International Journal of Audiology

(The median citation count of International Journal of Audiology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Estimates of interaural attenuation in children and the implications for masking in clinical audiometry97
International survey of audiologists during the COVID-19 pandemic: effects on mental well-being of audiologists83
Developing a prototype web-based decision aid for adults with hearing loss46
Cortical auditory evoked potentials (P1 latency) in children with cochlear implants in relation to clinical language tests45
French adaptation and validation of the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing scale for Parents (SSQ-P) and for Children (SSQ-Ch)38
Association of hearing loss with land transport accidents: a nationwide population-based study38
Development and evaluation of the Cantonese matrix sentence test37
Barriers and facilitators to delivery of group audiological rehabilitation programs: a survey based on the COM-B model32
Sound localization, speech and tone recognition for stimuli presented from the rear in bilateral cochlear implant users30
The development of the Language-Independent Speech in Noise and Reverberation test (LISiNaR) and evaluation in listeners with English as a second language25
Forty years on: a new national study of hearing in England and implications for global hearing health policy25
Psychometric properties of the Kannada version of the International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA)22
Prediction of successful hearing aid treatment in first-time and experienced hearing aid users: Using the International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids17
The use of patient-report measures and intervention strategies for children and adolescents with chronic tinnitus: a scoping review17
The reliability of video otoscopy recordings and still images in the asynchronous diagnosis of middle-ear disease17
Conversation success in one-to-one and group conversation: a group concept mapping study of adults with normal and impaired hearing16
Central auditory processing and listening effort in normal-hearing children: a pilot study16
Hearing health information in Malaysian public schools: a step towards addressing a public health concern15
Symmetrical and asymmetrical directional benefits are present for talkers at the front and side15
The effect of phoneme-based auditory training on speech intelligibility in hearing-aid users15
Effect of reducing electrical stimulation rate on hearing performance of Nucleus ® cochlear implant recipients14
Sound localisation of low- and high-frequency sounds in cochlear implant users with single-sided deafness14
Development of audiology in Ghana: past, present, and future14
Equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for click and CE-Chirp® stimuli delivered by the SnapPROBE™13
An evaluation of newborn hearing screening brochures and parental understanding of screening result terminology13
Survey of tinnitus patients’ acceptance of high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation as a management option13
Ear and hearing outcomes in Aboriginal infants living in an urban Australian area: the Djaalinj Waakinj birth cohort study13
The association between non-communicable disease and hearing aid adoption in older adults with hearing loss13
International survey of audiologists during the COVID-19 pandemic: effects on the workplace12
Prognostic factors in non-organic hearing loss in children12
The dizzying cycle: a qualitative study showing the effects of vestibular disorders and stress on work experience12
Attitudes to noise in young adults and associated factors: adaptation of the youth attitude to noise scale into Spanish using item response theory analysis12
Ten-year results of leisure noise exposure among adolescents and young adults–findings from the OHRKAN cohort study12
A randomised controlled clinical trial to assess the benefits of a telecare tool delivered prior to the initial hearing assessment12
Early identification of potential occupational noise-induced hearing loss: a systematic review11
New Brunswick HEARS: outcomes of a community-delivered hearing intervention adapted for older adults in Atlantic Canada10
Stapedius reflex thresholds obtained in a free sound field as an indicator for over- and understimulation in cochlear implant listeners10
Optimisation of visual reinforcement audiometry: a scoping review10
Non-linguistic auditory speech processing10
Hearing acuity in nonagenarians aged 90 and 95 assessed in a home setting using standardized pure-tone audiometry9
Developing new scales for assessing parents’ aural and oral rehabilitation skills to interact with children with hearing loss9
Impact of auditory environments on language outcomes in children with a cochlear implant9
Comparison of three calibration procedures for free-field reference speech audiometry9
Developing effective communication skills in audiology using anonymous patient feedback9
Do all infants with congenital hearing loss meet the 1-3-6 criteria?A study of a 10-year cohort from a universal newborn hearing screening programme in Singapore9
Calibration and initial validation of a low-cost computer-based screening audiometer coupled to consumer insert phone-earmuff combination for boothless audiometry9
Short- and long-term effects of remote synchronous fine-tuning for first-time hearing aid users: a randomised controlled trial9
The French MBAA2 sentence recognition in noise test for cochlear implant users9
