Journal of Hydrometeorology

(The TQCC of Journal of Hydrometeorology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Impacts of the North Atlantic Subtropical High on Daily Summer Precipitation over the Conterminous United States35
Assessment of Streamflow Predictions Generated Using Multi-model and Multi-precipitation Product Forcing29
Understanding the atmospheric dynamics over high-altitude glaciated regions in the central Himalaya using high-resolution numerical simulations27
Variability and changes in Pearl River Delta water level: oceanic and atmospheric forcing perspectives24
A Deep Learning Data Fusion Model Using Sentinel-1/2, SoilGrids, SMAP, and GLDAS for Soil Moisture Retrieval24
Comparison of Three Radar-Based Precipitation Nowcasts for the Extreme July 2021 Flooding Event in Germany23
A Process-Conditioned and Spatially Consistent Method for Reducing Systematic Biases in Modeled Streamflow22
Evaluation of Seasonal Differences among Three NOAA Climate Data Records of Precipitation20
Evaluation of SWER(Ze) Relationships by Precipitation Imaging Package (PIP) during ICE-POP 201820
Accounting for land model error in numerical weather prediction ensemble systems: toward ensemble-based coupled land/atmosphere data assimilation20
Investigating the Role of Snow Water Equivalent on Streamflow Predictability during Drought20
Deconstructing the soil moisture-latent heat flux relationship: the range of coupling regimes experienced and the presence of nonlinearity within the sensitive regime19
Assessment of Satellite-based Precipitation Products Performance over the Hyper-arid Climate of Kuwait19
Vegetation Representation Influences Projected Streamflow Changes in the Colorado River Basin18
Validation of the Final Monthly Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) Version 05 and Version 06 with Ground-Based Precipitation Gauge Measurements across the Canadian Arctic18
Percentile-Based Relationship between Daily Precipitation and Surface Air Temperature over the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau17
Precipitation Estimation Based on Infrared Data with a Spherical Convolutional Neural Network17
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice: An Opportunity for Action for AMS Publications Stakeholders16
Extreme Convective Rainfall and Flooding from Winter Season Extratropical Cyclones in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States16
Achieving Realistic Runoff in the Western United States with a Land Surface Model Forced by Dynamically Downscaled Meteorology15
Deriving Gridded Hourly Rainfall on O‘ahu by Combining Gauge and Radar Rainfall15
Lagrangian Simulations of Moisture Sources for Northeast China Precipitation during 1979–201815
Grounding our Understanding of the Impacts of Boreal Forest Expansion on Shallow Cumulus Clouds with a Simple Modeling Framework15
A Novel Method for Diagnosing Land–Atmosphere Coupling Sensitivity in a Single-Column Model14
Spatiotemporal Variations in Precipitation Forecasting Skill of Three Global Subseasonal Prediction Products over China14
Drought Variability over the Conterminous United States for the Past Century14
Retrieving accurate soil moisture over the Tibetan Plateau using multi-source remote sensing data assimilation with simultaneous state and parameter estimations13
Optimization-Based Prediction Uncertainty Qualification of Climatic Parameters13
Neighborhood Ensemble Copula Coupling: Smoother and Sharper Calibrated Ensembles13
Time Series Construction of Oregon and Washington Snowfall since 1890 and an Update of California Snowfall through 202013
Cold-Season Precipitation Sensitivity to Microphysical Parameterizations: Hydrologic Evaluations Leveraging Snow Lidar Datasets12
Controls on Wintertime Nonbrightband Rain Rate and Frequency in California’s Northern Coast Ranges12
Developing Impacts-Based Drought Thresholds for Ohio12
Effect of Precipitation Sampling Error on Flash Flood Monitoring and Prediction: Anticipating Operational Rapid-Update Polarimetric Weather Radars12
Assessment of Precipitation Error Propagation in Discharge Simulations over the Contiguous United States12
A New Methodology to Produce More Skillful United States Cool-Season Precipitation Forecasts12
Impact of Adjusted and Nonadjusted Surface Observations on the Cold Season Performance of the Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) System12
The Inland Maintenance and Reintensification of Tropical Storm Bill (2015) Part 1: Contributions of the Brown Ocean Effect12
Significant Impacts of Rainfall Redistribution through the Roof of Buildings on Urban Hydrology11
Development of a “nature run” for observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) for snow mission development11
