Journal of Sedimentary Research

(The TQCC of Journal of Sedimentary Research is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Dolomite mineralogy as a proxy record for lake level fluctuations: a case study from the Eocene Uteland Butte Member of the Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, U.S.A.34
Composite microbialites: Thrombolite, dendrolite, and stromatolite associations in a modern environment, Pozo Bravo lake, Salar de Antofalla, Catamarca Puna, Argentina29
Demarcation of Early Pennsylvanian paleovalleys in depozones of the Appalachian foreland-basin system based on detrital-zircon U-Pb and Hf analysis21
The geomorphological distribution of subaqueous tufa columns in a hypersaline lake: Mono Lake, U.S.A.21
The Sediment Budget Estimator (SBE): A process model for the stochastic estimation of fluxes and budgets of sediment through submarine channel systems19
Chemostratigraphy of Cumberland Group (Pennsylvanian) strata influenced by salt tectonics, Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site, eastern Canada14
An equation for deriving spatial variations in carbonate production rates from sediment deposition rates and dilution: Application to Santa Maria Island, Azores12
Always a White Christmas in the Bahamas: temperature and hydrodynamics localize winter mud production on Great Bahama Bank11
Multiscale characterization of an extensive stromatolite field: a new correlation horizon for the Crato Member, Araripe Basin, Brazil11
Extreme-flood-related peat blocks: An Anthropocene analogue to ancient coal-forming environments11
Substantial heterogeneity of carbon and oxygen stable-isotope compositions of single layers or specimens of natural carbonate materials: New evidence from replicate sampling of continental carbonates 11
Diagenetic evolution of secondary evaporites and associated host-rock dolostones in the Huron Domain (Michigan Basin): insights from petrography, geochemistry, and C-O-S-Sr isotopes10
A Pliocene lacustrine system in the Nellis basin, southern Nevada, USA: implications for the Colorado River drainage system10
Grain size and mineral variability of glacial marine sediments10
Anatomy of Niger and Benue river sediments from clay to granule: grain-size dependence and provenance budgets, Nigeria9
Accumulation of thick fluvial sediments in the Shinano River incised-valley fills: implications for sequence stratigraphy and alluvial architecture9
Allocyclic and autocyclic controls on facies distribution in interdistributary bayfill deposits of the Campanian Neslen Formation, Eastern Book Cliffs, Utah, U.S.A.9
Correlative conformity or subtle unconformity? The distal expression of a sequence boundary in the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale, Henry Mountains Region, Utah, U.S.A.8
Linking sediment flux to river migration in arid landscapes through mass balance8
Understanding siderite mineralization in phyllosilicate-associated cementations in the mid-Carboniferous Anadarko Basin clastic series, U.S.A.8
A lithofacies analysis of a South Polar glaciation in the Early Permian: Pagoda Formation, Shackleton Glacier region, Antarctica8
Reservoir evaluation of dolomitized Devonian strata in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: implications for carbon capture, utilization, and storage8
Evolution of calcite microcrystal morphology during experimental dissolution8
Controls of aeolian dune height on cross-strata architecture: White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico, U.S.A.8
Defining bounding surfaces within and between eolian and non-eolian deposits, Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Moab Area, Utah, U.S.A.: Implications for subdividing erg system strata8
Quantifying a tide-dominated, wave-, and river-influenced delta in Miocene facies of the Niger Delta basin8
Coupled role of climate and tectonics in the deposition of the late Quaternary sedimentary sequence in the southern margin of the central Ganga Plain, India7
Clumped-isotope evidence for the formation of nonplanar dolomite textures at near-surface temperatures7
Architectural development of a land-attached carbonate platform in the African–Arabian Desert Belt: the late Pleistocene to Holocene evolution of the Al Wajh Platform, NE Red Sea, Saudi Arabia7
