Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

(The median citation count of Physiological and Biochemical Zoology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Trade-Offs (and Constraints) in Organismal Biology59
Maxed Out: Optimizing Accuracy, Precision, and Power for Field Measures of Maximum Metabolic Rate in Fishes27
The Relationship between Hormones, Glucose, and Oxidative Damage Is Condition and Stress Dependent in a Free-Living Passerine Bird19
Factors Affecting Thermal Insulation of Songbird Nests as Measured Using Temperature Loggers18
Exposure to Nitrate Increases Susceptibility to Hypoxia in Fish18
Rapid Dietary Shift inPodarcis siculusResulted in Localized Changes in Gut Function14
Physiological Ecology of Winter Hibernation by the High-Altitude Frog Nanorana parkeri14
Wintering Snow Buntings Elevate Cold Hardiness to Extreme Levels but Show No Changes in Maintenance Costs13
A Mesocosm Experiment in Ecological Physiology: The Modulation of Energy Budget in a Hibernating Marsupial under Chronic Caloric Restriction13
Manipulation of Prenatal Thyroid Hormones Does Not Affect Growth or Physiology in Nestling Pied Flycatchers12
New Insights into Bite Performance: Morphological Trade-Offs Underlying the Duration and Magnitude of Bite Force10
The Value of Experimental Approaches in Migration Biology10
Terrestrial Salamanders Maintain Habitat Suitability under Climate Change despite Trade-Offs between Water Loss and Gas Exchange10
Isotopic Discrimination (δ15N, δ13C) in Captive and Wild Common Murres (Uria aalge) and Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica)9
Body Composition and Energy Savings by Hibernation: Lessons from the South American Marsupial Dromiciops gliroides9
Ontogenetic Changes in Body Shape and the Scaling of Metabolic Rate in the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata)8
Maternal Temperature, Corticosterone, and Body Condition as Mediators of Maternal Effects in Jacky Dragons (Amphibolurus muricatus)8
Clade-Specific Allometries in Avian Basal Metabolic Rate Demand a Broader Theory of Allometry8
The Mystery of Energy Compensation8
Universality of Torpor Expression in Bats8
Arousal from Torpor Increases Oxidative Damage in the Hibernating Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus)7
Increased Metabolic Rate of Hauled-Out Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) during the Molt7
High Seasonal Variation of Plasma Testosterone Levels for a Tropical Grassland Bird Resembles Patterns of Temperate Birds7
Altered Oxidative Status as a Cost of Reproduction in a Seabird with High Reproductive Costs7
Life History and Immune Challenge Influence Metabolic Plasticity to Food Availability and Acclimation Temperature6
Effect of Capture, Phenotype, and Physiological Status on Blood Glucose and Plasma Corticosterone Levels in Free-Ranging Dice Snakes6
Individual (Co)variation in Resting and Maximal Metabolic Rates in Wild Mice6
High-Stakes Decision-Making by Female Crickets (Gryllus texensis): When to Trade In Wing Muscles for Eggs5
Ectoparasite Load Is Reduced in Side-Blotched Lizards (Uta stansburiana) at Wind Farms: Implications for Oxidative Stress5
Body Mass and Tail Girth Predict Hibernation Expression in Captive Dwarf Lemurs5
Methodological Considerations for Using Fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolite Concentrations as an Indicator of Physiological Stress in the Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)5
Upper Thermal Tolerance Indicated by CTmax Fails to Predict Migration Strategy and Timing, Growth, and Predation Vulnerability in Juvenile Brown Trout (Salmo trutta)5
Lizard Embryos Prioritize Posthatching Energy Reserves over Increased Hatchling Body Size during Development5
Lean Mass Dynamics in Hibernating Bats and Implications for Energy and Water Budgets5
Warm Acclimation Increases Mitochondrial Efficiency in Fish: A Compensatory Mechanism to Reduce the Demand for Oxygen5
Topographic Variations in Mobilization of Blubber in Relation to Changes in Body Mass in Short-Finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus)5
Tolerance Patterns and Transcriptomic Response to Extreme and Fluctuating Salinities across Populations of the Intertidal Copepod Tigriopus californicus5
Impact of Short- and Long-Term Exposure to Elevated Seawater Pco2on Metabolic Rate and Hypoxia Tolerance inOctopus rubescens5
Acute-Phase Immune Response Involves Fever, Sickness Behavior, and an Elevated Metabolic Rate in the Subterranean RodentCtenomys talarum4
