Health Research Policy and Systems

(The median citation count of Health Research Policy and Systems is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Study protocol: a mixed-methods study of the implementation of doula care to address racial health equity in six state Medicaid programs94
Structural barriers to knowledge transfer and exchange among men and women in low-, middle- and high-income countries: an international cross-sectional study with vaccine researchers in 44 countries54
Evaluating the impact, implementation experience and political economy of primary care networks in Kenya: protocol for a mixed methods study51
Lessons from the pandemic: Relationship between patient visits and patient length of stay in California’s health system51
A systemic approach to identifying sustainable community-based interventions for improving adolescent mental health: a participatory group model building and design protocol51
Prevalence and determinants of unmet needs for hypertension care among the older population in Selangor: cross-sectional study49
European health regulations reduce registry-based research48
Building a virtual community of practice: experience from the Canadian foundation for healthcare improvement’s policy circle47
Improving WHO’s understanding of WHO guideline uptake and use in Member States: a scoping review44
Community health workers at the dawn of a new era: 11. CHWs leading the way to “Health for All”42
The value and promise of embedded research40
Exploring HIV/AIDS investigator perceptions of equity within research partnerships between low-and middle-income and high-income countries: a pilot survey38
Facilitators, barriers and strategies for health-system guidance implementation: a critical interpretive synthesis protocol36
A review of implementation and evaluation frameworks for public health interventions to inform co-creation: a Health CASCADE study35
Enhancing the capacity of the mental health and substance use health workforce to meet population needs: insights from a facilitated virtual policy dialogue34
Status of the health information system in Ireland and its fitness to support health system performance assessment: a multimethod assessment based on stakeholder involvement34
Politics–evidence conflict in national health policy making in Africa: a scoping review33
Development of the Arabic Health Measures database: a bibliometric analysis of Arabic health-related measures32
Citizen engagement in healthcare procurement decision-making by healthcare insurers: recent experiences in the Netherlands32
Exploring static and dynamic relationships between burden of disease and research funding in the United States31
Building bridges: evaluating policymakers' research capacities, engagement, and utilization in health policymaking within the Kuwaiti context: a cross-sectional study30
A research intelligence approach to assess the research impact of the Dutch university medical centres30
Conceptualising the value of simulation modelling for public engagement with policy: a critical literature review29
Agenda-setting in policies related to high-risk sexual behaviours, stimulants, and alcohol abuse in Iranian adolescents29
Decision-maker led implementation research on immunization: learning from low- and middle-income countries27
The role of self-care interventions on men’s health-seeking behaviours to advance their sexual and reproductive health and rights26
The tales of two cities: use of evidence for introducing 20 miles per hour speed limits in Edinburgh and Belfast (United Kingdom)26
Tracking global resources and capacity for health research: time to reassess strategies and investment decisions25
Understanding contextual and practical factors to inform WHO recommendations on using chest imaging to monitor COVID-19 pulmonary sequelae: a qualitative study exploring stakeholders’ perspective22
Support mechanisms for research generation and application for postgraduate students in four universities in Uganda22
From trials to communities: implementation and scale-up of health behaviour interventions22
Facilitating co-research: lessons learned from reflection forms within three participatory action research projects21
When the messenger is more important than the message: an experimental study of evidence use in francophone Africa21
Optimising a co-production framework for developing public health interventions: application and testing of school-based Research Action Groups20
The Cameroon Health Research and Evidence Database (CAMHRED): tools and methods for local evidence mapping20
Health system learning with Indigenous communities: a study protocol for a two-eyed seeing review and multiple case study20
Development of a STandard reporting guideline for Evidence briefs for Policy (STEP): context and study protocol19
Gauging innovation and health impact from biomedical research: survey results and interviews with recipients of EU-funding in the fields of Alzheimer’s disease, breast cancer and prostate cancer19
Concept analysis of health system resilience19
Development and psychometric validation of an age-friendly health system assessment tool in the Iranian context19
Drivers of cervical cancer prevention and management in sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative synthesis of mixed studies19
Improving the availability of prescription drugs in Lebanon: a critical analysis of alternative policy options19
From policy to practice: prioritizing person-centred healthcare actions in the state of Victoria19