Potential inflammatory biomarkers for tinnitus in platelets and leukocytes: a critical scoping review and meta-analysis9
Baseline, retest, and post-injury profiles of auditory neural function in collegiate football players8
Paediatric hearing aid use: a systematic review8
The relationship and interdependence of auditory thresholds, proposed behavioural measures of hidden hearing loss, and physiological measures of auditory function8
What factors are associated with infant hearing aid use? A parent survey using the Theoretical Domains Framework8
Conversations about mental illness and health in adult audiological rehabilitation8
An exploration of associations between hearing aid self-efficacy and other measurable characteristics of naïve and experienced hearing aid users8
Psychosocial outcome measures for conductive and mixed hearing loss treatment: An overview of the relevant literature8
A validation and normative study of the Parents’ Evaluation of Aural/Oral Performance of Children plus (PEACH+) rating scale in Malaysia7
Neural markers associated with improved tinnitus perception after tinnitus retraining therapy7
Automated pure-tone audiometry using true wireless stereo earbuds with active noise control7
A Comparison between a remote testing and a laboratory test setting for evaluating emotional responses to non-speech sounds7
The leaky pipeline of hearing care: primary to secondary care evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)7
Speech-in-speech recognition in preschoolers7
Key findings about hearing loss in the working-life: a scoping review from a well-being perspective7
Challenges facing users of hearing aids during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Diagnostic value of preoperative measures in selecting post-lingually deafened candidates for cochlear implantation – a different approach7
Comparison of user interfaces for measuring the matrix sentence test on a smartphone7
What health policy makers need to know about mismatches between public perceptions of disease risk, prevalence and severity: a national survey7
Integrated bimodal fitting and binaural streaming technology outcomes for unilateral cochlear implant users7
Moderators and predictors in a parent hearing aid management eHealth program7
The reliability of remote diagnostic hearing assessment in school-entry-aged children7
A qualitative study showing that a telecare tool can have benefits before and during the initial hearing assessment appointment6
Difference in SII provided by initial fit and NAL-NL2 and its relation to self-reported hearing aid outcomes6
D-methionine administered as late as 36 hours post-noise exposure rescues from permanent threshold shift and dose-dependently increases serum antioxidant levels6
Measurement and optimisation of the perceptual equivalence of the Dutch consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) word lists using synthetic speech and list pairs6
Associations between pre-stimulus alpha power, hearing level and performance in a digits-in-noise task6
Impedance development after implantation of hybrid-L24 cochlear implant electrodes6
Comparison of hearing-aid effectiveness based on user-operated versus traditional audiometry: a randomised clinical trial6
A new objective method to estimate the charge integration efficiency in cochlear implant users6
Modelling the cost-effectiveness of a newborn hearing screening programme; usability and pitfalls6
eHealth parent education for hearing aid management: a pilot randomized controlled trial6
A case report of sudden-onset auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder associated with Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome (riboflavin transporter deficiency)6
Risky leisure noise exposure during the transition to adulthood and the impact of major life events – results of the OHRKAN cohort study6
Validation of a tablet-based application for hearing self-screening in an adult population6
Sudden deafness: a comparison between age groups6
Occupational noise exposure and tinnitus: the HUNT Study6
Lack of correlation between medial olivocochlear reflex strength and sentence recognition in noise6
Development of a self-report measure of empowerment along the hearing health journey: a content evaluation study6
The impact of owning a hearing dog on quality of life, hearing handicap, and social functioning: an Australian cohort6
Associations between medical conditions and auditory dysfunction in US Veterans6
Experimental quantification of the vibrant soundbridge stapes head (SH-) coupler in human cadaveric temporal bones6
Development of an Australian behavioural method for assessing listening task difficulty at high speech intelligibility levels5
Does cognitive impairment precede self-reported poor hearing? Results from the English longitudinal study of ageing5
Impact of patient attributes on the relationship between hearing handicap and readiness to pursue audiologic rehabilitation5
Job satisfaction and quality of life in adult users of bone conduction hearing devices pre-and post-implantation: a 1-year follow-up study5
A comparison of speech intelligibility and subjective quality with hearing-aid processing in older adults with hearing loss5
French adaptation and validation of the Chronic Otitis Media Questionnaire-12 (COMQ-12)5
Comparison of subjective self-reported hearing and objective speech-in-noise perception as predictors of social isolation and loneliness in adults 60 years and older5
Manual switching between programs intended for specific real-life listening environments by adult cochlear implant users: do they use the intended program?5