The Inverse Krogh Principle: All Organisms Are Worthy of Study4
Biomechanical Analysis of the Slow-Twitch (Red) Muscle Force Transmission Pathways in Tunas4
Using Integrative Biology to Infer Adaptation from Comparisons of Two (or a Few) Species4
Periodic Cooling during Incubation Alters the Adrenocortical Response and Posthatch Growth in Zebra Finches4
Flexible Employment of Torpor in Squirrel Gliders (Petaurus norfolcensis): An Adaptation to Unpredictable Climate?4
The Ability to Dissipate Heat Is Likely to Be a More Important Limitation on Lactation in Striped Hamsters with Greater Reproductive Efforts under Warmer Conditions4
Geography, Temperature, and Water: Interaction Effects in a Small Native Amphibian4
Individual Repeatability of Locomotor Kinematics and Swimming Performance in a Gymnotiform Swimmer3
A Four-Week Urban Diet Impairs Vasodilation but Not Nutritional Physiology in Wild-Caught Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura)3
A Decerebrate Preparation of the Rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus, Provides an Experimental Model for Study of Autonomic Modulation of the Cardiovascular System in Reptiles3
Mitochondrial Enzyme Activities and Body Condition of Naturally Infected Sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)3
Altricial Bird Early-Stage Embryos Express the Molecular “Machinery” to Respond to and Modulate Maternal Thyroid Hormone Cues3
Responses to Alteration of Atmospheric Oxygen and Social Environment Suggest Trade-Offs among Growth Rate, Life Span, and Stress Susceptibility in Giant Mealworms (Zophobas morio)3
Leptin as an Antitorpor Hormone: An Explanation for the Increased Metabolic Efficiency and Cold Sensitivity of ob/ob Mice?3
Climbing Waterfalls: How Metabolism and Behavior Impact Locomotor Performance of Tropical Climbing Gobies on Reunion Island3
Eurythermic Sprint and Immune Thermal Performance and Ecology of an Exotic Lizard at Its Northern Invasion Front3
Within-Generation and Transgenerational Plasticity of a Temperate Salmonid in Response to Thermal Acclimation and Acute Temperature Stress3
Repeatability of Voluntary Thermal Maximum and Covariance with Water Loss Reveal Potential for Adaptation to Changing Climates3
Adaptation to Urban Heat Islands Enhances Thermal Performance Following Development under Chronic Thermal Stress but Not Benign Conditions in the Terrestrial Isopod Oniscus asellus3
Small Tropical Mammals Can Take the Heat: High Upper Limits of Thermoneutrality in a Bornean Treeshrew3
The Activation of Prosurvival Pathways in Myotis lucifugus during Torpor3
Physiological Health and Survival of Captive-Reared and Released Juvenile Blanding’s Turtles3
Divergence in Thermal Physiology Could Contribute to Vertical Segregation in Intertidal Ecotypes of Littorina saxatilis3
Nestling Physiology Is Independent of Somatic Development in a Common Raptor, the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)3
No Evidence for Constitutive Innate Immune Senescence in a Longitudinal Study of a Wild Bird3
Cascading Effects of Conspecific Aggression on Oxidative Status and Telomere Length in Zebra Finches2
PUFA Changes in White Adipose Tissue during Hibernation in Common Hamsters2
Small Alpine Marsupials Regulate Evaporative Water Loss, Suggesting a Thermoregulatory Role Rather than a Water Conservation Role2
Metabolic Rates and Thermal Thresholds of Embryonic Flatback Turtles (Natator depressus) from the North West Shelf of Australia2
Variation in Embryonic Metabolic Reaction Norms and the Role of the Environment2
Sex-Specific Population Differences in Resting Metabolism Are Associated with Intraspecific Variation in Sexual Size Dimorphism of Brown Anoles2
Mitigating Apoptotic and Inflammatory Signaling via Global Caspase Inhibition in Hibernating Ground Squirrels, Spermophilus lateralis2
A Standardized Protocol for Measuring Bioelectrical Impedance in Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas)2
Reactive Oxygen Species and the Stress Response in Octocorals2
Opportunities Lost? Evolutionary Causes and Ecological Consequences of the Absence of Trehalose Digestion in Birds2
Aracaniform Swimming: A Proposed New Category of Swimming Mode in Bony Fishes (Teleostei: Tetraodontiformes: Aracanidae)2
Changes in Body Surface Temperature Play an Underappreciated Role in the Avian Immune Response2
Behavioral Thermoregulation by Mothers Protects Offspring from Global Warming but at a Cost2
Intergenerational Costs of Oxidative Stress: Reduced Fitness in Daughters of Mothers That Experienced High Levels of Oxidative Damage during Reproduction2
