Trauma Violence & Abuse

(The TQCC of Trauma Violence & Abuse is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Domestic Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review219
The Effect of Intimate Partner Violence on the Physical Health and Health-Related Behaviors of Women: A Systematic Review of the Literature152
The Effect of Female Economic Empowerment Interventions on the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis62
What About the Men? A Critical Review of Men’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence58
PTSD in the Year Following Sexual Assault: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies56
Caught in the Crossroad: An Intersectional Examination of African American Women Intimate Partner Violence Survivors’ Help Seeking54
Global Prevalence and Mental Health Outcomes of Intimate Partner Violence Among Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis52
Sexual Violence Against Persons With Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis52
Intimate Partner Violence and Barriers to Help-Seeking Among Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Immigrant Women: A Qualitative Metasynthesis of Global Research51
Associations Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma Among Young People Who Offend: A Systematic Literature Review49
Child Maltreatment, Peer Victimization, and Mental Health: Neurocognitive Perspectives on the Cycle of Victimization46
Correlates of Social Reactions to Victims’ Disclosures of Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review46
Maternal History of Childhood Adversities and Later Negative Parenting: A Systematic Review44
Help-Seeking and Barriers to Care in Intimate Partner Sexual Violence: A Systematic Review42
The Impact of Teasing and Bullying Victimization on Disordered Eating and Body Image Disturbance Among Adolescents: A Systematic Review40
Emotional Intelligence and Aggressive Behaviors in Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis39
Childhood Maltreatment and Relationship Quality: A Review of Type of Abuse and Mediating and Protective Factors39
Sexual Assault as a Contributor to Academic Outcomes in University: A Systematic Review37
Intergenerational Transmission of Parental Adverse Childhood Experiences and Children’s Outcomes: A Scoping Review35
Child Maltreatment During COVID-19: Key Conclusions and Future Directions Based on a Systematic Literature Review35
Examining the Associations Between Childhood Trauma, Resilience, and Depression: A Multivariate Meta-Analysis33
Prevalence of Victimisation in Autistic Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis33
Universal Intervention to Strengthen Parenting and Prevent Child Maltreatment: Updated Systematic Review32
A Scoping Review of Vicarious Trauma Interventions for Service Providers Working With People Who Have Experienced Traumatic Events32
A Scoping Review of the Experiences of Violence and Abuse Among Sexual and Gender Minority Migrants Across the Migration Trajectory31
A Systematic Review on Hate Speech among Children and Adolescents: Definitions, Prevalence, and Overlap with Related Phenomena31
A Systematic Review of Interventions to Reduce Gender-Based Violence Among Women and Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa30
Disclosure of Sexual Assault Among Sexual and Gender Minorities: A Systematic Literature Review29
Focal Concerns and Police Decision Making in Sexual Assault Cases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis29
Trauma Bonding Perspectives From Service Providers and Survivors of Sex Trafficking: A Scoping Review28
Healing After Gender-Based Violence: A Qualitative Metasynthesis Using Meta-Ethnography27
Attributions of Blame in Stranger and Acquaintance Rape: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review26
Cyber-Victimization and Its Effect on Depression in Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis26
Factors Associated With Violence Against Children in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression of Nationally Representative Data26
Reducing Shame, Promoting Dignity: A Model for the Primary Prevention of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder26
From “Ghettoization” to a Field of Its Own: A Comprehensive Review of Street Harassment Research25
Forty Years of Rape Myth Acceptance Interventions: A Systematic Review of What Works in Naturalistic Institutional Settings and How this can be Applied to Educational Guidance for Jurors25
Cumulative Stressors and Adolescent Substance Use: A Review of 21st-Century Literature24
A Systematic Review Exploring Variables Related to Bystander Intervention in Sexual Violence Contexts24
Facilitators of Formal Help-Seeking for Adult Survivors of IPV in the United States: A Systematic Review23
The Prevalence of Bullying Victimization and Perpetration Among the School-Aged Population in Chinese Communities: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis23
Emotion Recognition in Adults With a History of Childhood Maltreatment: A Systematic Review23
Measuring Trauma- (and Violence-) Informed Care: A Scoping Review23
Domestic Homicide: A Synthesis of Systematic Review Evidence22
The Impact of Childhood Psychological Maltreatment on Mental Health Outcomes in Adulthood: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis22
Bullying as a Developmental Precursor to Sexual and Dating Violence Across Adolescence: Decade in Review22
Recruitment and Entrapment Pathways of Minors into Sex Trafficking in Canada and the United States: A Systematic Review22
Positive Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence Educational Interventions Among Young People: A Systematic Review22
The Nature, Patterns and Consequences of Technology-Facilitated Domestic Abuse: A Scoping Review22
Cross-Cultural Differences in Student Attitudes Toward Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review21
What Do We Know After Decades of Research About Parenting and IPV? A Systematic Scoping Review Integrating Findings21
A Meta-Analytic Review of the Impact of Child Maltreatment on Self-Esteem: 1981 to 202120