“They don't have the luxury of time”: interviews exploring the determinants of public health research activity that contextualise embedded researcher roles in local government18
Degree of protection provided by poverty alleviation policies for the middle-aged and older in China: evaluation of effectiveness of medical insurance system tools and vulnerable target recognition17
Framing rehabilitation through health policy and systems research: priorities for strengthening rehabilitation17
Using qualitative research to develop an elaboration of the TIDieR checklist for interventions to enhance vaccination communication: short report17
Comprehensive HIV knowledge and associated factors among reproductive-age women: analysis of the Gambia Demographic and Health Survey 2019/202016
Assessing the implementation of physical activity-promoting public policies in the Republic of Ireland: a study using the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI)16
How to set the agenda for hepatitis C: a theory-driven policy analysis16
Financial risk protection from out-of-pocket health spending in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature15
Developing a Thai national critical care allocation guideline during the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid review and stakeholder consultation15
Framework for assessing the performance of the Ghanaian health system: study protocol15
A scoping review of international policy responses to mental health recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic15
A health-systems journey towards more people-centred care: lessons from neglected tropical disease programme integration in Liberia14
Integrating case management for patients with complex needs in the ground practice: the importance of context in evaluative designs14
The organization and impacts of clinical research delivery workforce redeployment during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative case study of one research-intensive acute hospital trust14
Do targeted intergovernmental fiscal transfers improve health outcomes? Evidence from Kenyan decentralization using the difference-in-differences technique13
Early career researchers in health policy and systems research: insights from freelancers in a non-profit organization in the Philippines13
Health equity innovation in precision medicine: data stewardship and agency to expand representation in clinicogenomics13
Individual and institutional capacity-building for evidence-informed health policy-making in Iran: a mix of local and global evidence13
The Australian clinical trial landscape: Perceptions of rural, regional and remote health service capacity and capability13
What do end-users want to know about managing the performance of healthcare delivery systems? Co-designing a context-specific and practice-relevant research agenda13
How can health technology assessment support our response to public health emergencies?13
Scaling training facilities for patent and proprietary medicine vendors in Nigeria: insights and lessons learned for policy implication and future partnerships12
Institutional-level drivers of gender-inequitable scientific career progression in sub-Saharan Africa12
A framework for considering the utility of models when facing tough decisions in public health: a guideline for policy-makers12
Theory of change for addressing sex and gender bias, invisibility and exclusion in Australian health and medical research, policy and practice12
Implementing healthy food environment policies in New Zealand: nine years of inaction12
Enhancing the delivery of comprehensive care for people living with HIV in Canada: insights from citizen panels and a national stakeholder dialogue12
Healthcare providers’ perspectives on integrating NCDs into primary healthcare in Thailand: a mixed method study11
Fundamental challenges in assessing the impact of research infrastructure11
Community health workers at the dawn of a new era: 5. Roles and tasks11
Supporting the nation in crisis: the military health system’s role in enhancing public health capacity through public–private partnerships11
PRIMASYS: a health policy and systems research approach for the assessment of country primary health care systems11
Origin, impacts, and potential solutions to the fragmentation of the Mexican health system: a consultation with key actors11
Perceptions, barriers and enablers of salt reduction in Malaysian out-of-home sectors (MySaltOH): from the point of view of policy-makers and food industries11
Evaluating the impact of the global evidence, local adaptation (GELA) project for enhancing evidence-informed guideline recommendations for newborn and young child health in three African countries: a11
Measuring health science research and development in Africa: mapping the available data11
Open science at the science–policy interface: bringing in the evidence?10
Understanding healthcare professionals’ responses to patient complaints in secondary and tertiary care in the UK: A systematic review and behavioural analysis using the Theoretical Domains Framework10
Output-orientated policy engagement: a model for advancing the use of epidemiological evidence in health policy10
Implementation of national policies and interventions (WHO Best Buys) for non-communicable disease prevention and control in Ghana: a mixed methods analysis10
Data protection legislation in Africa and pathways for enhancing compliance in big data health research10
The collaborative research and service delivery partnership between the United States healthcare system and the U.S. Military Health System during the COVID-19 pandemic9