Help-seeking behaviour of parents of children with hearing loss in India: a qualitative analysis5
“I can see a path forward now”: a qualitative investigation of online groups for tinnitus in the time of Covid-195
Current demographic and auditory profiles of adult cochlear implant candidates and factors affecting uptake5
Hearing threshold levels of Australian coal mine workers: a retrospective cross-sectional study of 64196 audiograms5
Feasibility of implementing a school entry hearing screening programme in the South-East District, Botswana5
Vehicle noise: comparison of loudness ratings in the field and the laboratory5
Evaluation of the American English Matrix Test with Cochlear Implant Recipients5
A comparison of interaural asymmetry, audiogram slope, and psychometric measures of tinnitus, hyperacusis, anxiety and depression for patients with unilateral and bilateral tinnitus5
Understanding patient empowerment along the hearing health journey5
Psychometric properties for the Norwegian translations of two revised APHAB-subscales and an adapted IOI-HA (IOI-CI) in patients with cochlear implants5
Development of a protocol and a clinical tool to assess the audiological needs of younger and older adults with hearing loss5
Leisure noise exposure and hearing outcomes among Canadians aged 6 to 79 years5
Satisfaction with hearing assessment feedback using the My Hearing Explained tool: client and audiologist perceptions5
Cochlear-implant simulated spectral degradation attenuates emotional responses to environmental sounds5
Predicting emotion perception abilities for cochlear implant users5
Reporting of auditory symptoms over time: (in)consistencies, expectations and the nocebo effect5
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of children with cochlear implants who had preoperative residual hearing5
Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity of the Chinese version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Management of Child Hearing Loss5
Improving the assessment of functional impairment in tinnitus sufferers: validation of the German version of the Tinnitus Functional Index using a confirmatory factor analysis5
Input-related demands: vocoded sentences evoke different pupillometrics and subjective listening effort than sentences in speech-shaped noise4
Acoustic reflexes: should we be paying more attention?4
COVID-19 and tinnitus: an initiative to improve tinnitus care4
Audiometric profiles and patterns of benefit: a data-driven analysis of subjective hearing difficulties and handicaps4
Premium versus entry-level hearing aids: using group concept mapping to investigate the drivers of preference4
Can real-ear insertion gain deviations from generic fitting prescriptions predict self-reported outcomes?4
Audiologists’ perspectives on management of mild bilateral hearing loss in infants and young children4
Self-assessment of bone conduction hearing threshold using mobile audiometry: comparison with pure tone audiometry4
The effect of cumulative noise exposure on distortion product otoacoustic emissions4
Evaluating the benefit of hearing aids with motion-based beamformer adaptation in a real-world setup4
The role of cochlear and vestibular afferents in long-latency cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials4
Synchronous remote fine-tuning and follow-up within aural rehabilitation: a randomised controlled trial4
Accuracy of automated pure-tone audiometry in population-based samples of older adults4
Clinical utility of response time in speech audiometry in elderly with mild cognitive impairment4
Predictors of hearing technology use in children4
Translation and validation of the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ) and the hearing environments and reflection on quality of life (HEAR-QL) questionnaire for children and adolesce4
Electrically evoked auditory cortical responses elicited from individually fitted stimulation parameters in cochlear implant users4
One-eartip solution for pure-tone audiometry and acoustic immittance measurements: using insert earphone with an immittance probe ear tip4
Masseter and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in individuals with auditory neuropathy4
Sensitivity of the antiphasic digits-in-noise test to simulated unilateral and bilateral conductive hearing loss4
Cochlear tuning estimates from level ratio functions of distortion product otoacoustic emissions4
Parental satisfaction with an advanced audiology-led triage service in paediatric ENT outpatient clinics4
Sustainable employability of teachers with hearing loss4
Rethinking the clinical utility of distortion-product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) signal-to-noise ratio4
Acoustic component programming in children with cochlear implants using electrocochleography4
The role of serum osmolality in Meniere’s disease with acute sensorineural hearing loss4
One mechanism of sudden sensorineural hearing loss after sildenafil and sexual activity4
Spanish versions of the Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale for Adults: translation and cultural adaptation4
Tinnitus following COVID-19 vaccination: report of three cases4
Mild matters: parental insights into the conundrums of managing mild congenital hearing loss4
Evaluation of auditory pathway excitability using a pre-operative trans-tympanic electrically evoked auditory brainstem response under local anesthesia in cochlear implant candidates4
Spoken narrative comprehension for young adult listeners: effects of competing voices and noise4
