Knowledge Management Research & Practice

(The H4-Index of Knowledge Management Research & Practice is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Knowledge management and digital transformation for Industry 4.0: a structured literature review141
COVID-19 leadership challenges in knowledge work86
Mapping the knowledge-hiding field and its future prospects: a bibliometric co-citation, co-word, and coupling analysis66
Links between knowledge management and organisational sustainability: does the ISO 9001 certification have an effect?55
Knowledge management based on information technology in response to COVID-19 crisis45
Knowledge management for innovation in agri-food systems: a conceptual framework37
Towards a contingency model of knowledge sharing: interaction between social capital and social exchange theories34
Linking knowledge hiding to extra-role performance:The role of emotional exhaustion and political skills31
Workplace inclusion–exclusion and knowledge-hiding behaviour of minority members24
Knowledge management as a tool for increasing the efficiency of municipality management in Slovakia22
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Construction of Organisational System of Enterprise Knowledge Management Networking Module Based on Artificial Intelligence21
Quality of Healthcare Services in Focus: The Role of Knowledge Transfer, Hierarchical Organizational Structure and Trust21
Digitalising the Systematic Literature Review process: the MySLR platform20
United we adapt: communities of practice to face the CoronaVirus crisis in higher education20
Research constituents and authorship patterns in the Knowledge Management Research and Practice: a bibliometric analysis20
The effect of knowledge management on sustainable performance: evidence from the Spanish wine industry18
Managing intellectual capital: role of corporate entrepreneurship and absorptive capacity on firm performance18
COVID-19 Implications on the Relationship between Organizational Learning and Performance17
Bridging organisational and individual green actions through green knowledge sharing & individual values17