Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

(The median citation count of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Issue Information23
Issue Information15
Non‐maturing deposits modelling in a Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck framework15
Reliability inference with extended sequential order statistics14
Order restricted inference for a multiple step‐stress model with long‐term survivors for a general family of distributions14
Gompertz zero‐inflated cure rate regression models applied to credit risk data14
Forecasting extreme negative returns in gold and silver: A discrete‐duration approach to POT models14
Discussion of Bayesian forecasting of business revenue13
Foreword: Special issue of ASMBI for y‐BIS 2019: Recent Advances in Business Analytics and Data Science12
Discussion of “Multivariate dynamic modeling for Bayesian forecasting of business revenue”12
Multi‐fidelity Gaussian process modeling with boundary information11
Stochastic comparison on load‐sharing systems with one statistically dependent redundancy9
Issue Information9
Issue Information9
A model for stochastic dependence implied by failures among deteriorating components8
Bayesian change point prediction for downhole drilling pressures with hidden Markov models8
A moment matching method for option pricing under stochastic interest rates7
Real option valuation of timber harvesting contracts7
Discussion of specifying prior distributions in reliability applications7
Discussion of “Specifying prior distributions in reliability applications”6
Residual‐based cumulative sum charts to monitor time series of counts via copula‐based Markov models5
Discussion of: Specifying prior distributions in reliability applications5
Discussion of signature‐based models of preventive maintenance5
Hedging and utility valuation of a defaultable claim driven by Hawkes processes5
Issue Information5
Balancing load and performance for different failure models5
Sample size determination to estimate mediation effects in cell transformation assays: A Bayesian causal model4
A study on two‐dimensional warranty with a preventive maintenance policy under burn‐in or run‐in4
Gender‐inclusive financial and demographic literacy: Monetizing the gender mortality gap4
Efficient pricing of path‐dependent interest rate derivatives4
Spectral density estimation for random processes with stationary increments4
Linkage vector autoregressive model4
On a buffered threshold autoregressive stochastic volatility model4
Identification of spatial defects in semiconductor manufacturing4
Some statistical challenges in automated driving systems4
A multiperiod model of an emissions trading system3
Hybridized artificial neural network classifiers with a novel feature selection procedure based genetic algorithms and information complexity in credit scoring3
Hedging temperature risk with CDD and HDD temperature futures3
A dam management problem with energy production as an optimal switching problem3
Discrete‐Time Risk Model With Time‐Varying Premiums: Analysis of Ruin Probabilities3
Renewable Energy Investments, Support Schemes and the Dirty Option3
On the Equivalence of Likelihood‐Based Confidence Bands for Fatigue‐Life and Fatigue‐Strength Distributions3
Credibility Theory Under the Least Squared Relative Loss Function2
Connected autonomous vehicles: State of practice2
A reinforcement learning algorithm for trading commodities2
On the multiattempt minimal repair and the corresponding counting process2
Redundancy Allocation for Series and Parallel Systems: A Copula‐Based Approach2
On Classical Inference of a Flexible Semi‐Parametric Class of Distributions Under a Joint Balanced Progressive Censoring Scheme2
Preventive maintenance for coherent systems considering postponed replacement2
Optimal time‐consistent social health insurance and private health insurance strategy under a new health insurance framework2
Estimating the Size and Composition of Customer Base Using Retail Transaction Data2
Reverse mortgage and risk profile awareness: Proposals for securitization2
On optimal allocation of redundancies in random weighted k$$ k $$‐out‐of‐n$$ n $$ systems2
A Sequential Learning Procedure for Estimating Coefficients in Linear Regression With Applications to Online Sales Examination2
Comparisons of coherent systems with two types of heterogeneous components having proportional reversed hazard rates2
Optimal designs of accelerated degradation tests with random shock failures and measurement errors2
Issue Information2
Some statistical challenges in automated driving systems2
Erratum to “An improved Hotelling's T2 chart for monitoring a finite horizon process based on run rules schemes: A Markov‐chain approach”2
Deep partial least squares for instrumental variable regression2
Optimal shock‐based maintenance policy for a system in a dynamic environment2