Precipitation Proxies for Flash Flooding: A Seven-Year Analysis over the Contiguous United States11
Weather System Contributions to High Streamflow in Halele‘a, Kaua‘i11
A Physically Constrained Model-Based Moisture Amplification Approach for Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) Estimation11
Climatology and Composite Evolution of Flash Drought over Australia and Its Vegetation Impacts11
Evaluation of a land-atmosphere coupling metric computed from a ground-based infrared interferometer10
A Statistical Method for Generating Temporally Downscaled Geochemical Tracers in Precipitation10
The efficacy of seasonal terrestrial water storage forecasts for predicting vegetation activity over Africa10
A Comprehensive Intermediate-Term Drought Evaluation System and Evaluation of Climate Data Products over the Conterminous United States9
Low-Level Liquid-Bearing Clouds Contribute to Seasonal Lower Atmosphere Stability and Surface Energy Forcing over a High-Mountain Watershed Environment9
Compound Flooding Potential from the Joint Occurrence of Precipitation and Storm Surge in the Qiantang Estuary, China9
Influence of Underlying Surface Datasets on Simulated Hydrological Variables in the Xijiang River Basin9
Development and Evaluation of Ensemble Consensus Precipitation Estimates over High Mountain Asia9
Assessing the Convective Environment over Irrigated and Nonirrigated Land Use with Land–Atmosphere Coupling Metrics: Results from GRAINEX9
Spatial Correlations of Regional Tropical Cyclone– and Nontropical Cyclone–Induced Severe Rainstorms during 2000–199
Convection-Permitting Simulations of Precipitation over the Peruvian Central Andes: Strong Sensitivity to Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization9
The Value of Long-Term Streamflow Forecasts in Adaptive Reservoir Operation: The Case of the High Aswan Dam in the Transboundary Nile River Basin9
X-Band Radar and Surface-Based Observations of Cold-Season Precipitation in Western Colorado’s Complex Terrain9
Assessment of Model-Derived Mass Flux Relative to Satellite Gravimetry via a Water Balance in North America9
Assimilation of Additional Radiosonde Observation Helps Improve the Prediction of Typhoon-Related Rainfall in the Pearl River Delta9
On the diurnal cycle of rainfall and convection over Lake Victoria and its catchment. Part 2: Meteorological factors in the diurnal and seasonal cycles8
Antecedent Snowpack Cold Content Alters the Hydrologic Response to Extreme Rain-on-Snow Events8
Evaluation of Multiple Precipitation Sensor Designs for Precipitation Rate and Depth, Drop Size and Velocity Distribution, and Precipitation Type8
Global Precipitation Nowcasting of Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM: A U-Net Convolutional LSTM Architecture8
In Situ Observations of Rain Rate and Precipitation Microphysics over the Coastal Area of South China: Perspectives for Satellite Validation8
Improving Cross-track Scanning Radiometers’ Precipitation Retrieval over Ocean by Morphing8
Soil Moisture and Streamflow Data Assimilation for Streamflow Prediction in the Narmada River Basin8
Effects of Wind-Induced Error on the Climatology and Trends of Observed Precipitation in China from 1960 to 20188
Hydrometeorological factors controlling the stable isotopic composition of precipitation in the highlands of south Ecuador8
Lake-effect rains over Lake Victoria and their association with Mesoscale Convective Systems8
Rainfall spatio-temporal correlation and intermittency structure from micro-γ to meso-β scale in the Netherlands8
Investigating the Role of Shrub Height and Topography in Snow Accumulation on Low-Arctic Tundra using UAV-Borne Lidar8
Centennial Annual Rainfall Pattern Changes Show an Increasing Trend with Higher Variation over Northern Australia8
Systematic Evaluation of a High-Resolution CLM5 Simulation over Continental China for 1979–20187
Reply to “Comments on ‘Sea Breeze Geoengineering to Increase Rainfall over the Arabian Red Sea Coastal Plains’”7
Impact of Land Surface Snow Processes on the Arctic Stable Boundary Layer7
On the Sources of Water Supply Forecast Error in Western Colorado7
Evaluation of the WRF-Lake Model in the Large Dimictic Reservoir: Comparisons with Field Data and Another Water Temperature Model7
Evaluation of the Applicability of Three Methods for Climatic Spatial Interpolation in the Hengduan Mountains Region7
Hydrological Verification of Two Rainfall Short-Term Forecasting Methods with Floods Anticipation Perspective7
Quantifying the Uncertainty of the Future Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change: Comparative Analysis of an Advanced Hierarchical Sensitivity in Humid and Semiarid Basins7
Clouds and Vegetation Modulate Shallow Groundwater Table Depth7
