Cartography and Geographic Information Science

(The median citation count of Cartography and Geographic Information Science is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Deep fake geography? When geospatial data encounter Artificial Intelligence67
What is the difference between augmented reality and 2D navigation electronic maps in pedestrian wayfinding?41
Spatial knowledge acquisition with virtual semantic landmarks in mixed reality-based indoor navigation29
Embodied gesture interaction for immersive maps24
The role of user context in the design of mobile map applications17
Polyline simplification based on the artificial neural network with constraints of generalization knowledge15
Adapting mobile map application designs to map use context: a review and call for action on potential future research themes15
Elevation models for reproducible evaluation of terrain representation15
Sentiment mapping: point pattern analysis of sentiment classified Twitter data14
Integration of heterogeneous terrain data into Discrete Global Grid Systems12
Proxemic maps for immersive visualization11
Choose your own route – supporting pedestrian navigation without restricting the user to a predefined route10
An area preserving method for improved categorical raster resampling10
How does the design of landmarks on a mobile map influence wayfinding experts’ spatial learning during a real-world navigation task?10
An approach for multi-scale urban building data integration and enrichment through geometric matching and semantic web10
Virtual reality for geospatial education: immersive technologies enhance sense of embodiment10
Population downscaling using high-resolution, temporally-rich U.S. property data10
A personalized activity-based spatiotemporal risk mapping approach to the COVID-19 pandemic9
A systematic review of application development in augmented reality navigation research9
Adaptive transfer of color from images to maps and visualizations9
Urban infrastructure audit: an effective protocol to digitize signalized intersections by mining street view images9
How does spatial cognitive style affect indoor fire evacuation wayfinding in mobile virtual reality?8
Evaluating schematic route maps in wayfinding tasks for in-car navigation8
Dimensions of uncertainty: a spatiotemporal review of five COVID-19 datasets8
Evaluating the effectiveness of different cartographic design variants for influencing route choice8
Artificial intelligence studies in cartography: a review and synthesis of methods, applications, and ethics8
An exploratory assessment of the effectiveness of geomasking methods on privacy protection and analytical accuracy for individual-level geospatial data8
Toward green cartography & visualization: a semantically-enriched method of generating energy-aware color schemes for digital maps8
A point selection method in map generalization using graph convolutional network model8
Mapping trajectories and flows: facilitating a human-centered approach to movement data analytics7
Informative cartographic communication: a framework to evaluate the effects of map types on users’ interpretation of COVID-19 geovisualizations7
Label-based generalization of bathymetry data for hydrographic sounding selection7
Identifying map users with eye movement data from map-based spatial tasks: user privacy concerns7
The effect of map label language on the visual search of cartographic point symbols7
Constructing and analyzing spatial-social networks from location-based social media data6
Design Techniques for COVID-19 Story Maps: A Quantitative Content Analysis6
How do voice-assisted digital maps influence human wayfinding in pedestrian navigation?6
A user-centric optimization of emergency map symbols to facilitate common operational picture6
Comparison of font size and background color strategies for tag weights on tag maps6
An area merging method in map generalization considering typical characteristics of structured geographic objects6
Swipe versus multiple view: a comprehensive analysis using eye-tracking to evaluate user interaction with web maps5
Variations in the spatial distribution of crime events in an urban environment during the COVID-19 lockdown5
A deep learning approach for polyline and building simplification based on graph autoencoder with flexible constraints5
Beyond mapping: extend the role of cartographers to user interface designers in the Metaverse using virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality5
A geospatial image based eye movement dataset for cartography and GIS5
Spatial multi-criteria evaluation in 3D context: suitability analysis of urban vertical development5
Point, polygon, or marker? In search of the best geographic entity for mapping cultural ecosystem services using the online public participation geographic information systems tool, “My Green Place”5
Where have the cartographers gone? The status of cartography instruction within U.S. geography departments and programs4
Textures for coding bathymetric data quality sectors on electronic navigational chart displays: design and evaluation4
Research on map emotional semantics using deep learning approach4
Trust in maps: what we know and what we need to know4
Geographically masking addresses to study COVID-19 clusters4
MSLF: multi-scale legibility function to estimate the legible scale of individual line features4
Aggregating land-use polygons considering line features as separating map elements4
A methodology for balancing the preservation of area, shape, and topological properties in polygon-to-raster conversion4
Semantic conflation in GIScience: a systematic review4
The promise of excess mobility analysis: measuring episodic-mobility with geotagged social media data4
Developing reliably distinguishable color schemes for legends of natural resource taxonomy-based maps3
MixMap : a user-driven approach to place-based semantic similarity3
Interactive visual analytics of moving passenger flocks using massive smart card data3
Why we can read maps3
A chorem-based approach to visualizing COVID-19-related data3
A learning-based approach to automatically evaluate the quality of sequential color schemes for maps3
Measuring and mapping long-term changes in migration flows using population-scale family tree data3
Characteristics of augmented map research from a cartographic perspective3
Using gamification to increase map data production during humanitarian volunteered geographic information (VGI) campaigns3
Learning from vector data: enhancing vector-based shape encoding and shape classification for map generalization purposes3
A geographical and content-based approach to prioritize relevant and reliable tweets for emergency management3
A feasibility study of applying generative deep learning models for map labeling3
Machine learning in cartography3
A conceptual framework for developing dashboards for big mobility data3
Topological relationship model for geographical flows3
Elastic beam algorithm for generating circular cartograms3
Do people prefer a landmark route over a shortest route?3
Detection of discrepancies between nautical charts and new survey data using GIS techniques3
An extended spatiotemporal exposure index for urban racial segregation3
Impact of travel time uncertainties on modeling of spatial accessibility: a comparison of street data sources3
A systematic parallel strategy for generating contours from large-scale DEM data using collaborative CPUs and GPUs3
DeepMapScaler: a workflow of deep neural networks for the generation of generalised maps2
A parallel strategy to accelerate neighborhood operation for raster data coordinating CPU and GPU2
Geo-indistinguishable masking: enhancing privacy protection in spatial point mapping2
Cognition and perception of map projections: a literature review2
Detecting common features from point patterns for similarity measurement using matrix decomposition2
MultiLineStringNet: a deep neural network for linear feature set recognition2
An indoor service area determination approach for pedestrian navigation path planning2
A fast grid generation algorithm for local irregular parts of hexagonal discrete global grid systems2
Using machine learning and data enrichment in the selection of roads for small-scale maps2
Geography education improves spatial ability: evidence from fMRI and behavioral experiments2
Keeping walls straight: data model and training set size matter for deep learning in building generalization2
Detecting dynamic visual attention in augmented reality aided navigation environment based on a multi-feature integration fully convolutional network2
An iterative framework with active learning to match segments in road networks2
Urban thermal map design considerations: color, shading, and resolution2
Hiking-time formulas: a review2
Environmental justice implications of flood risk in the contiguous United States – a spatiotemporal assessment of flood exposure change from 2001 to 20192