Political Studies Review

(The TQCC of Political Studies Review is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Trust and the Coronavirus Pandemic: What are the Consequences of and for Trust? An Early Review of the Literature267
The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Global Armed Conflict: Early Evidence29
Introduction: Democratic Deliberation and Under-Represented Groups17
Dilemmas of an Academic Feminist as Manager in the Neoliberal Academy: Negotiating Institutional Authority, Oppositional Knowledge and Change15
Are People More Satisfied with Democracy When They Feel They Won the Election? No13
When Would a State Crack Down on Fake News? Explaining Variation in the Governance of Fake News in Asia-Pacific11
The Elephant in the Room in Presidential Politics: Informal Powers in Western Europe11
Urban Youth and Terrorism: A Quantitative Analysis (Are Youth Bulges Relevant Anymore?)10
Deliberation against Participation? Yellow Vests and Grand Débat: A Perspective from Deliberative Theory10
Rethinking Democratic Innovations: A Look through the Kaleidoscope of Democratic Theory9
Technocratic Ministers in Office in European Countries (2000–2020): What’s New?9
Twenty-five Years of Securitization Theory: A Corpus-based Review8
Determinants of Political Trust during the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Putting Policy Performance into Evidence8
Does Federalism Prevent Democratic Accountability? Assigning Responsibility for Rates of COVID-19 Testing8
Measuring Epistemic Deliberation on Polarized Issues: The Case of Abortion Provision in Ireland8
Auditing Ethics: A Cost–Benefit Framework for Audit Studies8
Critical Dogmatism: Academic Freedom Confronts Moral and Epistemological Certainty8
Support for Liberal Democracy and Populist Attitudes: A Pilot Survey for Young Educated Citizens8
Something New on the Western Front: Twenty Years of Interest Group Research (1999–2018)7
Formal Education and Contentious Politics: The Case of Violent and Non-Violent Protest7
Does the Election Winner–Loser Gap Extend to Subjective Health and Well-Being?7
Kayfabe, Smartdom and Marking Out: Can Pro-Wrestling Help Us Understand Donald Trump?7
Activist Parties and Hybrid Party Behaviours: A Typological Reassessment of Partisan Mobilisation7
Advantages, Challenges and Limitations of Audit Experiments with Constituents7
Two and a Half Crises: Serbian Institutional Design as the Cause of Democratic Declines6
Radicalizing Rights: Basic Liberties and Direct Action6
Measuring MPs’ Responsiveness: How to Do it and Stay Out of Trouble6
Negativity and Political Behavior: A Theoretical Framework for the Analysis of Negative Voting in Contemporary Democracies6
‘It’s a Long Way from Kuusamo to Kuhmo’: Mapping Candidates’ Electoral Constituencies in the Finnish Open-List Single Preference Voting System6
Going Local: Parliamentary Questions as a Means of Territorial Representation in the Italian Parliament5
Sexual Predators in Contest for Public Office: How the American Electorate Responds to News of Allegations of Candidates Committing Sexual Assault and Harassment5
Accounting for Culture in Policy Transfer: A Blueprint for Research and Practice5
Intra-Party Deliberation, Under-Represented Groups, and Candidate Selection: The Case of Demos in Romania5
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Political Normativity5
Should We or Should We Not Include Confidence Intervals in COVID-19 Death Forecasting? Evidence from a Survey Experiment5
Distinctions With a Difference: Illiberalism and Authoritarianism in Scholarly Study4
COVID-19 and the Democracy–Autocracy Freedom Divide: Reflections on Post-Pandemic Regime Change Scenarios4
Policy Diffusion Speed: A Replication Study Using the State Policy Innovation and Diffusion Database4
Covid-19 Policy Convergence in Response to Knightian Uncertainty4
Super Politicians? Perspectives of Minoritized Citizens on Representation4
How to Get Information Out of Members of Parliament (Without Being Told Off by the Speaker)4
Diplomacy Versus Politics: Two Mutually (In)Dependent Systems4
Getting Realistic About Action-Guidance: Moralism, Radical Realism and Divisions of Labour3
Perceptions of Inequality and Political Participation: The Moderating Role of Ideology3
Does Electoral Reform Change MPs’ Behavior? Evidence from Romania3
The Electoral Crisis of Social Democracy: Postindustrial Dilemmas or Neoliberal Contamination?3
Out-of-Control COVID-19 Pandemic Hampers the Nationalism3
Polls and the Pandemic: Estimating the Electoral Effects of a SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak3
Informal Power and Short-Term Consequences: Country Presidents and Political Parties in Romania3
Academic Career Advances and Gender Gap3
Challenges for Political Science Research Ethics in Autocracies: A Case Study of Central Asia3
Proposing a Compensation Requirement for Audit Studies3
Toward a Rational Civil Society: Deliberative Thinking, Civic Participation, and Self-Efficacy among Taiwanese Young Adults3
Blurring Lines of Responsibility: How Institutional Context Affects Citizen Biases Regarding Policy Problems3
It Is Not Only the Environment That Matters: A Short Introduction to Research on the Heritability of Political Attitudes3
It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over: Interest-Group Influence in Policy Implementation3
Nightly News or Nightly Jokes? News Parody as a Form of Political Communication: A Review of the Literature3
Give Me Your Least Educated: Immigration, Education and Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe3
What Constitutes Substantive Representation, and Where Should We Evaluate It?3
Crowdsourcing Campaigns: A New Dataset for Studying British Parties’ Electoral Communications2
Does Issue Alignment Matter? The Electoral Cost and Reward of Agricultural Representation in Urban and Rural Areas2
International Politics and the Subnational Allocation of World Bank Development Projects2
