Knowledge Management Research & Practice

(The median citation count of Knowledge Management Research & Practice is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Knowledge management and digital transformation for Industry 4.0: a structured literature review141
COVID-19 leadership challenges in knowledge work86
Mapping the knowledge-hiding field and its future prospects: a bibliometric co-citation, co-word, and coupling analysis66
Links between knowledge management and organisational sustainability: does the ISO 9001 certification have an effect?55
Knowledge management based on information technology in response to COVID-19 crisis45
Knowledge management for innovation in agri-food systems: a conceptual framework37
Towards a contingency model of knowledge sharing: interaction between social capital and social exchange theories34
Linking knowledge hiding to extra-role performance:The role of emotional exhaustion and political skills31
Workplace inclusion–exclusion and knowledge-hiding behaviour of minority members24
Knowledge management as a tool for increasing the efficiency of municipality management in Slovakia22
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Construction of Organisational System of Enterprise Knowledge Management Networking Module Based on Artificial Intelligence21
Quality of Healthcare Services in Focus: The Role of Knowledge Transfer, Hierarchical Organizational Structure and Trust21
Digitalising the Systematic Literature Review process: the MySLR platform20
United we adapt: communities of practice to face the CoronaVirus crisis in higher education20
Research constituents and authorship patterns in the Knowledge Management Research and Practice: a bibliometric analysis20
The effect of knowledge management on sustainable performance: evidence from the Spanish wine industry18
Managing intellectual capital: role of corporate entrepreneurship and absorptive capacity on firm performance18
COVID-19 Implications on the Relationship between Organizational Learning and Performance17
Bridging organisational and individual green actions through green knowledge sharing & individual values17
Analysing human-computer interaction behaviour in human resource management system based on artificial intelligence technology16
Invention Development. The Hackathon Method16
Knowledge management effects and performance in health care: a systematic literature review14
Organisational agility: systematic literature review and future research agenda14
Relational capabilities and performance: examining the moderation-mediation effect of organisation structures and dynamic capability13
An assessment of COVID-19’s impact on Finnish University Leadership13
Facilitating digital collaboration through knowledge management: a case study13
Knowledge management and the business development journey: a knowledge-based view among micro firms12
Enhancing hotel knowledge management: the influencing factors of online hotel reviews on travellers’ booking intention12
Managing counter-knowledge in the context of a pandemic: challenges for scientific institutions and policymakers12
The role of organisational compassion in knowledge hiding and thriving at work11
Dimensions of student-to-student knowledge sharing in universities11
A comparative study of knowledge management research studies: making research more relevant and creative11
The innovation interface between knowledge management and firm performance11
Boosting the impact of knowledge management on innovation performance through industry 4.0 adoption10
Knowledge sharing and protection in data-centric collaborations: An exploratory study10
Inter-organisational collaboration and knowledge-work: a contingency framework and evidence from a megaproject in Spain10
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Application of artificial intelligence in enterprise knowledge management performance evaluation10
Impact of views about knowledge and workplace relationships on tacit knowledge sharing10
Revealing deeper relationships between knowledge management leadership and organisational performance: a meta-analytic study10
An empirical study on the sharing of tacit knowledge by construction project workers in sub-Saharan Africa10
Relationships between innovation, its antecedents, and organisational performance: evidences from auditing service industry9
Intellectual capital and resilience: evidence from two cases of SMEs9
Is hiding something you know as important as knowing it? Understanding knowledge hiding in IT-enabled services of Iran9
Configuring foreign market knowledge and opportunity recognition capabilities to predict the performance of export-manufacturing firms9
COVID-19 in Italy and issues in the communication of politics: bridging the knowledge-behaviour gap9
Role of knowledge management processes within different stages of technological innovation: evidence from biotechnology SMEs9
Business process digitisation and firm innovation performance: The role of knowledge search and digital culture8
Beyond Coronavirus: the role for knowledge management in schools responses to crisis8
The relationship between knowledge sharing and innovative work behaviour: the mediating role of ethical climate8
Managing knowledge to navigate the coronavirus crisis8
The regime of truth of knowledge management: the role of information systems in the production of tacit knowledge8
Overcoming obstacles to innovation: can environmental management practices help?8
Let me help you! Navigating through the COVID-19 crisis with prosocial expert knowledge behaviour8
Psychological entitlement and knowledge-hiding behaviours: role of job stress and living a job calling8
Constructing an intelligent shoe production plant using a green supply chain and knowledge management8
Knowledge management system requirements to support Engineering-To-Order manufacturing of SMEs8
New knowledge and regional entrepreneurship: the role of intellectual property protection in China8
Counterintuitive, Yet Essential: Taking Stock of Organizational Unlearning Research Through a Scientometric Analysis (1976-2019)7
Is stress always bad? the role of job stress in producing innovative ideas7
The role of institutional and individual factors in knowledge hiding and team creativity7
Opportunity recognition and exploitation in resource-scarce contexts: the role of relational capital and bricolage in African social enterprise7