A novel social-network-analysis-based approach for analyzing complex network of actors involved in accessibility of anti-cancer medications in Iran9
Community health workers at the dawn of a new era: 9. CHWs’ relationships with the health system and communities9
A framework for sustainable capacity-building for collaborative North–South translational health research and training in a resource-constrained setting9
Ethics of participation and social inclusion of older persons in research: lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore9
Research- vs. government-driven physical activity policy monitoring: a systematic review across different levels of government9
Exploring the potential of introducing an electronic death registration system in South Africa9
Prioritising and incentivising productivity within indicator-based approaches to Research Impact Assessment: a commentary9
Building capacity for integrated knowledge translation: a description of what we can learn from trainees’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic9
Successes and challenges of health systems governance towards universal health coverage and global health security: a narrative review and synthesis of the literature9
Household financial burden associated with healthcare for older people in Viet Nam: a cross-sectional survey9
Unlocking policy synergies, challenges and contradictions influencing implementation of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education Framework in Zambia: a policy analysis9
Using the WHO-INTEGRATE evidence-to-decision framework to develop recommendations for induction of labour9
A scoping review of systems approaches for increasing physical activity in populations9
Using normalisation process theory (NPT) to explore implementation of the maternal perinatal death surveillance and response (MPDSR) policy in Uganda: a reflection8
Why “free maternal healthcare” is not entirely free in Ghana: a qualitative exploration of the role of street-level bureaucratic power8
How transdisciplinary research teams learn to do knowledge translation (KT), and how KT in turn impacts transdisciplinary research: a realist evaluation and longitudinal case study8
Applying a framework to assess the impact of cardiovascular outcomes improvement research8
Learning from intersectoral initiatives to respond to the needs of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants without status in the context of COVID-19 in Quebec and Ontario: a qualitative multiple case s8
An analysis of how health systems integrated priority-setting in the pandemic planning in a sample of Latin America and the Caribbean countries8
Correction: The response of the Military Health System (MHS) to the COVID-19 pandemic: a summary of findings from MHS reviews8
A mentored hands-on training model for scaling up implementation and intervention research in India: “connecting the dots”8
Sexual and reproductive health self-care interventions in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: findings from a cross-sectional values and preferences survey to inform WHO normative guidance on self-care 8
How frequently should “living” guidelines be updated? Insights from the Australian Living Stroke Guidelines8
Development of the National Policy for Quality in Healthcare for Malaysia8
Program managers’ perspectives on using knowledge to support population health management initiatives in their development towards health and wellbeing systems: a qualitative study8
Development of an action programme tackling obesity-related behaviours in adolescents: a participatory system dynamics approach8
Adopting, implementing and assimilating coproduced health and social care innovations involving structurally vulnerable populations: findings from a longitudinal, multiple case study design in Canada,8
Pathways to improve health information systems in Ethiopia: current maturity status and implications8
Correction: Building Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) capacity in India: reflections from the India HPSR fellowship program (2020–2023)8
Academic contributions to the development of evidence and policy systems: an EPPI Centre collective autoethnography8
Development and validation of a guideline on sexual and reproductive health services for polycystic ovary syndrome in Iran: a mixed-methods study protocol8
Strategies to promote evidence use for health programme improvement: learning from the experiences of embedded implementation research teams in Latin America and the Caribbean8
Child and adolescent mental health services in a devolved healthcare system: a qualitative exploration of sustainable practices8
The whole-of-society approach of mass COVID-19 vaccination in China: a qualitative study8
To leave no one behind: Assessing utilization of maternal newborn and child health services by all the 13 particularly vulnerable tribal groups (PVTGs) of Odisha, India8
Towards universal health coverage in Vietnam: a mixed-method case study of enrolling people with tuberculosis into social health insurance8
Evidence is not enough: health technology reassessment to de-implement low-value care8
Functionality of technical working groups in enabling evidence-informed decision-making within Malawi's Ministry of Health: a cross-sectional qualitative study8
The Tunisian experience of participatory health governance: the Societal Dialogue for Health (a qualitative study)8
