M&SOM-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

(The H4-Index of M&SOM-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management is 37. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Channel Structures of Online Retail Platforms155
Gender Inequality in Research Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic105
Signaling to the Crowd: Private Quality Information and Rewards-Based Crowdfunding103
Labor Welfare in On-Demand Service Platforms98
Information Sharing on Retail Platforms96
Stock Market Reaction to Supply Chain Disruptions from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake91
Competition Between Two-Sided Platforms Under Demand and Supply Congestion Effects84
OM Forum—COVID-19 Scratch Models to Support Local Decisions82
OM Forum—Healthcare Operations Management: A Snapshot of Emerging Research82
We Are on the Way: Analysis of On-Demand Ride-Hailing Systems78
A Deep Q-Network for the Beer Game: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Inventory Optimization73
Motivating Supplier Social Responsibility Under Incomplete Visibility72
Surge Pricing and Two-Sided Temporal Responses in Ride Hailing70
Supplier Centrality and Auditing Priority in Socially Responsible Supply Chains68
Dynamic Type Matching67
Pricing and Matching with Forward-Looking Buyers and Sellers61
Cooperative Approaches to Managing Social Responsibility in a Market with Externalities59
Can Deep Reinforcement Learning Improve Inventory Management? Performance on Lost Sales, Dual-Sourcing, and Multi-Echelon Problems58
The Influence of Female Directors on Product Recall Decisions55
OM Forum—Challenges and Strategies in Managing Nonprofit Operations: An Operations Management Perspective54
“Fulfilled by Amazon”: A Strategic Perspective of Competition at the e-Commerce Platform51
Investments in Renewable and Conventional Energy: The Role of Operational Flexibility49
Promoting Solar Panel Investments: Feed-in-Tariff vs. Tax-Rebate Policies47
Manufacturer’s Entry in the Product-Sharing Market46
AI and Procurement45
Making the Most of Your Regret: Workers’ Relocation Decisions in On-Demand Platforms44
Condition-Based Production Planning: Adjusting Production Rates to Balance Output and Failure Risk42
Optimal Subsidies for Development Supply Chains41
OM Forum—A Review of Empirical Operations Management over the Last Two Decades41
Grocery Store Density and Food Waste40
Impacts of Counterfeiting on a Global Supply Chain39
COVID-19 and E-Commerce Operations: Evidence from Alibaba39
Sharing Manufacturer’s Demand Information in a Supply Chain with Price and Service Effort Competition38
Product Price, Quality, and Service Decisions Under Consumer Choice Models38
Surfacing the Submerged State: Operational Transparency Increases Trust in and Engagement with Government37
Cause Marketing: Product Pricing, Design, and Distribution37
Value and Design of Traceability-Driven Blockchains37
How Does a Return Period Policy Change Affect Multichannel Retailer Profitability?37
Operating Room Staffing and Scheduling37