International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

(The TQCC of International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Addressing the Resource-Based View: Determinants That Drive Chinese Universities to Offer MOOCs30
Evaluation of Higher-Order Skills Development in an Asynchronous Online Poster Session for Final Year Science Undergraduates22
Editorial - Volume 23, Issue 320
Unleashing Adult Learners’ Numeracy Agency Through Self-Determined Online Professional Development20
Book Review: Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education (7th ed.)19
The UNESCO OER Recommendation: Some Observations From the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee16
Book Review: The Distributed University for Sustainable Higher Education16
Book Review: Powering a Learning Society During an Age of Disruption, edited by Sungsup Ra, Shanti Jagannathan, and Rupert Maclean (Springer, 2021)13
Book Review: Participant Experience in an Inquiry-Based Massive Open Online Course, authored by Nathaniel Ostashewski and Martha Cleveland-Innes (Commonwealth of Learning, 2022)13
Fine-tuned BERT Model for Large Scale and Cognitive Classification of MOOCs12
Resonance and Current Relevance of IRRODL Highly-Cited Articles: An Integrative Retrospective12
Book Note: The Hidden Curriculum of Online Learning: Understanding Social Justice through Critical Pedagogy11
Book Review: Blended Learning Environments to Foster Self-Directed Learning, edited by Christo van der Westhuizen, Mncedisi C. Maphalala, and Roxanne Bailey (AOSIS Books, 2022)11
Development and Validation of the Sense of Online Community Scale11
The Effects and Implications of Using Open Educational Resources in Secondary Schools9
Open Distance and e-Learning: Ethiopian Doctoral Students’ Satisfaction with Support Services9
Book Review: Contextualised Open Educational Practices: Towards Student Agency and Self-Directed Learning, edited by Jako Olivier, Charlene du Toit-Brits, Byron J. Blunt, and Amit Dhakulkar (AOSIS Boo9
Are K–12 Teachers Ready for E-learning?8
Editorial - Volume 24, Issue 37
How Instructors’ TPACK Developed During Emergency Remote Teaching: Evidence From Instructors in Faculties of Education7
Open Textbook Author Journeys: Internal Conversations and Cycles of Time7
Identifying Pedagogical Design and Implementation of Synchronous Virtual Classrooms7
Micro:bit Robotics Course: Infusing Logical Reasoning and Problem-Solving Ability in Fifth Grade Students Through an Online Group Study System7
Effects of Online Self-Regulated Learning on Learning Ineffectiveness in the Context of COVID-196
Effects of Using the WhatsApp Application on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning and Autonomy6
University Educators’ Experience of Personal Learning Networks to Enhance Their Professional Knowledge6
The Emergence of the Open Research University Through International Research Collaboration6
On the Ethical Issues Posed by the Exploitation of Users’ Data in MOOC Platforms: Capturing Learners’ Perspectives5
Exploring Open and Distance Learning Reform at the National University of Lesotho: A Managerial Perspective5
AI in Online-Learning Research: Visualizing and Interpreting the Journal Publications from 1997 to 20195
Fostering 4.0 Digital Literacy Skills Through Attributes of Openness: A Review5
Preparing Educators to Teach in a Digital Age5
The Metaphor of AI in Writing in English: A Reflection on EFL Learners’ Motivation to Write, Enjoyment of Writing, Academic Buoyancy, and Academic Success in Writing5
Analysis of Success Indicators in Online Learning5
Video Lectures With AI-Generated Instructors: Low Video Engagement, Same Performance as Human Instructors5
What We Talk About When We Talk About Virtual Learning Environments5
Learners’ Perception of the Transition to Instructor-Led Online Learning Environments: Facilitators and Barriers During the COVID-19 Pandemic5
Distance Education Practices During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Comparison of Belgium, Japan, Spain, and Türkiye5
Cross Validating a Rubric for Automatic Classification of Cognitive Presence in MOOC Discussions4
Learners’ Satisfaction With the Website Performance of an Open and Distance Learning Institution: A Case Study4
A Construct Revalidation of the Community of Inquiry Survey: Empirical Evidence for a General Factor Under a Bifactor Structure4
AI and the Future of Teaching: Preservice Teachers’ Reflections on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Open and Distributed Learning4
The Landscape of MOOC Platforms Worldwide4
The Design and Psychometric Properties of a Peer Observation Tool for Use in LMS-Based Classrooms in Medical Sciences4
Editorial - Volume 23, Issue 44
Exploring Online Physical Education Teaching: What Have We Done and What Have We Learnt?4
Book Review: Metaphors of Ed Tech, authored by Martin Weller (AU Press, 2022)4
Revising and Validating the Community of Inquiry Instrument for MOOCs and other Global Online Courses  4
Book Review: Reimagining Digital Learning for Sustainable Development: How Upskilling, Data Analytics, and Educational Technologies Close the Skill Gap4
The Online Learning and Students’ Fear of COVID-19: Study in Malaysia and Pakistan4
Examining Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions About Virtual Classrooms in Online Learning3
A Case Study on How Distance Education May Inform Post-Pandemic University Teaching3
Using Open Educational Resources at Viterbo University: Faculty and Student Feedback3
Educational Technology Undergraduates’ Performance in a Distance Learning Course Using Three Courseware Formats3
The Effects of Educational Artificial Intelligence-Powered Applications on Teachers’ Perceived Autonomy, Professional Development for Online Teaching, and Digital Burnout3
Student Support in Online Learning—We Need to Talk About Money3
Empowering Asynchronous Arabic Language Learning Through PDF Hyperlink Media3
Measuring the Impact of an Open Educational Resource and Library e-Resource Adoption Program Using the COUP Framework3
Who Gets the Highest Return to Distance Higher Education?3
Online Student Engagement: The Overview of HE in Indonesia3
Understanding Indigenous Learners’ Experiences During the First and Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic3
Creating an Open Online Educational Resource to Support Learners as They Navigate Their Studies Alongside Work and/or Family3
Video Lectures: An Analysis of Their Useful Life Span and Sustainable Production3
Instructor Leadership and the Community of Inquiry Framework: Applying Leadership Theory to Higher Education Online Learning3