Journal of International Criminal Justice

(The median citation count of Journal of International Criminal Justice is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Understanding Russia’s Actions in Ukraine as the Crime of Genocide7
Digital Evidence in Domestic Core International Crimes Prosecutions6
Open Source Information’s Blind Spot6
Autonomous Weapons and the Responsibility Gap in light of the Mens Rea of the War Crime of Attacking Civilians in the ICC Statute6
Ecocide — Puzzles and Possibilities6
Confronting Colonial Amnesia6
The Promise and Challenges of New Actors and New Technologies in International Justice5
Ordering as an Alternative to Indirect Co-Perpetration5
Weapons of War, Tools of Justice5
The Professional Market of International Criminal Justice5
Domestic Accountability Efforts in Response to the Russia–Ukraine War5
Legal Diversity at the International Criminal Court4
Balancing ‘the International’ and ‘the Domestic’4
Why Seeing Should Not Always Be Believing4
Strategic Litigation in International Criminal Justice3
Genocide and Ukraine3
The International Criminal Court versus the African Criminal Court3
New Technologies and the Investigation of International Crimes3
No Functional Immunity for Crimes under International Law before Foreign Domestic Courts3
Finding the Signal in the Noise3
The ICC, Self-created Challenges and Missed Opportunities to Legitimize Authority over Non-states Parties3
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Ecological Connectivity3
Ukraine and the International Criminal Court3
Causation and the Legal Character of Command Responsibility after Bemba at the International Criminal Court2
The Potential for Computer Vision to Advance Accountability in the Syrian Crisis2
Can Private Actors Torture?2
In Defence of a Metaphor2
A Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression?2
Conflict Actors and the International Criminal Court in Colombia2
International Prosecutors as Cause Lawyers2
Ukraine and the Double Standards of the West2
The Criminalization of Cyber-operations Under the Rome Statute2
Using International Environmental Law to Enhance Biodiversity and Nature Conservation During Armed Conflict2
Reflections on Indirect (Co-)Perpetration through an Organization2
Implementing Reparations in the Al Mahdi Case2
Assembling Atrocity Archives for Syria2
Watershed Moment or Same Old?2
COVID-19 and International Crimes Trials in Germany2
International Efforts Against Impunity for the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria2
Is the Quality of the ICC’s Legal Reasoning an Obstacle to Its Ability to Deter International Crimes?2
De-objectifying Animals2
Power and Privilege2
The ICC Is NOT a Slice of Cheese2
No Justice Without Peace, But What Peace Is on Offer?2
Functional Immunity of Foreign State Officials Before National Courts2
Torture by Non-state Actors2
Daniele Amoroso, Autonomous Weapons Systems and International Law: A Study on Human-Machine Interactions in Ethically and Legally Sensitive Domains1
Measuring Performance and Shaping Identity1
International Criminal Justice in an ‘Age of Misinformation’1
Transitional Justice as Repression and Resistance1
Ziada v. Gantz and Eshel1
The Borders of the Occupied Palestinian Territory are Determined by Customary Law1
Digital Integrity1
Indirect Co-Perpetration and the Control Theory1
German Crimes and Italian Money?1
Who Enforces an Arrest Warrant of the International Criminal Court?1
To Be (a State) or Not to Be?1
Reflecting on the Genocide Convention in its Eighth Decade1
The STL Still Struggles with the Method for Interpreting its Statute1
Who is Afraid of the Crime of Aggression?1
Crimes without Humanity?1
Evaluating the Practice of Universal Jurisdiction Through the Concept of Legitimacy1
The Paths Not Taken?1
History in International Criminal Trials1
Correction to: Crime of Aggression against Ukraine: The Role of Regional Customary Law1
Should We Call for Criminal Accountability During Ongoing Conflicts?1
From ‘Capture to Courtroom’1
Iran’s Arbitrary Detention of Foreign and Dual Nationals as Hostage-taking and Crimes Against Humanity1
Achieving Justice for Child Survivors of Conflict-related Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Light of the Kavumu Case1
A Rhetorical Reading of Self–Other Polarities in Counsel Arguments made before the Trials of Major Criminals at Nuremberg and Tokyo1
Legislating Propaganda1
Thinking Beyond the Offence of Torture1
The Control Theory as Multidimensional Concept1
The Role of Mobile Technology in Documenting International Crimes1
Court Decisions in the Republic of Korea on Japan's Accountability for Sexual Slavery of the Comfort Women1
State of Exception1
The International Criminal Court as a Law Laboratory1
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon and its Outreach Programme1
A Weapon is No Subordinate1
The Procedure for Appointing the International Criminal Court Prosecutor1
When International Legal Standards Meet Transitional Justice Processes1
