Total Quality Management & Business Excellence

(The H4-Index of Total Quality Management & Business Excellence is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Multiplicative versus additive models in measuring service quality67
Making digitalization work: unveiling digitalization's implications on psycho-social risks at work61
The mediating effect of affective commitment to change in the readiness for change – TQM relationship57
Green credit policy and corporate green innovation: do banker directors matter?43
Dual quality of products in Europe: a serious problem or a marketing opportunity?40
Multiple intelligences and job performance: the moderating role of learning goal oriented training25
A readiness assessment of Quality 4.0 in packaging companies: an empirical investigation25
Topic analysis of studies on total quality management and business excellence: an update on research from 2010 to 201925
Investigating the strategic interaction between QMS, organisational agility and innovative performance23
The impact of government policies on place branding performance: evidence from China21
A GPT-Aided literature review process for total quality management and business excellence (2020-2023)20
A maturity model for assessing Digital Green Lean leadership and culture implementation in manufacturing companies20
Decoding task uncertainty: moderating effects on participative budgeting and budgetary slack dynamics20
Understanding the formation process of negative customer engagement behaviours: a quantitative and qualitative interpretation18
Application of Taguchi design of experiments in the food industry: a systematic literature review18
A bibliometric study of lean supply chain management research: 1996–202016
The role of organisational culture in total quality management adoption and cost of quality16
Choosing a crowdfunding model considering strategic customer behaviour16
Assessing transactive memory system and team performance: the moderating role of leadership efficacy16