Sexual and Gender Minority Inclusivity in Bystander Intervention Programs to Prevent Violence on College Campuses: A Critical Review20
Traumatic Childbirth Experiences of New Parents: A Meta-Synthesis20
Sibling Sexual Abuse: A Review of Empirical Studies in the Field19
Hate Crimes and Race-Based Trauma on Latinx Populations: A Critical Review of the Current Research19
Revictimization Risk Factors Following Childhood Maltreatment: A Literature Review18
Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health Outcomes Among Hispanic Women in the United States: A Scoping Review18
Integrating Trauma and Violence Informed Care in Primary Health Care Settings for First Nations Women Experiencing Violence: A Systematic Review18
The Effectiveness of Women and Girls Safe Spaces: A Systematic Review of Evidence to Address Violence Against Women and Girls in Humanitarian Contexts18
The Effectiveness of Trauma-Focused Interventions in Prison Settings: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis18
Effectiveness of Digital Health Interventions in Reducing Bullying and Cyberbullying: A Meta-Analysis17
Meta-Analysis of Cyber Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration and Victimization: Different Types and their Associations with Face-to-Face IPV among Men and Women17
A Systematic Literature Review of the Career Choice of Helping Professionals Who Have Experienced Cumulative Harm as a Result of Adverse Childhood Experiences17
A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies Exploring Lived Experiences, Perceived Impact, and Coping Strategies of Children and Young People Whose Parents Use Substances16
The Timing Effect of Childhood Maltreatment in Depression: A Systematic Review and meta-Analysis16
Mental and Physical Health Correlates for Emotional Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration and Victimization: A Meta-Analysis16
The Relationship Between Policy, Media, and Perceptions of Sexual Offenders Between 2007 and 2017: A Review of the Literature16
Workplace Violence in Healthcare Settings: A Scoping Review of Guidelines and Systematic Reviews16
Population-Based Estimates of Associations Between Child Maltreatment Types: A Meta-Analysis16
Childhood Polyvictimization and Associated Health Outcomes: A Systematic Scoping Review16
Motivational Interview Techniques and the Effectiveness of Intervention Programs With Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review16
Effects of Childhood Maltreatment on Self-Compassion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis16
Factors Associated With Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration and Victimization in Asylum Seeking and Refugee Populations: A Systematic Review15
A Systematic Review of the Biological Correlates and Consequences of Childhood Maltreatment and Adverse Childhood Experiences15
Healthcare Professionals’ Own Experiences of Domestic Violence and Abuse: A Meta-Analysis of Prevalence and Systematic Review of Risk Markers and Consequences15
A Systematic Review of Child to Parent Violence Interventions15
Measuring Violence Against Children: A COSMIN Systematic Review of the Psychometric Properties of Child and Adolescent Self-Report Measures15
A Systematic Review of Culturally Competent Family Violence Responses to Women in Primary Care15
A Systematic Review of Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response Interventions for HIV Key Populations: Female Sex Workers, Men Who Have Sex With Men, and People Who Inject Drugs15
The Relationship Between Dissociation and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Scoping Review15
The Psychological Impact of Slaughterhouse Employment: A Systematic Literature Review15
Curricular Limitations and Recommendations for Training Health Care Providers to Respond to Intimate Partner Violence: An Integrative Literature Review15
A Scoping Review of Human Trafficking Screening and Response15
On the Association Between Trauma-Related Shame and Symptoms of Psychopathology: A Meta-Analysis15
Examining the Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Juvenile Recidivism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis14
Online Disclosure of Sexual Victimization: A Systematic Review14
Teen Dating Violence Help-Seeking Intentions and Behaviors Among Ethnically and Racially Diverse Youth: A Systematic Review14
Factors Related to Positive Memory Count Among Trauma-Exposed Individuals: A Scoping Review14
Safety Planning With Marginalized Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: Challenges of Conducting Safety Planning Intervention Research With Marginalized Women14
Technology-Facilitated Abuse in Intimate Relationships: A Scoping Review13
Toward a Global Definition and Understanding of Child Sexual Exploitation: The Development of a Conceptual Model13
Different Instruments, Same Content? A Systematic Comparison of Child Maltreatment and Harsh Parenting Instruments13
Mental and Physical Health Changes Following an Abusive Intimate Relationship: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies13
Does the COVID-19 Pandemic Increase or Decrease the Global Cyberbullying Behaviors? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis13
The Psychological Impact of Restorative Justice Practices on Victims of Crimes—a Systematic Review13
Emotion Regulation and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration in Undergraduate Samples: A Review of the Literature13
The Impacts of Working With Victims of Sexual Violence: A Rapid Evidence Assessment13
Links of Adversity in Childhood With Mental and Physical Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Mediating and Moderating Mechanisms13
Gender Differences in the Maltreatment-Youth Offending Relationship: A Scoping Review13
Adolescents’ Experiences of Participating in Sensitive Research: A Scoping Review of Qualitative Studies12
Characterizing Intimate Partner Violence in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review12
