Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology

(The median citation count of Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Adjuvant and post-surgical treatment in non-epithelial ovarian cancer130
Placenta accreta spectrum disorders - Peri-operative management: The role of the anaesthetist111
Endometrioma surgery: Hit with your best shot (But know when to stop)79
Inflammatory diseases of the breast74
Adjuvant treatment in cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancer62
Challenges of morbid obesity in gynecological practice57
Sex & relationships in trans people49
Fertility-sparing treatment in cervical cancer: Abdominal trachelectomy48
A push for evidence: An effective training in operative birth45
Sexuality, pelvic floor/vaginal health and contraception at menopause44
Immunisation in pregnancy - Volume 76 multiple choice answers38
Economic evaluation of Medically Assisted Reproduction: An educational overview of methods and applications for healthcare professionals32
Fetal reduction for everyone?30
Skills-drills training in obstetrics to prevent harm - Volume 80 multiple choice answers29
Menopause Management - Volume 81 multiple choice questions27
Breast cancer and cancer genetics - Volume 82 multiple choice answers25
The value of treatment for infertility: A systematic literature review of willingness-to-pay thresholds and approaches for determining the cost effectiveness of fertility therapies25
Breast cancer screening, breastfeeding & benign breast disease - Volume 83 multiple choice questions25
Editorial Board24
Anesthetic challenges of pregnant obesity women24
Providing a standardised educational programme in robot-assisted gynaecological surgery24
Breast cancer screening, breastfeeding & benign breast disease - Volume 83 multiple choice answers23
Editorial Board23
Conservative (non-radical) surgery for stage IB1 cervical cancer23
Robotic-assisted surgery in high-risk surgical patients with endometrial cancer21
Pregnancy-associated cardiovascular risks and postpartum care; an opportunity for interventions aiming at health preservation and disease prevention21
Psychological aspects and fertility issues of GTD20
Preface: Reproduction in the elderly20
Preface: Bowel endometriosis19
Tips and tricks in gynaecological robotic surgery18
Treatment of endometriomas: Surgical approaches and the impact on ovarian reserve, recurrence, and spontaneous pregnancy18
Perineal injuries during vaginal birth in low-resource countries18
The Fischer protocol for assisted reproductive technology treatment: Real-world data experience comparing elective single versus double embryo transfer with or without comprehensive chromosome screeni17
Adjuvant and post-surgical treatment in endometrial cancer17
Prioritisation of outpatient appointments and elective surgery in gynaecology17
“From the tip to the deep of the iceberg”: Parametrial involvement in endometriosis16
Screening and diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities in twin pregnancy16
Bowel resection for intestinal endometriosis15
Definition and diagnosis of cesarean scar ectopic pregnancies15
Pregnancy outcomes following oocyte donation15
Future vaccines in pregnancy15
Reduction of multiple pregnancy: Counselling and techniques15
Hormone replacement therapy – Current recommendations15
Treatment of high-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia and chemoresistance/relapsed disease14
Editorial Board14
Prediction of preeclampsia in asymptomatic women14
The historical aspects of vaccination in pregnancy14
Role of single port robotic surgery in gynecology14
Role of adjuvant and post-surgical treatment in gynaecological cancer13
Conservative approaches to postpartum haemorrhage13
Bone and heart health in menopause13
Vaccinations in the newborn13
Intergenerational trends in reproduction: Infertility and pregnancy loss13
Improving management of first and second stages of labour in low- and middle-income countries13
Editorial Board12
Routine Doppler ultrasound in twin pregnancy12
Cervical ripening and labour induction: A critical review of the available methods12
Translational and pharmacological principles of hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for ovarian cancer12
Misoprostol for labour induction12
Neonatal management and outcome in complicated monochorionic twins: What have we learned in the past decade and what should you know?12
Asthma in pregnancy – Management, maternal co-morbidities, and long-term health12
Prevention of preeclampsia12
The epidemiology of obesity in reproduction12
Nonbinary gender identities12
Effects of endocrine disrupting compounds on female fertility11
Genetic disorders in maternal medicine11
Comparative effectiveness of gonadotropins used for ovarian stimulation during assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in France: A real-world observational study from the French nationwide claims da11
Genital gender-affirming surgery for transgender women11
Impact of prenatal genomics on clinical genetics practice10
Live birth is not the only relevant outcome in research assessing assisted reproductive technology10
Desire for children and fertility preservation in transgender and gender-diverse people: A systematic review10
Intimate partner violence during pregnancy: To screen or not to screen?10
The definition, diagnosis, and symptoms of the uterine niche – A systematic review10
Preterm and term prelabour rupture of membranes: A review of timing and methods of labour induction10
Chapter 2: Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis10
Non-invasive prenatal testing in the context of IVF and PGT-A10
Assisted conception in women of advanced maternal age10