Knowledge exchanges for open innovation: the role of inter-organisational citizenship behaviours and organisational support7
From partners’ learning intent to knowledge leakage: the role of contract and trust7
Organisational culture as an antecedent of knowledge sharing in NGOs7
The augmentation of Knowledge Management through Industry 4.0: case of Aviation sector of emerging economy7
Effects of servant leadership, affective commitment, and trust on knowledge sharing tendency in the financial industry6
The impacts of shared understanding and shared knowledge quality on emerging technology startup team’s performance6
Covid-19 transition, could Twitter support UK Universities?6
Construction of sentimental knowledge graph of Chinese government policy comments6
Open innovation and intellectual capital during emergency: evidence from a case study in telemedicine6
Challenges of justification of investment in organizational knowledge management6
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Modeling of an Enterprise Knowledge Management System Based on Artificial Intelligence6
Unravelling t-KIBS performance: leadership, organisational culture, and learning as boosters of service innovation6
The future of knowledge management: an agenda for research and practice6
Is there a role for knowledge management in saving the planet from too much data?5
Dynamic knowledge management in response to the pandemic outbreak: an interinstitutional risk-based approach to sustainability5
The liaison between performance, strategic knowledge management, and lean six sigma. Insights from healthcare organizations5
Enterprise systems, emerging technologies, and the data-driven knowledge organisation5
The role of knowledge management in the development of drought crisis management programmes5
Knowledge transfer in project-based organisations: A dynamic granular cognitive maps approach5
Knowledge management in project management: mapping bibliographic convergence5
Knowledge and its transfer – key prerequisite for long-term competitive advantage and sustainable business5
Knowledge acquisitions and group reflexivity for innovative behaviours of SME workers: the moderating role of learning climates5
Toyota’s knowledge-sharing intention in Brazil and Japan: does organisational cross-culture matter?5
Leveraging knowledge management systems for business modelling in technology start-ups: an exploratory study5
Management strategies to mitigate knowledge hiding behaviours: symmetric and asymmetric analyses5
Does learning culture enhance organizational performance? A serial mediator with knowledge management and organizational intelligence5
An improved gradient boosting tree algorithm for financial risk management5
Knowledge management in industry 4.0 environment for sustainable competitive advantage: a strategic framework5
The role of organisation structure in the success of start-up science and technology parks (STPs)4
KM tools alignment with KM processes: the case study of the Greek public sector4
Enterprise architecture artefacts as instruments for knowledge management: a theoretical interpretation4
Does directors’ innovation experience promote firm innovation? Evidence from China4
Improve enterprise knowledge management with internet of things: a case study from auto insurance industry4
When and how group diversity facilitate innovativeness? The roles of knowledge heterogeneity and governance4
The impacts of knowledge management enablers and knowledge management processes on university performance in Vietnam4
Validating and documenting a new knowledge management system philosophy: a case based on the ISO 30401:2018-KMS standard4
A sustainable enterprise content management technologies use framework supporting agile business processes4
Critical success factors for sharing information and knowledge of COVID-19 through Twitter4
Worker knowledge sharing in the Brazilian glass sector4
Person-organisation fit, employee voice, and knowledge productivity: the moderating role of perceived voice opportunity4
Influence of the leading role of collaboration in knowledge transfer in the regional context4
Intellectual capital and the coronavirus crisis: taking a closer look at restaurants’ strategies4
Organising knowledge generation and dissemination in the Dutch high-water protection programme – a sender-receiver approach4
Human resources practices for intergenerational learning: a systematic literature review4
Key development areas for the growing and maturing knowledge management research field: creativity, novelty, relevance and impact4
Linking innovative knowledge sharing and employees’ innovative behaviour: the mediating role of thriving at work4
Empirical Investigation on the Effects of Culture on Knowledge Sharing and Organization Citizenship Behaviour: Study from UAE4
A cultural perspective on knowledge hiding: the role of organisational justice, distrust and cultural intelligence3
Collaborative Knowledge Platform: when the learning route provides data for the Knowledge-based System3
Improving innovation performance through learning capability and adaptive capability: The moderating role of big data analytics3
Analysis of core competences and competitive advantages in higher education institutions: An intellectual capital approach3
Enhancing production agility using enterprise systems3
Supporting collaboration and knowledge sharing in building SLEs for ageing well: Using cognitive mapping in KMS design3
Dynamic linkages of empowering and transformational leadership with knowledge sharing in project teams3
How does multidimensional interaction of knowledge transfer affects digital innovation capability?3
Knowledge management for SMEs: a pragmatic approach3
Online meeting tools, tacit knowledge sharing and entrepreneurial behaviours among knowledge workers during COVID-193
An approach to firm’s innovation from the explicit and tacit knowledge spiral3
How can emotional intelligence (EI) and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) help leaders with the ability to deal with the impact of COVID-19?3
Negative effects of distance learning accentuated by COVID-19 outbreak: a perspective of learners and teachers3
Defining the relationship between IT Service management and knowledge management: towards improved performance3
How do consulting firms share knowledge with clients in the Arab world? A cultural embeddedness perspective3