Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

(The median citation count of Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial Board84
Inclusive purchasing and supply chain resilience capabilities: Lessons for social sustainability79
Interorganisational project dynamics: A longitudinal study of perceptual distance and client-contractor collaborative relationships71
How to select a Supply Chain Finance solution?59
Understanding the dynamics of global supply chain sustainability initiatives: The role of institutional distance from the buyer's perspective54
The impact of supplier dependence on suppliers' CSR: The moderating role of industrial dynamism and corporate transparency43
Biodiversity management: A supply chain practice view35
Unveiling the circular procurement Nexus: A hierarchical examination of barriers, interrelationships, and strategic insights33
Investigating supply chain participants’ circular economy action effects on firm financial performance from a stakeholder theory perspective31
Uniting partners to cope with environmental uncertainty: Disentangling the role of social capital in developing supply chain agility29
Purchasing's contribution to supply chain emission reduction29
The pandemic and SME supply chains: Learning from early experiences of SME suppliers in the U.S. defense industry28
Personality differences and buyer-supplier relationships: Psychopathy in executives, gender differences and implications for future research28
“Putting your money where your mouth is”: An empirical study on buyers’ preferences and willingness to pay for blockchain-enabled sustainable supply chain transparency27
Supplier relationship portfolio management: A social exchange perspective27
Total cost analysis in purchasing education: A two-step open-ended teaching case approach25
Practices and strategies for sustainability-related risk management in multi-tier supply chains24
Supplier selection with rank reversal in public tenders24
Larger, counter-intuitive and lasting – The PSM role in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, exploring opportunities for theoretical and actionable advances23
Purchasing and supply management in humanitarian settings22
From checking the box to driving impact – Perspectives on how to develop a supplier diversity program that is less narrowly scoped and more wholeheartedly adopted22
Exploring the circular economy paradigm: A natural resource-based view on supplier selection criteria21
Editorial: From judge to jury: the potential for crowd reviewing20
Humanizing supply chains: Turning the spotlight towards remediation in modern slavery scholarship20
Editorial Board19
Barriers to circular economy: Insights from a small electric vehicle battery manufacturer16
Closing the loop: The fundamental role of Purchasing and Supply Management in reaching a circular economy15
Change agents’ cognitive maps of circular supply chain transition – An investigation of barriers, actions, and outcomes15
The role of risk management practices in IT service procurement: A case study from the financial services industry14
Editorial Board14
The impact of digital technology deployment on mitigating supply chain disruptions: Evidence from Chinese automotive manufacturers during the COVID-19 crisis14
Reputational risk as a factor in the offshore location choice13
How online information search behavior and the role of tacit knowledge differ across clusters of purchase situations13
Editorial Board13
A contingency-configurational view of purchasing operations: The mediating role between supplier relationship and firm performance13
Antecedents of changes in an organization's affiliation with group purchasing organization(s)13
Driven by supply chain ambidexterity. Substitutable and complementary effects of supply chain emergence and control on triadic relational performance13
Theory as an engine: Illuminating “white space” of the SCM system of knowledge production12
Agility, adaptability, and alignment: new capabilities for PSM in a post-pandemic world12
Notes and debate paper: Should merchandising and sourcing be worlds apart? The opportunity for more integrated strategic sourcing research12
The role of buyer and supplier knowledge stocks for supplier-led improvements in logistics outsourcing11
How to train supply managers – Necessary and sufficient purchasing skills leading to success11
A decision framework for inventory- and equipment-based supply chain finance solutions11
The effectiveness of performance-based contracting in the defence sector: A systematic literature review11
Moving Beyond the four walls: The evolving impact of supplier sustainability on firm value11
Covid-19 attacks the body of purchasing and supply management: A medical check of the immune system11
Rethinking purchasing and supply management education for sustainability and innovation challenges: Crafting a future-ready competency-based curriculum design10
Expanding the boundaries of buyer-supplier agency problems: Moving from dyad to triad10
Determinants of supplier payment times before and during the pandemic: Empirical evidence from UK firms9
Future business and the role of purchasing and supply management: Opportunities for ‘business-not-as-usual’ PSM research8
Editorial Board7
Retraction notice to “Ambidexterity and IT competence can improve supply chain flexibility? A resource orchestration approach” [J. Purch. Supply Manag. 26 (2020) 100610]7
Robotic Process Automation in purchasing and supply management: A multiple case study on potentials, barriers, and implementation7
Can Supply Chain Finance help mitigate the financial disruption brought by Covid-19?7
On boundary spanners and interfirm embeddedness: The role of guanxi institution in China6
Low power, high ambitions: New ventures developing their first supply chains6
On supplier resilience: How supplier performance, disruption frequency, and disruption duration are interrelated6
Creating resilient supply chains through a culture of measuring6
Editorial Board6
Managing customer attractiveness: How low-leverage customers mobilize critical supplier resources6
Buyer-supplier collaboration: A macro, micro, and congruence perspective6
Editorial Board6
Getting back into the swing of things: The adaptive path of purchasing and supply management in enhancing supply chain resilience6
Understanding the governance of high-performing international buyer-supplier relationships in China using complexity-based contingencies6
The impact of perceived buyer justice on the diverse supplier-buyer relationship building5
Are gender diversity issues a hidden problem in logistics and supply chain management? Building research themes through a systematic literature review5
Can digital transformation improve firm resilience to supply chain disruption? The role of diversification strategies5
Political ties and information technology: Untangling their impact on supply chain social responsibility and sustainable performance5
Base of the chain (BoC) sourcing challenges: The role of institutional voids and social agency problems5
Capturing the value creation in public procurement: A practice-based view5
Advancing purchasing as a design science: Publication guidelines to shift towards more relevant purchasing research4
Framing Sustainable Supply Chain Finance: how can supply chain sustainability practices and supply chain finance solutions be integrated?4
Driving systemic change research within the PSM community4
The effects of bargaining power on trade credit in a supply network4
Improving sustainable supply chain performance through organisational culture: A competing values framework approach4
Editorial Board4
Reputational enablers for supplier diversity: An exploratory approach on the inclusion of war veterans and disabled people4
Editorial Board4
Blurry vision: Supply chain visibility for personal protective equipment during COVID-194
Going beyond supplier diversity to economic Inclusion:Where are we now and where do we go from here?4
Purchasing orchestration practices – Introducing a purchasing-innovation framework3
Can organizational legitimacy stimulate digitalization and affect operational performance? The impact of COVID-19 on uncertainty in supply management3
How and when do purchasers successfully contribute to the implementation of circular purchasing: A comparative case-study3
Continuity in the face of disruptions: Purchasing and supply management Research's persistence amidst COVID-193
When does the manufacturing reshoring strategy create value?3
Investigating circular procurement management and sustainability performance: The interactive moderating effects of digital traceability and collaboration3
The impact of public procurement on the adoption of circular economy practices3
The purchasing department's leadership role in developing and maintaining a preferred customer status3
Text mining and network analytics for literature reviews: Exploring the landscape of purchasing and supply management research3
JPSM Editorial: Building bridges in PSM: Towards a digital and sustainable future special issue of the annual IPSERA conference 20223