Literary Imagination

(The TQCC of Literary Imagination is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
“Track 20”5
Restrictive Covenant1
Teaching Heart of Darkness Now1
Ellison’s Invisible Man and Faulkner’s Light in August: An Argument in Black and White1
“A Gesture and a Pose”: Hawthorne, Eliot, and the Aesthetics of Detachment1
Four Parodies1
Across the Park0
Rhyme #4: Rhyme Drops a Hint0
Ever More, Lord Giant0
With One Eye Closed0
Hitting Billy: Mediated Interiority in Billy Budd0
Corrigendum to: Plessy v. Ferguson and the Dissenting Opinion in the Classroom0
The Green Aevum: Deep Time and Useful Fictions between Frank Kermode, Edmund Spenser, and Ed Roberson0
Editing Yeats0
Between Things and Words0
For the Garden’s Architect0
Poker Night0
Notes on Contributors0
Poetic Transmission: Ezra Pound, “The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter” (1914–1918)—By Rihaku [Li Bai]0
A Poem Miroslav Holub Might Have Written0
Cycladic Idyll0
Going Down Slow0
Van Gogh and British Literature: The Influence of Felix Holt on His Mind and Art0
Melville’s Lyrical Turn: Prophecies of Populism in Battle Pieces0
Bereft Song0
Omar and Me0
2001: A Space Odyssey0
A Christmas Wind0
B52 and Other Poems0
My Father's Teeth0
Google Earth0
The Textual Presence of Mary Shelley’s The Last Man in the Juvenila of the Brontë Siblings0
Selections from the Kuruntokai: Translated from the Ancient Tamil0
Notes on Contributors0
Piano in the Airport0
Notes on Contributors0
Eichmann Teaches Himself Hebrew0
A Feminist Critique of J. M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians: How One Piece of 1980s Literature Continues to Perpetuate Misogynistic Ideology0
In Dreams0
The Derelicts in the New England Mountains0
from Urban Renewal0
Burning Fallow Fields0
Autistic Savant, Hold the Savant0
“Art Has Therefore Its Law”: Thomas Wentworth Higginson on Walt Whitman’s “Disfigurement”0
Wallace Stevens’ Foreign Song, or Reading Paul Valéry in America0
The Symbolic World of Poetic Fame0
Dorothy Parker Among the Poets0
Notes on Contributors0
Sordello: The Epic of Doubt0
Undressing Tragedy’s Skeleton0
Man Swimming in Home-Dug Pool0
Enrico Testa, “Untitled”0
No Time to Die0
Redeeming Lysimachus: The Miracle of Conversion in Pericles0
from “Pelham”0
Northern Light0
Writing White: Martha Collins’s Poetry of Collective Memory0
“Lake Balaton”0
Notes on Contributors0
Pandora’s Prairie0
Agatha, or Open Water: A Nantucket Obituary0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
The New Formalism and Heart of Darkness: Aesthetic and Ideological Parallels, Oppositions, and Symmetries0
On Looking into the 1950 Census0
Find A Face0
Covid Spring0
Sound as a Sense of the Future in Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts0
The Fidelities of John Clare and Elizabeth Bishop0
Euclid Glasses Hellroaring0
Political Violence and the Persuasive Engagement in Frederick Douglass0
Voyager Poems0
Fishing Downstream0
Against Archaeology0
Supermarket Storm0
Ellison and the Visibility of Laughter0
Bal Masqué0
Ending The Dry Spell: Mandelstam’s Journey to Armenia0
A Pacifist’s Decima0
Why Is Buck Mulligan “Plump”?0
873 Beacon0
Treatise: Toward a Theory of Silence in Modernist American Poetry0
“Black Artillery”: Herman Melville and the Unthinkability of White Mob Violence in Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War (1866)0
