Graphical Models

(The TQCC of Graphical Models is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Point cloud denoising review: from classical to deep learning-based approaches36
Single Image Tree Reconstruction via Adversarial Network20
Landmark Detection and 3D Face Reconstruction for Caricature using a Nonlinear Parametric Model17
VGF-Net: Visual-Geometric fusion learning for simultaneous drone navigation and height mapping16
Heterogeneous porous scaffold generation using trivariate B-spline solids and triply periodic minimal surfaces16
Combining convex hull and directed graph for fast and accurate ellipse detection15
A systematic approach for enhancement of homogeneous background images using structural information13
Learning-based 3D imaging from single structured-light image12
Geometry-Based Layout Generation with Hyper-Relations AMONG Objects11
Scale-Adaptive ICP10
TopoKnit: A Process-Oriented Representation for Modeling the Topology of Yarns in Weft-Knitted Textiles9
ObjectFusion: Accurate object-level SLAM with neural object priors9
Graph-PBN: Graph-based parallel branch network for efficient point cloud learning8
Authoring multi-style terrain with global-to-local control8
Learning 3D face reconstruction from a single sketch8
4 and 5-Axis additive manufacturing of parts represented using free-form 3D curves8
Visually smooth multi-UAV formation transformation8
Jacobi–PIA algorithm for bi-cubic B-spline interpolation surfaces6
High-fidelity point cloud completion with low-resolution recovery and noise-aware upsampling5
Learning a shared deformation space for efficient design-preserving garment transfer5
SPIDER: A framework for processing, editing and presenting immersive high-resolution spherical indoor scenes5
Stabilized blendshape editing using localized Jacobian transpose descent4
BPA-GAN: Human motion transfer using body-part-aware generative adversarial networks4
Surface-based computation of the Euler characteristic in the cubical grid4
Hybrid function representation for heterogeneous objects4