An Unusual and Extraordinary Assault on International Justice1
Hate Crimes Against Minorities in India1
Seeking Balance in How the International Criminal Court Communicates Prosecution and Defence Narratives to the Public1
ECCC Appeals1
Judicial Review of Prosecutorial Discretion in the Initiation of Investigations into Situations of ‘Sufficient Gravity’0
Convicting Autonomous Weapons?0
Une histoire du droit international De Salamanque à Guantanamo Olivier Corten, Pierre Klein, Gérard Bedoret (illustrator)0
Massive Violence Against Civilians in War0
Established Facts in an ‘Age of Misinformation’0
Context Matters0
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon0
Coercion at the ICC0
Conscription to Fight a War of Aggression under International Criminal Law0
The UN Security Council Faces Organized Crime0
Kai Ambos (ed.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article-by-Article Commentary0
In Memoriam0
Dual Nationality and International Criminal Court Jurisdiction0
Rustam Atadjanov, Humanness as a Protected Legal Interest of Crimes Against Humanity—Conceptual and Normative Aspects (Asser Press, 2019) 324 pp. (Hardback) £109 ISBN 978-94-6265-298-90
Are We a Bigger Problem Than We Realize?0
Christopher Rudolph, Power and Principle: The Politics of International Criminal Courts0
The ‘Prosecutor Amicus Curiae’ at the International Criminal Tribunals0
‘Cosmopolitan Citizenship’, Territorial Borders, and Bringing Denationalized Terrorists to Justice0
The Legal Protection of Freshwater Resources and Related Installations during Warfare0
Jérôme de Hemptinne, Les Conflits Armés en Mutation0
Resisting the State Crimes of the Global North0
International Law Rejects Immunity for International Crimes — Full Stop0
What is Sexual about Sexual Violence?0
Australia’s Investigation of Alleged ADF War Crimes in Afghanistan0
Nomos and Narrative in International Criminal Justice0
Environmental Damage in Ukraine as Environmental War Crime under the Rome Statute0
The Admission of New Prosecutorial Evidence in International Criminal Retrials0
Accessory After the Fact at the International Criminal Court?0
Genocide Never Sleeps. Living Law at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda0
The Draft Italian Code of International Crimes0
The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Corporate Accountability for International Crimes0
Peddling Atrocity0
Sharon Weill, Kim Thuy Seelinger, and Kerstin Bree Carlson (editors), The President on Trial: Prosecuting Hissène Habré0
The Denial of the Right of Return as a Rome Statute Crime0
Darryl Robinson, Justice in Extreme Cases. Criminal law Theory Meets International Criminal Law0
Ending Impunity for Forced Marriage in Conflict Zones0
The Unintended Negative Effect of Positive Complementarity0
Expert Evidence and Digital Open Source Information0
Concluding Observations on the Influence of International Environmental Law over International Criminal Law0
In a Storm of Lies and Half-truths0
Terminal Illness and Compassionate Release0
Autonomous Weapon Systems, Errors and Breaches of International Humanitarian Law0
The Regulation of Hazardous Substances and Activities During Warfare0
Russian Discourse on International Criminal Law0
Kenneth Gallant, International Criminal Jurisdiction—Whose Law Must We Obey?0
Obligations to ‘Strangers’0
Correction to the Review Essay: Feminist Perspectives on the International Prosecution of Conflict-related Gender-based Crimes0
The United States and the ICC0
Means of Warfare: The Traditional and the New Law0
Could the Crime of Aggression Undermine Deterrence?0
The Ten-Year Revolution0
The Right to an Effective Defence During ECCC Investigations0
Data-driven Learning Systems and the Commission of International Crimes0
Contemporary International Criminal Law After Critique0
‘Another Step in What it Means to Be Human’ — Prohibition v. Criminalization of Torture as a Private Act0
A Second Bite at the Cherry0
International Criminal Liability for Spreading Disinformation in the Context of Mass Atrocity0
Prosecuting the Crime against Humanity of Apartheid0
Crime of Aggression against Ukraine0
The Crime of Aggression, Humanity, and the Soldier0
Philippe Sands, The Ratline: Love, Lies and Justice on the Trail of a Nazi Fugitive (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2020) 412 pp. (Hardback) £20.00 ISBN 978 1 4746 0812 10
Giulia Lanza, Indirect Perpetration and Organisationscherrschaftslehre: An Analysis of Article 25(3) of the Rome Statute in Light of the German Differentiated and Italian Unitarian Models of Partic0
Julie Fraser and Brianne McGonigle Leyh (eds), Intersections of Law and Culture at the International Criminal Court0
The ECCC’s Approach to Evidence and Proof0
The Arab World and the International Criminal Court0
Christoph Sperfeldt, Practices of Reparations in International Criminal Justice0
The Cause of all Humanity0
Gender and Forced Displacement at the International Criminal Court0
Consequences of the Lack of Criminalization of Enforced Disappearance at the Domestic Level0