Mapping the burden of diabetes in five small countries in Europe and setting the agenda for health policy and strategic action7
The development of an integrated neighborhood approach for health promotion and prevention: a qualitative exploration of stakeholders’ views7
Building the field of food systems research: commentary on a research funder’s role7
Producing knowledge together: a participatory approach to synthesising research across a large-scale collaboration in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health7
STRIVE PNG: using a partnership-based approach in implementation research to strengthen surveillance and health systems in Papua New Guinea7
Strategies to adapt and implement health system guidelines and recommendations: a scoping review7
Enabling visibility of the clinician-scientists’ knowledge broker role: a participatory design research in the Dutch nursing-home sector7
A framework for seroepidemiologic investigations in future pandemics: insights from an evaluation of WHO’s Unity Studies initiative7
Trainee-led research using an integrated knowledge translation or other research partnership approaches: a scoping review7
Evidence synthesis to policy: development and implementation of an impact-oriented approach from the Eastern Mediterranean Region7
Policy implementation and outcome evaluation: establishing a framework and expanding capacity for advocacy organizations to assess the impact of their work in public policy7
What guides back pain care? A content analysis of low back pain directives in the Australian context7
New Antenatal Model in Africa and India (NAMAI) study: implementation research to improve antenatal care using WHO recommendations7
Measuring public opinion and acceptability of prevention policies: an integrative review and narrative synthesis of methods7
The use of evidence to guide decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic: divergent perspectives from a qualitative case study in British Columbia, Canada7
Policy implementation deviation of government purchase of old age care services in Jiangsu, China: based on empirical and policy analysis7
‘The objective was about not blaming one another’: a qualitative study to explore how collaboration is experienced within quality improvement collaboratives in Ethiopia7
Health data hubs: an analysis of existing data governance features for research7
Assessing unConventional Evidence (ACE) tool: development and content of a tool to assess the strengths and limitations of ‘unconventional’ source materials6
Health research knowledge translation into policy in Zambia: policy-maker and researcher perspectives6
Co-creating a global shared research agenda on violence against women in low- and middle-income countries6
Stakeholder perspectives on facilitators and barriers to implementing a zero-dollar copay program for chronic conditions study6
Systematic review and policy dialogue to determine challenges in evidence-informed health policy-making: findings of the SASHA study6
Analysis of stakeholders’ responses to the food warning labels regulation in Mexico6
Increased use of knowledge translation strategies is associated with greater research impact on public health policy and practice: an analysis of trials of nutrition, physical activity, sexual health,6
Participatory policy analysis in health policy and systems research: reflections from a study in Nepal6
Can integrated care interventions strengthen primary care and improve outcomes for patients with chronic diseases? A systematic review and meta-analysis6
Is value-based payment for healthcare feasible under Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme?6
Evaluating official development assistance-funded granting mechanisms for global health and development research that is initiated in high-income countries6
Salt reduction policy for out of home sectors: a supplementary document for the salt reduction strategy to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (NCDS) in Malaysia 2021–20256
Working in a relational way is everything: Perceptions of power and value in a drug policy-making network6
Sixteen years of eHealth experiences in Iran: a qualitative content analysis of national policies6
Towards conceptualizing patients as partners in health systems: a systematic review and descriptive synthesis6
An evaluation of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s advocacy strategy for policy change6
Challenges encountered in comparing international policy responses to COVID-19 and their effects6
The power of partnerships: state public health department multisector collaborations in major chronic disease programme areas in the United States6
Community health workers at the dawn of a new era: 2. Planning, coordination, and partnerships6
Learning health systems and evidence ecosystems: a perspective on the future of evidence-based medicine and evidence-based guideline development6
Essential core competencies for health policy graduates: a multi-method consensus type study5
Gender and non-communicable diseases in Mexico: a political mapping and stakeholder analysis5
Stakeholder perceptions and experiences from the implementation of the Gratuité user fee exemption policy in Burkina Faso: a qualitative study5
Aiming for quality: a global compass for national learning systems5
Key element missed in nutrition policy: why does undernutrition not decline among pregnant women in Ethiopia?5
Do German university medical centres promote robust and transparent research? A cross-sectional study of institutional policies5