Loudness functions for patients with functional hearing loss4
Spanish version of the hearing loss acceptance and action questionnaires4
My hearing explained for children: exploring use of this discussion tool in clinical practice4
Optimised adaptive procedures and analysis methods for conducting speech-in-noise tests3
Development of the Mandarin Nonsense Word Identification Test3
Auditory brainstem response thresholds and functional hearing: implications for cochlear implant candidacy3
Clinical consensus document for fitting non-surgical transcutaneous bone conduction hearing devices to children3
Supporting older adults’ mental health: a Delphi survey identifying audiology best practices3
Functional results with active middle ear implant or semi-implantable bone conduction device in patients with comparable hearing loss3
How do adults with hearing loss, family members, and hearing care professionals respond to the stigma of hearing loss and hearing aids?3
Effects of text supplementation on speech intelligibility for listeners with normal and impaired hearing: a systematic review with implications for telecommunication3
Does experience with hearing aid amplification influence electrophysiological measures of speech comprehension?3
Identifying barriers and facilitators of hearing protection use in early-career musicians: a basis for designing interventions to promote uptake and sustained use3
Reasons for the non-use of hearing aids: perspectives of non-users, past users, and family members3
Temporal fine structure: associations with cognition and speech-in-noise recognition in adults with normal hearing or hearing impairment3
A systematic review of the prevalence of late identified hearing loss in childhood3
Effects of earlens lens placement on sound field thresholds, tympanometric measurements and wideband acoustic immittance3
Experiences of people with unexplained hearing concerns seeking hearing healthcare in the United States3
Effect of audiological testing on programmable ventriculoperitoneal shunts3
Comparing criteria for deviation from hearing aid prescriptive targets in children3
Analysis of tinnitus severity and associated factors in patients with chronic otitis media in a low- to middle-income country3
Electroacoustic evaluation of the bone conduction transducer B250 for vestibular and hearing diagnostics in comparison with Radioear B71 and B813
Auditory nerve phase-locked response recorded from normal hearing adults using electrocochleography3
Delivery of audiological diagnoses for infants: a linguistic analysis of clinical communication3
Reliability of connectivity for the assessment of hearing perception in cochlear implant recipients3
Self-help interventions chosen by subjects with chronic tinnitus – a retrospective study of clinical patients3
Using Ecological Momentary Analysis to explore stigma experiences in the real world for adults with acquired hearing loss3
Financial reward has differential effects on behavioural and self-report measures of listening effort3
Reasons for hearing aid uptake in the United States: a qualitative analysis of open-text responses from a large-scale survey of user-perspectives3
Cut-off score of the Khalfa Hyperacusis Questionnaire with 10 selected items3
Personal listening device usage among Canadians and audiometric outcomes among 6–29 year olds3
Phonological awareness and reading outcomes in children with a history of otitis media: a review3
Assessment of hearing screening programmes across 47 countries or regions II: coverage, referral, follow-up and detection rates from newborn hearing screening3
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian translation of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI-NOR)3
Hearing care services for adults with hearing loss in Malaysia: a scoping review3
Weaker association between hearing loss and non-employment in recent generations: the HUNT cohort study3
An association between auditory responsiveness of children and duration of entertainment screen time in the early years of life3
Willingness to consider and to pay for a variety of telehealth services amongst adult hearing clinic clients3
Functional impact of bothersome tinnitus on cognitive test performance3
The electrophysiological markers of hyperacusis: a scoping review3
Extended high-frequency bone conduction audiometry Calibration of bone conductor transducers in the conventional and extended high-frequency range3
The role of working memory in speech recognition by hearing-impaired older listeners: does the task matter?3
The World Report on Hearing – a new era for global hearing care3
Comparison of otoacoustic emissions in tinnitus and hyperacusis in adults with normal hearing sensitivity3
Remote assessment of music perception in pediatric cochlear implant recipients3
Masking level difference among brazilian military personnel: a comparison between pilots and non-pilots3
Importance of role models and mentors for improving care for late-deafened adults who become cochlear implant recipients3
Four cases of audio-vestibular disorders related to immunisation with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines3
Can listening-related fatigue influence well-being? Examining associations between hearing loss, fatigue, activity levels and well-being3
A qualitative investigation of the hearing and hearing-aid related emotional states experienced by adults with hearing loss3
Childhood hearing loss detected beyond the newborn screen3
Speech recognition scores in bilateral and unilateral atretic ears3
Effect of gap detection threshold and localisation acuity on spatial release from masking in older adults*3
