Journal of Hydrometeorology

(The TQCC of Journal of Hydrometeorology is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Elucidating Diverse Drought Characteristics from Two Meteorological Drought Indices (SPI and SPEI) in China131
Evaluation of a Convection-Permitting Modeling of Precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Influences on the Simulation of Snow-Cover Fraction65
PERSIANN Dynamic Infrared–Rain Rate (PDIR-Now): A Near-Real-Time, Quasi-Global Satellite Precipitation Dataset53
Increased Drought Risk in South Asia under Warming Climate: Implications of Uncertainty in Potential Evapotranspiration Estimates47
Multivariate Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration for Drought Monitoring46
An Assessment of Land–Atmosphere Interactions over South America Using Satellites, Reanalysis, and Two Global Climate Models35
Bayesian Model Averaging of Climate Model Projections Constrained by Precipitation Observations over the Contiguous United States33
Assessment of Extremes in Global Precipitation Products: How Reliable Are They?31
A Dual-Polarization Radar Synthetic QPE for Operations29
Evaluation of a Physics-Based Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Model for Risk Assessment29
Assessing Tropical Cyclones’ Contribution to Precipitation over the Eastern United States and Sensitivity to the Variable-Resolution Domain Extent29
Performance Analysis of IMD High-Resolution Gridded Rainfall (0.25° × 0.25°) and Satellite Estimates for Detecting Cloudburst Events over the Northwest Himalayas28
Drivers and Subseasonal Predictability of Heavy Rainfall in Equatorial East Africa and Relationship with Flood Risk26
Validation of Satellite Rainfall Estimates over Equatorial East Africa24
Large-Scale Analysis of Global Gridded Precipitation and Temperature Datasets for Climate Change Impact Studies23
Variability and Transitions in Precipitation Extremes in the Midwest United States23
Reconstructing Flood Events in Mediterranean Coastal Areas Using Different Reanalyses and High-Resolution Meteorological Models23
Revisiting the Global Seasonal Snow Classification: An Updated Dataset for Earth System Applications22
Robustness of Process-Based versus Data-Driven Modeling in Changing Climatic Conditions22
Future Precipitation-Driven Meteorological Drought Changes in the CMIP5 Multimodel Ensembles under 1.5°C and 2°C Global Warming22
Assessment of the Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) for Snowfall Retrieval in High Latitudes Using CloudSat and Machine Learning21
Future Changes in Wet and Dry Season Characteristics in CMIP5 and CMIP6 simulations21
Soil Moisture–Evapotranspiration Overcoupling and L-Band Brightness Temperature Assimilation: Sources and Forecast Implications21
A Multidataset Assessment of Climatic Drivers and Uncertainties of Recent Trends in Evaporative Demand across the Continental United States20
Floods due to Atmospheric Rivers along the U.S. West Coast: The Role of Antecedent Soil Moisture in a Warming Climate20
Dynamics of Evapotranspiration and Variations in Different Land-Cover Regions over the Tibetan Plateau during 1961–201420
The Contributions of Gauge-Based Precipitation and SMAP Brightness Temperature Observations to the Skill of the SMAP Level-4 Soil Moisture Product19
Prediction of Flash Droughts over the United States19
Projected Changes of Precipitation Characteristics Depend on Downscaling Method and Training Data: MACA versus LOCA Using the U.S. Northeast as an Example19
Drought Variability over the Conterminous United States for the Past Century19
Temporal Variations of Stable Isotopes in Precipitation from Yungui Plateau: Insights from Moisture Source and Rainout Effect18
The Role of Vegetation in Flash Drought Occurrence: A Sensitivity Study Using Community Earth System Model, Version 218
Attributing Terrestrial Water Storage Variations across China to Changes in Groundwater and Human Water Use18
Validation of High-Resolution Gridded Rainfall Datasets for Climate Applications in the Philippines18
Evaluation of High-Resolution Precipitation Products over Southwest China18
Assessing the Impact of Changes in Land Surface Conditions on WRF Predictions in Arid Regions18
Global Evaluation of Seasonal Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts from NMME17
Investigating the Evaluation Uncertainty for Satellite Precipitation Estimates Based on Two Different Ground Precipitation Observation Products17
A Comparison of the U.S. Climate Reference Network Precipitation Data to the Parameter-Elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM)17
Evaluating Root-Zone Soil Moisture Products from GLEAM, GLDAS, and ERA5 Based on In Situ Observations and Triple Collocation Method over the Tibetan Plateau17
Streamflow simulation in data-scarce basins using Bayesian and physics-informed machine learning models17
Optimizing Automated Kriging to Improve Spatial Interpolation of Monthly Rainfall over Complex Terrain16