Conflict and fragmented public health emergency management system in Tigray region of Northern Ethiopia: A double burden to accommodate resilient and advanced public health emergency management. A com5
Assessing the impact of the Good Samaritan Law in the state of Connecticut: a system dynamics approach5
COVID-19: protocol for observational studies utilizing near real-time electronic Australian general practice data to promote effective care and best-practice policy—a design thinking approach5
Supporting Ontario public health units to address adverse childhood experiences in pandemic recovery planning: A priority-setting exercise5
A landscape analysis of health technology assessment capacity in the Association of South-East Asian Nations region5
Barriers to sustainable health research leadership in the Global South: Time for a Grand Bargain on localization of research leadership?5
Research can be integrated into public health policy-making: global lessons for and from Spanish economic evaluations5
The V-BRCH Project: building clinical trial research capacity for HIV and noncommunicable diseases in Nigeria5
Can intersectionality help with understanding and tackling health inequalities? Perspectives of professional stakeholders5
Research-related knowledge, understanding and practice in public mental health: the voices of social workers and occupational therapists5
Strengthening research ethics governance and regulatory oversight in Central America and the Dominican Republic in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study5
Planning, implementing and governing systems-based co-creation: the DISCOVER framework5
Outcomes of an integrated knowledge translation approach in five African countries: a mixed-methods comparative case study5
Development of a knowledge broker group to support evidence-informed policy: lessons learned from Myanmar5
Universal health coverage saves more lives among severely ill COVID-19 patients: A difference-in-differences analysis of individual patient data in South Korea5
The value of hackathons in integrated knowledge translation (iKT) research: Waterlupus5
Achilles’ heel: elderly COVID-19 vaccination policy in China4
Correction to: An analysis of how health systems integrated priority-setting in the pandemic planning in a sample of Latin America and the Caribbean countries4
Research utilization competency development in the health workforce pipeline: Design and formative evaluation of learning objectives for health professions students4
Exploring the landscape of health technology assessment in Iran: perspectives from stakeholders on needs, demand and supply4
Qualitative assessment of evidence-informed adolescent mental health policymaking in India: insights from project SAMA4
Role and promise of health policy and systems research in integrating rehabilitation into the health systems4
Researching, co-creating and testing innovations in paper-based health information systems (PHISICC) to support health workers’ decision-making: protocol of a multi-country, transdisciplinary, mixed-m4
A systems approach to scale-up for population health improvement4
Perceptions of gender equity and markers of achievement in a National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre: a qualitative study4
A decade of change towards Value-Based Health Care at a Dutch University Hospital: a complexity-informed process study4
Enhancing the role of mass media in the translation of evidence from health policy and systems research in Nigeria4
Future health spending forecast in leading emerging BRICS markets in 2030: health policy implications4
Double burden of vulnerability for refugees: conceptualization and policy solutions for financial protection in Iran using systems thinking approach4
Boundary spanning and identity work in the clinical research delivery workforce: a qualitative study of research nurses, midwives and allied health professionals in the National Health Service, United4
Increased consumption of cardiovascular drugs under volume-based procurement (VBP) policy: demand release or assessment inducing?4
Factors influencing the research impact in cancer research: a collaboration and knowledge network analysis4
“There hasn’t been a career structure to step into”: a qualitative study on perceptions of allied health clinician researcher careers4
Potential barriers to and facilitators of civil society organization engagement in increasing immunization coverage in Odukpani Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria: an implementation r4
Where are the links? Using a causal loop diagram to assess interactions in healthcare coordination for youth experiencing homelessness in Toronto, Canada4
Disseminating health research to public health policy-makers and practitioners: a survey of source, message content and delivery modality preferences4
Correction: Role and promise of health policy and systems research in integrating rehabilitation into the health systems4
Correction to: Measuring the impact of the Afordable Care Act Medicaid expansion on access to primary care using an interrupted time series approach4
Leveraging international stakeholders’ experiences with oral PrEP costs to accelerate implementation of the monthly dapivirine vaginal ring: A qualitative study4
Development, characteristics and impact of quality improvement casebooks: a scoping review4
The Peterborough Exemplar: a protocol to evaluate the impact and implementation of a new patient-centred, system-wide community mental healthcare model in England4