Consenting Participation? How Demands for Citizen Participation and Expert-Led Decision-Making Are Reconciled in Local Democracy2
Partisanship Versus Democracy: Voting in Turkey’s Competitive Authoritarian Elections2
Party Fragmentation, the Proportional System and Democracy in Slovenia2
Public Impacts from Elite Audit Experiments: Aggregate and Response Delay Harms2
Fact-Centric Political Theory, Three Ways: Normative Behaviourism, Grounded Normative Theory, and Radical Realism2
An Economic Understanding of Populism: A Conceptual Framework of the Demand and the Supply Side of Populism2
Gender Gaps in Electoral Turnout: Surveys versus Administrative Censuses2
Climate Change and the Politics of Apocalyptic Redirection2
Participatory Institutions and Political Ideologies: How and Why They Matter?2
A Bayesian Measurement of Political Connection and Entrepreneur Preference on Trade and Competition2
Culture and Policy Transfer: From Insight to Impact2
Value-added and Transparent Experiments2
Tactical Voting and Electoral Pacts in the 2019 UK General Election2
The Effects of Political Attitudes on Affective Polarization: Survey Evidence from 165 Elections2
Unleash Britain’s Potential (To Go Negative): Campaign Negativity in the 2017 and 2019 UK General Elections on Facebook2
Defense Budget Growth and Inflation: A Wavelet-Based Study of the U.S. and Britain2
Members of the European Parliament’s Political Careers across Different Levels: Presenting a New Dataset of Members of the European Parliament2
Political Transnationalism: Factors Associated With Immigrants’ Voting in Their Home Country Elections2
The Hindutva Brand of Populist Politics and the Women Question2
Who Runs in the End? New Evidence on the Effects of Gender, Ethnicity and Intersectionality on Candidate Selection2
Introducing a Conceptual Map of Political Elites’ Responses to Different Types of Uncertain Phenomena2
Institutional Consequences of the Black Lives Matter Movement: Towards Diversity in Elite Education2
Democratic Decline and the Politics of the Upswing: How the United States May Have Come Together a Century Ago but Can It Do It Again?1
Democratic Consolidation and Electoral System Change in Croatia: What Is Wrong with the Proportional Representation?1
When “Don’t Know” Indicates Nonignorable Missingness: Using the Estimation of Political Knowledge as an Example1
The Evolution of New Party Systems: Voter Learning and Electoral Systems1
Ethics Audits in Cross-National Research: Experiences from Correspondence Study Field Experiments with National Politicians in Four European Democracies1
Commissioned Book Review: Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Maria Paula Meneses, Knowledges Born in the Struggle: Constructing the Epistemologies of the Global South1
Politics and International Relations: A Gendered Discipline1
Perceiving Freedom: Civil Liberties and COVID-19 Vaccinations1
Measuring the Substantive Representation of Women Cross-Nationally: Towards a Composite Index1
Euroscepticism and Local Far-Right Mobilization via Telegram in Light of the Fundamental Transformation of the Public Sphere1
The Rhetoric of Innovation in Non-Tech Personal Branding: Utilizing Tech Buzzwords as a Strategy for Political Messaging1
Does Simulating Financial Equality Reduce the Political Donations Gender Gap?1
Presidential Activism in Sub-Saharan Africa: Explaining Variation Among Semi-Presidential Countries1
Personalised Representation in a Weak and Party-Controlled Legislature: Policy Responsiveness in the French Parliament1
Runoff Comebacks in Comparative Perspective: Two-Round Presidential Election Systems1
Underrepresented Groups and Constitution-Making: The Mexico City Case1
The Effect of Mayoral Gender on Gendered Budget: Evidence from South Korea1
Ideas, Policy Feedback and the American Political Economy1
Commissioned Book Review: Fernando Casal Bértoa and Zsolt Enyedi, Party System Closure: Party Alliances, Government Alternatives, and Democracy in Europe1
COMUNIX WhatsAppers: The Community School in Portugal and Spain1
The Strange Silence of Latin American Political Theory1
Does Social Mobility Matter? The Kafala System and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment1
No, Face Masks Aren’t Dehumanizing1
Routine Presidential Activism by Going Public under Semi-Presidential and Parliamentary Regimes1
Ron Johnston1
Ignore, Rebut or Embrace: Political Elite Responses to Conspiracy Theories1
Members of the European Parliament on Social Media: Why Do They Use Facebook and Twitter?1
In The Shadows: Conservative Epistemology and Ideological Value1
The Proper Scope of the All-Subjected Principle1
Behavioural Evidence, Yes; Normative Behaviourism, No1
The Concept of Political Sophistication: Labeling the Unlabeled1
Delegative Federalism? Subnational Abdication and Executive Fiscal Centralisation in Argentina1
Europeans’ Attitudes Toward the Goals of Agricultural Policy: A Case of Rural–Urban Divide?1
Do Free Food and Beverages Bring People to the Political Meeting? The Survey Experiment of Attendance-Buying1
Direct Democracy and Party Membership: Testing the Role of Political Efficacy1
Confrontational or ‘Statespersonlike’ Style? Examining Finnish and French Presidents’ Public Speeches and Messages, 2000–20201
The Substantive Representation of Future Generations in Bicameral Parliaments: A Comparison of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives and the Senate (2010–2014)1
What’s Wrong With Extreme Wealth?1
Communicating Political Positions on European Issues: A Comparison of Parties and Newspapers in Seven Countries1
“Not To Be Taken Personally”: Tracing Six Decades of Scholarship on Personal, Personalist, and Personalized Political Parties (1960–2021)1
Solar Panels and Political Attitudes1
Pluralism and Political Studies in the UK: A Pilot Study into Who Gets What in the Discipline1
Patterns of Party Positioning in Referendums in Switzerland1
Presidential Activism and Success in Foreign and Defence Policy: A Study of Portugal’s Premier-Presidential Regime1