Global Soil Water Estimates as Landslide Predictor: The Effectiveness of SMOS, SMAP, and GRACE Observations, Land Surface Simulations, and Data Assimilation16
Precipitation Biases in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System16
Multiyear La Niña Events and Multiseason Drought in the Horn of Africa15
Diagnostic Classification of Flash Drought Events Reveals Distinct Classes of Forcings and Impacts15
Generation of an improved precipitation data set from multisource information over the Tibetan Plateau15
An Event-Based Approach to Explore Selected Present and Future Atmospheric River–Induced Floods in Western Norway15
Retrospective Analysis and Bayesian Model Averaging of CMIP6 Precipitation in the Nile River Basin15
Enhanced Large-Scale Validation of Satellite-Based Land Rainfall Products15
A Climatology of Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation for the Seven U.S. National Climate Assessment Regions15
Quantitative Analysis of the Performance of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Rainfall Estimation Using Commercial Microwave Links14
Hydrometeorological Observations and Modeling of an Extreme Rainfall Event Using WRF and WRF-Hydro during the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign in Argentina14
Streamflow Forecasting without Models14
Calibrating Hourly Precipitation Forecasts with Daily Observations14
Are Storm Characteristics the Same When Viewed Using Merged Surface Radars or a Merged Satellite Product?13
The Post-Wildfire Impact of Burn Severity and Age on Black Carbon Snow Deposition and Implications for Snow Water Resources, Cascade Range, Washington13
An Assessment of Concurrency in Evapotranspiration Trends across Multiple Global Datasets13
The Value of Long-Term Streamflow Forecasts in Adaptive Reservoir Operation: The Case of the High Aswan Dam in the Transboundary Nile River Basin13
Detecting Rain–Snow-Transition Elevations in Mountain Basins Using Wireless Sensor Networks13
Assimilation of Vegetation Conditions Improves the Representation of Drought over Agricultural Areas13
Influence of bias correction of meteorological and streamflow forecast on hydrological prediction in India13
Incorporation of Satellite Precipitation Uncertainty in a Landslide Hazard Nowcasting System12
Changes in Future Flash Flood–Producing Storms in the United States12
Influence of organic matter on soil hydrothermal processes in the Tibetan Plateau: Observation and parameterization12
Rainfall Kinetic Energy in Denmark: Relationship with Drop Size, Wind Speed, and Rain Rate12
The Sequence of Heavy Precipitation and Flash Flooding of 12 and 13 September 2019 in Eastern Spain. Part I: Mesoscale Diagnostic and Sensitivity Analysis of Precipitation12
Evaluation of Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPEs) as an Input of Hydrological Models for Hydrometeorological Applications12
Predicting Rainy Season Onset in the Ethiopian Highlands for Agricultural Planning12
Reducing the Statistical Distribution Error in Gridded Precipitation Data for the Tibetan Plateau12
Below-Cloud Evaporation of Precipitation Isotopes over Mountains, Oases, and Deserts in Arid Areas12
Snow Particle Collection Efficiency and Adjustment Curves for the Hotplate Precipitation Gauge12
Increasing the Depth of a Land Surface Model. Part II: Temperature Sensitivity to Improved Subsurface Thermodynamics and Associated Permafrost Response12
Microphysics of Convective and Stratiform Precipitation during the Summer Monsoon Season over the Yangtze–Huaihe River Valley, China12
Regional Frequency Analysis at Ungauged Sites with Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines12
Missing Data Imputation for Multisite Rainfall Networks: A Comparison between Geostatistical Interpolation and Pattern-Based Estimation on Different Terrain Types12
A Long-Term Simulation of Land Surface Conditions at High Resolution over Continental China12
Evaluation of GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) Rainfall Products Using the Rain Gauge Network over China12
Pooling Data Improves Multimodel IDF Estimates over Median-Based IDF Estimates: Analysis over the Susquehanna and Florida12
Evaluating and Optimizing Surface Soil Moisture Drydowns in the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model at In Situ Locations11
Flash Drought in CMIP5 Models11
Combining Radar Attenuation and Partial Beam Blockage Corrections for Improved Quantitative Application11
Quantifying the Uncertainty of the Future Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change: Comparative Analysis of an Advanced Hierarchical Sensitivity in Humid and Semiarid Basins11
Increasing the Depth of a Land Surface Model. Part I: Impacts on the Subsurface Thermal Regime and Energy Storage11
An extreme-preserving long-term gridded daily precipitation data set for the conterminous United States11
Evaluation and Application of Quantitative Precipitation Forecast Products for Mainland China Based on TIGGE Multimodel Data11