People living with human immunodeficiency virus and gestational trophoblastic neoplasm9
Menopause hormone therapy, migraines, and thromboembolism9
Lessons learned from the A (H1N1) influenza pandemic9
Gynecological management of the breast cancer survivor9
Psychiatric emergencies during pregnancy and puerperium in low - And middle-income countries9
Reducing the risk of infection to patients and staff during gynaecological outpatient and ambulatory appointments9
Prediction models for determining the success of labour induction: A systematic review and critical analysis9
Prepregnancy counseling in women over 50 years of age9
Robot-assisted laparoscopic pelvic floor surgery: Review9
The role of molecular tests for adjuvant and post-surgical treatment in gynaecological cancers9
Endometriosis related infertility8
Keep your attention closer to the ureters: Ureterolysis in deep endometriosis surgery8
Pathogenesis of bowel endometriosis8
Start here- principles of effective undergraduate training8
Pharmacogenomics of Preeclampsia therapies: Current evidence and future challenges for clinical implementation8
Environmental toxicants and male fertility8
Challenges of prenatal diagnosis in obese pregnant women8
Induction of labour in low-risk pregnancies before 40 weeks of gestation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials8
MRI of intestinal endometriosis8
Robotic radical hysterectomy after conization for patients with small volume early-stage cervical cancer7
Assisted vaginal delivery in the obese patient7
Editorial Board7
Editorial Board7
Surgical evacuation of cesarean scar ectopic pregnancies7
Editorial Board7
Preface: Emerging importance of real world evidence in reproductive medicine7
Post-pregnancy family planning in Southeast Asia with a focus on novel training techniques7
Use of a recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone:recombinant human luteinizing hormone (r-hFSH:r-hLH) 2:1 combination for controlled ovarian stimulation during assisted reproductive technology 7
Radical vaginal trachelectomy7
IVF stimulation protocols and outcomes in women with endometriosis7
Robotic para-aortic sentinel lymph node mapping in endometrial, cervical, and ovarian cancer7
Preface: Health economics and outcomes research in reproductive medicine: Methods and comparative effectiveness of treatment protocols7
Robotic-assisted fertility sparing surgery in gynecological oncology7
Cancer genetics and breast cancer7
Access to infertility care and ART treatment in India: A clinician's perspective6
Quality of clinical prediction models in in vitro fertilisation: Which covariates are really important to predict cumulative live birth and which models are best?6
Pulmonary disorders in pregnancy – Volume 85 multiple choice questions - Questions6
Editorial Board6
Editorial Board6
Analgesic considerations for induction of labor6
Covid 19 in women’s health - volume 73 multiple choice questions6
Editorial Board6
Editorial Board6
Preface: Induction of labour in contemporary practice - I6
Male infertility and gonadotropin treatment: What can we learn from real-world data?5
Real-world evidence analysis of the follicle-stimulating hormone use in male idiopathic infertility5
Screening and prevention of preterm birth in twin pregnancies5
Breast cancer screening in low and middle-income countries5
Future developments in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-195
Preface: Ecology starts in utero5
The cost of preterm birth and cesarean section as a result of infertility and its treatment: A review5
Pulmonary disorders in pregnancy: Bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, sarcoidosis and interstitial diseases5
Obesity and menopause5
Conservative approach: Intentional retention of the placenta5
Morbidity after local excision of the transformation zone for cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia and early cervical cancer5
Assessment of fetal growth in twins: Which method to use?5
ERAS and reducing opioid use in Obstetrics and Gynecology5
Reorganisation of obstetric services during the COVID pandemic – Experience from National Maternity Hospital Dublin Ireland5
Ovarian transposition and cervical cancer5
Immunology and the immunological response in pregnancy5
Genetics of gestational trophoblastic disease5
Endocrine disorders associated with obesity5
Robotic treatment of bowel endometriosis5
Advances in reproductive medicine - health economic outcomes research assessment of treatment strategies - multiple choice questions - questions5
Induction of labour in patients with prior caesarean births or uterine surgery5
Surgical treatment of endometriosis – Controversies: Preface4
The roles of blood picture, haemoglobinopathy traits, and blood groups determined in routine antenatal tests in the screening for complications in pregnancy4
Antenatal reproductive screening for pregnant people including preconception: Provides the best reproductive opportunity for informed consent, quality, and safety4
Airway pollution and smoking in reproductive health4
Is there a need for screening of cervical HPV infections and carcinoma?4
Chapter 11. Endometriosis-related complications in women undergoing in-vitro fertilization4
2. Labour and birth4
Induction of labor for a suspected large-for-gestational-age/macrosomic fetus4
Breast cancer management in 2021: A primer for the obstetrics and gynecology4
10. Role of high dimensional technology in preeclampsia (omics in preeclampsia)4
Introduction to healthcare for transgender and gender-diverse people4
Placental site trophoblastic tumour and epithelioid trophoblastic tumour4