Reconsidering Transitional Justice0
The Role of State Amici Curiae in the Article 19(3) ICC Statute Proceedings0
The International Criminal Justice Marketplace of Ideas0
Managing Frozen Assets at the International Criminal Court0
On the Relationship Between German International Criminal Law and Counter-terrorism Criminal Law0
Profiteers of Misery0
Correction to the Article: The UN Security Council Faces Organized Crime: Fact-finding, Regulation and Enforcement Strategies0
Of Crimes and Crowns0
Xabier Agirre, Morten Bergsmo, Simon De Smet and Carsten Stahn (eds), Quality Control in Criminal Investigation0
Margaret deGuzman, Shocking the Conscience of Humanity: Gravity and the Legitimacy of International Criminal Law0
Polar Bears and Gavels0
A Short History of Prosecuting Crimes under International Law in Germany0
Wendy Lower, The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed0
The Crime of Unconstitutional Change of Government0
There is Something Special about War Criminals …0
Criminalizing Acts of Rebel Governance as War Crimes0
The Banality of Law Reflections on The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law0
Relocation Issues of Released and Acquitted at International Criminal Courts and Tribunals0
Combating Impunity in Sri Lanka0
Patrycja Grzebyk, Human and Non-Human Targets in Armed Conflicts0
The International Criminal Court and Afghanistan0
Prosecuting Aggression against Ukraine as an ‘Other Inhumane Act’ before the ICC0
Review Essay: Feminist Perspectives on the International Prosecution of Conflict-related Gender-based Crimes0
Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Karinna Fernández and Sebastián Smart (eds), Complicidad económica con la dictadura chilena. Un país desigual a la fuerza (LOM Ediciones, 2019), 480 pp. 22000 Chilean Pe0
Rethinking the Legacy of the ECCC0
Criminal Responsibility by Omission for Failures to Stop Autonomous Weapon Systems0
Building An Abolition Movement for International Criminal Law?0
UN Accountability Mandates in International Justice0
The International Criminal Court during the COVID-19 Pandemic0
Who Acts When Autonomous Weapons Strike?0
Exploring the Impact of Automation Bias and Complacency on Individual Criminal Responsibility for War Crimes0
Prosecute Little Fish at the ICC0
Proportionality in Refugee Exclusion0
Ginevra Le Moli, Human Dignity in International Law0
A Cage Went in Search of a Bird0
What is Torture? Making the Case for Expanding the Definition to Include Private Individuals as Perpetrators0
OUP accepted manuscript0
Judicial Review under Article 15 of the Rome Statute and the ‘Interests of Justice’0
Room for Improvement0
OUP accepted manuscript0
The Function and Dysfunction of the Pre-Trial Chamber at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia0
Transparent Uniforms0
The Interplay between International Humanitarian Law and International Environmental Law0
Palestine in the ICC0
‘Is It Too Late Now to Say Sorry?’0
The Barlonyo Massacre, Ongwen’s Trial, and ICC Reparations: Reflections on the Dynamics of Expectations and Disappointment0
‘He Offered a Prayer for the Flier He Had Just Killed’0
International Criminal Court Standards in a Context of Transitional Justice0
Cyber Operations against Civilian Data0
War Crimes Involving Autonomous Weapons0
Beth van Schaack, Imagining Justice for Syria0
The German Code of Crimes Against International Law at Twenty0
Facilitating #dialogue or #buildingsupport?0
Investigative and Charging Considerations for International Crimes Targeting Individuals on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity0
Syrian State Torture on Trial0
Shortcomings of a Showpiece0
Florian Jeßberger and Julia Geneuss (eds), Why Punish Perpetrators of Mass Atrocities?0
The Aftermath of Dutch International Crimes Cases0
Rosario Salvatore Aitala, Diritto internazionale penale0
Some Views on Torture from Asia0
Guénaёl Mettraux, International Crimes: Law and Practice, Volume I: Genocide0
Aldo Zammit Borda, Histories Written by International Criminal Courts and Tribunals: Developing a Responsible History Framework0
The Nuremberg Trials Public Communications Apparatus0
The Evolution of the Procedure for Reviewing Victim Applications at the International Criminal Court0
The Aut Dedere Aut Judicare System for Crimes Against Humanity0
Is International Criminal Law Ready to Accommodate Online Harm?0
Russian Aggression and the War in Ukraine0
Customary International Law as a Source of Individual Criminal Responsibility0
Life After Conviction at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia0
‘Quasi-governors’ and Questions Relating to Impunity and Legal Certainty0
The Intersection of International Environmental Law and International Humanitarian Law at Sea0
Ecocide, Sustainable Development and Critical Environmental Law Insights0
Sam Dubberley, Alexa Koenig and Daragh Murray (editors), Digital Witness: Using Open Source Information for Human Rights Investigation, Documentation and Accountability0
Born Under a Bad Sign0