The role of parliamentarians in promoting self-care interventions for sexual and reproductive health and rights: applying COVID-19 lens in the Eastern Mediterranean region4
Challenges for research uptake for health policymaking and practice in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review4
Scaling up tobacco cessation within TB programmes: findings from a multi-country, mixed-methods implementation study4
How to bring research evidence into policy? Synthesizing strategies of five research projects in low-and middle-income countries3
Rapid prioritisation of topics for rapid evaluation: the case of innovations in adult social care and social work3
Involvement of professionals in research: knowledge integration, development of practice, and challenges: a group concept mapping study3
Overcoming the challenges facing Nepal’s health system during federalisation: an analysis of health system building blocks3
Intersectoral and multisectoral approaches to health policy: an umbrella review protocol3
The consequences of compromising the EU’s free movement of persons principle on Swiss research: how to survive constrained access to regional funding3
Meaningful coproduction with clinicians: establishing a practice-based research network with physiotherapists in regional Australia3
Setting the global research agenda for community-based HIV service delivery through the faith sector3
How to disseminate national recommendations for physical activity: a qualitative analysis of critical change agents in Germany3
Understanding adverse childhood experiences and the call for trauma-informed healthcare system in Turkey: a review3
Pharmaceutical subsidy policy in Iran: a qualitative stakeholder analysis3
Analysis of health service utilization and influencing factors due to COVID-19 in Beijing: a large cross-sectional survey3
Utilization obstacles to hypertension services provided at comprehensive health centers: a content analysis study3
What methods are currently available for incorporating implementation considerations within the economic evaluation of health technologies? A scoping review3
Prioritizing guideline recommendations for implementation: a systematic, consumer-inclusive process with a case study using the Australian Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management3
Challenges and opportunities for Iranian global health diplomacy: lessons learned from action for prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases3
Exploring the evidence base for Communities of Practice in health research and translation: a scoping review3
Early implementation learnings on acceptability and feasibility of “V”: a multi-level PrEP intervention designed with and for adolescent girls and young women in Zimbabwe3
Knowledge gaps and national research priorities for COVID-19 in Iran3
How successful was the use of a community of practice for the implementation of evidence-based practices for heart failure within the United States Department of Veterans Affairs: Insights from a form3
Development, Evaluation, and impLemenTation for guideline adaptation: a quality improvement protocol for the DELTA study in global health practice3
Combining public health evidence, policy experience and communications expertise to inform preventive health: reflections on a novel method of knowledge synthesis3
Achieving research impact in medical research through collaboration across organizational boundaries: Insights from a mixed methods study in the Netherlands3
A 10-year longitudinal evaluation of science policy interventions to promote sex and gender in health research3
Implementation research training for learners in low- and middle-income countries: evaluating behaviour change after participating in a massive open online course3
User involvement in ageing and health research: a survey of researchers’ and older adults’ perspectives3
Research to inform health systems’ responses to rapid population ageing: a collection of studies funded by the WHO Centre for Health Development in Kobe, Japan3
The role of nurses in implementation of public policy on adolescent health in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru3
Production and use of rapid responses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec (Canada): perspectives from evidence synthesis producers and decision makers3
Bridging the gap to meet complex needs: an intersectoral action well supported by appropriate policies and governance3
"Research ends with publication": a qualitative study on the use of health policy and systems research in Ethiopia3
Investigating the nature and quality of locally commissioned evaluations of the NHS Vanguard programme: an evidence synthesis3
Utilization of innovative medical technologies in German inpatient care: does evidence matter?3
Effects of incentive-based population policies on sustainability of China’s recent maternity insurance system reform: a system dynamics simulation3
The role of provincial health administration in supporting district health management teams in the Democratic Republic of Congo: eliciting an initial programme theory of a realist evaluation3
A health technology assessment of COVID-19 vaccination for Nigerian decision-makers: Identifying stakeholders and pathways to support evidence uptake3
Tools, frameworks and resources to guide global action on strengthening rural health systems: a mapping review3
Late career participation of late retirees in the age of the silver tsunami: understanding the influencing mechanism of health status and employment-based health insurance participation3