Estimation of Surface Sensible Heat Flux due to Precipitation over CONUS and Its Impact on Urban Extreme Precipitation Modeling7
Spatial and Temporal Variation of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Precipitation Reforecast Skill across the CONUS7
A Novel Standardized Drought and Flood Potential Index Based on Reconstructed Daily GRACE Data6
The Increasing Role of Vegetation Transpiration in Soil Moisture Loss across China under Global Warming6
Estimating the Relative Impact of Measurement, Parameter, and Flow Law Errors on Discharge from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission6
IMERG Precipitation Improves the SMAP Level-4 Soil Moisture Product6
Validation of Satellite Rainfall Estimates over Equatorial East Africa6
Texas Water Observatory: A Distributed Network for Monitoring Water, Energy, and Carbon Cycles under Variable Climate and Land Use on Gulf Coast Plains6
The Orinoco Low-Level Jet and Its Association with the Hydroclimatology of Northern South America6
The Effects of Soil Representation in WRF–CLM on the Atmospheric Moisture Budget6
Traditional and Novel Methods of Rainfall Observation and Measurement: A Review6
Runoff Regime, Change, and Attribution in the Upper Syr Darya and Amu Darya, Central Asia6
Characterization of Subdaily Rainfall Events over Central Africa: Duration, Intensity, Amount, and Spatial Scale of the Storm Types6
Soil Moisture Dominates the Land Surface Feedback in the Development of Compound Drought–Heat Extremes in Tropical South America6
Upper Colorado River Streamflow Dependencies on Summertime Synoptic Circulations and Hydroclimate Variability6
Snow Particle Collection Efficiency and Adjustment Curves for the Hotplate Precipitation Gauge6
Evaluation of GPM DPR Rain Parameters with North Taiwan Disdrometers6
Temporal and Spatial Amplification of Extreme Rainfall and Extreme Floods in a Warmer Climate6
A Generalized Density-Based Algorithm for the Spatiotemporal Tracking of Drought Events6
A Global Evaluation of IMERG Precipitation Occurrence Using SMAP Detected Soil Moisture Change5
Assessing the Water Budget of the Arabian Peninsula and Its Internal Recycling Potential5
An Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Products over the Tibetan Plateau5
The Variability of Pan Evaporation over China during 1961–20205
Land and Atmosphere Conditions prior to Extreme Great Plains Low-Level Jets5
Streamflow Composition and the Contradicting Impacts of Anthropogenic Activities and Climatic Change on Streamflow in the Amu Darya Basin, Central Asia5
Improving station-based ensemble surface meteorological analyses using numerical weather prediction: A case study of the Oroville Dam crisis precipitation event5
The Effect of Soil on the Summertime Surface Energy Budget of a Humid Subarctic Tundra in Northern Quebec, Canada5
Variations in the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation and Its Changes with Distance from Shore over Two Contrasting Regions as Observed by IMERG, ERA5, and Spaceborne Ku Radar5
Dual-Pol VPR Corrections for Improved Operational Radar QPE in MRMS5
Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis Postprocessing Algorithms for GCM Daily Rainfall Forecasts5
Short-Term Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Using Spatially Shifted QPF Informed by Displacement Errors5
Local and Object-Based Perspectives on Atmospheric Rivers Making Landfall on the Western North American Coastline5
Blending Noah, SMOS and In-Situ Soil Moisture Using Multiple Weighting and Sampling Schemes5
Improvement of Solid Precipitation Measurements Using a Hotplate Precipitation Gauge5
A comprehensive five-year evaluation of IMERG Late Run precipitation estimates over the Netherlands5
Evaluation of Noah-MP Snow Simulation across Site Conditions in the Western United States5
Diagnosing Product Variability in the Soil Moisture Response to Precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau5
Spatiotemporal Patterns of Hydrometeorological Extremes over 1986–2015 in Nepal5
Trends in Northern Hemispheric Snow Presence5
On the diurnal cycle of rainfall and convection over Lake Victoria and its catchment. Part 1: Rainfall and Mesoscale Convective Systems5
Using Ancillary Information from Radar-based Observations and Rain Gauges to Identify Error and Bias5
Patterns and Trend Analysis of Rain-on-Snow Events using Passive Microwave Satellite Data over the Canadian Arctic Archipelago Since 19874
Do Model Results Vary under Different Routing Algorithms Based on a Distributed Ecohydrological Model?4
Intercomparison of Dynamically and Statistically Downscaled Climate Change Projections over the Midwest and Great Lakes Region4
