event Chair [Women in Microwaves]1
Spanning the Spectrum: High-Performance Signal Source Design for the Millimeter-Wave Age1
The Dream Is Alive! [Microwave Surfing]: [Microwave Surfing]1
The Machines Have Already Taken Over [MicroBusiness]1
New ICEMAN Project Seeks Answers to Fighter Pilot Disorientation [Health Matters]1
Conference Calendar1
DC Load Pull [Enigmas, etc.]1
My Grandchild Is Cuter Than Yours! [MicroBusiness]1
Ground to Space: Reviewing Aerospace Applications [From the Guest Editors’ Desk]1
Our Sixth IMS Microwave Week 3MT Competition: Back on Stage1
Webinars Scheduled for the First Half of 2023 [Education News]1
IEEE Women Who Shine [Women in Microwaves]1
Gallium Nitride Power Amplifiers for Ka-Band Satcom Applications: Requirements, Trends, and the Way Forward1
A Paradigm Shift? [Health Matters]1
Solution to Last Month’s Quiz [Enigmas, etc.]1
A New Year Brings New Hopes and Challenges [President’s Column]1
MTT-S Virtual Successes [President's Column]1
Switching Transistor Circuit [Enigmas, etc.]1
Moving Goalposts [Microwave Bytes]1
Computational Intelligence for Modeling and Optimization of RFEH and WPT Systems: A Comprehensive Survey1
Notable Proceedings From MTT-S Administrative Committee Meeting AM1 for 2021 [President's Column]1
Phase Perturbation as a Measurement Metric: A Novel Noncontact In-Line Production Measurement Through an All-Electronic Millimeter-Wave System Tracking Millidegree Perturbations in Phase1
A Letter to the Editor Regarding a “Health Matters” Article [Speaker's Corner]1
Highly Efficient and Linearity-Enhanced Quasi-Balanced Doherty Power Amplifier at 3.5 GHz: Linear Quasi-Balanced Doherty Power Amplifier Design Methodology1
What’s New in Signal Integrity and High-Speed Serial Links: Approaching the Fundamental Limits of Copper Interconnects1
6G Radio Testbeds: Requirements, Trends, and Approaches1
Directed-Energy Weapons Research Becomes Official [Health Matters]1
The IMS2021 Microwave Week Virtual 3MT Competition1
Exploring the Fundamentals of Radio Wave Propagation [Book/Software Reviews]1
Compensation [MicroBusiness]1
Report of Webinar on “Opportunity in Chaos (Next-Generation Wireless Technologies)” [Young Professionals]1
The Basics of Transmission Line Theory in Four Arrows [Educator’s Corner]1
Going Remote: Teaching Microwave Engineering in the Age of the Global Pandemic and Beyond1
Input Impedance [Enigmas, etc.]1
[Conference Calendar]1
Solutions for Quadrature/Nonquadrature Branch Line Coupler With Equal/Unequal Power Division [Application Notes]1
User-Friendly Waveguide Mode Visualizer [Educator’s Corner]1
The Field of Microwave Magnetics [From the Guest Editor’s Desk]1
Machine Learning in Microwave Engineering [From the Guest Editor’s Desk]1
IMS2021 Registration1
A Brief Walk Through Noise: From Basic Concepts to Advanced Measurement Techniques1
Evolution of Broadband Amplifier Design: From Single-Stage to Distributed Topology1
T-MTT special issue1
Phase-Change RF Devices for Future Communications: Phase-Change Materials and Devices for Reconfigurable RF Front-Ends: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives1
Bridge Between R–X and P–Q Domains [Enigmas, etc.]1