The Increasing Role of Vegetation Transpiration in Soil Moisture Loss across China under Global Warming11
A 10-Year Climatology of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Their Synoptic Circulations in the Southwest Mountain Area of China11
Understanding the Distinct Impacts of MCS and Non-MCS Rainfall on the Surface Water Balance in the Central United States Using a Numerical Water-Tagging Technique11
Evaluation of IMERG V05B 30-Min Rainfall Estimates over the High-Elevation Tropical Andes Mountains11
Future Increases in North American Extreme Precipitation in CMIP6 Downscaled with LOCA10
Using a Simple Water Balance Framework to Quantify the Impact of Soil Moisture Initialization on Subseasonal Evapotranspiration and Air Temperature Forecasts10
Evaluation of IMERG Satellite Precipitation over the Land–Coast–Ocean Continuum. Part II: Quantification10
Evaluation of IMERG satellite precipitation over the land-coast-ocean continuum – Part I: Detection10
Evaluation of NOAA National Water Model Parameter Calibration in Semi-Arid Environments Prone to Channel Infiltration10
Improvements to Lake-Effect Snow Forecasts Using a One-Way Air–Lake Model Coupling Approach10
Object-Based Comparison of Data-Driven and Physics-Driven Satellite Estimates of Extreme Rainfall10
Comparison of Microphysical Characteristics between the Southern Korean Peninsula and Oklahoma Using Two-Dimensional Video Disdrometer Data9
Urban Signatures in the Spatial Clustering of Precipitation Extremes over Mainland China9
Hydrological Response of the Pampanga River Basin in the Philippines to Intense Tropical Cyclone Rainfall9
Spatial Bias in Medium-Range Forecasts of Heavy Precipitation in the Sacramento River Basin: Implications for Water Management9
The Orinoco Low-Level Jet and Its Association with the Hydroclimatology of Northern South America9
Seasonality of MJO Impacts on Precipitation Extremes over the Western United States9
Observed Soil Moisture Impact on Strong Convection over Mountainous Tibetan Plateau9
Key factors influencing the severity of fluvial flood hazard from tropical cyclones9
Clarifying the propagation dynamics from meteorological to hydrological drought induced by climate change and direct human activities9
Adapting Passive Microwave-Based Precipitation Algorithms to Variable Microwave Land Surface Emissivity to Improve Precipitation Estimation from the GPM Constellation9
How Well Can Land-Surface Models Represent the Diurnal Cycle of Turbulent Heat Fluxes?9
Stochastorm: A Stochastic Rainfall Simulator for Convective Storms9
Emulation of Community Land Model Version 5 (CLM5) to Quantify Sensitivity of Soil Moisture to Uncertain Parameters9
Comparison of Two Multisatellite Algorithms for Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation in the United States and Mexico: TMPA and IMERG9
Modeling Snow Ablation over the Mountains of the Western United States: Patterns and Controlling Factors9
Modeling the Effects of Lakes in the Tibetan Plateau on Diurnal Variations of Regional Climate and Their Seasonality9
Seasonal Propagation Characteristics from Meteorological to Hydrological Drought and Their Dynamics in the Headstreams of the Tarim River Basin9
An Intercomparison Study of Algorithms for Downscaling SMAP Radiometer Soil Moisture Retrievals8
Large-Scale Influences on Atmospheric River–Induced Extreme Precipitation Events along the Coast of Washington State8
The Passive microwave Empirical cold Surface Classification Algorithm (PESCA): application to GMI and ATMS8
A Strong Linkage between Seasonal Crop Growth and Groundwater Storage Variability in India8
The numerical implementation of land models: Problem formulation and laugh tests8
Sea Breeze Geoengineering to Increase Rainfall over the Arabian Red Sea Coastal Plains8
A comprehensive flood inundation mapping for Hurricane Harvey using an integrated hydrological and hydraulic model8
Assessing the Impact of Soil Layer Depth Specification on the Observability of Modeled Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature8
Improved Attenuation-Based Radar Precipitation Estimation Considering the Azimuthal Variabilities of Microphysical Properties8
Clouds and Vegetation Modulate Shallow Groundwater Table Depth8
The Role of Soil Texture in Local Land Surface–Atmosphere Coupling and Regional Climate8
Surface Flux Equilibrium Estimates of Evapotranspiration at Large Spatial Scales8
Cloud-Resolving-Model Simulations of Nocturnal Precipitation over the Himalayan Slopes and Foothills8
Validation of Precipitation Events in ERA5 to Gauge Observations during Warm Seasons over Eastern China8
Machine learning for precipitation forecasts post-processing — Multi-model comparison and experimental investigation8
Long-Term Changes in Inland Water Surface Temperature across China Based on Remote Sensing Data7
Can Weather Radars Be Used to Estimate Snow Accumulation on Alpine Glaciers? An Evaluation Based on Glaciological Surveys7