Pricing Cyber Insurance: A Geospatial Statistical Approach2
Enhancing Predictive Modeling of Chinese Yam Shape Through Bayesian Linear Modeling and Key Diameter Modification2
Degradation modeling and remaining useful lifetime prediction based on functional variance process2
Optimal refinancing strategy for mortgage rate with regime switching2
Discussion of “Some statistical challenges in automated driving systems”2
The Italian quick survey on the effects of the COVID‐19 health emergency on businesses: Sampling strategy and data editing2
Foreword to the Special Issue on Energy Finance and Climate Change1
Heteroscedasticity test of high‐frequency data with jumps and market microstructure noise1
Discussion of “Multivariate Dynamic Modeling for Bayesian Forecasting of Business Revenue”1
Rejoinder to “Specifying Prior Distribution in Reliability Applications”1
Discussion of “Specifying prior distributions in reliability applications,” by Qinglong Tian, Colin Lewis‐Beck, Jarad B. Niemi, and William Meeker1
Optimal maintenance policy for imperfect production systems using reliability function and defect rate1
Statistical estimation in passenger‐to‐train assignment models based on automated data1
New approach and analysis of the generalized constant elasticity of variance model1
Statistical inference for a Wiener‐based degradation model with imperfect maintenance actions under different observation schemes1
Discussion of signature‐based models of preventive maintenance1
Modelling the Chinese crude oil futures returns through a skew‐geometric Brownian motion correlated with the market volatility index process for pricing financial options1
Strategic energy flows in input‐output relations: A temporal multilayer approach1
Comprehensive interval‐valued time series model with application to the S&P 500 index and PM2.5 level data analysis1
Micro‐level reserving for general insurance claims using a long short‐term memory network1
Separable spatio‐temporal kriging for fast virtual sensing1
Heterogeneity in Populations and the Paradoxes of Survival: A Tribute to Nozer Singpurwalla1
Upper confidence bound integrated genetic algorithm‐optimized long short‐term memory network for click‐through rate prediction1
Controlling the exponentially weighted moving average S2 control chart false alarm behavior when the in‐control variance level must be estimated1
Effective use of screening experiments: Some practical experiences1
Bootstrapping through discrete convolutional methods1
Preface to the special issue on degradation and maintenance, modelling and analysis1
Learning low‐dimensional structure in house price indices1
Financial time series analysis and forecasting with Hilbert–Huang transform feature generation and machine learning1
A discussion on “An overview of some classical models and discussion of the signature‐based models of preventive maintenance”1
Modeling clustered binary data with nonparametric unobserved heterogeneity: An application to stock crash analysis1
Swing option pricing consistent with futures smiles1
A new extended δ‐shock model with the consideration of shock magnitude1
Forecasting portfolio returns with skew‐geometric Brownian motions1
Neural network based control charting for multiple stream processes with an application to HVAC systems in passenger railway vehicles1
Deep Thinking in Reliability and Risk Analysis: An Overview of Nozer D. Singpurwalla's Work1
A comprehensive review of blockchain applications in industrial Internet of Things and supply chain systems1
An enriched mixture model for functional clustering1
Hierarchical optimal designs and modeling for engineering: A case‐study in the rail sector1
Multivariate dynamic modeling for Bayesian forecasting of business revenue1
Discussion of Specifying prior distributions in reliability applications1
One‐ and two‐sided monitoring schemes for BINARCH(1) processes1
Imperfect and worse than old maintenances for a gamma degradation process1
Bayesian Sequential Learning and Decision Making in Bike‐Sharing Systems1
Discussion of “An overview of some classical models and discussion of the signature‐based models of preventive maintenance”1
Is (Independent) Subordination Relevant in Equity Derivatives?1
Discussion on paper “An Overview of Some Classical Models and Discussion of the Signature‐based Models of Preventive Maintenance”1
Forecasting system's accuracy: A framework for the comparison of different structures1
Reply to Discussions of Multivariate dynamic modeling for Bayesian forecasting of business revenue1
Functional clustering methods for resistance spot welding process data in the automotive industry1
Variable annuities valuation under a mixed fractional Brownian motion environment with jumps considering mortality risk1
Minimising by Simulation‐Based Optimisation the Cycle Time for the Line Balancing Problem in Real‐World Environments1