Usefulness of masseter vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in identifying brainstem dysfunction among individuals with multiple sclerosis3
Automated wave labelling of the auditory brainstem response using machine learning3
Translated or culturally adapted audiology tests and questionnaires: balancing regional and international interests and resources3
Population estimates of the number of adults in the UK with a hearing loss updated using 2021 and 2022 census data3
The use of ecological momentary assessment to evaluate real-world aided outcomes with children3
Quality of life improvement in Cochlear implant outpatients: a non-randomized clinical trial of an auditory music training program3
Monaural and binaural phase sensitivity in school-age children with early-childhood otitis media2
Characteristics of the quick repeat-recall test (Q-RRT)2
The suitability and readability of cochlear implant information brochures for potential adult recipients2
Psychometric evaluation of the tinnitus impact questionnaire using patients seeking help for tinnitus or tinnitus with hyperacusis2
Paediatric audiology measures for Spanish-speaking patients: current practice & state of knowledge2
Children with amblyaudia show less flexibility in auditory cortical entrainment to periodic non-speech sounds2
Risk-taking propensity as a risk factor for noise-induced hearing loss in the general population2
Focusing on positive listening experiences improves hearing aid outcomes in experienced hearing aid users2
The equivalent threshold sound pressure levels and test-retest threshold variability of a consumer-grade insert earphone fitted with stock, foam, and otoacoustic emission probe ear tips2
Measuring resonance frequency of the middle ear in school-aged children: potential applications for detecting middle ear dysfunction2
Non-negative matrix factorization improves the efficiency of recording frequency-following responses in normal-hearing adults and neonates2
Cohort difference in the association between use of recreational firearms and hearing loss: findings from the HUNT study2
Development of a family-centred intervention for families and children with hearing loss transitioning into early intervention: application of the Behaviour Change Wheel2
Field assessment of acute auditory responses to environmental exposures in close quarters tactics training2
Providing information on mental well-being during audiological consultations: exploring barriers and facilitators using the COM-B model2
Consonant and vowel confusions in well-performing adult cochlear implant users, measured with a nonsense syllable repetition test2
Effect of advancing age on inter-frequency amplitude ratio of ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials2
Trajectories of receptive and expressive vocabulary in Mandarin speaking children under 4 years of age fitted with cochlear implants: a 12-month longitudinal study2
Shared experiences among successful hearing aid users with high hearing aid self-efficacy2
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Adult Hearing Loss (AAQ-AHL): validation with hearing aid users2
Revisiting the transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions passing criteria used for newborn hearing screening2
Extended scope audiology clinic – a review of its outcomes and re-presentation to the ear nose and throat service2
Similar performance in sound localisation with unsynchronised and synchronised automatic gain controls in bilateral cochlear implant recipients2
How people with tinnitus-related insomnia experience group CBT-for-insomnia (CBTi): a thematic analysis2
Plastic changes in speech perception in older adults with hearing impairment following hearing aid use: a systematic review2
One year on: an updated systematic review of SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and audio-vestibular symptoms2
Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for tinnitus in Spanish: a global feasibility trial2
Third-party disability in cochlear implant users2
The acoustic change complex evoked by location-change sounds in the elderly2
An easy method to determine crucial AMEI performance parameters from clinical routine data in individuals – Part 2: dynamic range2
Relation between hearing abilities and preferred playback settings for speech perception in complex listening conditions2
Parameters influencing auditory fatigue among professionals working in the amplified music sector: noise exposure and individual factors2
Cost-effectiveness analysis on implementing newborn hearing screening programmes in a low- to middle-income country2
Efferent unmasking of speech-in-noise encoding?2
Pre-school hearing screening is necessary to detect childhood hearing loss after the newborn period: a study exploring risk factors, additional disabilities, and referral pathways2
Audiological profile of deaf and hard-of-hearing children under six years old in the “HI HOPES cohort” in South Africa (2006–2011)2
A randomised, controlled trial of clinically implementing online hearing support2
Changing the narrative for hearing health in the broader context of healthy living: a call to action2
Effectiveness of an online continuing education course in infant hearing health for primary care professionals2
Audiological ototoxicity monitoring guidelines: a review of current evidence and appraisal of quality using the AGREE II tool2
The relationship between speech in noise perception and auditory working memory capacity in monolingual and bilingual adults2