Paleocene (65–63 and 58.5 ma) marine flooding and 62–60 ma sediment bypass in southern Wyoming, U.S.A.: Implications for Laramide sediment flux to the Gulf of Mexico7
Simple model, complex strata: 2-D numerical forward model analysis of heterogeneity and controls in submarine fan systems7
Dynamic near-seafloor sediment transport in Kaikōura Canyon following a large canyon-flushing event7
Evaluation of Climatic and Tectonic Imprints In Fluvial Successions of An Early Permian Depositional System (Asselian VrchlabÍ Formation, Krkonoše Piedmont Basin, Czech Republic)7
Interpreting the nature of the Aulet and Adons diapirs from sedimentologic and stratigraphic analysis of flanking minibasin strata, Spanish Pyrenees, Catalunya, Spain6
Quantifying river avulsion activity from satellite remote sensing: Implications for how avulsions contribute to floodplain stratigraphy in foreland basins6
Braided-river architecture of the Triassic Swartberg Member, Katberg Formation, South Africa: assessing age, fluvial style, and paleoclimate after the End-Permian Extinction6
Clumped-isotope evidence for the formation of nonplanar dolomite textures at near-surface temperatures—Discussion6
Quantitative analysis of crevasse-splay systems from modern fluvial settings6
Provenance of middle to late Pleistocene tills in Illinois, U.S.A.: evidence for long-distance (∼ 2000 km) ice transport during two successive glaciations6
Sequence stratigraphic framework of carbonates in mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sequences: local versus external controls in a tectonically active basin (Lorca Basin, Miocene, SE Spain)6
Maastrichtian atmosphericpCO2 and climatic reconstruction from carbonate paleosols of the Marília Formation (southeastern Brazil)5
Comparative hydraulic and sedimentologic study of ripple formation using experimental turbidity currents and saline currents5
Identification of fossil contourite drifts in the Delaware Basin, U.S.A.5
Occurrence and origin of glauconite in the Cambro-Ordovician Bliss Formation of southern New Mexico and West Texas (U.S.A.)5
Role of microbial mats and high sedimentation rates in the early burial and preservation of footprints in a siliciclastic tidal flat5
Barform deposits of the Carolyn Shoemaker formation, Gale crater, Mars5
Stratigraphic architecture and distribution patterns of submarine fan-reservoir elements: insights derived from the Pliocene and Pleistocene Bengal Fan5
Giant sediment-wave field and supercritical flows in a distally steepened ramp, Fort Payne Formation (Lower Mississippian), Kentucky–Tennessee, U.S.A.5
Hydrodynamic influences on sedimentology and geomorphology of nearshore parts of carbonate ramps: Holocene, NE Yucatán Shelf, Mexico5
Environmental magnetism evidence for longshore drift distribution of Fe-bearing phases: An example from the Brazilian southeastern coastal region5
Fine-grained distal deposits of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate marine system: Origin of mud and implications on mixing processes5
Multi-proxy provenance of the lower Pennsylvanian Pottsville sandstone of the northern Appalachian basin in Pennsylvania, U.S.A: Paleodrainage, sources, and detrital history4
Dropstone deposition: Results of numerical process modeling of deformation structures, and implications for the reconstruction of the water depth in shallow lacustrine and marine successions4
Late Cretaceous sediment provenance in the eastern Gulf Coastal Plain (U.S.A.) based on detrital-zircon U-Pb ages and Th/U values4
Porosity and mineralogy in the Lajas tight gas sandstone reservoir, Neuquén Basin, Argentina4
Warm acidified seawater: a dolomite solution4
Subglacial tills: a process model based on microsedimentological clues4
Experiments on the settling of carbonate sand–mud suspensions4
The morphodynamics and sedimentology of a seasonally controlled microtidal tidal inlet: the Nariva River tidal inlet, Cocos Bay, Trinidad4
Recognition of cross-shore dynamics of longshore bars in upper-shoreface deposits of prograding sandy coastal barriers4
Using the modern Colorado delta to reconstruct the compound clinoforms of the Pliocene Colorado delta4