Improving Rain/No-Rain Detection Skill by Merging Precipitation Estimates from Different Sources7
Sensitivity of U.S. Drought Prediction Skill to Land Initial States7
Investigating the Role of Snow Water Equivalent on Streamflow Predictability during Drought7
Linking Atmospheric Rivers to Annual and Extreme River Runoff in British Columbia and Southeastern Alaska7
A Real-Time Algorithm to Identify Convective Precipitation Adjacent to or within the Bright Band in the Radar Scan Domain7
Evaluation of Precipitation Vertical Profiles Estimated by GPM-Era Satellite-Based Passive Microwave Retrievals7
Uncertainty in SPI Calculation and its Impact on Drought Assessment in Different Climate Regions over China7
Comparison of Floods Driven by Tropical Cyclones and Monsoons in the Southeastern Coastal Region of China7
Evaluating the Utility of Drought Indices as Soil Moisture Proxies for Drought Monitoring and Land–Atmosphere Interactions7
Evaluation of the Applicability of Three Methods for Climatic Spatial Interpolation in the Hengduan Mountains Region7
Significant Impacts of Rainfall Redistribution through the Roof of Buildings on Urban Hydrology7
Use of Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPEs) for Improved Hydrological Model Calibration and Flood Forecasting7
Groundwater Recharge Estimated by Land Surface Models: An Evaluation in the Conterminous United States7
Monthly rainfall forecasting using temperature and climate indices through a hybrid method in Queensland, Australia7
Interannual Variations in Summer Extreme Precipitation Frequency over Northern Asia and Related Atmospheric Circulation Patterns7
Hydrological evaluation of high-resolution precipitation estimates from the WRF model in the Third Pole river basins7
On the Value of River Network Information in Regional Frequency Analysis7
A Deep Learning Data Fusion Model Using Sentinel-1/2, SoilGrids, SMAP, and GLDAS for Soil Moisture Retrieval7
Spatial Variability in Seasonal Snowpack Trends across the Rio Grande Headwaters (1984–2017)7
High-Resolution (2.5 km) Ensemble Precipitation Analysis across Canada7
Symbiotic Relationship between Mei-Yu Rainfall and the Morphology of Mei-Yu Front6
Evaluation of Phase Discrimination Methods and Snow Fraction Perturbations in Arid Regions of Northwest China6
Quality Control and Processing of Cooperative Observer Program Hourly Precipitation Data6
Atmospheric Rivers: An Overlooked Threat to the Marginal Snowpack of the Australian Alps6
Higher Temperature Enhances Spatiotemporal Concentration of Rainfall6
A novel high-resolution gridded precipitation dataset for Peruvian and Ecuadorian watersheds – development and hydrological evaluation6
The use of serially complete station data to improve the temporal continuity of gridded precipitation and temperature estimates6
Assessment of Precipitation Error Propagation in Discharge Simulations over the Contiguous United States6
Does Subgrid Routing Information Matter for Urban Flood Forecasting? A Multiscenario Analysis at the Land Parcel Scale6
Impacts of Large-Scale Soil Moisture Anomalies on the Hydroclimate of Southeastern South America6
Moisture Transport during Large Snowfall Events in the New Zealand Southern Alps: The Role of Atmospheric Rivers6
Variations in Flash Flood–Producing Storm Characteristics Associated with Changes in Vertical Velocity in a Future Climate in the Mississippi River Basin6
Deep Neural Network High Spatiotemporal Resolution Precipitation Estimation (Deep-STEP) Using Passive Microwave and Infrared Data6
The Impact of Initial Snow Conditions on the Numerical Weather Simulation of a Northern Rockies Atmospheric River6
Runoff Regime, Change, and Attribution in the Upper Syr Darya and Amu Darya, Central Asia6
Centennial Annual Rainfall Pattern Changes Show an Increasing Trend with Higher Variation over Northern Australia6
Global-Scale Interpretable Drought Reconstruction Utilizing Anomalies of Atmospheric Dynamics6
Cross-validation of active and passive microwave snowfall products over the continental United States6
A Physically Based Multisensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Approach for Gap-Filling Radar Coverage6
Triple Collocation Evaluation of In Situ Soil Moisture Observations from 1200+ Stations as part of the U.S. National Soil Moisture Network6
How well do multi-satellite products capture the space-time dynamics of precipitation? Part I: five products assessed via a wavenumber-frequency decomposition6
Fuzzy Postprocessing to Advance the Quality of Continental Seasonal Hydrological Forecasts for River Basin Management6
A Comparison of Land Surface Phenology in the Northern Hemisphere Derived from Satellite Remote Sensing and the Community Land Model6
Climatology and Variability of the Evaporative Stress Index and Its Suitability as a Tool to Monitor Australian Drought6
Patterns of Water Vapor Transport in the Eastern United States6