Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

(The H4-Index of Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial Board84
Inclusive purchasing and supply chain resilience capabilities: Lessons for social sustainability79
Interorganisational project dynamics: A longitudinal study of perceptual distance and client-contractor collaborative relationships71
How to select a Supply Chain Finance solution?59
Understanding the dynamics of global supply chain sustainability initiatives: The role of institutional distance from the buyer's perspective54
The impact of supplier dependence on suppliers' CSR: The moderating role of industrial dynamism and corporate transparency43
Biodiversity management: A supply chain practice view35
Unveiling the circular procurement Nexus: A hierarchical examination of barriers, interrelationships, and strategic insights33
Investigating supply chain participants’ circular economy action effects on firm financial performance from a stakeholder theory perspective31
Purchasing's contribution to supply chain emission reduction29
Uniting partners to cope with environmental uncertainty: Disentangling the role of social capital in developing supply chain agility29
Personality differences and buyer-supplier relationships: Psychopathy in executives, gender differences and implications for future research28
The pandemic and SME supply chains: Learning from early experiences of SME suppliers in the U.S. defense industry28
“Putting your money where your mouth is”: An empirical study on buyers’ preferences and willingness to pay for blockchain-enabled sustainable supply chain transparency27
Supplier relationship portfolio management: A social exchange perspective27
Total cost analysis in purchasing education: A two-step open-ended teaching case approach25
Practices and strategies for sustainability-related risk management in multi-tier supply chains24
Supplier selection with rank reversal in public tenders24
Larger, counter-intuitive and lasting – The PSM role in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, exploring opportunities for theoretical and actionable advances23
Purchasing and supply management in humanitarian settings22
From checking the box to driving impact – Perspectives on how to develop a supplier diversity program that is less narrowly scoped and more wholeheartedly adopted22
Exploring the circular economy paradigm: A natural resource-based view on supplier selection criteria21