Simulated Exact Confidence Intervals: With Applications to Censored Exponential Reliability Data0
A Bayesian homogeneity test for comparing Poisson populations0
Simultaneous marginal homogeneity versus directional alternatives for multivariate binary data with application to circular economy assessments0
A Mellin transform approach to pricing barrier options under stochastic elasticity of variance0
Estimation with extended sequential order statistics: A link function approach0
Issue Information0
Negative Probability0
Model Bias Identification for Bayesian Calibration of Stochastic Digital Twins of Bridges0
Optimal standby activation in m‐out‐of‐n systems: A preventive approach0
A review of Bayesian dynamic forecasting models: Applications in marketing0
Residential load forecasting based on symplectic geometry mode decomposition and GRU neural network with attention mechanism0
Multivariate simulation‐based forecasting for intraday power markets: Modeling cross‐product price effects0
Reliability analysis of δ‐shock models based on the Markovian arrival process0
Vine copula modeling dependence among cyber risks: A dangerous regulatory paradox0
Comparing Risks for Binomial Reliability Assurance Test Planning0
Comments on “specifying prior distributions in reliability applications” by Tian, Lewis‐Beck, Niemi, and Meeker0
A real‐time monitoring approach for bivariate event data0
Asymptotic analysis of the Heston model and its statistical and financial applications0
Model Averaging for Estimating Treatment Effects With Binary Responses0
A cyclic non‐homogeneous Markov chain model for resource availability optimization in a two‐parking lots system with priority classes and resource reservation0
Gambits: Theory and evidence0
Foreword to the Special Issue on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR23)0
Issue Information0
Modeling multivariate positive‐valued time series using R‐INLA0
Continuous‐time optimal pension indexing in pay‐as‐you‐go systems0
Estimation of VaR with jump process: Application in corn and soybean markets0
Issue Information0
A Bayesian record linkage model incorporating relational data0
Issue Information0
The price‐leverage covariation as a measure of the response of the leverage effect to price and volatility changes0
The Variance Gamma++ process and applications to energy markets0
Modeling flight delays by an intensity‐based Hawkes process0
A new look at the Birnbaum–Saunders regression model0
On optimal maintenance of degrading multistate systems with state‐dependent cost of repair0
An enhanced two‐quantile Wilks methodology for engineering uncertainty analysis0
Spatial dependence in small cooperative bank risk behavior and its effects on bank competitiveness and SMEs0
On the probability of Magnus Carlsen reaching 29000
A general framework for optimal stopping problems with two risk factors and real option applications0
Pricing exotic options in the incomplete market: An imprecise probability method0
Issue Information0
Foreword: Special issue on blockchain for logistic industry0
Deep generative models for vehicle speed trajectories0
Spatial correction of low‐cost sensors observations for fusion of air quality measurements0
Discussion of “Specifying prior distributions in reliability applications”: Towards new formal rules for informative prior elicitation?0
Discussion of signature‐based models of preventive maintenance0
Probabilistic and statistical methods in commodity risk management0
Limiting Behavior of Mixed Coherent Systems With Lévy‐Frailty Marshall–Olkin Failure Times0
Design of experiments and manufacturing design space for multi‐step processes0
A Methodological Approach to Prioritize Digital Twin Development in Manufacturing0
Detecting systematic anomalies affecting systems when inputs are stationary time series0
Quantization‐Based Latin Hypercube Sampling for Dependent Inputs With an Application to Sensitivity Analysis of Environmental Models0
Interpretable Machine Learning Based on Functional ANOVA Framework: Algorithms and Comparisons0
Specifying prior distributions in reliability applications0
Discussion of “Specifying prior distributions in reliability applications”0
A new Wiener process with bathtub‐shaped degradation rate in the presence of random effects0
On a New Point Process Approach to Reliability Improvement Modeling for Repairable Systems0
Discussion of specifying prior distributions in reliability applications0
The generalized linear model‐based exponentially weighted moving average and cumulative sum charts for the monitoring of high‐quality processes0
Commentary on multivariate dynamic modeling for Bayesian forecasting of business revenue0
Statistics and probability theory in renewable energy: Teaching and research0
Issue Information0
Multivariate process control charts based on the Lp depth0