Role of Nitric Oxide in the Cardiovascular System of South American Rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus)2
Effects of a Bacterial Infection on Mitochondrial Function and Oxidative Stress in a Songbird2
Sticking Together: Energetic Consequences of Huddling Behavior in Hibernating Juvenile Garden Dormice2
The Physiological Costs of Reproduction in a Capital Breeding Fish2
Social Factors in Heat Survival: Multiqueen Desert Ant Colonies Have Higher and More Uniform Heat Tolerance2
Variation of Rodents’ Body Temperature across Elevation in Alps2
Effects of Dietary Shifts on Ontogenetic Development of Metabolic Rates in Age 0 Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)2
Heritability and Parental Effects in Telomere Length in a Color Polymorphic Long-Lived Bird2
Divergent Pathways of Ammonia and Urea Production and Excretion during the Life Cycle of the Sea Lamprey1
Leukocyte Concentrations Are Isometric in Reptiles Unlike in Endotherms1
Early-Life Cooling Alters Later Corticosterone Response to Restraint in Prefledging Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) but Does Not Alter Adrenal Sensitivity to ACTH1
Bridging Performance and Adaptive Landscapes to Understand Long-Term Functional Evolution1
Corticosterone Alters Body Weight, but Not Metabolites, during Chronic Stress1
Ventilatory Sensitivity to Ambient CO2 at Different Hibernation Temperatures in Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus)1
Osmoregulatory Performance among Prickly Sculpin (Cottus asper) Living in Contrasting Osmotic Habitats1
Hemolymph Glycemia as an Environmental Stress Biomarker in the Invasive Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii)1
Chronic Thermal Acclimation Effects on Critical Thermal Maxima (CTmax) and Oxidative Stress Differences in White Epaxial Muscle between Surface and Cave Morphotypes of the Mexican Cavefish 1
Hypoxic Jumbo Squid Activate Neuronal Apoptosis but Not MAPK or Antioxidant Enzymes during Oxidative Stress1
Female Songbirds Can Initiate the Transition from a Migratory to a Reproductive Physiology during Spring Migration1
Differential Changes in Circulating Steroid Hormones in Hibernating Brown Bears: Preliminary Conclusions and Caveats1
A Summer Heat Wave Reduced Activity, Heart Rate, and Autumn Body Mass in a Cold-Adapted Ungulate1
Environmental Drivers of Growth and Oxidative Status during Early Life in a Long-Lived Antarctic Seabird, the Adélie Penguin1
A Modern Overview of Crustacean Biogeography: Evolution and Biogeography Review1
Commentary on the Biphasic Ontogenetic Metabolic Scaling of the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata)1
House Sparrows Vary Seasonally in Their Ability to Transmit West Nile Virus1
Nestling Altricial Rodents and Lagomorphs Are Not Ectotherms1
Shifts in the Thermal Dependence of Locomotor Performance across an Altitudinal Gradient in Native Populations of Xenopus laevis1
Could Chronic Hypothermia in a Human Affect the Clock System?1
Modest Regulation of Digestive Performance Is Maintained through Early Ontogeny for the American Alligator,Alligator mississippiensis1
Environmental Stress and the Morphology of Daphnia pulex1
Experimental Manipulation of Air Temperature in Captivity Appears Unsuitable for Evaluating Fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolite Responses of Wild-Caught Birds to Heat Exposure1
Temperature Effects on DNA Damage during Hibernation1
Stopovers Serve Physiological Recovery in Migratory Songbirds1
Physiologically Relevant Levels of Biliverdin Do Not Significantly Oppose Oxidative Damage in Plasma In Vitro1
Quantification of Urinary Sex Steroids in the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus)1
No Evidence for Long-Term Carryover Effects in a Wild Salmonid Fish1
Allometric Scaling of Anaerobic Capacity Estimated from a Unique Field-Based Data Set of Fish Swimming1
Bold Behavior Is Associated with Genes That Regulate Energy Use but Does Not Covary with Body Condition in Food-Restricted Snails1
DNA Integrity Estimated via the Comet Assay Reflects Oxidative Stress and Competitive Disadvantage in Developing Birds1
The Role of Metabolic Phenotype in the Capacity to Balance Competing Energetic Demands1
Hypoxia Decreases Thermal Sensitivity and Increases Thermal Breadth of Locomotion in the Invasive Freshwater Snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum1
Back to the Womb: A Perinatal Perspective on Mammalian Hibernation1