International Journal of Multilingualism

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Multilingualism is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Navigating COVID-19 linguistic landscapes in Vancouver’s North Shore: official signs, grassroots literacy artefacts, monolingualism, and discursive convergence25
Implementing translanguaging pedagogies in an English medium instruction course25
Towards translanguaging in CLIL: a study on teachers’ perceptions and practices in Kazakhstan22
Translanguaging as an agentive pedagogy for multilingual learners: affordances and constraints22
Translanguaging for intercultural communication in international higher education: transcending English as a lingua franca22
Norwegian L1 teachers’ beliefs about a multilingual approach in increasingly diverse classrooms21
Materialising semiotic repertoires: challenges in the interactional analysis of multilingual communication21
Introduction: the semiotic repertoire: assemblages and evaluation of resources19
Reviving the language at risk: a social semiotic analysis of the linguistic landscape of three cities in Indonesia17
The body image: taking an evaluative stance towards semiotic resources16
INTRODUCTION–Socially just plurilingual education in Europe: shifting subjectivities and practices through research and action16
Deaf cosmopolitanism: calibrating as a moral process15
Multilingual education in early years in Luxembourg: a paradigm shift?14
‘It is okay if you speak another language, but … ’: language hierarchies in mono- and bilingual school teachers’ beliefs14