Response of U.S. West Coast Mountain Snowpack to Local Sea Surface Temperature Perturbations: Insights from Numerical Modeling and Machine Learning4
Asymmetry in Subseasonal Surface Air Temperature Forecast Error with Respect to Soil Moisture Initialization4
Urbanization Effects on Rainfall Processes Induced by Landfalling Typhoon Lekima (2019) over the Shanghai Metropolitan Area4
Below-Cloud Evaporation of Precipitation Isotopes over Mountains, Oases, and Deserts in Arid Areas4
An Observational, Irrigation-Sensitive Agricultural Drought Record from Weather Data4
AMS Publications Support for Open, Transparent, and Equitable Research4
A 440-Year Reconstruction of Heavy Precipitation in California from Blue Oak Tree Rings4
Multistep Forecasting of Soil Moisture Using Spatiotemporal Deep Encoder–Decoder Networks4
Improving the CFSv2 Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts across the United States by Combining Weather Regimes and Gaussian Mixture Models4
Relating Rainfall Retrieval Parameters to Network and Environmental Features to Improve Rainfall Estimates from Commercial Microwave Links in the Tropics4
A Preliminary Examination of Warm Season Precipitation Displacement Errors in the Upper Midwest in the HRRRE and HREF Ensembles4
Comprehensive Evaluation of Global Precipitation Products and Their Accuracy in Drought Detection in Mainland China4
Reconstruction of Rainfall Records at 24 Observation Stations in Sumatera, Colonial Indonesia, from 1879 to 19004
Influence of organic matter on soil hydrothermal processes in the Tibetan Plateau: Observation and parameterization4
Correcting precipitation measurements made with Geonor T-200B weighing gauges near the August-one ice cap in the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China4
Evaluating Bias-Correction Methods for Seasonal Dynamical Precipitation Forecasts4
Hydrometeorological Assessment of Satellite and Model Precipitation Products over Taiwan4
Estimating the Thermodynamic and Dynamic Contributions to Hydroclimatic Change over Peninsular Florida4
Multi-model Subseasonal Precipitation Forecasts over the Contiguous United States: Skill Assessment and Statistical Postprocessing4
Evaluation of GEOS Precipitation Flagging for SMAP Soil Moisture Retrieval Accuracy4
Quantifying the Impacts of Land-Cover Change on the Hydrologic Response to Hurricane Ida in the Lower Mississippi River Basin4
Assessing Water Balance Closure Using Multiple Data Assimilation and Remote Sensing-Based Datasets for Canada4
Temporal Assessment of GCM-Driven Hydroclimatic Conditions for the Alberta Oil Sands Region, Canada4
A Long-Term Simulation of Land Surface Conditions at High Resolution over Continental China4
Estimation of Daily Evaporation from Shallow Groundwater Using Empirical Models with a Temperature Coefficient4
The Impact of Wind on Precipitation Measurements from a Compact Piezoelectric Sensor4
Nonstationarity in Extreme Precipitation Return Values along the U.S. Gulf and Southeastern Coasts4
The Storage of Antecedent Precipitation and Air Temperature Signals in Soil Temperature over China4
Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting for Fresh Water Reservoir Management in the Netherlands: An Assessment of Multiple Prediction Systems4
Performance Evaluation of GPM IMERG Precipitation Products over the Tropical Oceans Using Buoys4
A Mixed-Level Factorial Inference Approach for Ensemble Long-Term Hydrological Projections over the Jing River Basin4
Validation of a High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Land Surface Scheme Using Catchment Water Balances4
Clarifying the propagation dynamics from meteorological to hydrological drought induced by climate change and direct human activities4
A Neural Network Classification Framework for Monthly and High Spatial Resolution Surface Water Mapping in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau from Landsat Observations4
Observed and Projected Scaling of Daily Extreme Precipitation with Dew Point Temperature at Annual and Seasonal Scales across the Northeast United Sates4
Causality-Structured Deep Learning for Soil Moisture Predictions4
Assimilation of Vegetation Conditions Improves the Representation of Drought over Agricultural Areas4
Summarizing Relationships among Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers, Integrated Water Vapor Transport, and California Watershed Precipitation 1982–20194
Modeling Snow Ablation over the Mountains of the Western United States: Patterns and Controlling Factors4
Global evaluation of gridded satellite precipitation products from the NOAA Climate Data Record program4
Meteorologically-Related Factors Leading to the 2008, 2018, and 2019 Major Spring Floods in the Transboundary Saint John River (Wolastoq) Basin4