Effectiveness of Psychological Interventions to Improve the Mental Well-Being of Parents Who Have Experienced Traumatic Childbirth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis12
Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in Foster Care: An Evidence-Based Theoretical Conceptual Model of Disproportionality and Psychological Comorbidities12
Is There Such a Thing as a Hate Crime Paradigm? An Integrative Review of Bias-Motivated Violent Victimization and Offending, Its Effects and Underlying Mechanisms12
Sexual and Relationship Violence Among LGBTQ+ College Students: A Scoping Review12
The Prevalence of Prison-based Physical and Sexual Victimization in Males and Females: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis12
Domestic Violence Against Women in North African and Middle Eastern Countries: A Scoping Review12
Understanding the Components and Determinants of Police Attitudes Toward Intervention in Intimate Partner Violence Against Women: A Systematic Review11
Journalists and Depressive Symptoms: A Systematic Literature Review11
Spanking and Corporal Punishment Parenting Practices and Child Development: A Systematic Review11
Restorative Justice for Survivors of Sexual Violence Experienced in Adulthood: A Scoping Review11
The Economic Cost of Violence Against Women and Girls in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Evidence11
Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Violence in the Context of Disasters: A Systematic Review11
Resilience After Trauma in Kosovo and Southeastern Europe: A Scoping Review11
Trust and Relationship Development Among Users in Dark Web Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Networks: A Literature Review From a Psychological and Criminological Perspective11
The Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Birth Parents in Child Protection Services: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis11
Primary Crime Prevention Apps: A Typology and Scoping Review11
The Effectiveness of College Dating Violence Prevention Programs: A Meta-Analysis11
Treating Sexual Dysfunctions Among Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse: An Overview of Empirical Research10
Characteristics of Sexual Homicide Offenders Focusing on Child Victims: A Review of the Literature10
The Co-Occurrence of Intimate Partner Violence and Violence Against Children: A Systematic Review on Associated Factors in Low- and Middle-Income Countries10
Vicarious Post-traumatic Growth in Professionals Exposed to Traumatogenic Material: A Systematic Literature Review10
The Relation of Anxiety and Avoidance Dimensions of Attachment to Intimate Partner Violence: A Meta-Analysis About Victims10
The Effectiveness of Psychological Treatment in Adult Male Convicted for Sexual Offenses Against Children: A Systematic Review10
Sexual Harassment in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Qualitative Systematic Review10
Interventions to Reduce Parental Substance Use, Domestic Violence and Mental Health Problems, and Their Impacts Upon Children’s Well-Being: A Systematic Review of Reviews and Evidence Mapping10
Intimate Partner Violence in the Middle East Region: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis10
A Systematic Review of the Effect of PTSD and Trauma on Treatment Outcomes for Eating Disorders10
A Scoping Review of Resilience in Survivors of Human Trafficking10
Components of Hostile Masculinity and Their Associations With Male-Perpetrated Sexual Aggression Toward Women: A Systematic Review10
Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of Interventions at Structural, Community, Interpersonal, Individual, and Multiple Levels10
Parental Risk and Protective Factors in Child Maltreatment: A Systematic Review of the Evidence10
Examining Cyberstalking Perpetration and Victimization: A Scoping Review10
Disentangling the Associations Between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Child Sexual Abuse: A Systematic Review10
Global Approaches to Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Elder Abuse Prevention: A Scoping Review10
Bidirectional Violence in Intimate Relationships: A Systematic Review9
Risk and Protective Factors Associated With Intimate Partner Violence Against Chinese Women: A Systematic Review9
Psychological Variables Associated With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Firefighters: A Systematic Review9
Domestic/Family Homicide: A Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence9
The Association of Military Sexual Harassment/Assault With Suicide Ideation, Plans, Attempts, and Mortality Among US Service Members/Veterans: A Meta-Analysis9
Preventing Youth Suicide: A Review of School-Based Practices and How Social–Emotional Learning Fits Into Comprehensive Efforts9
Livestreaming Technology and Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: A Scoping Review9
The Effectiveness and Feasibility of Psychological Interventions for Populations Under Ongoing Threat: A Systematic Review9
The Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Young Women’s Educational Well-Being: A Systematic Review of Literature9
Vicarious Trauma Experienced by Health Care Providers Involved in Traumatic Childbirths: A Meta-Synthesis9
Sexual Victimization Outcomes and Adjustment Among Bisexual Women: A Review of the Quantitative Literature9
The Trauma and Mental Health Impacts of Coercive Control: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis9
A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Childhood Maltreatment on Elderly Depression9
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Europe: A Systematic Review9
Examining the Effectiveness, Acceptability, and Feasibility of Virtually Delivered Trauma-Focused Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Interventions: A Rapid Evidence Assessment9
Meaning Making Mechanisms in Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Scoping Review9
Risk Markers for Male Perpetration of Sexual Assault on College Campuses: A Meta-Analysis9
Domestic Violence in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Synthesis of Systematic Reviews9