From Rhythm to Candor: How Dimmesdale Becomes Cicero’s Ideal Orator0
Connecticut, After Dark0
The Angel of History0
I Am Sick of Reading Poems about Paintings by Vermeer0
Jack Gilbert Looking Back on Long Life0
Green Thoughts, Green Shades: Remembering Homer with Trees0
A Christmas Wind0
The Sisters Gregg0
Mystery Cult0
Review of David Ferry, Some Things I Said0
Rumination at Wellfleet0
“No Fixed Image”: Richard Wilbur’s Metaphoric Abundance0
Uncertainty Principle0
Van Gogh’s Weaver Series: A Pictorial Reworking of Silas Marner0
When I Look Up0
Hopkins’s Clouded Judgment0
John Muir’s Thoreau0
There Are Words: Conveying Magnitude in Contemporary Writing0
Remembering a Great Love in Letters: Salomón de la Selva to Edna St. Vincent Millay0
Notes on Contributors0
Kenneth Fearing and Human Lifetimes0
The Mockingbird0
In Lieu of a Handshake0
What Loneliness Feels Like0
from “Siege of the Great Plantation”0
Q and Hellfire Sermons0
Enrico Testa, “Untitled”0
Rupert Brooke’s Mysterious Widow: The Marchesa Agnes Capponi0
Requiem for Margie, a dog I loved without conflict0
Audubon Circle0
“I am not what I am”: Liminality as the Existential Terrain of Twelfth Night0
Shakespeare’s Blank Verse: An Alternative History0
Dorothea’s “Flood of Young Passion”: Dualism of the Practical Reason in Middlemarch and The Methods of Ethics0
News Cycle0
Portraiture and Paratext: Meta-Ekphrasis, Subversions of the National Tale, and the Reclamation of the Imperial Gaze in The Wild Irish Girl0
A Wake a Wave0
Isabel Wilkerson, Albion Tourgée, and the Problem of Caste in the United States0
“Being Nothing”: The Consolation of Words in Richard II0
“The Reaching that Makes of Falling Flight”: The Psalmic Poetry of Ross Gay0
Pervigilium Veneris0
Putting on the Style0
Notes on Contributors0
Francis Bacon, Self-Portrait 1971 (Cr71-11)0
The Curator as Oracle: A Guide to The Harlem Gallery0
The Prophet0
Racist Discourse and Literary Reputation: The Consequences of Robert Penn Warren’s “Pondy Woods”0
Now That I Am Dead0
Erratum: Charles Baudelaire, “The Voice”0
Euclid with Flashlight on the Bridge of Asses0
Crime in a Box0
The Exile0
Doctor Syntax and the Erotics of the Picturesque0
February Fox0
The Prisoner of Hirta (1738)0
Notes on Contributors0
All Souls’ Night0
Elegy for Elsworth E. Berno0
Plessy v. Ferguson and the Dissenting Opinion in the Classroom0
August Meditations0
After Reading a Book of Unexpected Metaphors0
Between the Desire and the Spasm Falls the Shadow: Difficult Distances in Louise Glück’s Poetry0
History and the Self in Wilde’s “The Portrait of Mr. W. H.”0
“On Forsakenness”0
Euclid Considers the Lead in His Pencil0
“Butler’s Doubtful Heroism”0
Harmonium and the Plain Nonsense of Rhyme0
Change of Plans0
Robert Pinsky and the Post-Confessional Didactic0
A Little Afternoon Music0
An “Invitation to Learning”: Mortimer Adler’s How to Read a Book, Everyman’s Library, and the Ideal of a “Common Culture”0
Poetry and Its Institutions: Auden, Jarrell, and Arendt at Midcentury0
A New Way to Pay Old Debts0
Between Two Worlds: The In-between Aesthetics of Arnold Bennett in Anna of the Five Towns0
Some Settling May Occur0
Mixed Feelings0
February Rime0
The Fever for Autobiography: Assumption and Confession in Sylvia Plath’s Ariel0
A Glance and a Goodbye0