Treatment algorithms for high responders: What we can learn from randomized controlled trials, real-world data and models4
Staying alive—training with anaesthetists4
Bladder Endometriosis: What do we know and what is left to find out? A narrative review4
Ethical considerations in prenatal genomic testing4
Genome sequencing in the prenatal diagnosis of structural malformations in the fetus4
Uptake of vaccination in pregnancy4
Pathology of gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)4
Systematic review and meta-analysis of reproductive outcomes after high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment of adenomyosis4
Management of atypical cases of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome3
Editorial Board3
Gestational trophoblastic disease - Volume 74 multiple choice questions3
Reassuringly expensive – A commentary on obstetric emergency training in high-resource settings3
Bowel endometriosis - volume 71 multiple choice answers3
Closing the gap in education: Raising medical professionals' knowledge and attitudes in transgender health3
Skills-drills training in obstetrics to prevent harm - Volume 80 multiple choice questions3
Association between the number of oocytes and cumulative live birth rate: A systematic review3
Maternal high-care and intensive care units in low- and middle-income countries3
Preface for YBEOG Volume 74–Gestational trophoblastic disease3
Adjuvant and post-surgical treatment in gynaecological cancers - Volume 78 multiple choice answers3
Breast cancer risk reduction: who, why, and what?3
Controversies in twin/multiple pregnancy - Volume 84 multiple choice answers3
Real-world assessment of the patient-centredness of endometriosis care: European countries benchmarked by patients3
Barriers to accessing post-pregnancy contraception in Brazil: The impact of COVID-193
Outpatient labour induction3
Recurrent GTD and GTD coexisting with normal twin pregnancy2
Routine screening for placenta accreta spectrum2
Preconception tests at advanced maternal age2
Obesity and female infertility2
Placental dysfunction in obese women and antenatal surveillance2
Originator recombinant human follitropin alfa versus recombinant human follitropin alfa biosimilars in Spain: A cost-effectiveness analysis of assisted reproductive technology related to fresh embryo 2
Adjuvant and post-surgical treatment in gynaecological cancers - Volume 78 multiple choice questions2
Robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy: Technique & brief literature review2
Cesarean delivery using an ERAS-CD process for nonopioid anesthesia and analgesia drug/medication management2
Editorial Board2
Let's talk about it: Reframing communication in medical teams2
Respiratory physiology in pregnancy and assessment of pulmonary function2
A review of fertility preservation in patients with breast cancer2
Reproductive outcome after cesarean scar pregnancy2
The surgical menopause2
Cultural, ethical, and religious perspectives on environment preservation2
COVID-19 in Women's health: Pre-operative gynaecological assessment and shared decision making2
Advances in reproductive medicine – Real world evidence assessment of treatment strategies – Multiple choice questions – Questions2
Ethical challenges in obstetric emergencies in low- and middle-income countries2
Editorial Board2
The obstetric implications of pulmonary hypertension and lung transplant2
Editorial Board2
Bowel endometriosis – Volume 71 multiple choice questions2
Clinical presentation and diagnosis of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease2
Pelvic floor dysfunction and obesity2
Timing and mode of delivery with advancing maternal age2
Labour induction in twin pregnancies2
Tailoring radicality in diaphragmatic surgery for deep endometriosis: A matter of choice2
Evaluation of costs associated with fertility treatment leading to a live birth after one fresh transfer: A global perspective2
Challenges in timing and mode of delivery in morbidly obese women2
Gender-affirming hormonal therapy for transgender and gender-diverse people—A narrative review1
POSEIDON groups and their distinct reproductive outcomes: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness insights from real-world data research1
“Getting it right when it goes wrong – Effective bereavement care requires training of the whole maternity team”1
Withdrawal notice to: ‘Effectiveness of recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (r-hFSH): recombinant human luteinizing hormone versus r-hFSH alone in assisted reproductive technology treatment1
Effects of hormonal contraception on mood and sexuality1
An overview of contraception in women with obesity1
“The Green Peace” How ICG can prevent complications in endometriosis surgery?1
Peripartum cardiomyopathy in low- and middle-income countries1
Intrapartum care and management of complications in women with obesity1
Progesterone in obstetrics and gynaecology - Volume 69 multiple choice answers1
Ultrasonography for bowel endometriosis1
ERAS implementation in an urban patient population undergoing gynecologic surgery1
Contraception after abortion, miscarriage, ectopic and molar pregnancy1
Nerve-sparing surgery in deep endometriosis: Has its time come?1
Effects of the COVID pandemic on pregnancy outcomes1
Minimally invasive radical trachelectomy: Considerations on surgical approach1
Pulmonary embolism in pregnancy and the puerperium1
Corrigendum to “Robotic surgery in ovarian cancer” [Best Pract Res Clin Obst Gynaecol Volume 90 (August 2023) 102391]1
Fetal whole genome sequencing as a clinical diagnostic tool: Advantages, limitations and pitfalls1
Radical surgery including the role of an interval hysterectomy1
Screening for viral hepatitis carriage1