Mass Communication and Society

(The H4-Index of Mass Communication and Society is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
“Fake News Is Anything They Say!” — Conceptualization and Weaponization of Fake News among the American Public58
Protest Coverage Matters: How Media Framing and Visual Communication Affects Support for Black Civil Rights Protests42
Prospect Theory in Times of a Pandemic: The Effects of Gain versus Loss Framing on Risky Choices and Emotional Responses during the 2020 Coronavirus Outbreak – Evidence from the US and the Netherlands42
Managing Social Media Use in an “Always-On” Society: Exploring Digital Wellbeing Strategies That People Use to Disconnect39
Crafting Our Own Biased Media Diets: The Effects of Confirmation, Source, and Negativity Bias on Selective Attendance to Online News34
Probing the Mechanisms Through Which Social Media Erodes Political Knowledge: The Role of the News-Finds-Me Perception25
Social Media Use and Offline Interpersonal Outcomes during Youth: A Systematic Literature Review24
Social Media, Messaging Apps, and Affective Polarization in the United States and Japan22
“I (Don’t) Respect My Body”: Investigating the Role of Mass Media Use and Self-Objectification on Adolescents’ Positive Body Image in a Cross-National Study22
Injecting Disinfectants to Kill the Virus: Media Literacy, Information Gathering Sources, and the Moderating Role of Political Ideology on Misperceptions about COVID-1920
Unchecked vs. Uncheckable: How Opinion-Based Claims Can Impede Corrections of Misinformation17
Digging Deeper into the Reasons for Self-Control Failure: Both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations to Use Mobile Communication Shape Self-Control Processes17
Desert Work: Life and Labor in a News and Broadband Desert16
The Effects of Virtual Reality News on Learning about Climate Change15
Binge-Watching Serial Video Content: Exploring the Subjective Phenomenology of the Binge-Watching Experience15