Featured Cover0
Semiparametric evaluation of first‐passage distribution for step‐stress accelerated degradation tests0
Examining the impact of critical attributes on hard drive failure times: Multi‐state models for left‐truncated and right‐censored semi‐competing risks data0
An EM‐based likelihood inference for degradation data analysis using gamma process0
Quick‐switch inspection scheme based on the overall process capability index for modern industrial web‐based processing environment0
Dynamic Pricing Strategy for Imitative and Habit‐Forming Customers0
Demand for live betting: An analysis using state‐space models0
Financing decisions in a supply chain when considering product returns0
A stochastic model for evaluating the peaks of commodities' returns0
Accelerated failure time frailty model for modeling multiple systems subject to minimal repair0
Resale regulations in online marketplaces during the COVID‐19 pandemic0
Quantum Bayesian computation0
Interval selection: A case‐study‐based approach0
Issue Information0
Foreword to the Special Issue on “Statistics, Statistical Engineering, and Innovation for Industry 4.0”0
Preservation of ILR and IFR aging classes in sums of dependent random variables0
High leverage detection in general functional regression models with spatially correlated errors0
Prediction of electricity prices for non‐regulated markets based on a power transformed mean reverting process0
Normal Deviation of Gamma Processes in Random Environment With Applications0
Discussion of an overview of some classical models and discussion of the signature‐based models of preventive maintenance0
Designing acceptance single sampling plans: An optimization‐based approach under generalized beta distribution0
SVM‐Jacobi for fitting linear combinations of exponential distributions with applications to finance and insurance0
Discussion of “An overview of some classical models and discussion of the signature‐based models of preventive maintenance”0
Application of Hawkes Volatility in the Observation of Filtered High‐Frequency Price Process in Tick Structures0
Phase‐type models involving restarting and instantaneous transitions, with applications to degradation and maintenance0
An overview of some classical models and discussion of the signature‐based models of preventive maintenance0
Foreword to the special issue on “Statistics of the Autonomous Vehicles”0
Discussion of signature‐based models of preventive maintenance0
On the modeling of dependence between univariate Lévy wear processes and impact on the reliability function0
Firms' profitability and ESG score: A machine learning approach0
Issue Information0
Has the Last Super Cycle in Crude Oil Price Ended? a Maximum Drawdown Approach Using Fractional Brownian Motion0
Discussion of ‘Specifying prior distributions in reliability applications’0
Uniform pricing and subsidy coordination mechanism in a two‐tier healthcare system under a co‐payment policy0
Start Over After Pre‐Empt (SOAP) Protocol0
Discussion of Specifying prior distributions in reliability applications0
Defective products management in a furniture production company: A data mining approach0
New tests for trend in time censored recurrent event data0
A Bayesian data modelling framework for chemical processes using adaptive sequential design with Gaussian process regression0
Issue Information0
Closed‐form approximated pricing of multivariate derivatives under switching regime models0
Testing for parameter changes in linear state space models0
Classical and Bayesian estimations of improved Weibull–Weibull distribution for complete and censored failure times data0
Assessing model risk in financial and energy markets using dynamic conditional VaRs0
Correlation analysis of degrading systems based on bivariate Wiener processes under imperfect maintenance0
Clustering ultrasonic waves propagation time: A hierarchical polynomial semiparametric approach0
Energy community with shared photovoltaic and storage systems: influence of power demand in cost optimization0
Compositional Dynamic Modelling for Counterfactual Prediction in Multivariate Time Series0
A micro‐to‐macro approach to returns, volumes and waiting times0
Ranking customers for marketing actions with a two‐stage Bayesian cluster and Pareto/NBD models0
Issue Information0
Statistical disclosure control for continuous variables using an extended skew‐t copula0
Health care fraud classifiers in practice0
Discussion of specifying prior distributions in reliability applications—Applications for Bayesian estimation software design0
Issue Information0
Discussion of “some statistical challenges in automated driving systems”0
Issue Information0
Conway–Maxwell Poisson regression‐based control charts under iterative Liu estimator for monitoring count data0
Issue Information0
Issue Information0